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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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security measures for easter, how germany will strengthen ukrainian air defense and why turkey stopped. trade with israel, the espresso team sums up the innocent results of the passing day, yana eva melnyk, greetings to everyone from espresso. and i'll start with a warning from the sbu: limit attendance at mass events, observe a curfew and do not ignore air warning signals, ukrainians were urged to do so on the eve of easter by the security service. they emphasized that they continue to systematically expose numerous attempts by the enemy to destabilize the situation in our country in conditions of war. so, if you are injured...
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suspicious objects or potential provocateurs are asked to immediately report to the law enforcement officers. in ukraine, it is expected that more than 10 million believers will come to the churches on easter, and more than 23 thousand policemen will be involved to ensure law and order. an 82-year-old woman died in kharkiv due to an attack by russians. her body was found from under the rubble of her own house, where she was bedridden due to a stroke, the regional prosecutor's office informs. two more people were also injured. the occupiers struck pubs in the private sector of kholodnohirsky district. 12 residential buildings were damaged, three more were completely destroyed. an educational institution, a civil enterprise and a tram with passengers were mutilated. no one was hurt in it. volunteer yevhenii haustov told the details of the attack in the espresso area. there are no military facilities here, well, many kilometers. in
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the radius, that is, even nearby there, even two kilometers away, there is nothing like this, the deployed headquarters, where all the information on the destruction or any needs is gathered, there are also volunteers and my colleagues here, and our team, we help as much as we can to those who need clothes and food, because now there is neither water nor electricity. settlement of the ukrainian air defense, the german arms manufacturer gensolt will transfer six trml 4d radar systems to kyiv by the end of the year. this is stated on the company's website. the expected radars are part of a contracted package with a total cost of more than 100 million euros. they are able to quickly detect and escort up to 1,500 units within a radius of 250 km. overcome both drones and
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missiles and aircraft. in 2022, ukrainian the army has already received two such systems. the enemy is increasingly using prohibited chemical munitions at the front. in the past month alone, the general staff of the armed forces recorded almost 450 such cases, and this is 70 times more than in march, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the occupiers have fired up to 200 times... at the positions of ukrainian defenders poison, which is a direct violation of the convention on the prohibition of the use of chemical weapons, as well as the laws and customs of the introduction of war, is emphasized in the general staff. and the collection continues of the espresso tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction, they are fighting for our independence with you in hard battles. thanks to these brave warriors. we can live, work,
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study, and in order to somehow thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the ambitious goal is 720, only 120,000 hryvnias remain to be collected. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join, forgive all details on the screen. a bird with transfers for 45 € is illegal to get to romania, four men tried in bukovina. they agreed on this. according to the plan , a 35-year-old resident of chernivtsi was supposed to drive the fugitives to the border in her own car, and then the fugitives had to transfer to another car. it was during the transfer that they were detained by the border guards, administrative reports were drawn up on all of them, but the carriers are awaiting criminal liability. in donetsk region , prosecutors managed to return to state property almost. 400 hectares of illegally
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appropriated land, the office of the prosecutor general said. they noted that for several years in the region there was a whole scheme of withdrawal of agricultural lands from state ownership. in order to take possession of the land, citizens provided the registrars with forged orders of the state geocadastre, after illegally registering the rights to such plots, they immediately transferred them to the ownership or use of large agricultural producers. property rights for more than 200 in order to protect the interests of the state, the prosecutors of the donetsk region from 2022 to 2024 presented to the court 176 lawsuits regarding expropriation from illegal possession specified land plots. the estimated value of this land is more than half a billion hryvnias. so far, almost 100 such lawsuits have been settled in the amount of over uah 350 million. turkey has completely stopped trade with israel, officially confirmed the information.
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turkish president recep erdogan earlier made the decision due to tensions between the two countries provoked by the war in the gaza strip. according to erdogan, talyav is trying. ignite a new regional conflict in the middle east. earlier, the head of the turkish state canceled his visit to the usa due to voting for military aid for the tzahal. israel's foreign minister, israel katz, reacted and said that erdogan is violating all previously signed agreements. the entire west is working for israel, starting with america, all means are being mobilized. to condemn the homeless, poor and destitute people of palestine to death in the face of israeli bombs. we couldn't stay away. the volume of trade between us was 9.5 billion dollars. we closed that door. let everything be fine from now on.
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$250 million in aid for ukrainians farmers that is how much the us agency for international development invests in the agricultural sector of ukraine. within the usaid harvest project. farmers from all regions of ukraine will receive the money. however, priority will be given to those regions affected by the war. the implementation of the harvest program also provides support for increasing the export of agricultural products by 15 billion dollars and attracting an additional 500 million dollars for private investments. while putin turns fields into mini fields. we worked to provide seed, fertilizer and finance farmers so that they can get adequate funding to ensure the next season. when putin cut off the black sea ports that were critical to the world getting food from ukraine, we were able to build infrastructure for farmers to
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help preserve crops. we settled alternative export routes through roads, railways, river ports. the rescue of two. two men were taken away from the front-line liman community in the luhansk region by the bilangola law enforcement squad, they needed an urgent medical help, the national police say, they had to go for them at night, because one of them might not live until morning, a 72-year-old resident of yampol started bleeding internally, and a 57-year-old man from a year old urgently needed the intervention of doctors, he could not do it on his own to move, he had to...
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more importantly, see you tomorrow, i will wait for you in this studio at 2 p.m., then vasyl winter with a big ether, wait to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. giallera - victory over heartburn. fm halychyna. listen to yours. long-acting cream
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krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov. khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. and earthly experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback,
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you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays, from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when there is a liver, aloholk, and what for the bile? alloholk? it protects the liver and gallbladder. hello hall, with care and respect for the liver and bile. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, friends, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, my colleagues and i will talk with you for the next hour and 47 minutes about the most important things, of course, we will report on what will happen during our broadcast. well, let's start with the announcement of the collection, i know that you join, collect, donate for that. what, what do our soldiers need, and today we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy
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armored vehicles in the combat zone, now one a second, heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of the damaged military. equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is 630, hryvnias, and i believe that you and i will be able to collect it as soon as possible and close the issues that our defenders put before us today. so, 630 thousand. and during our broadcast, i ask you to join each of you, given
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the opportunities that he has today, by the way, today will be quite an interesting broadcast, literally in a moment, we will add the economic results of the week to the conversation of serhiy zgurets, we will talk with an investor and a philanthropist, whom we will also include to our broadcast about how to get more financial support for investments from the event, and in particular from the united states of america, which does not suit investors and partners from the united states, where we could ... changers and how much additional money we could have if we did everything, well , let's say, more correctly, as well as the weather forecast for this weekend , this is a holiday weekend, who will celebrate easter, of course. it is not necessary to understand, it will rain, it will not rain, what is the weather and so on and so on, so during the next hour and 45 minutes there is a lot of interesting, important and relevant information, once again i will remind you that all that will happen during our we will also tell you about it on the air, but now i would like to congratulate serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day section, today we have the military summaries of the week, conditional, of course, but serhii,
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please, you have the floor. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our military summary column, we will really talk about combat operations on the front line, about forecasts from the leadership of the main intelligence agency regarding russia's new offensive and about reforming the armed forces in wartime conditions. more on that in a moment. during the week. the situation on the front line remained extremely difficult. the three directions, avdiyivskyi, bakhmutivskyi and novopavlivskyi , were the most tense, the commander of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi said that the enemy had certain tactical successes in some areas. and here are new details regarding assessments of the frontline situation, added the deputy
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chief of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, general vadym skibitsky, in an interview with economy. the title of this material is quite disturbing. russia's new offensive will be a serious test for ukraine. according to skibitsky, as the economist submits, the situation for ukraine is now almost the most difficult since the beginning of the active phase of the russian invasion. according to the representative of gur, russia is now throwing everything it has to achieve greater success. regarding the quantity. forces, new data also appeared there, the general announced that now russia has a total of 514,000 personnel on the territory of ukraine, before literally just a month ago it was said that the enemy had 470,000, i.e., during this insignificant interval, there was
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an increase of 40,000 enemies on our territories, and now russia... an offensive in the northeast, skibitsky, like budanov , says that enemy activation is possible at the end of may or early june, and skibinetsky suggests that russia is preparing for an offensive in the kharkiv and sumy regions, and this is actually the first statement from the leadership of the main intelligence agency, and quantitative ones are important now. indicators ot skibinetskyi says that now the northern grouping of troops, which is located across the border from kharkiv oblast, is belgorod oblast, then there now there are 35,000 enemy forces, but i will add that these 35,000 have not changed for a long time, so the enemy does not have such a build-up yet, and
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skibinetsky also admits that these forces are not enough to capture. city, but some such quick or provocative actions are possible when there is an attempt to break through the border there, and then the ukrainian troops will have to transfer reserves to this area, and kybinetskyi says that the enemy plans to increase this number of personnel in the belgorod region to 70,000, but even 70,000 is not really... there are such significant figures, let me remind you that when the enemy attacked avdiivka, then 80,000 personnel stormed from the enemy side, 25,000 are now concentrated in the yara time zone , i.e. 70 000 for the capture of kharkov , of course, is not enough, but it will be enough for other
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actions, to divert our reserves to this area, in relation to other areas of the front, then... the economist, the economist says that it is true that the russians managed to break through the first line of defense in the area village of ocheretino, it is actually true, now the enemy is trying there to expand this bridgehead with an area of ​​25 km there, but on the other hand, there is also information that certain brigades are currently redeployed there from the ukrainian side, which should block the expansion of the advance. enemy , and now it is an extremely important section in view of the risks that may be caused by the further advance of russian troops, in particular, there to the donetsk kostiantynivka highway. or in the movement of russian troops in the direction of pokrovsk, these risks are known, and i think that the general staff is now taking measures to prevent this from happening. another direction is the time of the yar
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. kebinetskyi also made certain assessments about it, he said that occupation by the enemy during the time of the yar is probable, but everything depends on our reserves and supplies, this is an absolutely correct conclusion, and now i can also say that now under. .. additional forces have been transferred to the yara time zone, which are also supposed to make it impossible for the enemy to advance in the direction of the czechs, although there are indeed now also there from the side of bohdanivka, and the enemy’s attempts to capture all of ivanovske continue, but during the last weeks some qualitative changes in there is no advance of the defense line on the part of the enemy, which indicates that the defense on our side is sufficiently effective. and by the way, ammunition appeared there, which allows for more effective destruction of the enemy. and of course, the important point is
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that skibinetsky said that even if we go to the borders of 1991, everything is even, it does not mean that the war will stop, and one way or another, wars must end. both sides are trying to take the most favorable position, both by us and by contracts before potential negotiations, but meaningful negotiations, according to generalatskyi, are possible no earlier than the second half of the 25th year, so in any case we understand that now are such difficult times for our state, for our armed forces, and we must understand that the consolidation of forces and capabilities is extremely important for... our common defense, and now we are joined by valentin badrak, director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, a military analyst and writer, mr.
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valentin, greetings, good to see and hear you, hello, mr. sergey, thank you very much for the invitation, and of course, the first question in continuation of my introduction about what is happening on the front line, how do you assess this week, what threatening or positive trends do you see on the front line? well, indeed , the front line convinces us that everything there is very difficult, although in fact it is not critical in august or even the beginning of september, but this does not mean at all that there will be no offensive now and that the offensive can only be tactical, because even that build-up, which is carried out, it allows you to apply pressure especially. against the background of the shortage of ammunition and weapons, this is now a very big problem, even after the decision of the united states, there is a certain inertia, when from the decision to
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the arrival of weapons and ammunition, a certain tangible period of time, which is very difficult, i would even say more, at this time, unfortunately, we are not very regrouped within the state either. because now there is insider information that the state service for special communication and information protection, which receives a lot of resources and buys a huge amount, especially for drones, it is the largest customer, but not only for drones, and for ground-based robotic complexes and control devices, automated... control and communication systems, this is what is being purchased, but it is very difficult to transfer, the military is fighting, they say that
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they are hanging there for one and a half to two months arms and they are asking, they are directly asking specifically for the president to introduce it by his decree, so that it happens very quickly, so that it would be possible, well, the military say so, literally, if we are fighting 24/7. so why officials don't want 24x7 during war and that really violates the principle of the military doctrine, which was adopted in the 21st year, exactly, by the way, in may of the 21st year, which approved the all-encompassing principle of defense, that the whole people, the whole country should fight, that's what i wanted to point out attention, now i want to pay attention to those things that were heard not only from the general. from kybitsky, but also from others, and to analyze them. in particular, i would like to draw attention to the fact that minister kuleba mentioned, apparently yesterday, in foreign policy e.
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that russia is more effective at the front, and marked it the fact that the very small, imperfect rates of arrival, actually of aid, this is again, i want us to name a whole list of these measures, for example, general pavlyuk, the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, also said that victory is possible only by conditions of isolation, isolation of russia, and... then there is another extremely important point related to the financial times, which wrote in yesterday's issue that in fact now the big seven are no longer considering the transfer of assets of frozen assets of russia and their transfer to ukraine, but are considering the possibility give these assets to russia occupied territories instead, which is what i'm
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actually leading to. indeed, a series of political statements is a strong indication that the parties are preparing for negotiations, and the parties are trying to be in a strong position, for example, great britain, to be in a strong position, said cameron, who visited, the foreign minister, visited kyiv yesterday, yes, noted , that britain does not mind if ukraine uses weapons, everything and strikes in... on russian territory with british weapons, and almost simultaneously, french president macron repeated that if the front will somehow crumble, it was once said that it will be destroyed, if the front is destroyed, then he confirmed the appearance of french french soldiers here in ukraine, that is, these are political statements for now, but what are they made for, they are made so that the negotiations, which scheduled for
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mid-june. in switzerland to actually have a strong position there, and we know that china will play an extraordinary role in these negotiations if it participates. china will only participate when it sees that something can be changed, and in fact, for us, it is the litmus test, if china participates in the swiss negotiations, it means that there is actually a paradigm of ending the war, and china wants to s... really do it, of course, of course, pulling the blanket on the side of the kremlin, that's understandable, but if china does not participate, then it can be two-sided, two-sided such an assessment, it is either russia feels strong enough and goes further ahead than us, or on the contrary, the initiative has been intercepted and china has nothing to offer, and putin does not agree to a way out. from
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the occupied territories, and here they are, so-and-so nuances, and they indicate that the center of gravity is somewhere at the level of the first numbers of june, that is, in a month it will shift, in fact, it will shift towards international politics, and this is an extremely important, extremely important moment, and the parties are now trying to exert maximum pressure. not the parties, but the western bloc is trying to put as much pressure on china as possible. i would like to mention that today the literal message was that a meeting was held at the level of the defense ministers of the united states, australia, japan and the philippines, and preparations are underway. then there is pressure on china through india to start in india, in fact the center of microelectronics. next, the states
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introduced a new package led.


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