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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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even compared to march, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the occupiers fired poison at ukrainian military positions up to 2 thousand times, which is a direct violation of the convention on the prohibition of the use of chemical weapons, as well as the laws and customs of warfare, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine emphasizes. well, now we will have it, we are adding it today. briefly about the news, then we will have a very important and interesting story, and now we will add our guest to the conversation, because there is also a very important topic in fact, a very important event. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people , is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. so, the story here is interesting, that you called on turkey to cancel the concerts of the russian ensemble, songs, well, what do they call themselves, songs and dances, of the russian army named after alexandrov in...
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they announced these concerts on the anniversary of the memory of the victims of the crimean tatar genocide people on may 18 in memory of the victims of the cherkasy genocide on may 21, and please tell me more about this story, about how it was possible to achieve the desired and why in your opinion russians in general rush to other countries with their military bands, we learned about this from the reports of the turkish press, in particular the kara newspaper, and then there were telephone calls. from the caucasian and crimean tatar organizations in turkey, that they, this is the russian choir of the red army named after aleksandrov, just on the days of commemoration of the victims of the deportation and genocide of both the crimean tatar people and the circassians, they are holding concerts there in six cities of turkey, this ankara, istanbul, bursa, antal. ankara, immediately
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arrived at the presidential palace, met with erdoğan's chief adviser, yalchen topcha, and we talked there for about 3 hours with various structures, what was the matter, he sent such a note of protest. the ministry of foreign affairs, hakan fedan himself, the minister was not there, but they transferred there, both on my behalf and on behalf of our diaspora, telephone negotiations with the governor of bursa, where exactly they wanted to hold this concert there on may 18, i clarified this the situation but then after all these negotiations, and even in the presidential palace of erdoğan himself...
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the organization that conducts and organizes these concerts there, it turns out that they were concluded there with some private structures, and the government structures do not have the right to cancel it, this is the situation, well, now we have also connected other political forces of turkey, in particular these boskurts, gray wolves, there is still a party of national action, and i think that we will completely cancel it, but... but the arguments that they say that well, in turkish, что почему надо cancel, that this coincides with the tragic dates of both the circassians and the crimean tatars, they are not enough, i am talking about the fact that not a single decent country now has these military cartists, at the head of which is a war criminal, does not let their country go, why are they here they were walking around here, everyone seemed to agree, but no less, here they were. mr. mustafa, i thank you very much, first of
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all, for your work, for the fact that you do this and prevent the activities of russian murderers, terrorists and propagandists outside of russia, time, unfortunately, is running out. but it is important that we heard you, our viewers heard, and i wish you success in further work and countering russian aggression on the cultural and informational front as well. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, was in touch with us, and now for your attention the plot, i will offer the volunteer legendary battalion aidar turns 10 years old, the fighters of this unit defended independence on the maidan in the 14th year, and now they will choose with weapons in hands on f about the foundation of aidar and the 10-year long struggle in this a long war in the plot of our colleague emma stadnyk armata shot on this day 24 separate assault battalion aidar celebrates the 10th
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anniversary of its foundation. during the full-scale invasion, the battalion fought for the donbass, fought for volnuvakh and ughledar, and also carried out a successful assault and repulsed russian positions in the bakhmud direction for almost a year. aidar's story began back in 2014 . in may, the centurions of the maidan self-defense took up real weapons and stood up to defend ukraine in the luhansk region, but now not from the berkuts, but from the russian invasion. the initiator of the creation and the first combat aidaro, lieutenant colonel serhiy melnychuk. it was under his leadership that volunteers liberated luhansk region, first from mercenaries and separatists, and later from regular russian troops. aidar led fierce battles for the city of happiness, they protected the civilian population instead of the local militia, which either did not act or went over to the side of the enemy. the people of aidariv did not receive any money or awards for this, they trained and ate in tents, and they provided medical assistance. we are in the field in the conditions where we don't have any operating medics from our battalion, who were also medics on the maidan, they
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simply covered the room with a cloth, hung a flashlight from above, made an operating table out of the fabric intended for the party members of bel liang, and in such conditions performed. help the wounded. bianka zalevska, a journalist of the espresso tv channel, lived with the battalion in field conditions for several weeks. she created documentaries and reports about the battalion, when the name aidar was not yet known, it was simply called battalion 24. after completing one task, the journalist was returning home, but the military vehicle in which the woman was was hit by a russian sniper. the car overturned, and bianca was seriously injured. she was taken to a hospital in kharkiv, and later transferred to warsaw for treatment. i am everything.
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published a report in which the citizens of aida were accused of war crimes. in their reports, international experts, who positioned themselves as objective, referred to policemen who had gone over to the side of the enemy and russian terrorists, but aydarivtsi demonstrated to the whole world the opposite. i saw the conditions in which they keep prisoners, separatists, terrorists, this is a human being, they live there, you can say, like in otstel, they get food there three, three times during the day, no...
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batal aydar met a full-scale invasion of its positions in february 2022 near the city of volnovakha. already during the great war, aidar became part of the fifth. a separate assault brigade under the command of the ground forces. i want ukraine to be whole, not to split and not there is such a small piece left that they are trying to do now to make her free and happy. pray for us as long as it takes, as long as we will be here. this is aidar's story, it has always been like this here since 2014. everyone who came here is a big, big family. as long as there is strength, as long as i go, as long as i arrange, i will. to fulfill the tasks that will be set for me and to protect my country, this is my state, this is my land, and we will not leave it, god and truth are with me. ema statnyk, espresso tv channel. many thanks to the soldiers of the aidar battalion. and,
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polish journalist bianka zelevska congratulated the aidar battalion on its anniversary and thanked the volunteers for their protection. she reminded that it is not only 10 years since the foundation of the battalion, but also since the beginning of russia. it is the 10th anniversary of the death of our friends, acquaintances, relatives, it is the 10th anniversary of everything. simply because everything started 10 years ago and everything ended, many people in the world think that it was two years of war, and 10 years ago they did not even know what was being reflected in ukraine, what would be reflected, and then you already they beat there, you already gave your life. aidar battalion, i thank you very much today for the calm sky above my head here in poland. and on the occasion of your birthday, i wish from the bottom of my heart victory and peace. i congratulate my
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good friend bianka zalevska. i congratulate many from the aidar battalion, and in general all fighters, soldiers who were and died and are still in the ranks. we will win, thank you. well, now let's talk about what you need to win, you can win, but it's very difficult, but in fact, without it, you can't win... it's money and aid, and i am including konstantin zhivakhoy, investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist, mr. konstantin, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate you, so the united states of america, despite a long period of political debate, agreed to long-awaited assistance for our state, for what period of time on in your opinion, this aid may be enough for ukraine to, well , at least stabilize the situation and continue the struggle. it is very. good question, vasyl, thank you, actually, what the analysts are saying now, they are saying that $61 billion,
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that have been agreed by the united states, the united states of america, plus the aid that has been agreed by the european community and our donors and our partners who are not part of the european community and who do not represent the united states, this aid, according to analysts and military experts, will be enough at least by the middle of the 25th year, and that's very ... good and hopefully in some cases, as they say, if all these supplies are effective, effective, then these weapons and these resources may be enough, even if the war will continue approximately until the end of the 25th year, although we all hope that on ukrainian conditions, under our conditions, as it will be acceptable to us, the war would very much like and everyone hopes, it will end sooner, and about there is still real money, really big money that ukraine can get, it is about 300, 300 billion frozen russian assets, and
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they are located in the west, some of them are in the united states of america, but most of them are located in the countries of the european union, and we are talking about what let's pay ukraine receives interest from the use of these assets, and the latest information i read just today is that the usa is ready, they say to the european union, give this money to ukraine, but the g7 countries say that well, let's think differently, how why what... what it is real, you, as a person who knows the world of money quite well, what really stands in the way today of transferring to ukraine not only some percentages there partially, but in general talking about the transfer of these 300 billion frozen russian assets. vasyl, it is difficult question, we know that we will pass on income from interest rates, which today are estimated to be somewhere around 4-5%. 10-12 billion dollars are targeted for the amount of 300 billion dollars, i.e. the income
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that western countries currently receive from this russian portfolio of approximately 300 billion dollars, and this money is definitely a consensus among western countries and through the countries of the big seven that this money how to tax 100% of this money through taxes and then transfer it to ukraine, they are in my understanding... this has already been achieved by western countries and the united states, and the whole seven big, all the g7, and i am sure that in the next two to three months the issue will be resolved that, firstly, these interest will be recalculated in ukraine, and secondly , even there they are going to issue debt instruments that will be there, let's say for 10 years, which will calculate, let's say, taxes on this money in the amount of approximately 40-50 billion dollars, then... that is, debt securities can be issued in the amount of 30, 40, 50 billion dollars, and they will be guaranteed
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precisely by these percentages , to interest income, which western countries have blocked from the reserves of the russian federation 300 billion. and this is a real topic, a real solution, which is methodologically and ideologically agreed upon by all the political and economic leaders of the united states and the great sinka, and i see it as real, but this amount. it is 40-50 billion, this is a very favorable event for us, god forbid that we receive this money, but it will not solve the financing issue. of the annual war budget, because this budget is approximately from 80 to 100 billion dollars, we must spend also on defense needs, if we are going to defend ourselves in a targeted manner, this kind of money, and as western experts say, as military experts, if we want to win back our territories, then apart from the fact that we will have all the remaining resources, we still need to have money approximately more than 100 billion per year
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in order to achieve results, acceptable results for ukraine on the battlefield, so the question of... interest, it is almost solved, the question itself, directly the portfolio of billions of dollars, it is very difficult, and western countries do not want and cannot, and even by law, they do not have such a legal opportunity to destroy their financial infrastructure, if they will have any sovereign money, that is, sanctioned seizure even from such terrorist countries as russia, they can be blocked, the question is precisely... appropriation of this money, or its sanctioned seizure , this issue is very important, and it will not be resolved even by politicians, because i am sure that if such a decision is made, then only through a court decision, a court decision is a long long time, we will not be able to get it, i am sure even half a year, nor in a year, therefore the issue of withdrawing exactly these 300 billion dollars is a big
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issue, which today no one can guarantee that it will be resolved, and most importantly, that it will be resolved within the next... two or three years, well, also recently there was information that the kremlin's taxes from western banks in russia have increased by four, and again , your opinion is interesting here so that we can understand why western sanctions do not work in this case, i.e. somewhere they work, somewhere they don't work, on average it turns out that they don't neither here nor here, and is there a mechanism to block this financial flow to the russian economy, which is currently working, well, to a large extent on... the war against ukraine? well, i agree that it's really nonsense when western banks continue to make money and pay taxes to the russian federation, and the only thing we have to face is the reality, because they are these western banks in russia, they are registered, registered in russia, they russian residents, we must understand that
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all these profits, they earn precisely from of the russian economy, that is, they receive profits thanks to higher commissions, but they take these profits, and these are losses, or they are expenses of russian companies, the russian economy, that is, if western banks were not there, they would not earn, let's say, a million dollars and not pay 30% to the russian budget there, and all these million dollars would remain in the russian economy precisely with the customers, i.e. russian companies would have this money, but today western companies actually simply take money from russian companies at the expense of these profits companies, which is good, because... they took away 100 units, let's say $100, we paid only $30 to the russian budget, and kept $70 as western banks, where the only situation is that these western banks cannot even take the money out of the russian federation, that is, what they earn there is not, let's say, some crime or some bad situation, in fact, i look at it as
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a good situation, because they actually take this money, as their profits are western banks from russian companies, from... the russian economy, that is, russian the economy is faced with the fact that it must be forced to pay more to western banks than they paid russian companies and the russian economy before, that is, today the russian economy is actually suffering because it is losing this money, in fact, in order for the western banks to make money, but everything is equal if a political decision has been made, and this is a moral decision, a mental decision, that western companies, huge companies. leave the russian market in order not to transfer technology, in order not to transfer the best standards, not to transfer the best management efficiency of the company to the companies in russia, all the same, western banks must, under the pressure of the european central bank and the treasury department of the united states of america, simply have to, even with these profits, close their operations, like many western banks
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did, and the same gp morgan, and the same american express bank, that is, all these banks. closed their operations, they said: we are not interested at all, if even we earn more from the russian economy, if we more actually take money from russian companies, we are not interested in it anyway, because we morally cannot conduct operations in the country of terrorists, because if the sanctions were adopted, it is not about profits, it is about what is white and what is black, and that the truth is on the side of civilization, it is on our side, it is on the side of the ukrainians, our western partners, and they directly say that this is not business, business cannot exist on a curve, these are moral measures and moral decisions that we all must adhere to, well, me too... today i read the opinion expressed by the representatives of the big seven, especially the european part of this group of the world
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's most powerful countries, the world's economies, what if this money, say, is not transferred to ukraine, but transferred to russia so that russia leaves the territories abandoned and leaves with of ukraine, and i have a thought here, are these people really so naive who think that the conditional putin for this... well, for these 300 billion will sell the dream of his whole life to destroy ukraine, well , it seems to me that it will not work with a person what is putin, who according to various estimates personally owns somewhere around a trillion dollars, well, if they are not lying, well, i think that this is simply not the amount that can be traded in a situation when a person started a war that he dreamed of, well, half of his life, yes, please, vasyl, i agree that these are naive people who simply do not even understand what it is, and this is not a question of numbers, this is not a question of... sums, it will be 300 billion, or it will 3 trillion dollars, this is ideological, these ideological fanatics, like hitler in his time ideological fanatics, they did not have a question
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about taking a trillion dollars or 500 billion dollars from the jews there and not sending them to concentration camps, it was not a question of finances, it was an ideologically distorted situation, when it was criminals, just thieves, who did such things for ideological reasons, it is not a question of money. for putin, in my understanding, money is important in order to also support his economy, but he understands that ideologically, he is doing it for himself, he is doing it for his, in fact, in my, in my understanding, absolutely distorted ideology in his head, which he reached through his whole life, being in fact an employee of the state security committee of the kgb and after that the person who headed the ffsb, this is ideological, and he also understands that these 300 billion , whether they are there or not, it’s another year or two to pump oil with a pump, well
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, they pump out another trillion dollars from the russian surplus for 3-5 years, that is, they don’t count in terms of money, in fact, some western politicians are naive like that and analysts, they think that it is somehow possible to cure crazy, ideological, just forgive me, sick... people with money, it is impossible. thank you very much for joining, thank you for your professional comments. konstantin zhovago was with us, an investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist. well, we will continue to talk, we will listen to yuri fizer, he prepared a brief overview of the most important events that happened outside the borders of our state. so, let's look, listen carefully. ukraine has the right to use british weapons to attack targets on the territory of russia, he said in an interview the foreign minister of the united kingdom, david cameron, told the reuters news agency. according to him,
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when russia strikes targets inside ukraine, one can understand the ukrainians' decision to retaliate against targets inside russia. at the same time, the head of the british government promised to allocate aid to ukraine in the amount of 3 billion 740 million dollars every year. london will do it with these. how much will be needed the united states of america is preparing an agreement on long-term security support for ukraine, it was announced during the briefing, said the official representative of the us state department, matthew miller. according to him, the work is being carried out together with the ukrainian government, when this document will be ready, when it should be signed by both parties, mr. rechnyk did not elaborate. he also did not answer the journalist's question about what clauses can be included in these agreements. we only know what is going on... about military, financial and other support for ukraine over the next 10 years. the russian war in ukraine is unlikely to end in the near future, more on that in due course
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during hearings in the committee on armed forces of the united states of america , director of national intelligence avril gaines said. at the same time, she predicts that russia will use more aggressive tactics, for example, it will increase the shelling of critical infrastructure facilities in ukraine. according to the main american. intelligence, in this way the russian military-political leadership will try to convince the ukrainian authorities to stop the resistance, since this will not bring victory closer, but will cause considerable damage to ukraine. russia continues to conduct hybrid campaigns on the territory of nato member countries, moreover, such hostile actions are carried out at the state level. this is stated in the statement of the leadership of the north atlantic alliance. according to published information, russian special services are committing hostilities. hybrid operations on nato territory. in particular, in the czech republic, estonia, germany, latvia, lithuania, poland and great britain. the residents of varyan promised to face such
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threats collectively and individually. and assured that such actions will not force the allies to refuse continued aid to ukraine. russia does not currently pose a military threat to nato member states. the minister of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braje, said this in an interview with the european truth publication. at the same time, she added that this possibility exists purely hypothetically, so it should not be neglected. moreover, the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance should increase spending on turnover. as well as conducting military exercises in order to prepare for repelling possible enemy aggression. russia continues to supply oil products to north korea in volumes which exceed the limits set by the un. this was said during the briefing, the official representative of the national security council of the white house, john kirby. currently, the limit is set at the level of 500 thousand barrels per year. last year, russia violated it only in the
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first four months. sent 165,000 barrels of petroleum products to north korea. at the same time , john kirby once again emphasized that the us will continue to introduce sanctions against all those who facilitate exports from russia to the dprk. europe is playing with fire, giving ukraine more and more more weapons, prime minister of hungary viktor orban said about it on the air of the national radio. according to him, in this way the western leaders are only continuing the war, as well as itself, and this could be the cause of a new world massacre, the head of the hungarian government claims that the hungarians are on the side of peace, which is why they are making every effort not to be drawn into another bloodshed, which may begin in europe due to the short-sighted decisions of politicians . there are no slovak military personnel on the territory of ukraine there will be, period, the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, said about it in an interview
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with the publication. ussr this is how he reacted to another statement by french president emmanuel macron that, if necessary, he can send french troops to ukraine. according to the head of the slovak government, ukraine is not a member of nato, moreover, slovakia has nothing to do with the war that is currently ongoing on ukrainian territory. therefore, robert fico assured that none of his soldiers would cross the slovak-ukrainian border. snow, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro - urination under control. kratau contains natural components that take good care of your heart. kratal improves
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