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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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of president putin in the temporarily occupied territories, including crimea, then, as it were, preparing lists of voters, once again checked where everyone is, where people of conscription age are, and after these elections were held on march 15-17, they began to mobilize people, according to those so-called election lists, lists, er, to avoid mobilization, well, it was extremely difficult, because there could... be very severe responsibility up to, not to mention, prison, up to execution, there the russians used such such a means of punishment and inside their troops and around, we heard about it, so i don't think it makes sense to blame these people in any way, there are traitors, well there are traitors in any country during any war, so those people who went with weapons in the hands to fight against ukraine voluntarily or?
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very actively, being mobilized, they performed their supposedly official duties, well, these are their official duties, but they are criminal, to carry out a criminal order, this is also a crime, therefore certain, certain actions will be taken with these people by our law enforcement agencies, all other people, they should not be condemned for this, on the contrary, i am sure that they will form the base, the basis of those people around whom the power in crimea will be formed. around whom will be the ukrainian government in crimea, the ukrainian tatar government in crimea will be formed to argue against these people, we already remember how many cases when people disappeared in crimea, especially of tatar nationality, how many different trumped-up accusations were made against them, so i i think that the idea is let's remember that our underground workers, our partisans, who help us a lot in certain data, in certain actions related to intelligence. those missiles that arrive at
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airfields, other things, they are not the only ones we use when we plan these, prepare these combat orders and plan these combat measures, that we rely only on this development, or aero development, space development, well, on this development , including currently the development of people who, in various ways, are very risky, but help our armed forces to free this occupation peninsula faster, that is, there is internal support from the crimean population. our main intelligence management, you know, well, when the same s400 rockets arrived, then they said that the underground helped us a lot, well, it was just yours, maybe yours, even your acquaintances, mr. vulsun, so maybe it could be, but i'm not sure, the russian occupiers are also spreading information that they can shoot down the attack missiles, that the russian ... military should not
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be afraid of them, and the united states of america says that this is not true, so can they shoot them down or not ? no, knocking down there by knocking down the big ones problems, but they, they, well, you know, they are improving, the russians, they also see, uh, what kind of weapons we use, during the war, well , every, every type of equipment is being improved very quickly, taking into account, well, their capabilities and capabilities , how to defend against them, there is... yes, there is such information that using means of radio-electronic warfare, they impair the communication signals that are used to control the missiles and the accuracy of such missiles, well, all the missiles that we use, that use external control , control, their accuracy deteriorates and their effectiveness drops, well, we also expected this, we understand perfectly well that the russians will improve, and we also have to improve our means of attack with which we attack the russian military. object, well, it does not happen
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that some weapon used by any of the parties becomes impossible to impress the other party, the other party draws conclusions and prepares very quickly, and the russians do this too, so to say that these the missiles will also do the same amount of damage as at the beginning of how we began to receive them, it is not worth it, of course they are effective, well, that is what the pentagon says, their effectiveness is less. that is, fewer missiles hit the target precisely thanks to some interception capabilities in the anti-aircraft missile complex and radio electronic warfare means, but this does not mean that they have become unnecessary and they cannot cause significant damage to the enemy, they can, the only thing that will be necessary , alas, to use a few percent more rockets to achieve the same goal as half a top. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, chogsaglen, that... found
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time and joined our broadcast. oleksiy getsman was in direct contact with us. reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. and we have a little break, right? yes, 5 minutes for advertising and we will meet you again in the beraber program together, this is the main news of crimea, a joint project of the crimean-tatar channel atr and the espresso tv channel. let's listen to people suffering from rheumatism and arthrosis, the joints are so piercing, it is impossible to get used to it, it does not allow to move. i i tried everything, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate
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magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate zas after its release? energy expert olga kosharna tells. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. fm. galicia listen to yours. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost helped me oooo. thanks to its natural ingredients, feminost
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uuro helps restore control over urination. feminost uuro - urination under control. what to do when the liver hurts? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia, we are resisting information attacks russians in the chronicles of information war project. with olga. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary
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to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky on espresso. selam aleikum, welcome to the joint project atr tv channel and tv channel. i, gulsom khalilova, and my colleague andriy yanitsky work for you in the studio. greetings, greetings to all. we are talking about the main crimean news and... and we are not talking about ourselves, we are inviting experts, today the second expert in our program is olga koryshka, the deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, mrs. olga, congratulations, congratulations vaslyaika, congratulations, eh , let's focus on humanitarian issues, our first block
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was more about military issues, and you in me, let's talk about pensions, the verkhovna rada of ukraine crimea, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a law. which simplifies the restoration of pensions for crimeans, for ukrainians who move from crimea to the territory controlled by kyiv. eh, do you know about these simplifications, why... are they important or unimportant for crimeans, and now, as far as i understand, not so many crimeans are moving, this is already preparation for the liberation of crimea, when it will be necessary to integrate crimeans into crimea into ukrainian society, can this signal be considered in this way? yes, it is important the issue of pensions, since this draft law has been expected for a very long time, the issue of... payment of pensions for residents of the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, it has been standing since the very beginning of the temporary
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occupation, there have been several attempts to settle this issue, all this time this situation it looked like a person moves from the territory of crimea, applies to the branch of the pension fund with an application for renewal of payment, that is , we are talking only about those pensioners who became such before 2014, those who... already received pensions, were registered, and then the mechanism was already started, when a person had to provide information, confirmation, yes information that he does not receive a pension there in the temporarily occupied territory, there was an exchange of pension cases, the law enforcement environment reacted very negatively to this, and the people themselves complained about it, because in fact, it was a matter of personal data that moved between countries. who are at war, this draft law, i cannot say that it will definitely improve the
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existing situation, but we consider it as the first a step towards removing restrictions on receiving pensions for residents of the temporarily occupied territory of crimea. unfortunately, not many people are actually moving now due to the full-scale invasion and the long road that must be overcome from the territory of crimea to the controlled territory of ukraine. but there are such people. there are those people who have not been able to receive a pension all this time, because after the large-scale invasion all diplomatic ties with the russian federation were severed, and people became hostages of the situation, now this bill will unlock this possibility, there the preparation of by-laws is still pending, i am talking about the decision of the government, which is supposed to prescribe the procedure, where and how and in what way a person should apply. well, really, this is what i wanted to ask, and when, where to come, and if before the large-scale invasion, citizens
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of ukraine came to kherson, the kherson region, and where did the office of the permanent representation of the president of ukraine in crimea work, and now such a one now, well, you can there is simply no, that is, where people can come to kyiv directly to the office of a professional representation no, we are not a pension fund, these will be defined pension administrations, i think that the pension fund is taking care of this very issue, as far as i know, it will be possible to apply to any pension, territorial pension department, but we are waiting for the development of the government's decision, it should be written there, the main thing is that the restrictions have been lifted and this system should work, the legislation simply states that a mechanism should be developed within... a certain period, then we are just waiting for it. ugh. let's talk about the crimean people,
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which are forced to be under occupation. now, how is life in crimea? i read such information that during the 10 years of occupation of crimea , russia condemned 320 residents due to political motives and condemns, including for such things, for example, performed a ukrainian song in public, or. wrote something wrong in social networks, or saw elements of the colors of the ukrainian flag in clothes and someone wrote to us, is everything so surreal in crimea now, what facts do you record and how can you fight it? yes, unfortunately, we really record such facts, here i think it is worth more pay attention to the fact that there are several types of responsibility to which the aggressor state brings the temporarily occupied territories. what you are talking about is criminal responsibility, some of these people are those who are
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political prisoners, we consider them people, who are deprived of personal, illegal personal freedom by the aggressor state, according to some articles, and this has been happening since the beginning of the temporary occupation, more so, what concerns the resistance, it is precisely when a person has already repeatedly committed administrative offenses and was subject to criminal charges. responsibility, also, at the moment we have recorded about 800 administrative cases on the collection of fines for the so-called discrediting of the armed forces of the russian federation. before the broadcast, when i was watching, at the moment, somewhere around 21.6 million russian rubles have been collected in the form of fines for just such violations, that is, there is also music here, we know of cases when a woman was detained because she had such a manicure, like the ukrainian flag, for
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listening to music, for likes, for reposts, for some information or some image that according to okupa. authorities can be regarded as support for the armed forces of ukraine, there is a case where a woman was detained just after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of crimea for writing on a ballot: "we are waiting with the ssu". that is, for such cases, people are detained, prosecuted to varying degrees, either administratively or criminally. and fines, and if i'm not mistaken, a lot of fines lately. against the activists of crimean solidarity and not only because of this article regarding the discrediting of the russian army, and even it has started to happen that they come with an administrative case, and the discrediting of the rosarmy of putin's side, and then they find the house of a person who is being searched, and there are some
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weapons there, or just some cartridges , artillery or other, and then they open them... a new criminal case, so we recorded about 780 such facts in administrative proceedings for discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation, these are exactly the fines you are talking about, is there any kind of selectivity here, if you look at ethnic, religious the origin of the detainees, is there a bias towards the detention of crimean tatars, muslims and is it even? slavs, muslims detain ukrainians, including? well, look, i would say that there is no specific selectivity or there is no logical approach, because the actions that are taken are , as i said before, for anything that they consider a threat to themselves, with
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there are about 130 political prisoners... we count 218 political prisoners, 135 of them are crimean tatars, these are the ones who have been detained and held in places of detention since 2014, eh, if, for example, we talk about administrative cases, then here we conducted for ourselves, it is quite such an interesting statistic that about 40% of those who are brought to administrative responsibility, for example, are women, that is, this means that... almost every second detainee, or the one for whom an administrative protocol was drawn up, is a woman, in relation to any other disagreements there, we did not collect such information, she with such a general position that detainers can detain anyone and for anything , well, really the situation now with political prisons,
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it is very difficult, because we see how the russian occupiers are phasing out crimean tatars... tatars are not only detained there under the articles of terrorism and so on, simply to other colonies, for example, yesterday it became known that the russian occupiers transported rustem sheikhaliyev to the siberian colony, and political prisoners tell us that the conditions of detention there are very difficult, and we know that, for example, last year, dzhemil gafarov, yes, the crimean-tatar flight. the prisoner simply died in a russian prison because of this inhuman simple attitude russian occupiers. how is the situation with these issues now, for example, is the issue being discussed with the turkish side regarding the release of our political prisoners, because we see how the russian occupiers and jailers simply treat our political prisoners and
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we can already say that they are simply killed in prison, such as dzhemil gafar. yes, i think it is worth explaining here, including why they are being attacked, it is so far, because the russian federation actually follows several goals, the first is the goal of breaking any relations with relatives or those who can support these political prisoners, since it is very far and you need to get to these places of detention by plane and agree this meeting with the head of this in advance. institutions, this is the first, second, for the fact that the articles under which these people are detained and then sentenced provide for very long terms, in accordance with the legal reality of the russian federation. people who receive such significant terms, special places of receipt are provided for them, which, as a rule , are very far away, so here if
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especially to them and apply such articles in order to send as far as possible, regarding the negotiations, i do not know this information at the moment, i think that it is more a question of those of our bodies that deal with exchanges or guardianship... these questions, for my part, i can to say that we are constantly conducting an information campaign related to the violation of the rights of residents of the temporarily occupied territory, including these illegal detentions, we are constantly communicating with our international partners and talking about including these persons in various resolutions so that these voices and these people... were heard, regarding the places of reception, we are constantly communicating with relatives in order to make such information about
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the terrible conditions of reception, including so that the international community can respond to this, knowing about this is because the situation with aferovov is simply extremely egregious, since he was an old man, he had chronic diseases even before his... detention, and these are just the conditions of receipt and really led to the fact that he died, ugh, well it was just, you know, the situation with the sheriff malkoch and the ombudsman, the turkish ombudsman, who was coming to kyiv and even he took part in an iftar with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, and then had a meeting with representatives of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people and directly with the permanent representation of the president, and as you know, there they talked about ... the possibility of negotiations between the russian obbutsmen and the turkish obbutsmen regarding the release of our political prisoners, because we already have such experience with akhtem cheygoz and
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ilmi umerov, and now there are a lot of questions comes to our editorial offices from the families of political prisoners regarding these negotiations. i understand that ms. olga does not take part in these negotiations, so she cannot clarify this story for us, but... thank you, ms. gulsum, for explaining in more detail. ms. olga, if we talk about the cleansing of cities by crimeans, especially crimean children, about how ukrainians are turned into russians, bearers of the ideas of the russian world, how it happens, where this propaganda is sewn, we have seen some absolutely wild photos of how children become. on his knees and in the shape of a pentagram of some sort to celebrate or mark the day, as the russians are now trying to commit a genocide
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of the russian or soviet people from the german-fascist invaders, well, such , well, this is not the same as a savok, well, straight up some stalinist times, it seems to me that even in the stalinist times there was no such thing there was such propaganda and washing of cities, what innovations in this direction are the russians using? well , actually, they are deepening this story, because recently there was a youth event, to which they seemed to try to attract representatives of international foreign countries, the youth union or whatever it was called, they are trying to include crimea in the all-russian context, including with... in communication with those countries that still somehow communicate with the russian federation, organizing joint events.
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in fact, the situation is stable-bad, here we always talk about the military and the militarization of education, now a lot of people in the government deal with educational issues, certain decisions were made in this regard and also researched. the nation being taught on the temporarily occupied territories, propaganda permeates all education in any of its manifestations, these are educational hours, here is precisely the question of memorialization, since those people who, for example, studied at school in the crimea, and then died in the war russia against ukraine on the territory of ukraine, they open memorial plaques and demand to act p... they went to the parade ground and were ceremoniously present at the opening of these plaques, that is why various methods of influence are used here,
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unfortunately, really children... as a category, which can perceive this story the most, and the russian federation has always bet on children, they are of course very, very influenced by the reality imposed by the russian federation, but on the other hand, it gives us the opportunity to understand what challenges will be faced by the state after the de-occupation of the territory, and what needs to be done now, to communicate and... what programs, what projects to implement in order to return the youth, return children from the occupied territories, and here we can actually say no only about crimea, because crimea was the territory where the russian federation made, implemented its project, and then simply began to spread it to new temporarily occupied territories, because the same story with passporting, the same story with, for example,
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forcing to obtain passport and in that case they will provide you with some kind of medical or social assistance, that is, all this is repeated, they also began to burn books and throw them away in the newly occupied territories and introduce their program, that is , they are just what they did in the cream, they now they are spreading to the newly occupied territories, that is, can we talk about the factor of the lost generation, because the children who were born in 2014 are already 10 years old, and those who... who were 10, he is already he, they are already 20 , and this constant militarization of children's consciousness, it has very serious consequences, how are we going to fight it, you know, i wouldn't call it a lost generation, i don't know, maybe because of the fact that i have been working with this topic for a very long time and in general, i have been dealing with crimea since 2015, it does not seem like a lost generation to me, it is just me
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so... the idea that it is these groups of people, children, they should be, exactly the group when, where the public policy should be directed, these are the people who need support, and in fact, every year i help with the entry company , the implementation of an admissions company for krum residents to come and enroll in ukrainian educational institutions, i communicate with these people, and i see that they... want, can, and they have the ability to adapt, including the issue of language , it concerns the question of life here in general, since the child, who comes, maybe she doesn’t consider herself a child, but she comes as a young person, she already comes without parents and without the possibility to go home and see her relatives at any time, she is forced to adapt here, then it works out quickly for them, i
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seeing their... successes, so i can't conclude that this is a lost generation. ms. olga, thank you. olga koryshka, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, was with us, we will talk about admission to ukrainian universities for crimeans in our next issues. definitely, for today we are finishing up the beraber together program, a program that is made jointly by two tv channels, the crimean tatar first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel "espres". all-ukrainian, and i, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, my colleague, were in the studio. thank you very much. goodbye.
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security measures for easter, how germany will strengthen ukrainian air defense and why turkey stopped trade with israel, the espresso team sums up the innocent results of the passing day, jaana eva melnyk, greetings to everyone who espresso. and i'll start with a warning from the sbu: limit attendance at mass events, observe curfews and do not ignore air warning signals, ukrainians were urged to do so on the eve of easter by the security service. they emphasized that they continue to systematically expose the numerous attempts of the enemy to destabilize the situation in our country in conditions of war. so i was shocked.


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