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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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lemberg, mommy, don't cry, a book by the writer olena cherniyka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine, and disappeared in the vast expanses of donbas. haven't seen the classics in tsy, ever, or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in the field dir-dir, then why are we for peace? there are discounts represented by coco discounts of may on eurofast softcaps 20% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings. let's listen to people suffering from rheumatism and arthrosis. the joint pain is so piercing, before that it is impossible to get used to, it does not allow to move. i tried everything, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling
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and improves joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at... events in ukraine, there will be some on the border of kyiv katsaps and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world. front
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society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects both the liver and the gallbladder, alohol with care and up to the liver and bile, good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue, and now is the time to sum up the economic results of the week, oleksandr morchyvka has gathered the most important, most interesting for you into a pile and now it will be to tell, good evening, please, good evening, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes you will find out what was most important in ukraine from the world of money, i will tell you about energy, about the possible growth of the ukrainian economy in the current year, all in detail in a moment, wait. i'm
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oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i'll start with such an optimistic and promising figure regarding the growth of the ukrainian economy. so, despite the war, the gross domestic product will grow by approximately 4.6% this year. this is essentially such a progressive, optimistic figure. well, it's true, missile attacks, in particular energy. structures can worsen this indicator, this is the forecast announced deputy prime minister yuliya sveridenko. the gdp will increase thanks to the development of the military-industrial complex in the first place, and the increase in exports and the improvement of logistics routes for the supply of our agro-food will continue, first of all, and in the future, the metal world markets. well , really, the economy will grow due to the fact that...
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our exports are growing primarily thanks to the sea route, so ukrainian exports from the black sea ports reached 25 million tons of products to the military level. last year, our sea corridor without 1,300 ships took advantage of russia's participation. this was announced by the permanent representative of ukraine to the un, serhiy kyslytsia. according to him, our agricultural products are delivered via an alternative sea corridor to 40 countries of the world, and more than that. the volume of exports for the entire year of activity of this black sea scandalous grain initiative, which in essence blackmailed many countries of the world, in particular african countries, moscow. well, an interesting initiative is really for the growth of the ukrainian economy, for increasing our exports from the united states, in particular the development agency usaid. the agency launched an initiative, it's called harvest, and it's support.
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to farmers for 250 million dollars, the total figure of this program from the usa, so that ukrainians increase, well, in fact, increase crops. areas, increased cultivated areas and exported more products to international markets, no, well, a good amount, in fact, if it will be used effectively, then of course, well, here it is also important to talk in a complex about increasing cultivated areas, it is necessary to actively implement the demining program, humanitarian demining of agricultural lands, it also works and also attracts international funds, it is not only grants, it is not only some donor money, it is also the involvement of international companies. in the ukrainian economy and this is investment. let's go further: more own energy resources, oil and gas increased fuel production since the beginning of the year by as much as 12%. the increase is given by new wells. since the beginning of the year , as many as five facilities have been commissioned in our country. this is the highest volume of production for
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the corresponding period in the last two years, experts say. well, traditionally the highest rates of gas production are in the eastern region our region. states, and naftogaz also offered ukrainian storage facilities, gas storage facilities to be used by turkish partners, as well as for the storage of azerbaijani gas. indeed, now ukraine, in fact, has one of the largest storage facilities in europe, where the fuel of international companies, in particular companies from the european union, is stored, which is then used for the eu heating season. and we also have the opportunity to sell these storage facilities to other companies and also fill the state budget. a good initiative: own gas for ukrainian consumers and own gas storage facilities for foreign companies. well, the russian gazprom reported not on
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profits, as is traditional, but on losses. this happened for the first time in the last 25 years. due to a sharp reduction in supplies to europe, last year the corporation lost that... 129 billion rubles, that's almost 7 billion dollars, according to the reports of the russian energy monopolist, sales fell by as much as 27%, this is a good indicator, mainly due to the gas business, well it is clear that the european union has essentially reduced the use of fuel from aggressor countries, however, the sale of oil on the domestic and foreign markets exceeded sales for the first time. and this despite international sanctions, despite the price ceiling, as they say, for russian bloody barrels, oil continues to be bought in muscovy, and the kremlin continues to receive profits that go to the war in ukraine. and in general, the phrase gazprom reported
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losses is great, in fact, if the entire russian economy reported losses, but unfortunately, it is quite large, that russian economy, and it is very difficult to kill it immediately, well but at least here... such positive news, they nevertheless indicate that it is possible, perhaps, perhaps, if we talk about sanctions, many of them are really working, many of these restrictions, moscow is trying to bypass through third countries, and indeed sanctions take time, really little time in ukraine, but i think that in particular the new restrictions that have been proposed in the states this week, in particular, to reduce the import of russian uranium for nuclear power plants, that is also ... an effective mechanism that will soon be implemented, well and the government ukraine urges not only states, but also european states not to buy uranium from ukraine, the aggressor. well, we know that there are nuclear installations in european countries, let's say, and i understand that some of them were built not without the help of russia, or
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even without the help of the soviet union, a lot of them were also built in some countries, this story continues objects to be reduced, so absolutely, and therefore of course that well, but here the very fact that the united states has stepped and... on this painful point, it is very important, because before everyone thought that, well, no one would touch this, nuclear installations, this is a complicated story, it can be a disaster, but if russia is the flagship in the construction of nuclear power plants, russia is the flagship in the supply of nuclear fuel, i will just remind you that it was april 26, exactly how many years ago, in 1986, the russians built a tragedy on the ms near kyiv, which actually led to the greatest man-made disaster in human history due to a design defect. so what kind of experts they are in the construction of nuclear power plants, in principle, we know the people of kyiv very well, especially, well, i will continue, not only the people of kyiv, all ukrainians, because the whole world if we talk about the tragedy of chernobyl, well, i continue to talk about money, let's go to business, this week the government made changes to
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the program of affordable loans, the ministry of economy reported that the loan for the livestock industry has been increased to uah 150 million, and the maximum amount has also been reduced. batting for financing working capital, we are talking about 5 million hryvnias, at the same time they decided to change the parameters of the 5.79 program, which affect the profit of banks, the amount is limited. earnings for the financial institution, such freed money, which is approximately uah 3 billion, will contribute to the implementation state program of preferential lending at 5.79% per annum, but more than 16,000 citizens have already become winners of the program on their own, they receive funds for business, the ministry of economy informed, most of them are entrepreneurs who take a grant to invest in business development, to increase volumes ... production, master new types of activities. in general , the participants of this initiative will create
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as many as 35,000 new jobs in all regions of ukraine thanks to non-refundable state funds, the ministry of economy reported. most of the program participants are from lviv oblast, ivano-frankivsk region and kyiv region. well, really active ukrainians who have the opportunity to take... grants are registered as natural persons-entrepreneurs and here in ukraine they have opened a record number of fops since the beginning of the year. in the first three months , as many as 70,000 new individuals-entrepreneurs were registered, and this is 18% more than at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, according to the statistics of the open data service open databot. most of the businesses were established in kyiv region and dnipropetrovsk region, and the capital remains the undisputed leader. mostly, according to the data of the open data service, they start their own business in the field
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of trade, provided by individual services and it. well, if we talk about the prospects of small, micro-businesses for the state, in particular, for the budget, then the indicator is not bad, almost 14 billion uah of single tax has been paid since the beginning of the year by individual entrepreneurs, fops to the state. of the budget, well, this figure of more than almost uah 14 billion in tax was announced by the head of the tax committee of the verkhovna rada, danylo getmantsev. well, i will conclude with such an optimistic number a column about money during the war, that's how i saw this economic week, but vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, he will tell a lot more interesting things, there will be sports, a column, there will be weather from natalka didenko. i say goodbye to you, watch us. thank you very much oleksandr
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for summarizing the economic results of the week, and what will come to us today, to you, first of all, serhiy rudenko will visit as a guest, and the guest of his program verdict at 8 p.m., we will now actually ask serhiy . good evening, serhiy, please speak to you. good evening, vasyl, at 20:00 our two-hour program verdict in the first starts. our program will be oleg hrybachuk, ilya yevlash and yevhen magda. let's talk, in particular, about when the first batch of f-16 aircraft will arrive in ukraine, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, major ilya yevlash, will tell us about these prospects and about the plans, because he has already hinted that they will be after the easter holidays . planes, when these planes will appear in ukrainian skies, how they will be maintained, and most importantly, how these planes
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will change the nature of the russian-ukrainian war. oleg rybachuk and i will talk about international politics and statements, the latest statement by the minister of foreign affairs of great britain david cameron, who was in the ukrainian capital yesterday, he stated that british weapons can fly to the territory of the russian federation. so, we can already see how our western partners understand that without the destruction of the military infrastructure of the russian federation, it is impossible to win this war, and therefore the first, as they say, has left, which means that british weapons can be used on the territory of the russian federation by the ukrainian army, yevhen magda and i will talk about peace negotiations, which... can be after the global peace summit, well, at least this
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option of negotiations, or this option of discussing peace initiatives is allowed by the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba, and of course he says that there must be preconditions on the part of the russian federation, we will talk with the executive director of the institute of world aviation about the extent to which peace talks are possible already this year or next. yevgeny magda, and in the second part of our program, which will begin at 9:15 p.m., in we will have a traditional journalism club, this evening we will have olga musafirova, oleksiy mustafin and... marina danylyuk yarmalayeva, let's talk about how the government currently manages the information space in ukraine, how it is not satisfied with the public, how journalists are not satisfied with the government, how the ministry of foreign affairs is trying to use artificial intelligence to replace diplomats, in short, an interesting conversation of my interesting colleagues will last 45
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minutes, i hope you will continue this evening. will stay with us with espresso and watch us. great evening of vasyl zima continues vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much serhii, and serhii rudenko, expect at 20:00. well, the great ether continues and now is the time to talk about sports events. moreover, some events are happening, important events are happening right now. evgeny pastakhov, next to me. yevgeny, good evening, please. good evening, vasyl. greetings espresso viewers. indeed, we will sum up the results of the european cup week in a moment and also. we will remember and talk in detail about the fateful match for the hockey team of ukraine, wait. apothecaries seem to have invented medicine from defeats. bayer leverkusen played their 47th match in a row without a loss. the day before
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in the semi-finals of the europa league, hubby alonso's team beat roma on the road. the match took place in... rome, the capital of italy, bayer scored a goal in each half in the 28th minute after a mistake by the wolves in their own half of the field , florian virts opened the score, already in the second half of the match robert andrich hit the roma goal with a powerful shot. so bayern remain unbeaten in the current season. before the so -called clean season, that is, the season in general undefeated, alonso's wards have six games to play, including may 9. the newly crowned champions of germany will host roma in the second leg of the europa league semi-finals. and in another semi-final match of the europa league, olympique marseille and atalanta did not decide the winner. a 1:1 draw was recorded. and actually the fans saw two scored goals before the 20th minute of the first half.
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the visitors from bergamo opened the scoring in the 11th minute. and gianluca scamac scored, in the 20th marseille restored the lead through an effort from chancel mbemba. so the most interesting part of this duel is ahead in a match on the field of the italian team in a week. and also the day before , the semi-finals of the conference league took place. probably the biggest sensation happened in birmingham yesterday, if we talk about the conference league. and aston villa lost to the greek olympiakos on their own field. striker ayoub el-kabi scored a trick for the visitors. another goal against the villans was scored by santiago goetze. and the english team responded to the four goals scored by the greeks with two well-hit shots - oli watkins and musadia b. i will note that astenvilho is the only and last representative,
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currently the only and last representative of the english premier league, which continues to fight. and the other semi-final match of the conference league was also very effective. fiorentina beat the belgian bruges with a score of 3:2 on their own field. violets won this victory playing in the majority. forward malanzola scored the decisive goal in stoppage time before the second half. the second leg between fiorentina and club brugge will take place on wednesday, may 8. the remaining matches of both the europa league and the conference league will be played on the 9th. and good news for andrii lunin, it is the ukrainian goalkeeper of real madrid who will defend his team's goal in the second leg of the champions league semi-final against bayern munich at the santiago bernabéu.
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varshkov's head coach carlo ancelotti talked about his return. to training thibaut courtois, the main goalkeeper, real's belgian goalkeeper, and according to the italian coach, lunin will defend the goal in the match against bayern, and thibaut courtois will play one half in saturday's spanish league match against cadiz, another half on the field will play the third madrid goalkeeper kepa arizabala. thibaut is feeling good, he will play tomorrow. for such a long time, it is great news for us that he is back, as is militao. i think that courtois can help us. he is very excited and we are all very happy to have him back. let me remind you that in the first match in munich, the teams drew 2:2, and then real madrid's goal was also defended by our andrii lunin. and finally, now let's talk
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about ukrainian football, the matches of the 27th round of the ukrainian premier league are scheduled for the weekend. the following will take place on saturday meetings: oleksandria rukh, obolon lnz and metalist 1925 vorskla. on sunday, on easter , polissia will play against... dynamo kolos and shakhtar chornomorets, and two more matches are scheduled for monday: dnipro-1 kryvbas and veres minai. dnipro-1 kryvbas. in addition to the fact that this is a team from the top of the tournament table, this match is also interesting because the head coach of dnipro, yuriy maksimov, said that if his team loses, he will leave dnipro-1. so we will traditionally summarize the results of the tour in the sports section already on monday. and now let's talk about hockey. playdown. at this moment, the national team of ukraine is holding its final match at the world championship in division 1b. our boys, the wards of
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dmytro hristych, meet with the national team of lithuania. the game started at 19:30 and currently our hockey players are ahead. the score is 1:0 in favor of ukraine. we hope that the winner of this confrontation will be the ukrainian team. will be promoted to division 1a. the ukrainians, as well as the lithuanians, who are the hosts of the competition, won all previous matches at the championship. in ukraine better, the puck difference - 27:1, for lithuania - 15:3. but only the winner of this confrontation will receive a promotion in the class and go to division 1a. let me remind you that our national team of ukraine was relegated to division 1b 7 years ago. in 2017 and all this time, our hockey players did not manage to move up in class, but we hope that it will happen today.
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well, that's the end of the sports column, i wish you a quiet, peaceful evening, the big broadcast on espresso continues, and vasyl zama and natalka didenko will continue it in a moment. well, thank you. very yevgeny pastukhov for information about sports and we wish success in the ukrainian national hockey team, and now i will call on you to donate to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, therefore and therefore we ask you, therefore we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone on solodarsky and zaporizhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any... weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed
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to deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. and i believe that we will be able to close this collection as quickly as possible. and what awaits us in terms of the weather for the weekend, because for many it is a festive, easter weekend, natal klidenko will tell us in detail, mrs. natalya, i am glad to see you, please give me a word, i am very glad mutually, we will talk about the weather for the coming weekend, what will be easter both at night and during the day, literally in a second. synoptic pre-easter greetings to everyone, of course, and we are talking about the weather that is expected in the coming days, for easter, actually, but
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first i want to tell you what our favorite, of course, component of this holiday, paska, is called in general, among neighbors, and close ones, and further, and generally not only here, i discovered a lot of interesting things for myself and will gladly share them with you. well, our closest neighbors are in poland, it's called a dragonfly or baba velkonotsna, polish easter bread, in italian easter dove colomba pasquale, well, in italian, as always, everything is very beautiful, english easter bread, hotrosban, hot cross bun, among bulgarians and romanians kozonak and this bread cake is prepared both for christmas and easter , that's so interesting, dutch easter bread, pasto. croatian and montenegrin easter bread is called pintsia, in portugal it is called folari, and greeks, armenians and turks
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call easter bread in... tsureki, and of course we know very well that easter is ceremonial easter bread, the name comes from the word pascha, one of the names of easter, and mostly paska, of course, is white wheat unsweetened bread, but now we already know that all kinds of masterpieces are made from paska here, well, i would like to note the prototyping of paska , this is traditionally a women's activity, they bake easter mainly... on maundy thursday, sometimes on saturday, and even less often on good friday, but still, i found that it is rarer, that is, it is not forbidden, because, for example, i am alone today it was baked just today, so it just happened, in general, well they say that ideally you can bake on thursday, the best, well, we talked about passover, and we are moving to higher spheres, so to speak, we are talking about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention, as always, a prognostic
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day... from which you can see, what will be observed , well, at the beginning of the day, a certain activation and geomagnetic activity will be more powerful, so please pay attention to your well-being, to your health, although the weather is now so favorable, comfortable, but still, there are people , which feel not quite comfortable when elevated geomagnetic activity, and actually about the weather, we will now talk about the weather of the next day, but of course. i will tell you what the weather will be like on easter. so, we traditionally start from the western regions, and tomorrow in the west of ukraine wonderful comfortable weather is expected with an air temperature of 21-25°, no precipitation, dry and sunny. by the way, tomorrow the west will be your warmest in ukraine. in the north of ukraine , the air will be a little fresher, because the maximum air temperature is only +16-+19°, that is, it is
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the highest that is expected. but here it is the fresh weather will be compensated by a bright and very pleasant sun. in the east of ukraine , the weather will be fresh tomorrow, especially at night, it is expected to be 2.5 degrees warmer in the eastern regions, and +13 +15 during the day and also without precipitation. the central part of ukraine will also belong to the zone of anti-cyclonic weather, that is, without precipitation, the air temperature is, as you can see, too. not very high +16 +19°, in the southern part of ukraine it will be a little warmer, traditionally, of course, the air temperature there is from 19 to 23° and there is also a lot of sun. kyivans, tomorrow is saturday sunny weather is expected, air temperature +17 +19°. and, of course, i want to talk about the weather that is expected for
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easter. it will be cold at night. so dress warmly if you are going to the temple, for example, somewhere between four and eight, from 4 to 9 degrees of heat and no precipitation, but on the day of may 5, short-term rains with thunderstorms in places, although not so powerful there, but nevertheless, in the afternoon, they will take place in the western and northern regions of ukraine, and literally one day this sunday will warm up, and the cooling is the closest that we forecasters see the beginning. from may 8, well , for now, of course everyone have a calm, beautiful and peaceful easter. i can only join natalka didenko's wishes for a delicious easter and peace. of course, we understand that obviously the enemy will be rampant during these holidays, so be careful, in some
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regions of ukraine there are... additional security measures for the easter holidays, especially those regions that are closer to the front line, but wherever we are, we know that ballistics fly fast and can do terrible things, as we do once again we saw the example of odesa, a tragedy happened there this week, so be careful, take care of yourself, don't turn off your cool head no matter what, i'll meet on monday, once again i congratulate you with the upcoming holidays, and serhii rudenko will be on the air in a moment. program verdict, stay with espresso, all the best. good evening, we are with ukraine, today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. with indiscriminate weapons in the cities of millionaires. russia is intensifying missile terror against the civilian population. when the western partners are ready deploy anti-aircraft.


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