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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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then it is clear how it will work, but in the word peace formula from zelensky, i do not see the formation of any key collective security of the world scale, so this too, it will not be discussed in switzerland, then what will this talk about, well , about that 80 countries will say that they recognize our territorial integrity, well, china also says that it recognizes our territorial integrity, but this does not prevent them from helping the russians to make high-tech weapons. whether providing any dual -use goods there or allowing north korea deliver missiles to russia, roughly speaking, directly. well, we hear statements from the chinese partners that they are against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, yet sidzinpitz meets with lukashenka, who publicly stated that putin gave him nuclear weapons, and putin confirmed that he gave lukashenko nuclear weapons. therefore, i treat this summit as a chat room, but if there is a question of exclusion. the moment that
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concerns ukraine's membership in nato, i consider it treason precisely in the context of the unconstitutionality of the actions of the president of ukraine, which is against the constitution, well, if he will deny our membership in nato, and precisely in this peace formula, i believe that if this thesis should be reflected, if it is not there, then please, an alternative, well, just not that filkin letter in in the form of signed agreements on the intention to agree, well, we saw this letter of intent that zelensky signed, and... the minister, if i'm not mistaken, the minister of defense of italy commented that this does not bind us to anything, it is not ratified by the parliament , and that's all a contract of intent to negotiate, not even about doing something, intentions to negotiate, and this filk letter can be terminated only by one notification in a month from one of the parties that it no longer wants to participate in this contract of intent to negotiate, well to be honest, i now have a chaotic, you know algorithm...
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thoughts in the context of the swiss summit and the statements of world powers such as china and so on, but i welcome the statements of the american side regarding probably some israeli model of a us ally outside of nato for ukraine, some statements are already being made, and to conclude on the topic of the international community, i would like to add another interview of macron, who said that, in principle, france... is considering the possibility of deploying troops, but for this there must be two factors: the first factor is a breakthrough the front line in ukraine, well, you can say that, for example, it is reedy, you can say, well, formally, the first factor is there, and the second factor is zelensky's appeal and its confirmation by a vote of the parliament, regarding the introduction of foreign troops to help us. i can't understand why there is no such appeal for the third year, at a time when at the front, excuse me, there is a complete problem, a serious problem with weapons. forces
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of ukraine, as with equipment, i'm not talking about the delayed aid for six months, where the russians took advantage of this and bit off very large empty territories from us. mr. major, the permanent representative of ukraine to the un, serhiy kyslytsia hinted at the destruction of the kerch bridge, on the x social network, he published a list of six main types of bridges for 2024, arch bridges, cantilever bridges, cable-stayed bridges, suspension bridges. bridges tied arch bridges and kerch bridges, now we will show how it looks in graphics, well, you see, he describes and show a screenshot, please, well, this is how these bridges look, and if on five of them he published a picture with the image of the corresponding type of bridge, then the picture with the inscription kerch bridges is empty, that is , the russians are already howling and shouting there, that the ambassador of ukraine... at the un says that
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there will be a strike on the kerch bridge, how likely is this strike in the near future, and what will it change? well, for this blow to happen, to us it is necessary to understand with what forces and means we will do it, this is the main thing, well , you can say nothing more here, in principle, because we do not have an understanding, and what kind of missile attacks, well, first of all, you need too many of them to knock down a bridge, and on the other side of them, it seems to me that it will be... more effectively used against the command centers and centers of air defense systems, knocking out their air defense, then we will be able to use aircraft better, and here the question is not only about the f-16, i want to remind the audience that recently kazakhstan sold in in connection with the renewal of the aircraft fleet , 117 aircraft were sold at the auction, 81 aircraft of soviet production, meaning the mig-31 and the su-24th. mig, su-27th and so on, that is, 81
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aircraft of various modifications were bought by the united states, well, let's have fun, and for whom did they do it, well, let's think that in principle in this way... in this way they will help ukraine, for those , who is not very oriented, i want to say that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, if i am not mistaken, our air fleet was about 120 machines, well, if we today add 80, believe me, it's not much worse than six f-16s, well, let's just say that the russians now rule the skies and their guided air bombs are a real nuisance to any of our ground facilities, and here the question is... no only the yar times, which are directly the front lines, but here is the question of sumy, here is the question of kharkiv, and so on. therefore , i believe that this story has the right to life. as for the kerch bridge, i don't know yet what forces and means we can take it down, because germany does not transfer taurus missiles to ukraine. well, england, britain
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told the germans that give us the taurus, and then we will not give the ukrainians the taurus, we will give them a storm shelter. well, i emphasize once again, i can only now. to think about some forces and means that the ukrainians could use, of course it would be a principled position for me if the sapsan system, which was promised to be launched a long time ago, was already working in our country, gusiv also reported that it is already ready almost there already soon it will be on the way out, but gusiev has already been absent from the defense industry for several years, i hardly believe that the green the team restored this program to the extent that it could work, as for and so... these, which we have already discussed, there are not so many of them in the world, well, but for example, during the operation that i already mentioned against of hussein's troops in iraq, if i'm not mistaken, the americans used about 600 rocket attacks to knock out the command centers
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of hussein's army, 600, they gave us, if i'm not mistaken, about a hundred, well, let's be sober, how well it will work, i don't know, their penetration there is a possibility that there is something that i don't have i know, experts should speak for this, and i emphasize a simple infantry bell, as a simple infantry combatant and a major of the armed forces of ukraine, i will ask you about mobilization, because on may 18 of this year the law on amendments to the mobilization legislation, which will strengthen control and the accounting of conscripts, will this law solve... all the issues of mobilization, because we see, the issues regarding ukrainians who are now articulating, regarding those who are abroad, consular services, now they are denied consular services,
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until they are registered with the tsc, are these all the measures that are in this law, or will they return ukrainians to their homeland. state and whether and whether this mobilization resource will increase in ukraine in your opinion? you know, well , you can't say it quickly in one sentence, well, let me try briefly, therefore, regarding the law on mobilization, i believe that removing one sentence from this law, namely the issue of demobilization, seriously harmed and broke the ground in terms of motivation to go to the army indefinitely. term, well it's true be that as it may, i have already emphasized and cited this example, taras hryhorovych shevchenko's soldiers were recruited for 25 years, taking into account the mobilization age in ukraine from 25 to 60, in our country this happens for 35 years, even more than under the tsar, well
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, that is, it is, well, sorry for the sarcasm, but this is what knocks out, as they say, the ground from under the feet, and as for the general trend, well, let's say this, i was recently in the military, because... that i am, as they say , a person who has certain duties, even in spite of being wounded and commissioned, but nevertheless, had communication with many, well, i know many people, let's not forget that he was once a people's deputy, so i'm saying, well, how is the situation now, well, he says that people are afraid, because there is no fixed term, that's true, but out of seven people , who were standing in line to update their data in tsk, i will tell you frankly, there were students among them. one was taken because he was already a evasive, because he already had a military summons in his hands, he did not appear, and he was taken to the tcc, and two people came to mobilize for the war, well, that is, these are two guys who really came, just came, they say that we will go to war, that is, not with a summons, but simply came, this comforted me a
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little, you know, with the hope that not everything is lost in our state, that the patriots are not finished yet, so the army, language, faith in the trenches will not end, because what to do with those who... who cares, who fled abroad illegally, i am not talking about those who have lived there for many years and have now been restricted in many rights and so on, but what to do with by those who fled abroad and in what way... to return them, nothing will bring them back, not even the lack of consular services, many of them are ready to renounce their citizenship, and in principle, the relationship to this story is two-fold, you know, on the one hand, what kind of citizens are they, if they are ready to throw the passport of a citizen of ukraine in the face of the kulebiy, if only not to update the data in the conscript's electronic account, well, to be honest, it somehow sounds a little wild to me, but nevertheless, they probably understand. that after these renewal data they may receive a summons, and if they do not come there from poland, relatively speaking, then they will receive a fine,
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and if they don't come again, then there will be other consequences, well, this, for example, i honestly don't know how to treat these citizens, but i'm also interested in the others, those who fled abroad, who fled across the tisza , fled on forged documents, or by providing forged data, false data for registration of departure through the shlyach system or any other corruption feeder, but in this context i... believe that criminal proceedings should be initiated, i understand that no one they will not be deported to ukraine, this logically, no matter what anyone says, even there the defense minister of poland said something, the defense minister of one of the baltic states said that there will be no deportation, because there is a fundamental principle, the rights of european law, and in a country where there is a war, no one will be deported to deport, and especially at such moments, but nevertheless, i believe that the restriction of civil rights for people who have not fulfilled their duties should be extended to everyone. for all those, well , maybe someone doesn't need it, well, okay, well, but after the end of this war, we're all equal
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we have to win, i don't want these people to come and have the same powers and rights as those citizens of ukraine who devoted their, their lives to the struggle, left their health and life, you understand, and in this context to be elected, to be elected, to work in the public service, to work in law enforcement agencies, these citizens should be limited in these rights, this is my position, i do not back down from it. well, these are my thoughts on this matter. thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was ihor lapin, major of the armed forces of ukraine, special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us there live, please follow our pages on these platforms and also participate in our vote. today we ask you about whether the global peace summit will speed up ukraine's victory. in switzerland, yes, no, if you have your own opinion, separate, please write under this video
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in the comments. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you think that the global peace summit in switzerland will accelerate the victory of ukraine. 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with volodymyr rrysko, diplomat, politician, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, head of the russian research center. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast today. greetings, mr. serhiy, thank you for the invitation for advice mr. volodymyr, this week zelenskyi said that ukraine will not become a member of nato until the end of the war with russia, this was the result of his conversation with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. this means that ukraine will have to look for other formats of cooperation with the alliance and outside it, well
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, we mean the status of the main one, for example, a partner, outside nato, with the united states of america or with great britain, or that assistance and those agreements that are in place now we have with our main partners, the united states of america, great britain, germany, enough to receive up to... help and be a part of this community, well, in this way? well , it seems to me that really, as long as hostilities are going on , no nato country will vote for ukraine to become a member of the alliance. they are afraid, they understand that this will mean the beginning of a full-scale war between nato and russia, and for them this is really, you know, a patriotic red line that they will not cross. that's why i think that in this regard we should be realistic and understand that
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you can't hold back what you can to be an alternative replacement, these are the agreements that have already been signed and are being prepared, especially i think that the agreement that is currently being prepared by the united states of america should be taken into account, because it should become really decisive. in the context of providing ukraine with all the necessary things that the armed forces of ukraine will need, and for a rather, well... a long period of time, that is, all these agreements are concluded for a period of up to 10 years, therefore, if it is possible to agree with the united states of america that for this period were planned clear deliveries to us weapons, equipment, appropriate
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training measures for our armed forces and so on and so on, this will have a very positive effect. effect for our armed forces, and although there will not be , unfortunately, an analogue of the fifth article of the washington treaty on the part of the united states, because we see it going, our partners are afraid, well, then it will mean that we , we are going in such a slightly circuitous way, but we are somewhere... well, in a few steps to what is called interoperability, which then will still turn after our victory into in the normal membership of ukraine in this organization. mr. volodymyr, ukraine is already signing bilateral security agreements, and president zelenskyi
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said in an evening video address that ukraine is preparing seven new bilateral security agreements. in particular, the united states of america, as you have already mentioned, is also ready to start negotiations on joining the european union. let's listen to what mr. zelensky said. we are preparing seven more new security documents for our state, bilateral security agreements, including the security agreement with united states, weapons, finances, political interaction. the second is the european direction, as on everyone. the previous stage of integration with the european union, much depends on our activity. ukraine has already fully implemented its part of the obligations in order to actually start accession negotiations this june. mr. volodymyr, if we talk about these bilateral security agreements, take into account
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the fact that the italian representatives said that there are no such... legal obligations , or somehow it was said very correctly that there are this framework agreement is safe, what is the status of these agreements, if they are not ratified by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, they are concluded between two states, that is, i understand that these agreements do not have the status of international treaties, as stipulated in the constitution, i understand correctly, well, i don’t i know... whether they won't be submitted for notification, i don't know, well , to what extent, how much this moment should be prescribed, well, from what we've seen, the ones that are signed now, they don't seem to need ratification, but let's say if it's about an agreement with our most important
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partner, the united states of america, it seems to me that it should be the ratification process itself, because then it would impose very clear and understandable obligations on us and on the united states of america. regarding the word security, i have spoken about it several times, and now i can repeat it, so to speak, probably for ease of use, but these are important, very important agreements, but on cooperation in the field of defense and security. security agreement, so to speak, well, its essence is what is written in article five washington treaty, this is an obligation to go to war in the event of an attack on one of the members of the alliance, such an obligation , unfortunately, these agreements do not have, so
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to call them one hundred percent security, i think it will be a bit of an exaggeration, but i will repeat it again, at the same time... they will help us a lot precisely in the field of defense and security, and therefore the more of them, the better in principle. against this background, french president emmanuel macron once again said that sending european ground troops to ukraine is possible, provided that the russians break through front, if the ukrainian leadership directly asks for it, this is what he said in an interview with the publication for... i have a rumored strategic goal: russia cannot win in ukraine, because if russia wins, what will happen to european security? who can claim that putin will stop at this... will the neighboring countries, moldova, romania, poland, lithuania, be safe? and what will happen to the trust in the europeans, who spent billions, saying that the survival of the continent is at stake, and at the same time
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did not help to stop russia. so we shouldn't rule anything out because that's our goal is that russia will never be able to win in ukraine. mr. volodymyr, our western partners quite often say that russia... cannot win in ukraine and russia should not win, but they do not continue this opinion and do not say that russia must necessarily be defeated . we have already talked about this many times, and yet, well, in the context of what emmanuel macron said, why are they so cautious about or do not agree that russia must be defeated. because, mr. sergey, they are are afraid this is due to two circumstances, due to the fact, and we have discussed this with you again several times, due to the fact that they do not know what will happen to the edible weapons, and secondly, they
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are afraid of an uncontrolled disintegration, that is, a civil war that will cover this territory, well after all, 17 million km is a lot, so russia should not win, but, you are right, without continuation, after that, but... it goes, but it should not lose, well, the balance is yes, it needs to show that she should get out of ukraine and not spoil ours of the european-atlantic future, but it must be preserved as well, it must be held together, because we in the west do not know what to do with this quasi-state, but if it starts to fall apart, well, then we will... we will think about it, and now we we can't talk about that, unfortunately, this is a rather, i would say, nihilistic position, which in fact only helps putin to continue
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his, his war, as it were, but the truth is that i have to say kind words to president macron, i am generally surprised by him political metamorphoses, when, when he started, he was very strongly opposed to the kremlin, then... a stage of some incomprehensible love and long telephone and other conversations with the dictator and fascist putin began, and now, apparently, there is an insight and an understanding of the fact that that we need to act decisively with this country, and his statements that we also have nuclear weapons and that if the ukrainian government appeals, we will send... our troops to ukraine, this is a cold shower for putin, he understands this very well, and the reaction to these statements was appropriate, well, the only question is whether and
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we wanted the same thing, so that we would not make important statements, but when a decision had to be made, so that it would really be made in time and could help us hold our positions. mr. volodymyr, minister, new minister. in an interview with european pravda, the minister of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braje, said that some western countries do not object to ukraine using their weapons on russian territory, and reuters now reports that david cameron, during his visit to kyiv, also stated that ukraine has the right to strike russian territory with british weapons, does this... mean that it is changing, we are seeing a change now, and that the fear is leaving our western
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partners, what about russia, because we saw how very difficult they gave weapons of various modifications, we saw how they decided for a long time whether to give us tanks, abrams and leopards, now we are talking about the fact that western weapons can fly in the direction of the russian ... federation, what does this mean, this does this mean that they want putin to still go to some uh peace talks, or some negotiations, for some concessions, how to perceive these signals? well, this should be perceived, it seems to me, as the fact that some, some, far from all western leaders understand that hopes for any agreements with the kremlin are futile. well , unfortunately, we cannot talk about the fact that this applies to all western managers and leaders, we see how chancellor scholz is afraid to transfer tauruses to ukraine, despite
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the fact that... germany makes a huge contribution to strengthening our defense capabilities, well well, now, thank god, those attacks have appeared ranges that allow you to do many necessary things, but how much was needed for this time, so this, you know, this transition to a new way of thinking, it is so difficult and so burdensome for the western partners, and so they are... suffocating these drops, this is a decision about the need to help ukraine anyway, because otherwise they will have to pay not billions, but trillions, well , that's true, let's imagine that russia , having swallowed ukraine, goes to the european borders, to the borders of nato and the european union, well, that's it , then this means that putin won already only because he went there,
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but... really said macron, he is not going to stop there, and then there will be the baltic countries, then there will be poland, then there will be, there will be romania and so on, that is, finally the west is still beginning to understand that it is necessary to help ukraine beat the enemy, but not only defend, because the best defense is an offensive, and what our armed forces are doing today, destroying the enemy's oil refinery, is an example... of a completely new strategic thinking of the ukrainian armed forces strength in how should we hit the enemy asymmetrically and give him opportunities to develop his offensive, well, but before that, you see, our western partners need to grow up, and this growing up is so slow and so insidious that sometimes i think that in order to accept some kind of decision, there really
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needs to be a year or a year and a half, well , miracles are strange, as they say, and it is very expensive in ukraine, i mean, one way or another, ukraine is paying for this delay, and we have a big front, and we have victims and we have the dead, and against this background, mr. volodymyr, another event to be held in switzerland on june 15, 16 is... the peace ball summit, and the official message of the swiss foreign ministry states that russia is not invited to this summit. russia is not invited at this stage, the report says. switzerland has always been open to inviting russia to this summit, but russia has repeatedly and also publicly stated that it is not interested in participating in this first summit. a high-level conference in switzerland is intended to start the peace process. switzerland
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convinced that russia should be involved. before this process, the peace process without russia is unthinkable. at the same time, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, believes that it makes no sense to sit down at the negotiating table with russia, since it will not be possible to achieve honest actions from it. let's listen to what he said, commenting on the prospects of the global peace summit in switzerland without the participation of russia. there are only two ways to get russia to act in good faith. the first is success on the battlefield, and the second is the presence of a coalition of countries that share the same principles and the same approaches. that is why the summit does not include the participation of russia, because the purpose of this summit is to unite countries that share the principles and approaches on which further actions will be based. after that there could be communication with russia and russia could become a negotiator because you're
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right, at the end of the day you... you can't end a war without both sides participating. mr. volodymyr, under what conditions, in your opinion, can russia be a participant in the negotiations? well, under the condition of signing an agreement on, or rather, an act capitulation to be honest, i don't see any other, reasonable conditions, because let's hear, or rather, remember, what russian officials of the highest level are saying, that ukraine must recognize new territorial realities, which, translated from moscow, means that we have to agree to the seizure of our lands, and the second key thing that is being said in the kremlin is that ukraine should actually become a semi-colony of russia, because...


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