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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the former commander of the berkut special unit in sevastopol will appear before the court for encroachment on territorial integrity. under his leadership, subordinates shot at activists on the maidan from february 18 to 20, 2014. later, together with subordinates, they returned to sevastopol with appropriated weapons. this was stated in the sbi. after the russian occupation of part of the territory of ukraine, the suspect went over to the side of the enemy and became a senator. he faces life imprisonment. will walked with the dog and spied on
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positions of the armed forces of ukraine. in kharkiv , the security service detained a russian corrections officer who was preparing rocket attacks on the city. the attacker tried to identify the locations of ukrainian air defense and radar stations. after establishing the coordinates , he tried to transmit the data to the occupiers. the law enforcement officers kidnapped the informant in time and caught him red-handed when he... tried to photograph potential targets for the attack, the perpetrator faces up to eight years in prison. official negligence during the construction of the podilsky bridge in kyiv. before the deputy director of the utility company will appear in court. according to the investigation materials, in june of last year, the official received acts of acceptance of the completed construction works from the contracting organizations, later signed the papers, but did not make sure that...
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the amount of costs for the operation of construction machines corresponded. the examination confirmed the overestimation of costs for the rental of special equipment, the amount of losses - uah 24 million. transferred money for fictitious repairs. the state bureau of investigation exposed the head of a state-owned enterprise. according to the materials of the investigation, the official counted almost uah 12 million for the repair of the facility in mariupol already after. occupation according to the information of the regional prosecutor's office of donetsk region , it is about the acting director of the mariupol port. the suspect concluded a contract for work at a state-owned enterprise with a private company on february 21, 2022. later, he left the occupation for the controlled territory and agreed to transfer the funds. the enemy attacked the village of novoosynove in the kharkiv region through shelling. died in summer. man. this
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was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. also private homes and farm buildings were damaged. the police have started a pre-trial investigation. two people died, two more were injured. in the morning, the russians hit kurakhovo in donetsk region with high-explosive munitions. the village of memryk was also shelled. a 12-year-old child and another adult died there. two more people were hospitalized. with serious injuries. this was announced by the head of the region, vadym filashkin. as a result of the attack , 14 residential buildings and an enterprise were destroyed in the region. along nivechyna, railway tracks and power lines. after nearly three years of service in volyn, 88 border guards and conscripts were demobilized. military personnel defended the border, and some were in the combat zone, the state border service reported. commander.
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he presented awards to the soldiers of the volyn detachment and thanked them for their conscientious service. he set fire to a car in the center of kyiv. law enforcement officers detained a 38-year-old resident of dnipropetrovsk region. this was reported by the capital's police. the attacker stated that the door of the parked car was not closed, so he used a lighter set fire to things that were in the cabin. the car burned to the ground. the perpetrator faces up to 10 years in prison. imprisonment, and zelensky appointed a new head of the khmelnytskyi regional military administration, serhiy tyurin. the corresponding decree was published on the website of the president's office. let me remind you that tyurin previously held the post of deputy head of the regional military administration. president volodymyr zelensky met with the minister of foreign affairs of great britain david cameron.
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this was reported in the president's office. meeting took place in kyiv. the leader discussed the situation at the front and the new aid package from great britain, which was announced last week. let me remind you, to him. the last package is also important because it is the largest arms donation package that we are giving, the £3 billion package, it is not just this year, we will do it next year, and the second year, after as long as it takes, and for the preparation of your vyyaks and for... the entire implementation of the security agreement. we want to show that multi-year packages are what we have to show our countries. this is the future, putin must understand that we will support as much as necessary. the embassy of ukraine is investigating
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the circumstances of the murder of a ukrainian in hungary. this was reported in the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs. let me remind you that two days ago , a 48-year-old man died of stab wounds. a ukrainian, previously suspects a 44-year-old man of kazakh nationality in the murder. the tragic incident allegedly occurred as a result of a quarrel in a dormitory for employees of a motor transport company. the criminal was detained. hungarian law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings. aidar volunteer battalion is celebrating its 10th anniversary. fighters of this unit defended independence in 2014. on the maidan, and now they choose weapons in their hands at the front. about the foundation of aidar and the 10-year struggle in the story of our colleague emma stadnyk. guns, shot! on this day, the 24th
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separate aydar assault battalion celebrates its 10th anniversary. during the full-scale invasion, the battalion fought for donbas, fought for volnuvakh and ughledar, and for almost a year carried out a successful assault and from... opposition of the russians in the bakhmut direction. aidar's story began back in 2014. in may, the centurions of maidan self-defense took up real weapons and stood up for the defense of ukraine in the luhansk region. however, now it is not from the berkuts, but from the russian invasion. the initiator of the creation and the first combat aidaro, lieutenant colonel serhiy melnychuk. it was under his leadership that volunteers liberated luhansk region, first from mercenaries and separatists, and later from regular russian troops. aidar fought fiercely for the city of happiness the civilian population instead of the local militia, which... either did not act or went over to the side of the enemy. the people of aidariv did not receive any money or awards for this, they trained and ate in tents, and they provided medical assistance. we are in field conditions, where we do not have an unequipped operating room, the medics of our battalion, who were also medics on the maidan,
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simply covered the room with a curtain, hung a flashlight from the top , white linen fabric, which is intended for party girls, and made an operating table and in such conditions. uh, they showed up wounded help bianka zalevska, a journalist of the espresso tv channel, lived with the battalion in field conditions for several weeks. she created documentaries and reports about the battalion, when the name aidar was not yet known, it was simply called battalion 24. after completing one task, the journalist was returning home, but the military vehicle in which the woman was was hit by a russian sniper. the car overturned, bianka was seriously injured. she was taken to a hospital in kharkiv, and later transferred.
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on the 14th, amnesty international published a report in which the citizens of aida were accused of war crimes. in their reports, international experts, who positioned themselves as objective, referred to policemen who went over to the side of the enemy and russian terrorists, but the people of aida showed the opposite to the whole world. i saw the conditions in which they keep prisoners, separatists, terrorists, this is a person, they live there, you can say, like in a prison, there three, three times during the day.
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of the war, aidar became part of the fifth separate assault brigade under his command ground forces command. i want ukraine to be whole, so that it does not split and there is not such a small piece left that i tried.' now let's do it so that she is free and happy, pray for us as long as it takes, we will be here as long as possible, this is aidar's story, it has always been like this here since 2014, everyone who came here is a big, big family, for now strength, while i go, while i organize, i will fulfill the tasks that will be set for me and protect my country, this is my state, this is my land, and we will not leave it, god is with me and truth. statnyk tv channel espresso. meanwhile, i urge you to join the gathering for
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our defenders. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. thanks to you, we have already paid in advance. and we have to collect a little more than uah 100,000. so. let's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of us is crucial, each of our hryvnias has a huge meaning, you can see all the necessary details on your screens now, so scan and find, search for express on youtube and be sure to subscribe, we have live air broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen from us, also a short video on hot topic shorts section, subscribe, comment us your important thoughts, that is next to us every day. to
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find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you tomorrow. watch verdict with serhii rudenko in the program. frontal assaults and bombardment by cabs. the enemy is pressing chasiv yar and is trying to launch an attack on pokrovsk from avdiivka. how long will the russians have the superiority in aviation and ammunition? weapons, finance and political interaction. zelensky announced new security agreements, in particular with the united states. does ukraine still have any hopes for the july nato summit in washington? to achieve conscientious actions.
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putin cannot be expected to negotiate in good faith until he is pressed by a big one a coalition of like-minded countries. kuleba explained the absence of russia at the upcoming peace summit. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. the enemy is pressuring yar times, new security agreements for ukraine and who will finally press putin. we will talk about this over the next hour with our guests diplomat volodymyr ogrysk and major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin. but the first ones. to start our conversation, i suggest you watch a video of the consequences of the shelling of odesa on
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may 1, as a result of the attack of the russian occupiers in the city, 14 people were injured, the civil infrastructure was destroyed, the occupiers targeted the warehouses of the new post office, the depot and the branch together had 904 shipments worth almost 3 million hryvnias. not only the depot and branch were destroyed by the rashish missile. and 15.5 tons of orders from online stores, let's look at the consequences of the russian attack on odessa, connects.
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friends, during this broadcast we are conducting survey and we ask you whether this... condemns the victory of ukraine, the global peace summit in switzerland. if you watch us on youtube, please vote with the appropriate button, yes, no, or leave your comments on this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the global peace summit in switzerland will speed up
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ukraine's victory in the war with russia (0800-211-381), no (0800-200). 11 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will match the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, ihor lapin, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special officer, a people's deputy of the previous convocation. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our conversation with the situation on the eastern and southern fronts. of ukraine. the russian occupiers managed to break through and gain a foothold in the reeds northwest of avdiivka. however, part of the village in which the enemy is located is under fire control ukrainian soldiers. the fighting continues, the command of the operational-strategic grouping of the khortysia troops reported today. at the same time, as
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the head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general horunzhovo told on espress. oleg kalashnikov , the occupiers are forced to storm dakevych head-on with heavy losses, as they are unable to bypass the city from the flanks, where units of the armed forces of ukraine are firmly holding their positions. let's listen to what oleg kalashnikov said. it is these positions of ours that prevent the enemy from creating exactly that here is such a south-southern flank. that is, to take in the ring. as he did it in some other places, he doesn't succeed with that zhovdiivka, so he tries to storm right in the forehead. in addition, i understand that he has deadlines that he is trying to fulfill, it is may 9, and therefore he really does not spare any effort or resources, which are now being thrown at the assault. mr. major, how do you
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assess the current situation in the east, you know very well these places that are reported. summary of our representatives of the press services of different factions, what is happening there now in your estimation, how is the enemy advancing quickly and what can happen after the enemy enters during the yar? well, let's be frank, i heard mr. syrskyi say that after the time of yar the enemy will try to go to slavyansk-kramatorsk, at the same time i said... that after the time of yar the enemy will, in addition to looking at the side of sloviansk kramatorsk will still try to put pressure on kostiantynka with the further development of success, if it is for him, well, we are now talking about the accounts of their probable intentions, with the further direction to pokrovsk, the issue of avdiivsk, pokrovsk direction, we are already talking with you, as avdiivsko-pokrovsk,
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unfortunately, avdiivka is no longer ours, after the lastochkino redoubt, as i call it, was breached. it was clear that the enemy would continue to deepen, if i am not mistaken, they have already deepened almost 12 km, wedged into our defenses, and this is a very bad story, especially in the ocheretino area, again, having entered the ocheretino area, they they look again at the kostiantynivka-pokrovsk track, it creates a lot a serious overhang of a large, so to speak cornice over our ugledar, and the ugledar now, in addition to restraining blows from the front. he will also deter attacks from the flank, and this is a very serious threat to its exit, well, the russians are exactly in this position, who will pose threats to our defenders of the ugledar, including, and as for the direction of sloviansk, well, so far sloviansk is only are being bombed, but we are looking at how at the moment
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uah 3 million is allocated for the landscaping of kramatorsk through the prozoro system, well, honestly. saying i don't know how how to say how to comment on the idiocy of this situation, well, but i want to tell you that uah 15 million has also been allocated for road repairs in the settlement of kostyantynivka, well, what else can i say, what signals are we still missing in order to assess the possibilities of this trend that is happening in our heads our officials, they spent less money on the purchase of barbed wire for defensive structures than on asphalting to... them in kostyantynivka, which is less than 20 km away, let's say, to the front line, there is less distance, well, what are we talking about we can still talk, but analyzing the situation on... the fronts cannot be ignored, certain small successes can also be overlooked, namely the expansion of the bridgehead on the left bank
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of the kherson region, its expansion, and plus a little deepening, not over a long distance, certainly not by kilometers, we are still what we are measuring, but considering that we had a very serious shortage of shells to cover our bridgehead in the kherson region, on the left bank, of course, it worked quite well, as fpv. the drones that cover this bridgehead, as well as our marines, who are entrenched on that bridgehead, and this is quite a good story, so to speak, but there must be at least some positive side. if you look at the distance to the borders of the occupied crimea from our bridgehead, then this distance is an order of magnitude smaller than the one we worked out, where we tried to go last summer in the counteroffensive to the occupation to the borders of the occupied crimea, well... somewhere like that, let's say, i draw attention today to the map of hostilities precisely in this context: defensive structures for our defenders, an unclear position regarding the asphalting of roads,
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and at the same time, of course, the situation of where the russian forces are hanging around, so to speak , now there is information that there is allegedly a large encirclement of a group of ukrainian troops near turetsk being prepared, and so on, i cannot analyze it, because at least for this you need to have an operational situation with... some western countries do not object to ukraine using their weapons on the territory of russia, the newly appointed minister of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braje, said this in an interview with european pravda, let's hear what she said. but already are there any countries that have already provided weapons to ukraine without such restrictions? indeed? absolutely. of course, not everything is announced publicly, and it is even better not to say it out loud until a certain time. the main thing is the influence on the battlefield, because here there is a choice whether to speak loudly about something or simply do what is necessary. mr. major,
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what the minister of foreign affairs of latvia is saying means that it is obvious that the capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine regarding strikes on the territory of russia will be expanded, as far as the transfer of hostilities to the territory of the russian federation can change the situation at the front. will it change, well, of course it will change, because without transferring the war to the territory of the aggressor, this war can last forever for them, but a very short period of time for us, and this is understandable, because our economy will be depleted, our soldiers will run out, and the russian everything will be fine, they are fine, at the same time the strikes on the oil infrastructure, and in particular on the refineries, we see the reaction of representatives, some representatives, including the united states, who say no, no, because prices will rise . for fuel, well igor lapin, just like all normal, conscious citizens, understand that the question of survival, economic survival of russia lies in the same plane, and will
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we survive then, because if russia survives, then we will definitely not be there, and this everyone understands everything, so i will welcome any strikes on the oil infrastructure of the novorossiysk transshipment base, and like all normal, conscious citizens, i will look at oil prices, but i will also understand... what is the essence of the reason, by the way, i want to remind that during the war in iraq, nato allies were not strong allies the united states, or rather, had a ceremony with saddam hussein's oil industry, well , they didn't pay much attention there to see what oil prices would be, the more oil prices can collapse saudi arabia, which can play along with the western world here, if necessary, so i say it again , the opec countries are not only russia, which is stuck somewhere, it is much more powerful. structure as to the prospects of such blows, i doubt very much that we shall get a storm-shed tomorrow, and even more doubt that we shall will allow them to be used on the territory
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of russia, although, on the other hand, some unmanned technologies, unmanned devices, with which we are now successfully taking out russian refineries, i think can be useful to us. russia will understand only if it gets in the pocket, including, i want to congratulate gazprom, they are eye to eye. large profits in the 23rd year have now shown unprofitability and their shares have fallen by 4%. i congratulate russian gazprom and hope that this trend will continue in the coming years. well, that's how i feel today to these international statements, but i want to say that for me there is a very unpleasant statement about some representatives of nato itself, that zelenska may come to the washington summit to stand somewhere there as an extra next to the others. by representatives of two nato member countries, and the second statement, which confused me, is that ukraine cannot now become a nato member, because it has problems, and at the same time, as soon as
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it is... the issue is resolved, that ukraine can save europe from its problems, then it will quickly become a nato country. that is, while in we can't give them a headache, and if they have a headache, then they will call us to protect them, well, to be honest, this, unfortunately, the cynicism of some statements kills me, and on the other hand , i perfectly understand that the world is not ukrainian-centric, and i emphasize that if it were not for western aid, you and i would be partisans somewhere in the forest area. of the carpathian mountains, so of course i thank our western partners, but still i believe that russia should be dumped economically by the whole world, and this will be the main, main way to our victories, by the way, maybe you, as a journalist , heard how the meeting of political advisers ended on april 27 in qatar, it turns out that there was some kind of meeting there, or it was on the eve of the swiss summit, maybe there is some news, because, to be honest, i am nowhere.. .
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i can’t find it, but the meeting was like that, the meeting was like that, and they discussed zelenskyi’s formula, zelenskyi’s peace formula, well , i personally always say that this peace formula from zelenskyi should be presented not only as a peace formula in switzerland. for ukraine, but also a peace formula for the whole world, because the security system that existed until february 24 , 2022 collapsed, it is gone, and it would be right if... volodymyr zelenskyy came to this summit and said: listen, let's talk not only about the peace formula for ukraine, because the formula for peace for ukraine depends on whether russia will exist in that form and whether this putin's russia will be racist, let's talk about what to do in this world in general, because there is one aggressor who threatens everyone, the entire planet earth. it seems to me, mr. major, that such a conversation was possible
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would be and it was. logically, i don't know what you think about this, it seems to me that the expansion of this framework of the peace formula for europe, for the world, would give ukraine the opportunity to show that it is in the context of global trends, and that is, ukraine is ready to become a part of this security system, if not in the nato system, now, then in the system of some european security structure, which can be parallel, for example, from the north. well, look, i can agree with you on many points, but in general, for me, the issue of pacifying aggression, the aggressor or the peace formula is not very to my liking for one simple reason: it lacks four beautiful letters, they are called nato, the peace formula from zelenskyi does not contain a single sentence regarding ukraine's membership in nato, and therefore this question of our security should then consist in what and that is exactly why this question is
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very key, if it will be formed. the new collective security system of the world, then it is clear how it will work, but in the word formula of peace from zelensky, i do not see the formation of some key collective security on a global scale, so this too, it will not be discussed in switzerland, then what will this talk about, well, about the fact that 80 countries will say that they recognize our territorial integrity, well, china also says that it recognizes our territorial integrity, but this does not prevent them from helping the russians. to make high-tech weapons, or by providing some dual-use goods there, or by allowing north korea to supply missiles to russia, roughly speaking, directly, well, we hear statements from chinese partners that they are against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, nevertheless sidzinpyts is meeting with lukashenka, who declared to the whole world that putin gave him nuclear weapons, and putin confirmed that he gave lukashenka nuclear weapons, so i'm up to that...


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