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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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such and such nuances and they indicate that the center of gravity is somewhere at the level of the first numbers of june, that is, in a month it will shift, it will shift, as a matter of fact, in the direction of international politics, eh, and this is an extremely important, extremely important moment, and the parties are now trying as much as possible pressure, not the parties but the western bloc. tries to put as much pressure on china as possible. i would like to recall that today the literal message was that there was a meeting at the level of the defense ministers of the united states, australia, japan and the philippines, there are preparing a lot. next comes the pressure on china through india to start in india, effectively a microelectronics hub. next, the united states introduced a new package of...
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big sanctions against china, and not only that, there are even turkish companies there, that is, a very powerful game is going on, and the game is going, well, literally everything is very much intensified in the international plane, and if now, conditionally speaking, after all, we return to our military realities, we literally have a couple of minutes, i would like you to comment on this statement from... to the fact that now a group has started work in ukraine that should create a model of an integrated defense system, the ministry of defense announced this, and i would like to understand what are the directions, what are the results, what are the goals of creating such an integrated defense within the framework of reforming the defense system as a whole? and of course, the issue of improving the armed forces itself has come up, and one of the key, in my opinion... issues is to link the restructuring
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of the armed forces with military-technical cooperation. unfortunately, we have, so far, the military and political leadership of the state in fact, according to the proposals of various partners, and because of this, i would say, even bad decisions appeared, previous ones, yes, well, for example, to do together with the rain metal company, with the rain metal concern, to do. fuchs combat vehicle, this is two steps back, our defenders point out, because we can do it ourselves, while with rayonmetal we need to make air defense equipment, for example, yes, as a version, as one of such strong examples, the second example , i have already said that our departments have not actually transferred, and i was just talking about the state port, state special communications, which, where, where the difficulties are very great in the transfer of weapons and... in fact, for
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a year now, our weapons manufacturers have been saying, for example, about such things, that we need to unify, for example, regarding unmanned systems, we have more than 60 different aerial drones today is used in the armed forces, this is a very important point, if we can't do it now, let's say artillery, because these weapons are very important, any, if we can't do... light armored vehicles now, then unification is a must and improvement for at the expense of the state, the state has not yet been able to make a single project where it could combine teams of private and state enterprises, i will give the best two examples: there was a project of the horlisia drone, they wanted to make an attack drone out of it. for this it was necessary, it would have been necessary
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to take kabelush missiles and hang them on this drone, they could not do it, the second example, and they made it into an ordinary drone, well, of course, it is now long -range, it is fierce, what a powerful drone, but after all, it is not that it was possible to do it yourself, as i said, the same with ground drones there were three companies, now there are 20... four companies make ground robotic complexes, but the state cannot take the courage and has not developed a mechanism to do, take the best from all the developers, hang there again the missiles, the cable, the guidance complex that we have and make a shock anti-tank drone, by the way , one military man told me so on the condition
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of anonymity that if his unit had these ground-based robotic saber complexes , which already purchased, but have not yet entered the troops there because of this e... collision of the state special forces of the ministry of defense, yes, something is wrong in this link, then ocheretin could be detained by his unit, yes, that is, it is about the fact that ukraine sometimes has high-tech, innovative solutions, but cannot bring them to systematic use, and this is exactly what it is about, thank you for these highlights related to the transformation of the procurement system and themselves. to the introduction of new technological solutions, let me remind you that it was valentyn badrak, the director army, conversion and disarmament research center. here are the highlights of the day, with more international and economic news to come, so stay tuned to espresso. thanks to serhiy zgorets, thanks to his
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guest, well, the air alert has almost been announced. on the entire territory of our country, i just opened a map of air alarms, there is no alarm only in dnipropetrovsk region, except, as far as i understand, in the nikopol community, there are actually almost constant air alarms there, because the enemy is shelling from the left bank of the zaporizhia region, already the odesa region added, therefore, only in dnipropetrovsk oblast , as of now, the air alert has not been announced, and in the rest, finally, the territory of our state, as of now, there is an air alert and a... and dnipropetrovsk region is already red, so in fact , there is an air alert throughout the entire territory of our state, whether please stay in ukraty, protect yourself as much as possible, the holiday is approaching and it is clear that the enemy will be on the rampage, the dark forces are always on the rampage, they are, in principle, the russians are always on the rampage, and
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especially on the eve of the holidays, and pavlo kishkar, from by us, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, i am glad to see and hear from ukraine, i just literally read the president's statement, which i would like you to comment on, actually we will start from this and we will start from this. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, i will remind you that the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine stated that ukraine is facing a new stage of war, i will give a brief quote, i will simply voice what the head of our state said. now we are facing a new stage in the war, the occupier is preparing to try to expand offensive operations. we all have to do everything together to disrupt it. a russian offensive plan, says the statement of the president of ukraine. according to your information, how is it perceived first of all at the front, because the most important thing is how it is perceived by the soldiers, what tasks may be set, what are the risks regarding the possibilities of expanding offensive actions and
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what new phase of the war with russia is being talked about today by the head of state, who is sure has significantly more information, of course, than the rest citizens of ukraine. well, i would like... all the officials of the ministry of defense and other departments to work in the same way as the president, i think that we would accelerate the victory of ukraine over the russian fascist troops many times over, and as for possible offensives, well, of course, this is an assessment, an assessment on a more strategic level, our small job is to leave as many people as possible who came to our land with weapons in this land, so day by day using... all the available equipment, the ukrainian soldier will do everything possible to bring victory closer, stopping the enemy, where he is now, it is desirable to return their territories every day, and the issue of mobilization, we can see the video and photo, now a lot of people, well, at least in kyiv
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, definitely come to the territorial collection centers, some come to the christmas tree, some renew their data and more people will appear already after may 18, when the law on mobilization will enter into force, in your opinion, it will work effectively, on whom does the effectiveness depend, because the law is the law, but the quality of the people who will be sent to the front before this training , this question the responsibility of not those people who passed the law. what should we expect, what is the real need today, what, according to your information, are the capabilities of both territorial centers and training centers to train and provide the troops with those people who will solve certain tasks in key directions, especially since we are again we expect offensive actions from the enemy. there are enough specialized military personnel in key areas to stop the enemy. another question about mobilization, i am a supporter of voluntary mobilization, and convincing people that professional training and defense of their own state
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is also their interest. therefore, i am skeptical about the possibilities of this bill or law already. he is no different, absolutely nothing. from the law that existed before that. as a person who is responsible for the technical modernization of the state, i see a greater benefit in this than trying to collect by such a forceful method. more people, i believe that robots, a technical advantage will provide an opportunity to speed up the victory of ukraine, and i will do everything possible so that this technical advantage was reached as soon as possible. we have a whole series of questions today, regarding the same, i was just listening to bodrak, he mentioned sabers. well , the sabers are absent for a simple reason in the army, they are physically there, but not transferred to us so that we... use them on the battlefield, because someone there, according to some long procedure, decided to transfer
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material resources from one department to another department . if you, the officials, get in the way of some procedure, change it. i am addressing the president right now, taking this opportunity, mr. vasyl, i apologize, but accept a decree allowing these material resources to be immediately transferred to the armed forces from day to day. it's cool that you thought of it... to use special funds, that united 24 works, it's cool, but we are not interested in these procedures, we are interested in weapons already on the battlefield, but on the battlefield they appear exactly when i, as a commander unit, i take it on my account and issue it to people in order for them to undergo training, training, receive ammunition and get into the mentioned reeds, that's when it achieves its success, but can i right away, i will add here right away, i am not an expert in this matter, but... i have such a simple question, but these, these must still be those weapons that have already passed
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certification, that have been tested, so that they do not it happened as some military people say that sometimes such artificial, well , relatively speaking, artificially made drones arrive at the front, and then you think what to do with those drones, i will tell you, i will simplify the task for you, this weapon has passed certification, it has been tested , and wolves and others have already reported about her efficiency, you can find. so this highly effective technological weapon does not get to the units purely for bureaucratic reasons. so, here is my simple appeal, that by presidential decree this procedure be allowed to be transferred directly from any funds, from the state technical service, from the ministry of defense, it doesn't matter which agency is buying from us now. so absolutely anyone who buys for the armed forces and transfers to military units can do it. directly in one day, and this is a matter for the cabinet of ministers and financiers, how they will solve these
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budget issues, we don’t have time, i to the people who are now delaying this process by transferring sabers, i promise that after the end of the war we will definitely find out who delayed this issue for more than a month and a half, who sat and thought about signing or not signing, why the people responsible for this transfer did not initiated reductions before the president. these procedures, why do we need this bureaucratic red tape, we are still living according to peacetime procedures, maybe we will come to our senses and see that we are at war, that missiles are falling in kyiv, if someone does not understand that the procedures that interfere must be removed and leveled, so i tell you this frankly for all of ukraine, using spresso, remove these procedures, level them, remove them, write a decree in which it will be written, it is written, that means: military state, everything and define this procedure, short, clear, direct, with two signatures, and it is already
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on the battlefield, we are often happy that our partners provide us with weapons, so these weapons, when it is written in the telegram that we need something transferred, does not do anything, in any way my soldier is not protected, this weapon only becomes a weapon when it is received by the appropriate combat unit leader, all this pr stuff about... getting a weapon solves nothing, so stop being happy about it and let's work with abbreviated procedures, procedures of war, wartime , finally, you know how when , say, a surgical operation takes place, i used to watch it as a journalist, well, behind the glass, but imagine if, say , the surgeon says to clamp the scalpel there, to do something else, and the assistants do it instantly, therefore that this is a person's life, imagine if the nurse said, give me a piece of paper so that i can hand you the scalpel, give me... a piece of paper and confirm somewhere there that i will give you a clip for this, for a vessel, well, the person died
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there on the table, just the same in war, it’s a matter of even sometimes not days, i’m not in the military, but i understand it perfectly, communicating with soldiers, how important it is, i thank you for the comparison, it’s just the language of a surgeon in one life, in my case, for tens of dashes, hundreds of lives, and i am asking everyone who is involved in this issue, especially president. write this decree, let the nsdc consider it, you will sign the decree and we will have a simple, clear procedure, we received help, transferred it to the units, immediately transferred it to the armed forces, thank you very much, we know who these units belong to. these things are needed, we will figure it out ourselves, if you trust us soldiers, your protection, then trust us already with weapons, no matter how we manage, thank you very much, mr. pavle, words from the front are much more important than many analysts and people , which assess risks, opportunities, here you do not assess these risks and opportunities, you simply assess them see every day and this is what you see, thank you
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for your service, first of all and on behalf of myself, i think on behalf of all our viewers and for these comments. pavlo kishkar, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander of the armed forces of ukraine, well, really, this red tape, sometimes it is completely unnecessary and unimportant, under different conditions, but basically, if the military says it, then it is clear that you need to react much faster , oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, congratulations, glad to see you and listen, i'll start with this. i mean, i don’t even know how to call it correctly, i won’t call it anyway, people’s deputy klitschko from the servants of the people is suspected of illegal enrichment for 11 million hryvnias, and what ’s important to me is your understanding of why, in the third year of the war, in fact, such sums can to appear unexpectedly, or property for certain amounts, how much more this can be, how much work the relevant authorities have to discover such strange plots,
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incomprehensible apartments, cars, assets and bank accounts, please. in some deputies, well here rather, to be honest, it is not clear why it all dragged on for so long, because there were journalistic investigations on the nickname, let me remind you, it all started with them, which showed that after he became a people's deputy, just some golden the rain fell on his whole family, his mother is a pensioner, well , i don't remember exactly, but it seems that she bought a tesla, something like that, so there is a mother, a sister, someone else there, everyone bought new apartments, everything is there, well... at the same time, these are some people who have never been involved in business for us. i.e. there, well, businessmen, okay, well, but this was clearly not the case, and all this started immediately after he became a people's deputy, and also headed the committee, after that, as i understand it, it seems that he was removed from the committee , transferred to some other committee, but there was no case there, and with journalistic investigations, it was all
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limited to at a certain stage, well, but as we can see, it still came to something, and... and they are already appearing there are already some suspicions, well then, let them investigate, then only the court will answer, but as for mr. klitschko, he is one of those servants of the people about whom questions have been raised for a long time, and finally, let them investigate, let's see and see what the result will be, and now to the international topic, but which directly concerns ukraine, because ukraine is here plays an obviously key or one. from key roles, because if it were not for the war in ukraine, this would not have happened at all, we are talking about the peace summit, which is to be held on june 15-16 in bürgenstock , switzerland, near lake lucerne, and president zelenskyi said that this the first opportunity to really talk about peace, and what should be expected now, and again
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, the most important thing here is how dynamic, effective , perhaps, and above all on... the smoke of war in preparation for this summit, because depending on how dynamic these negotiations are and how interested they are, this will obviously give an understanding of whether we should expect anything substantial from this, from this summit in switzerland, well, we'll see , that huge preparations have begun for it, this is a fact, this is evidenced by the fact that the big... tour of the chinese leader xi jinping to europe begins on may 5-10, for the first time in many years he is coming, the chinese leader is coming to europe, there is a very interesting yard of countries: france, hungary and serbia. well, it seems to me that the very fact of such a selection of capitals, where
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xijin pin goes, speaks volumes. i think that he will also talk about this. the key question is who will be at this summit. it is already known that russia will not be there, but yes, it is actually there, well it sounds like ukraine's position that we don't want to be with russia, we want to work out a unified position of all other countries, and then put pressure on russia together, well, god forbid it will work out, but if, for example, there is no china, if there is no india, because there is still brazil and such large countries that are occupied today. or a neutral position, or in general they quietly play against russia, as china does, well, i'm not afraid that it's not worth expecting something directly breakthrough, i really will. council, if during this peace summit the circle of countries that stand on ukrainian positions, this can be expanded by some countries of the global south, in fact, a huge amount of work should
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be done with africa, latin america, asia, because there, well, there is not a plowed field of work for ukrainian diplomacy, they should be included, but i repeat, well, if there are not there will be russia, china, india, brazil, the effectiveness of this, or... whether this summit will give any specific results, well, i'm not sure, but i don't want to, you know, to be a pessimist at the start, god forbid that all this it worked, and ukraine should try to impose its own agenda and own vision, but let's not forget and be realistic that without a battlefield, then without a situation on the battlefield, well... only force, force, force, once again force, this is what putin and other tyrants understand , well, you see, weapons are handed over to us,
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pavlo kishkar, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, said very well , who says that the weapons that were handed over are not there until they are in the positions, until they are not in the army, and secondly, that certain ukrainian developments, which could be in the army, are very often delayed because of these things the bureaucratic red tape arranged by officials, in particular the ministry of defense, and here i turn to the issue of restarting the government, as they say, after the holidays , this matter may be taken care of, but there are ideas to reduce ministries, to reformat, in your opinion, without a clear plan and understanding that the reformatted government can really give new things, is it worth starting to do it, well , just to cut expenses, maybe, but here is the question of efficiency, well, if we change something in wartime, it has to be more effective to work, well, for the economy. because now the economy is also in a difficult situation, everyone, this is not news either, yes, and i will tell you that sometimes, we know the ukrainian tradition, during
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cuts, for some reason after cuts, the expenses for the bureaucratic apparatus very often increase, to pay compensation to all the dismissed , renaming ministries, re-appointing, and then suddenly once, and even more officials, in the end, i am, to be honest, generally skeptical. because the problem of the ukrainian government is not that there the ukrainian cabinet of ministers, it is more correct to say, is not that there are some wrong ministries, the problem of the ukrainian cabinet of ministers is that it has a formal role, that it is a decoration, the real government is in the office of the president, and all this is our cabinet of ministers simply carries out the instructions that come from there, so what difference does it make who will be the executor, well, why don’t you know all the executors there vertically, where there is no way to know, it’s not interesting at all, well, that’s why our government has turned completely into such an executor, so well, well one minister will be replaced by
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other, it will have absolutely no effect on their effectiveness, efficiency, i am skeptical about it, it seems that it is done simply so that something is done, to demonstrate that something seems to be changing, some people here and there, someone was changed, well no i know... i repeat, the problem of the ukrainian government is that it is not independent at all, it is a department of the president's office, so the main reform that i would carry out there would be to disconnect the phones with the president's office, well, let's say permanently , it is clear that they should all work there together, but that they should not simply follow all the instructions that the reports receive, and one more thing, general skibitsky, a representative of the main... intelligence, stated that ukraine cannot win the war only on the battlefield, and it is necessary to look for other negotiating opportunities, above all different means and
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methods of putting pressure on the russian federation, now in the third year of the war, a year after the expectations of a major counteroffensive, i thank our heroes who laid down their lives and gave their health so that this counteroffensive would be to some extent had results, here again it must be said that we are fighting a very numerous, resourceful and powerful enemy. yes, but a year after that, in fact, we hear information that ukraine will not be able to win the war only by fighting, a year after some expected coffee in crimea, and some were already selling tickets for the kyiv-simferopol train and tickets for their concerts in yalta, well, it's quite simple, what is it connected with, how to explain it to our viewers, because people have read and now think what mr. skibitsky meant, i understand that you are not mr. skibitsky, but still your evaluation and understanding this, and this statement, first of all... for the general public, because it is said for everyone, well , yes, i am not mr. skibitsky, but what can i say, well, first of all, you know, i always like...
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a year ago, i tried to give such a voice to, let's say, conservatism, or common sense, that not everything is so simple, and i certainly never sold coffee on the yalta embankment, and i was always very careful about it, but also now the words of mr. skibitskyi, well, how can such wars, well, wars in different ways, what does he mean, he is just won on the battlefield, in principle, that is if there is no win, if... which is conventionally speaking a draw, then it does not happen on the battlefield, in general, wars are either won or lost on the battlefield, but if in the end in the rest of the war there is a certain draw, then of course , that it can be completed then only through negotiations, but somehow we were told something completely different just recently, yes, that chiti is a complete victory and so on, and here we have to somehow understand it...
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new, this is just being tested by the authorities, ukrainian society, this is our new approach, and why it voiced then, well, with all due respect, the deputy head of the gur, well, he is a respected officer, a general, but well, this is not the top political military leadership of ukraine, why does it come from him, i have long had a question, what is our plan, well, i have a question, i tried to understand it there for a long time, from this, from this, well, besides yes, we have a plan, a complete victory. this is clear, the best option, then we heard from kuleba and others that there is no plan, there is no plan in ukraine, it always stressed them, because it cannot be like that, it is always in a person to be plan b, and for this there is an authority to prepare both plan a, and plan b, and plan b, there must be different plans, preferably not mr. thank you, i really do not like to interrupt guests, especially such distinguished guests as you , sorry i took a long time to reply to the channel, thank you very much mr.
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oleksiy for joining. comments oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, and now to the news, so an 82-year-old woman died in kharkiv due to an attack by russians. her body was found under the rubble of her own house, where she was chained due to a stroke to the bed the regional prosecutor's office informs that two more people were also injured. the occupiers hit the private sector of the kholodnohirskyi district with sledgehammers. 12 residential buildings were damaged, three more were completely destroyed. he teaches german. an institution, a civilian enterprise and a tram with passengers, fortunately, no one was injured in it, there are no military facilities here, well , many kilometers in a radius, that is , there is nothing like that even nearby, even 2 km away, the headquarters is deployed, where it is gathered all information on destruction. or some
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needs, there are also volunteers and my colleagues and our team here, we help as much as we can there, who needs clothes, who needs food, because now there is neither water nor electricity, well, thank you very much for your work to everyone who helps people civilians in in such a difficult situation, in kherson , explosions have been heard since the morning, the occupiers are covering the suburbs of the regional center with fire, from the hits of enemy ammunition, fires have broken out, firefighters had to put out an apartment building and a summer kitchen, fortunately there were no casualties. and the enemy, vile and cynical, more and more often, i would say, criminally uses prohibited chemical munitions at the front. last month alone, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine recorded almost 450 such cases, which is 70 times more
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than in march. and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the occupiers have fired poison at ukrainian military positions up to 200 times, which is a direct violation of the convention on the prohibition of the use of chemical weapons, as well as the laws and customs of warfare, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine emphasizes. well, now we will have today we are adding a short piece of news, then we will have a very important one. an interesting story, and now we will add our guest to the conversation, because there is also a very important topic , in fact, and a very important event: mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day, and so, here is such an interesting story that you called on turkey to cancel the concerts of the russian song and dance ensemble of the alexandrov russian army on tour, as they call themselves.


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