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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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we pass the floor to our colleague ania eva melnyk. anya, we congratulate you and give you the floor, please tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you, colleagues, the news editor will tell you about the most important thing, i will start with the fact that the russians kissed kharkiv with kababs, and about the consequences in a moment. be with us. at least one person died and two were injured due to an attack in the kholodnohirsky district of kharkiv, the mayor of kharkiv, ihor terikhov, said. the dead woman was a pensioner. the russians targeted the private se sector, several private ones were destroyed houses a search operation is in progress. there may be people under the rubble - he adds. yeterykhov,
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a tram with passengers was also damaged. there have been explosions in kherson since the morning. the occupiers cover fire in front of the regional center. fires broke out from the hits of enemy ammunition. firefighters had to put out a residential building and a summer kitchen. fortunately, there were no casualties. a century-old partnership, ukraine and great britain have started negotiations on cooperation. for the next 100 years, reports the british embassy with reference to the minister foreign affairs of david cameron. he is in ukraine today on an official visit and has already announced a new aid package for ukraine. this is 45 million dollars for the restoration of the energy infrastructure. half of the funds will be used to repair damaged objects, the other part will be used to finance innovative projects. zelenskyi and cameron also discussed the situation at the front. aid
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from great britain, which was announced last week. the last package is also important because it is the largest package of donated weapons that we give. package of £3 billion, it's not just this year, we'll be doing it next year and the second year, after as long as it takes, and to prepare your gills. and for the full implementation of the security agreement, we want to show that multi-year packages are what we have to show our countries, this is the future, putin must understand that we will support as much as necessary. russians are being advocated. ombudsman dmytro lobinets believes that the international federation of the red cross is doing everything to justify its activities russian branch. commissioner for human rights. assures of repeated appeals
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to the organization regarding the russian federation's violation of the principles of neutrality and non-confrontation, lobinets also announced his meeting with the president of the international society next week, to which he will demand an effective response from her. in case of absence, he promises to offer the largest red cross donor countries a new support algorithm in the form of sending funds directly to the ukrainian red cross. in my opinion, this is an organization through an effort to justify the russian red cross simply breaks through the bottom of cynicism and loses the international authority that this organization has, and so that this does not reflect on the citizens of ukraine, we will always offer a new algorithm for supporting the red cross, namely...
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sending funds directly to the ukrainian red cross . ukrainian theater and film actor yevhen shumilov died at the front. ivan marchenko, a friend of the fallen soldier, announced this on facebook. evgeny mobilized to the army of the armed forces two years ago and immediately went to the front. deadly was wounded on april 30, when he was defending a wounded comrade. shumilov served as part of the third separate assault brigade, he was for years, he participated in the reality show real mystique, in the tv series sidorenka sidorenka, agents of justice, material evidence and many others. eternal memory and glory to all those who gave their lives most dearly for ukraine and our freedom. in order for such news to be less, it is necessary to help military the collection of the tv channel for...
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means of communication and security for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces is underway. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these courageous soldiers, we can live at... work, study, and to at least somehow thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. it remains to collect only 120 thousand. there are no small donations. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. massive fraud the call center was liquidated by law enforcement officers in odesa, its employees stole funds from the bank accounts of foreigners, they inform. more than 70 people of various ages worked in the office of the national police, they illegally bought databases of bank customers, after which they were informed about allegedly significant winnings, for which the cardholders had to name the code specified in the sms. in fact, it was a password
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that aphorists used to tie cards to their electronic wallets. according to the police , the suspects were brought under control accounts for almost 1.5 million hryvnias. they sold puppies and cats that do not exist. police abducted fraudsters from kharkiv. they turned out to be two friends, a 17-year-old girl and an 18-year-old boy. they published advertisements for the sale of four-legged friends on a well-known internet platform. the cost of animals was indicated from 10 to 15 00 hryvnias. during communication with potential clients, young fraudsters asked to drop about uah 200. deposit after receiving it, the attackers stopped contacting each other. law enforcement officers recorded at least 10 such cases. prosecutors are asking for a trial arrest suspects.
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doctor anna divichenko devoted seven years to the army. to make the years of waiting pass faster, her mother took up volunteering. it helps the military at the front and in the rear. but he says, victory is getting closer. and the daughter's return home, our correspondents got to know both of them. the first thing i will do with our victory, i will go to the crimea with my son, and i will show him the places i have been, this is the city of pharos, i will climb with him the mountain that i climbed, and we will raise our blue and yellow, and we will shout, we won. in anna divichenko's phone, there are practically no photos in dresses and heels, but... photos in military uniform, pediatrics , dreamed of since childhood, the girl changed her service, who should do that, i went through both the trenches and the positions, now of course it is easier , you don't have to eat there directly on the front, but i was there anyway, for example,
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my brother also died in the kherson direction, we ran into an enemy mine, a relative died, my uncle died in the sands, anna signed a contract under. .. after working in a national-patriotic camp, she was invited there to work during the summer vacation, since then she does not want to hear about another life, - says her mother. it had such an impact on her, it's the azov cadetship, it's their culture, their relationship, she comes to me and says: "mom, i'm going to war, i 'll be needed there more than i will be in a children's hospital." it is very difficult, it happens that i am sitting on the balcony, i always say to her: "you are mine ." plus, you can't, there is no connection, well , even if plus, it happens that i sit on the balcony at night, sometimes i call her at two o'clock in the morning. every loss at the front hurts, a military woman confesses, she holds on, she says, thanks to her character, she inherited it from her mother, as it should be, it will be like that, but i
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even see how people on crossings drive with the doors open, like, if there is an incoming flight, you will be thrown out of the car by a shock wave , well, i won't throw you out now. but if you are destined, then you are destined, and while the only daughter serves, the mother volunteers, she helps the military at the front and in the hospitals, so to speak, brings victory and anna's return home closer, i believe that i am doing the right thing, i have a daughter who helps there , our poor to the boys who suffered, who are lying wounded, and i am helping them here. anna says that she could terminate the contract, because she is raising her son herself. does not intend to do this until the victory of ukraine. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. and important information for all of us, there is an air alert in almost the entire territory of ukraine, please do not ignore it.
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stay in safe places, and in particular the newsroom, as well as the entire espresso team , will be taking cover now, so follow our example. and we are at the end, how to act under during man-made disasters, ukrainian divers were taught this in odesa, swiss colleagues, according to legend, oil spilled on the reservoir, so foreign specialists showed how to properly collect water and filter it in such cases. during the training, the swiss instructors also involved a purification station, thanks to which it is possible to collect harmful substances from the water surface. in total, the training lasted three days. read more about important things on our website esreso tv, also subscribe to our social media channels and i urge everyone. in espresso support our youtube channel, see you at 4 p.m. we sat down, i told her about it,
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and she cried, and i said, donechka, maybe you want to eat something delicious, maybe you want to play, she says no, i just want to cry. and we both cried with her. mrs. olesya tells about her beloved husband, who was taken away by the russian-ukrainian war. bohdan was a courageous soldier on the battlefield and a loving father and husband at home. the couple met back in 2014, when the girl was traveling to kharkiv from her hometown of izyum. later together already moved to poltava. in 2015, the man went to military service, although at first he was refused due to his health, but in... in 2016, he participated in the anti-terrorist operation of oos. over time, he decided to enter the kharkiv
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air force university. he and his wife had a daughter there. after graduation , the family moved to white church. anti-aircraft missile regiment, he served there. he was the head of service, he worked at the axis, then we arrived in the fall, and in the summer he went on a business trip to... kherson region, and he was supposed to be there on a business trip for 8 months. he is there arrived 7 months and the war began. on that fateful day, february 24, olesya called her husband and was sure that the war had begun. the woman and her daughter then left the city, but constantly tried to keep in touch with bohdan. then the brigade was surrounded by the enemy, but luckily they were able to retreat to a safe distance. for some time, a military associate professor defended zaporizhzhia. direction and only occasionally got in touch, for the first time in six months he managed to escape on
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vacation, so he decided to surprise his family. he said that he has an acquaintance there come up, he says: go, open the door, i open it, he is standing with such a bouquet of hair, here i am, my first words, i say, is it you or you, or am i dreaming, then i say how much time we have, he says, two days , i say, two days, but the donetsk direction became tragic for the family, and bohdan was wounded near shakhtarsk. an enemy lancet flew into the car nearby and the fragment got under bohdan's bulletproof vest. at that time, olesya was pregnant for the second time and seemed to feel that something had happened. they tried to save the man, but could not. in the conclusion it is written that he died from loss of blood, well, that is , there were visible damage there, large areas, he was stabilized in the hospital, and... and they say that he was still conscious, he said that he remembered me. the wife recalls that
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the most difficult thing was to collect her emotions and tell her daughter that her father is no longer there. nowadays , little olenka remembers only happy moments, sometimes watches videos with him, likes to walk with her mother and sister where she used to be with her father. the defender was buried in his native poltava, where he was born. bohdan's personal belongings were left as a memorial for the family. tones, a bracelet, awards, as well as a large number of drawings from his daughter and letters from his wife. after the death of the associate professor, olesya published a book that she had started writing long before the invasion called more than infinity. it was based on all the memories of the couple's feelings, and the epilogue became a kind of last letter to the beloved. he really wanted it to be printed and dedicated to him, and all proceeds from it i will give to volunteers at the zsu so that it will be useful, i promised
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that he will be remembered, at least by his relatives, children, relatives lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and so you want to have beauty. a well-kept plot. there is a solution. recors garden trimmer from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price. only from uah 999. kors dreamers are compact, light and very. powerful mow the lawn in the most difficult places near fences, along the path line, next to the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simply and easily, leave the big heavy mowers in of the past, choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function, light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers
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it's done. and unlike standard overall saws. strong saws are so convenient to use in difficult to... in the following places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery powerful strong saws what you need to call to take the wounded from the battlefield in time - it means saving his life , gave a lift to the boys, the quad bike is a way from scratch. to our life at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from ground zero. we encourage everyone to join nato in collecting from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd cold brigade. in the direction of the times, the information day of the tv channel continues, well , dear tv viewers, i think you know that even without
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us there is an air alert throughout the country, so be attentive and careful, so go to the shelter, the enemy will rage in the coming days, do not ignore it, and more since this is a serious warning, the enemy will most likely be there to carry out targeted strikes on our civilian objects during the easter holidays, then... be very, very careful and do not ignore the air raid signals, well, we will continue our live broadcast now. yes, there are reports that president volodymyr zelenskyi has now arrived in khmelnytskyi, where he discussed security issues and awarded wounded defenders. this is stated on the website of the president's office. zelenskyi says that today in khmelnytskyi the day is dedicated to the situation in the region, security issues, protection region, everything related to the contribution of khmelnytska. oblast for the defense of our entire state, there were detailed reports on air defense and the rebs in the oblast at key facilities discussed the safety of the khmelnytsky nuclear plant, which is important,
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the energy potential in the region in general and the restoration of those facilities that were damaged by russian strikes, he also announced that he appointed the head of the regional administration serhiy tyurin today, the president's team also presented an economic platform made in ukraine in the region, and also the head of state met on the sidelines. state border service of ukraine. yuliya hrychyna, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the subcommittee on higher education, committee on education, science and innovation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, ms. yuliya, thank you for joining us during the air alert. well, the key story is the news generated by the ministry of education and science of ukraine. yes, we understand that now they are preparing to implement. innovation, it has not yet been approved, and to you, as the head of the relevant subcommittee on higher education, whether any specific consultations are held, in particular, when we are talking about
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the introduction of edi for graduate students, higher education institutions. glory to the heroes, congratulations, studio, congratulations to the insolent ukrainians, indeed, in fact, a few days ago , information was published on... on the website of the ministry of education, and to be specific, it was put up for public discussion, a draft resolution of the cabinet of ministers on an experiment on the introduction of a unified state qualification exam education of our graduate students, and this issue is now actively discussed everywhere by graduate students, scientists, in our field, and yesterday i received an appeal, a 250-page appeal from our graduate students was brought directly to the committee, 250 graduate students
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signed this appeal, i receive many written appeals, including from the rectors and from the scientists of our graduate school leaders, well, everyone is discussing this issue a lot now, and in this regard, i raised this issue yesterday at the meeting of the committee on education, science and innovation, which was just considered we are a matter of participation. profile deputy minister, i raised this issue, received such a detailed and sufficient answer from him, so i am appealing to all graduate students, you can see on my page or on the committee's website, the committee's facebook page, this discussion of ours is displayed so that everyone can see and familiarize themselves with it, what exactly is in question, a public discussion is currently underway, this public discussion will last until may 9, so i ask everyone to join, participate in the discussion, leave your comments, suggestions and recommendations there, if you tell us in two words what is the essence of this proposal, and a little about its
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background, yes, in our country, you remember that when we discussed the bill on mobilization, there was also a discussion with you about the possibility of mobilizing our graduate students, who study not by state order, but by contract, this was the proposed norm in the first reading to the second. reading, we removed this norm, because it is actually discrimination based on the source, who pays for education, and it is a violation of the constitution, so in fact this norm was cleaned up, and all graduate students were given the opportunity to have a postponement from mobilization, in fact, what we have today, in our time, this is the third year of a full-scale invasion, we have four times even a little more, the number of graduate students entering has increased. to study according to the contractual form of education, that is, we all understand, of course, that there is a certain category of uh-uh ukrainians who use postgraduate studies
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in order to get a reprieve from... mobilization, this is obvious, this is a fact, we understand this, because we have seen it statistics, it has been published, every ukrainian related to this topic has already seen it, i.e. if , for example, in 2019 there were 374 of us, it seems that postgraduate students were men over the age of 25 who studied under a contract, then last year it was already almost 12 00, 11 with something like thousands of guys, and of course it is obvious that... this is such an opportunity for some to avoid mobilization, and we talk about what we need and we always talk and appeal to the leaders of our universities, about what they did not allow such opportunities so that they control the quality of education and that it really work to ensure that universities do not use this as an opportunity to avoid mobilization, we have a large number of various measures, as
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possible. monitor the quality of education, implementation of an individual plan, curriculum, and so on. i want to say that already now, well , probably several months ago, the state service for the quality of education has started mass inspections of universities, where there is really a very large jump in the number of graduate students, contract workers, these inspections are already being carried out, by the way, i spoke with the management literally the day before yesterday of the state service for the quality of education, and they confirmed to me that there are indeed universities where... they checked and found a large number of violations, and now measures will be taken against those persons who directly entered, do not study, do not attend universities, do not perform educational programs, er, that is , this work is already underway and we are waiting for next week i will have another meeting, we are already waiting for the results of these checks, and now the ministry has decided to go another way, uh, to introduce such an experiment and
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to introduce a single state qualification... exam, there are a large number of questions that need to be justified, discussed, because, forgive me for interrupting you, well, just in general, these are similar experiments, they can also be used in the civil service, for example, implement edki for all civil servants of ukraine, yes, and here, so to speak, homeric laughter behind the scenes, on the other hand, when we talk about inspections, we often forget that the key story, yes, is writing. scientific work, which should be a confirmation of the appropriate relevance of the topic and so on and so on according to the list of ee that was specified, well, we understand how the coursework differs from a truly scientific work, and this is a huge, huge matter. if we are talking about admission to postgraduate studies, as far as we understand, the ministry of education and science of ukraine had to ensure the appropriate
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criteria and that this process... was transparent, clear and subject to the requirements that the ministry itself talks about, some here is a nestykovochka, that is they didn't control it before, and now they are trying to do what they want to do with hindsight, so to speak, i understand correctly, well, a little bit wrong, a little bit wrong, since admission to graduate school is based on internal exams that are held in universities , that is , the universities themselves eh... carry out admissions to graduate school, selection of graduate students, where there is a competition, where there is no competition, in fact, they enter according to the rules of the university, and from this year, by the way, there is already a change in the rules of admission, and it is ours for the first time since this year graduate students will enter graduate school by taking special exams, which will be in the form of external examinations, and then the state
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will really exercise... control over this admission, so far there has been no such situation, they entered according to internal exams and it was completely factual at universities, and the term of study in graduate school is four years, and after the end of four years , the graduate student must finish his studies with a completed dissertation and defend it, and this work can be written even earlier, that is, if... the graduate student wrote work, for example, there in two years, it is also possible, and then to go on to defend, and now one of the main topics that is discussed the most is that we still have a certain number of graduate students who entered, for example, there in in the 22nd year, they are already in the final stage, they are already completing their work, and now, instead of preparing for the defense, they need to actually compose...


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