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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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it is difficult for us to see what is happening in recent days, and taking into account this issue and the fact that we have elections soon, we believe that we will not have a maidan scenario, we will reach the elections peacefully, and it is through the elections that we will change and influence decisions within the country. thank you, thank you. thank you, natia kuprashvili, an independent media expert and representative of a civil society organization in georgia, was in touch with us. meanwhile, the time for news from the press has already passed, so we pass the floor to our colleague anivilnyk. anya, we want to give you the floor and ask what you managed to find out. greetings, colleagues, we news editors will tell you about the most important thing for this hour, and i will start this issue with the consequences of enemy strikes on our cities and villages.
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at least one person died and two were injured due to an attack in the kholodnohirsky district of kharkiv, the mayor of kharkiv , ihor terikhov, said. the russians took aim at the private sector . several houses, a search operation is underway, there may be people under the rubble, adds terekhov, the tram with passengers is also damaged. the occupiers also wounded three people in chogoev, kharkiv region, as the head of the regional police, volodymyr tymoshko, said on public air. the russians hit the city several times during the day, targeting the area of ​​the railway station with tornado s missiles
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. after the impact of two tornado s cluster munitions, which exploded over the city, actually over the railway station, a second strike would be made immediately after 30-40 minutes, this again, the attempt was to destroy the police officers of the state emergency service, who were working on the spot, this is exactly the blow on us, however, fortunately, during the second blow , there were quite a few victims. in kherson , explosions have been ringing since the morning, the occupiers are covering the suburbs of the regional center with fire, fires broke out from enemy ammunition hits, firefighters had to put out a residential building and a summer kitchen. fortunately, there were no casualties. a century-old partnership. ukraine and great britain have started negotiations on cooperation for the next 100 years, the british embassy reports with reference. to
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foreign minister david cameron. he is in ukraine today on an official visit and has already announced a new aid package for ukraine. this is 45 million dollars for the restoration of the energy infrastructure. half of the funds will be used to repair damaged objects, the other part will be used to finance innovative projects. zelenskyi and cameron also discussed the situation at the front and military aid from great britain, which was announced last year. the last package is also important because it is the largest arms donation package that we are handing over, the £3 billion package, it's about, not just this year, we will do it next year, and the second year, after as long as it takes, both for the preparation of your vyaks and for the purposes of fulfilling the security agreement. we
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want to show that multi-year packages are what we have to show our countries, this is the future, putin must understand that we will support as much as necessary. in ukraine, a subgroup will be created to deal with the confiscation of frozen russian assets abroad, the government made a corresponding decision. the composition will include representatives of ministries, the office of the president, the parliament, of the national bank, ukrainian and foreign. prime minister denys shmehal told experts. he also noted that ukraine is currently discussing with its partners the specific mechanisms of how russia should pay, this issue was also actively discussed during the visit to the usa. we talked about ukraine's needs, how many russian assets are available, principles and tools, how to use frozen assets. it is important that some and our partners
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have taken decisive steps, they have already taken them. one of the leaders of this process was canada. also recently, the us congress granted the president broad powers in the matter of confiscation. of russian sovereign assets, only to ukrainian families. dmytro lubinets, the human rights representative of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, noted that children abducted by russia will be returned exclusively to ukrainian families. this is part of the deinstitutionalization reform. therefore , all status children who will be returned from russia or other countries will live only in family forms of upbringing. the ombudsman emphasized that the adoption of children for... will not take place, because it is prohibited by international humanitarian law by right he also assured that there are enough families willing to take care of children in ukraine. every ukrainian child deserves to live in a ukrainian family. all the children
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we are returning from the territory of the russian federation, as well as those children who will be returned from among such status children from the territory of european countries to... the country , they will be returned exclusively to family forms of education, and it is already working. a large-scale fraudulent call center was liquidated by law enforcement officers in odesa, its employees stole funds from bank accounts foreigners, inform the national police. more than 70 people of all ages worked in the office, they illegally bought the banks' customer databases, and then informed them of the allegedly large winnings. to do this, cardholders... had to enter the code specified in the sms. in fact, it was the password that scammers used to link the cards to their e-wallets. according to the police , the suspects managed to withdraw almost 1.5 million hryvnias to controlled accounts. a powerful fire in
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the capital of germany. a metallurgical plant is on fire in berlin. the fire engulfed everyone four floors of the enterprise, some have already collapsed, the city was covered with toxic smoke, as the official website of berlin writes, there is a threat of release of chemicals, sulfuric acid and copper cyanide were stored at the enterprise. experts measure the content of harmful substances in the air and ask residents to close their windows and, if possible, not to go outside. schoolchildren were sent home, and shops were closed. freedom of speech. ukraine sat down. 61st out of 180 in the global press freedom index published by reporters without borders. during the year, we managed to climb 18 positions, improved indicators thanks to the stable political situation and fewer
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journalists killed. the first places in the rating are held by norway, denmark and sweden. but the worst situation with freedom of the press is in china, iran, north korea, syria. and eritrea. the collection of the tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction is underway. they are fighting hard for our independence. thanks to these brave soldiers , we can live, work, study, and if only in order to give thanks somehow, let's we will close the collection as soon as possible. the ambitious goal is uah 720,000. only 120,000 small donations remain to be collected. it happens, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join in, you can see all the details on the screen, and the spresso tv channels and the soldiers of the 65th separate mechanized brigade simply from the zaporozhye direction thank all our viewers and readers. thank you
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to the caring people and the espresso tv channel team for their help and the form of the tab. we are moving towards victory, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. that's all for me, i will be continued by my colleagues, marta lyayarnyk and ntin borkovsky. 650. uah. such a pledge was determined by the court of appeal of kyiv for the head of one of the largest ukrainian industrial enterprises , the poltava mining and processing plant, which belongs to the ferexpo company. the court reduced the amount of bail for viktor lotous, the chairman of the board, which amounted to uah 800 million and
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was contested by his defenders. the bureau of economic security claims that from 2018 to 2021 the chairman of the board. of poltava gzk submitted unreliable data in the company's official documents and evaded payment of taxes for use of natural resources, this led to a significant underpayment of rent payments to the state. budget. the initial demands of the babies reached more than 7 billion hryvnias, but after several reassessments the amount was reduced to 2 billion 200 million hryvnias. later, it was reduced once again to about 1 billion. the defense parties have conducted their own examinations, which generally state that there are no losses. investigators from beb believe that the poltava gzk should have made rent payments for the use of nadr from iron ore concentrate raw materials, which passed several stages deep technical processing, but the company will not agree with such an argument.
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the defense emphasizes that according to the tax code in force at that time, the basis for calculating the rent for industrial enterprises was the value of those minerals that underwent primary processing. in the case of poltava gzk, ore was crushed by these fossils. therefore, the company also paid rent with it. the defense side also has a question as to why... such a significant difference in the amount of pledges, in particular for the chief accountant, it was much smaller. the first suspicion in this case was reported more than 10 months ago to the chief accountant, and what do you think, the chief accountant received a bail of uah 20 million. one and the same fact, one and the same thing. it's been 10 months, the chairman of the board , viktor viktorovych, is notified of the suspicion, they ask for almost the same bail as the chairman. to the accountant, but we receive a contrast and receive the final amount of the pledge of uah 650 million. bail in the amount of 650
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million for the head of poltava gzk is a record and disproportionate to his assets state - the defense side notes, and the financial state of the enterprise, taking into account the blocked accounts, will also not allow depositing a deposit. from the point of view of the amount, it is certainly not a huge amount, not for me personally, i don’t have any... i am sure that for the company too, of course, we expected a fairer decision, against the company and representatives of the top management, for in the last year , law enforcement officers have initiated three major criminal cases, which are marked by record bails. company representatives say that this and other cases are against of poltava gzk are illegal attempts to destabilize the work of a large employer, an investor in the ukrainian economy and... negatively affects the investment image of ukraine. in addition, they believe
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that such actions by law enforcement officers at the enterprise contribute to the growth of social tension in the poltava region and harm the economic climate in the region. today at noon, the russians struck a residential area in kharkiv. destroyed houses under the rubble of people. this was reported by the chairman. kharkiv regional military administration oleg synigubov. yes, and urban chairman teriho terikhov stated, i quote: previously the flight arrived in the kholodnohirskyi district of the city in the zone of residential development, regarding the victims, the information is being clarified, it is known that the tram with passengers was damaged. subsequently, the mayor of kharkiv added: the private center of kharkiv was under attack, several buildings were destroyed, and people are under the rubble. a search and rescue operation is underway. well, we will have the opportunity to include kharkiv in 10 minutes, meanwhile we will
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now include valery ryabikh, military expert, director of information development consulting company defense express. mr. valery, congratulations to you, congratulations to the studio, congratulations , dear viewers, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i know, i would like to start with the hot news that the workshop of a metalworking enterprise is currently on fire in berlin, in fact, which one, which... manufactures in particular the irst air defense systems, what do you think, firstly, well, could there be some trace of sabotage groups, yes, who might have been interested in starting this plant on fire, well, could it somehow affect help from the germans? well of course, that in these conditions nothing can be ruled out, especially since we have seen similar examples before... examples are the explosions of warehouses in the czech republic, this is also the threat of an attack on one of
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the businessmen in bulgaria, from among those who were in charge is connected to the supply of weapons and military equipment to ukraine, and this work can be carried out systematically by the russian special services, they showed. is that they can achieve some goals, but it should also not be ruled out that it could just be some man-made accident, and so to speak. about the fact that such a fire could affect the supply possibilities of ukraine and providing the necessary means, while it is premature. in germany, there are quite a large number of various pro-russian e-e communities, which, including here
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, consist of various sections of the population, mainly those who are a-a. came to this country during emigration, after the collapse of the soviet union, the russian orthodox church is doing great and powerful work there, and this is something that the law enforcement agencies of this country should pay attention to in any case, and here it should be stated that that the presence of... such elements in the country does not bring, let's say, peace and harmony to it, and this layer must be constantly monitored, but i still hope that this, let's say, will not be such a significant factor in the that germany can
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reduce its support for ukraine and its implementation there. those promises that have already been given or those that are planned to be given further. mr. valery, we would like to ask you about russian know-how, it is about the heavy flamethrower system of the third generation dragon, yes, russian interventionists gleefully reported that they're gearing up to scale the release of a similar, extremely nasty flamethrower system, but how quickly would they roll them out, what are the respective threats, your vision? and yes, well, it should be noted here that the occupiers are forced to rush to improve this system, and we are talking about systems that can strike with thermobaric
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projectiles, this is a very dangerous weapon, and of course this... is the number one target on the battlefield, and here are similar efforts now to improve this system, it is connected with the fact that the previous systems are tos-1, they were precisely the first target in the battle, even according to the data of the open resource oryx, they were destroyed during this period. 24 similar systems and eight transport-infectious installations for them, and this is due to the fact that these systems had a defect in aiming and the range of the projectiles used, and because there the aiming range is 5-8 km, and this and
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aiming, it had to be carried out with the help of a laser power pointer, and for this purpose this tank, which, let's say, the tos-1 system, which is built on the basis of a tank, it should be exposed to direct fire, which contributed to its defeat, the occupiers went further by improving the projectile and came to the point that they were able to realize that the projectile already flies at 15, and according to other data there... at 24 km and this was implemented in the second iteration of the system, this is tos-2, which is already on a wheeled chassis, but even though it is a tosochka, the development of this system has been going on for a long time, but during this entire period only recently were confirmed given the appearance of this system on
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the battlefield, this may indicate that it has disadvantages already in terms of protecting it from na... for example , debris and the fact that it is vulnerable to counter-battery combat, and therefore now we are talking about combining these developed capabilities, this is tos-1, it is possible to take from it, perhaps a base or apply another base in the form of some kind of tank there and apply the guidance system and projectiles that are used on tos-2 and thus get a more powerful system. tos-3, which would combine all these, real things there, and, but to say for now that the production of such systems can be expected in large quantities. it is not possible now, but here it should also be stated that the occupiers are making progress and the creation of such a system was announced somewhere
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at the beginning of this year, then the first data appeared in february, then the manufacturers reported in april that experimental samples were already being developed there , so in essence , you can expect it in a few months. progress in this direction, and this is very dangerous, it is necessary to deal with this and first of all to look for, let's say, opportunities to hinder the enemy, to implement a program for creating such systems and ammunition for them, because this is really a weapon of genocide, which is designed to literally wipe out cities, the face of the earth, thanks to its applications. powerful thermobaric ammunition. thank you, mr. valeriu, for such detailed information. valery ryabykh, a military expert and director of intelligence at the information and consulting company defense
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express, was in direct contact and told us about such rather alarming signals about the new weapons that the russians are trying to use on the battlefield. we will now have the opportunity to add kharkiv to ether. today, the russians shelled the city again. they hit a residential building, one person, unfortunately, died, two were injured, yevhenii haustov, the founder of the khaustov charity fund, will be ready to provide us with relevant information from kharkiv, is mr. yevhen in touch with us yet, can we contact him at the moment we can wait, unless the annexation, i will now quote the head of the kharkiv military administration oleg synigubov, according to him, the russians shelled kharkiv and the kharkiv district, well... and the mayor kharkiv clarified: previously the flight arrived in the kholodnohirskyi district of the city in the area of ​​residential development, the information about the victims is being clarified, it is known that
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a tram with passengers was damaged, and later the mayor of kharkiv added that the private center of kharkiv was under attack, well, it means private buildings, several buildings were destroyed, people are under the rubble, a search and rescue operation is underway, yevhen ee hausov is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. yevgeny. glory to the heroes, well, maybe you have additional information now regarding the attack on kharkiv, i am now near the epicenter of the flight, i saw everything with my own eyes, one woman died, two people were injured, one house was destroyed , a couple nearby, and one burned down, there is such a relatively new brick building , but everything burned down there from the inside, and many houses,
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about a dozen, with windows blown out, some with frames, even, and what kind of district is it in general, are there any potential military targets nearby, yes, at which the enemy could aim, but as is usually the case, they may err somewhat in... c in his calculations, well, it actually flies, the enemy is deliberately hitting, just deliberately hitting, as he hit a civilian object in odessa and so on and so forth, mr. yeven, there are no military objects here, well, many kilometers in a radius, that is, there is nothing like that even nearby, even 2 kilometers away, and if we are talking about providing assistance to those who have suffered, how is it now in general. a rescue operation is given, there is already information about the fact that people may be under the rubble, is the approximate number of these people known, how many people who may be under the rubble? i don't
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have such information, the headquarters is deployed, where all the information about the destruction or some needs is collected, there are also volunteers, and my colleagues and our team, we help whomever we can. we need clothes, who needs food, because now there is no water or electricity, eh, a field kitchen is being developed here, there will also be lunches, hot, warm, there is coffee, eh, we provide all the help that is necessary. look, we would like to ask you about the mood of the people of kharkiv, taking into account the fact that the enemy is barely there does not hit the civil infrastructure of the city every day. well, what can be the mood here? you walk around like this and you are afraid, you react sharply to every anxiety, if before people, well, they frankly neglected it, now you will think about it.
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what is it, how do you enter, there is a telegram channel, where you are informed more precisely which zone, which district, if this is your district, then people go down there, i even go down to the basement or to the storage rooms, because now it really can fly anywhere may come, mr. evgeny , the situation with departure from kharkov, that is, more this moment is important. nothing so extraordinary there, that is, there are no panicky moods, that is, we understand that people are alarmed, but without panic, so i would call it general fatigue, that is, we are really tired of these shellings, sitting without light, we still had something extra there disconnection at night, that is, there is no light even during the day, they also
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turned it off there from 10 o'clock to 80 in the morning. it's inconvenient, we're all tired of it, but we can't be broken. allow me to ask if you have already discussed together with your friends, colleagues, and in general, do the townspeople now follow the news and have heard the latest reports from our officials that russia may have a plan to capture kharkiv or sumy, but it is not known whether they are able to implement it. at first, such information was heard from the main intelligence department, then... this information was confirmed by the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk, in general, as of now, did this information reach you and how do people generally feel about it? eh, we heard about it, but it is only hearsay, because it is not the first time that they say that there will be an attack on kharkiv and everything like that, so we heard
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about it there. someone there prepared an alarming suitcase, but no one is going anywhere there, we are keeping our finger on the pulse, so to speak, and monitoring the situation, thank you, yevhenii haustov, the founder of the khaustov charity fund, was in touch with us, we thank him, and now we are leaving for a short break, after it we will continue our broadcast, there is a lot of interesting information ahead, so stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmer recorс from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price, only from uah 999. corce dreamers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places, near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb,
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