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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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stories about people that are broadcast today. thank you, marina. oleksiy, you know about television, both public and non-public, which is in the hands of large media groups and big tycoons. what do you say, this effort that is now in place, does that mean that all other channels are being controlled in one way or another? zelenskyi's office, although everything is not socially controlled, and this means this large pool of large tv channels that are in a single telethon, that have a single policy, and obviously there is one center that manages this unified information policy, well, i wouldn't say that there is one center, in fact, long-term discussions about the creation of public television led to the fact that they tried to build it as such
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an institution, relatively speaking, public, which would not depend on the political conjuncture , and marina praina said that this is a fairly centralized structure, on the one hand, on the other hand, the public one differs from most ukrainian channels, which are tied to the owner, that there is a slightly different the structure of management and leadership, and this is one thing, and the second is that this is a certain... project of the joint ukrainian civil society and our western partners, this connection is quite strong, and that is why it seems to me that the one who will now try to fight with the public will be defeated, at least as long as it is forced to adhere to pro-european rhetoric, of course you can do as in georgia to unfold in the other direction, but if ukraine, the ukrainian authorities will declare... still a european choice, then i
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think that our partners will protect the public , if the existing mechanisms are not enough, they will add, so to speak, efforts, and we can see this on the example of even our closest neighbors, the poles, when social problems arose there, how the european union reacted, despite the fact that the poles did not it was necessary to prove that they need to integrate into the eu, they are already members of the eu, so... i am still optimistic about what is happening with the public, that in fact, of course, they can drink a lot of blood, but the result, i think , which will be in favor of the cooperative. i would like to draw attention to another thing, which is the lack of an angle such an option, well, now here we have become acquainted with american politics in more detail, and we see there a character like medjari green, who er... speaks allegedly on
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her own behalf, but everyone knows her connections with trump and considers her a certain as far as trump's mouthpiece, what trump can't even afford to do publicly, she's going to voice, and i think bezugla plays about the same role, well, sometimes that leads to, you know, like now green did a nice curtsey in that sense , that she wanted to run over, so to speak at her opponents and offered the slogan make... great again, a good slogan, so sometimes, it means that a side effect can be useful, but of course, she does not put such and such a wash in front of her, she did not put it, just like bezula herself, we see, that bezugla is such a tool for transferring public attention, it was the case with her campaign against zaluzhny at the time, i think it was used in others as well. campaigns
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of this kind, and now we see that the government, the government really needs to somehow switch the attention of the public, to channel it into a certain, sure, we see the story with these consular services, which caused a lot of noise, and it was in the noise, i think, that its main meaning was, and not in the fact that the law on mobilization began to work. the same thing is happening now with public affairs, it is a way to shift attention, to cause such, you know, something similar to class hatred, now to journalists, tomorrow it may be to some, i don’t know there , separate factions in the parliament, they will say that there are separate factions in the parliament exist, they take people's money, someone is booked there and so on and so forth, all this logic can be turned in any direction.
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which will, well, appear to be useful, useful for the authorities, i think that her scapade should be treated exactly like that, it is an attempt to divert attention, of course, public... one should not give, offend, but treat how, what it is there is some kind of long-term strategy for the post-war period, well, we know when the post-war period will begin, i think that this is a tactic, and that is exactly how tactics should be treated with these es. chairman of the board of national public television of ukraine mykola chernotytskyi declared the inadmissibility of pressure on... the public broadcaster, according to him, the public is ready for two options: either to remain in the telethon with only news, or to expand broadcasting on the first channel, we either maintain parity conditions, or a model where the public expands its broadcasting on the first channel, while i must understand that it is legal, that it does not
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contradict the decrees of the president, the decisions of the national security council, we must have a guarantee that in the event of withdrawing from the marathon, we will not be accused of undermining national security and starting language... on its channel, the media movement journalistic community called for an end to the pressure on broadcasting as well, but in this whole configuration, they quite often mention and compare the public with the national telethon. serhii leshchenko, an adviser to the head of the president's office, said that without the telethon in ukraine, there would be media chaos, and attempts to discredit it are part of russian propaganda. let's listen to what he said. this is why the telethon was created, to be a source of verified information, not fakes, and it is clear that one of the methods russia's struggle against ukraine is the discrediting of real information that transmits verified information, information
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without fakes, without hype, actually, that is why part of the russian information war against ukraine is being waged by discrediting the marathon, understanding that if there is no marathon, then the media will fail. .. in the conditions of a media house, it is extremely easy to create provocations that split society and glorify ukraine internally in the face of russian aggression. so, ladies and gentlemen, leshchenko says that after the telethon there will be a media house. whether or this means that before the war, when there were many tv channels, there was also a media house, but a structured media house. and now there will be mediahouse, which, according to leshchenko, is... part of russian e-e propaganda or part of the russian concept. olga, what do you say about this? you know, i would say the following, paraphrasing the expression that we already
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use quite often, a large soviet army against a small soviet army, this is large soviet, that is, russian propaganda against... small soviet propaganda, that is, a single marathon. let's call a spade a spade. i understand that the first month, uh, the same terrible one, march 22, yes, the marathon had spectators, not to say that they are grateful spectators, they are shocked, frightened spectators who were afraid to turn off the tv, because it ... was the only connection with the authorities, with what was happening around, and it was necessary to somehow make sense of all the terrible things that fell together with the great invasion. now we understand that the further we go,
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the greater the gulf grows between what is said tv, and what are people talking about in the kitchens? my god, my god, in almost everything. family, if none of the relatives and friends are fighting, then there are friends, there are acquaintances, there are sources of information, and the gap becomes obscene, it becomes like in soviet times, this is a bad story for us, because, well, we are not can treat... citizens in this way, we, i'm talking about media people, we can't treat citizens in such a way that they say: "my god, that tv just barks, you won't learn the truth there." and it is necessary to find out, one woman said, you need
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to find out from telegram channels, mostly anonymous, that is, completely distorted. the exposed reality comes out to us, and that means the audience is once again both the audience and the readers, they are learning again. to catch the truth between the frames, between the lines, that is, for those who lived in soviet times, this is, you know, a skill that we already thought was lost a long time ago, it can return here, because if you want to know the truth, then you have to extract it from there drop by drop. from where it is almost impossible to extract, well, that's it for me
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you know, such a question: is it possible to do without 100% propaganda during the war, talking to society, without propaganda, for me this is an open question, i do not have an answer to it. and if it is not possible, then what percentage of propaganda should there be in that absolutely and such an unhappy picture of reality, which the media must give to people, so that they do not have a distorted idea of ​​what is happening, and is it even possible to ask questions like that, but i am absolutely sure. what to gloss over reality, to calm people down, to say that, well, it's already glory
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god, they give us weapons and money, and of course there are certain problematic actions at the front, and there are such dramatic stories, but still , overall, the positive prevails, so that we do not return the mood of society in the direction when people will begin to decide each one's own fate, and not only their fate, in principle, such processes will begin, such processes will begin, which will then be difficult to reform. vats in society and the responsibility, the responsibility of the media
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in this, it is extremely large, that is, with propaganda at the state level, i believe that need to finish thank you, olga, maryna, why do you think it is, in principle, a logical and correct action to create a single channel. channel of a large channel of verified information, why are we still talking about the ineffectiveness of such a channel, that is, was it not such completely verified information, or, as ulya says, there was a lot of propaganda, too much propaganda, which did not give an idea, well, a complete picture and does not give a complete picture of what is happening in ukraine, or this information policy... verification people who, well, maybe not too
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qualified, are engaged in this information and propaganda. first of all, the quality of these people who work as editors, journalists, and presenters is much better. and secondly, there is such a thing, see, unfortunately, it is impossible to create a single, verified broadcaster. in the conditions of the 21st century, when everyone has access to information in various forms, it is obvious that the only telethon, having received such a first success in 2022, had to develop, invest in some really interesting stories, and not reduce everything to such one-sided propaganda, because, for example, the quote by serhii lishchenko that you voiced, he just spoke in... the only television marathon, and it is absolutely shameful, considering that serhiy
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ilyeshchenko was once a presenter of nadiya journalist. i can say a few words about this quote of his, about the fact that, oh, if we do not have a single television marathon, there will be mediaah, excuse me, please, just the other day we spoke with tetyana nikolenko, she is a very famous ukrainian journalist, my colleague in site censor, and happened so that they worked with serhii lishchenko for a long time, created the ukrainian truth, and tetiana said a very important thing: unfortunately, serhiy leshchenko forgets one point that when in the early 2000s... during the times of leonid kuchma and medvedchuk there were prisons, people did not look for the only verified information on the inter tv channel, they went to look for alternative sources of information, and in this way ukrainian truth received the first boost for its growth, and when we look at how alternative youtubes, alternative online media are developing there, then
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people did not go to look for information on a single telethon, i can say, according to our own projects, we are constantly watching analytics, and there is a huge influx of several categories of the population, that is, relatively young people, who were not going to watch the television product that a single telethon gives, that is, this those people who go to the authors and watch those products that they consider necessary, and a huge influx of even retirees, retirees have mastered elementary youtube and they go to look for alternatives. the only television marathon, and there is such an indicator absolutely on all our friendly youtube channels, we asked colleagues who are engaged not only in politics, but also in historical channels, cultural channels, and all of them were just an explosion, a rush of people from completely different categories, because everyone was simply bored by a single television marathon, it doesn’t work thing, but the authorities are afraid to admit
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that the only televised marathon did not justify itself, and therefore arranges this disgrace. shame and hatred towards the public. thank you marina. oleksiy, if the current government asked you, what should they do with the national telethon? you were a media consultant for several political groups and parties. if you were asked, here is oleksiy, what, what should we do? we have such a national telethon, there are many tv channels, a big budget, but the efficiency there is about 30%. 40 or so citizens of ukraine watch the telethon, well , at least i have come across such statistics that what they need to do in order for this tool to work. well, before i answer your question, i would still like to apply the same method as i did when answering the question about basulas. i'm just interested in who, how
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they say in certain circles, leshchyn crumbles the loaf. he says that they are not satisfied with the marathon, russia is not satisfied, that russia is organizing actions against the marathon, well, we know that the biggest critic of the telethon in the last period was the state department of the united states. i do not think that the state department of the united states, although there are different rumors, but that it works so directly for russia. the second point, if we say that we are a democratic country, we are a country that is, so to speak, the vanguard of freedom in the fight against totalitarianism, we were told that there is no version of ee's secretaries now, and that journalists adhere to certain standards of reporting information, in fact, only at the call of their own souls. i have a question, in this case, why should they all be
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in one marathon, that they understand it very well, they give a verified one. information, they do not coordinate it with the presidential administration, do not verify it in the presidential administration in some shadowy way, they can safely publish their news, working according to the standards they have been working according to the last two years. third moment, if mr. leshchenko says that the task of the marathon was to create verified information, then this marathon involves the public, which issues verified information. obviously, at least in this regard, there are no complaints against him, not even from the side, from the side of mrs. bezuglai, i have a question, maybe it was such an attack on mrs. bezuglai that she encroaches on the submission of verified information to the public, that is, if you say ,
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that we have a media system, in case of which a media house will come to us, then it seems to me that we now have media. because we don't understand what what mr. leshchenko means, this is some kind of mess, there is no logic in this, none, as for my advice, which, of course, no one, except you, asked me, but nevertheless, i was working, even before i consulted, i worked on the inter tv channel, which was mentioned, and i remember the story with the presidency... from the only information channel, then they also said that the main thing is not to rock the boat and give verified information, this was the main motive in creating this unified information policy. i told people then who organized this unified information policy, that it will not work like this and will not, and more precisely, work in the opposite way, because
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the creation of a single monolith that does not differentiate on each channel, that is, there are many channels, but they all tell the same thing, as in soviet union, leads to the fact that for people it merges into one channel, and one of many. because there are other channels and now, thank god, we have various others, so to speak, even technological ones, there are social networks, there are youtube, exists, there are messengers and so on and so on, and it seems to me that people go there not at all because they are bored, tired of the marathon, these are parallel processes, people learn what, what, what they are interested in, what is more operative, what is there, where there is... more, so to speak, an attractive picture for them, a picture of the world, a way of presenting information and so on, there are also bubbles, of course, but nevertheless, it just coincided , that the disappointment in
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the marathon, if anyone had a fascination, also coincided with a change in the habits of the audience, in these conditions, the marathon is definitely doomed, if there are no changes in the near future. and in the direction that there should be pluralism, for people, pluralism of choice, first of all, then it will simply turn into another ut1 that existed during the time of the same leonid kuchka, so the question is that if someone wants to save the patient, then changes are needed, and if nothing is changed, then he will simply... end his life quietly and imperceptibly for education, and here, against the background of what is happening around the public and statements about this media house,
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information has appeared that journalists are being returned to the council, after the journalists get access to the meetings of the verkhovna rada, they will work on a rotational basis due to the lack of places in the shelters, yaroslav yurchyshyn, the head of the committee on freedom of speech, also told the representatives zmi will be banned from broadcasting online. from the parliament, ola, as a long-time journalist, you have been accredited to the verkhovna rada of ukraine for decades. how, how do you perceive this absence, the two-year absence from the parliament, and what it gave to the authorities, and what it did not added to journalists and society? well, actually , when i read it, the chief of staff, i think, told me about it, i would leave. the essence of a full-fledged bomb shelter, and you know, the first opinion of a person who has been accredited in the council for many years. i apologize,
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go down to minus one, where is the buffet, well , it’s a completely local bomb shelter, classic with two exits, well, who cares about those people who have worked in this parliament as a journalist for many years, and forgive me, i just don’t i will. the topic of bomb shelters to develop, because, well, communication transitions between council buildings, they themselves were constructively, at one time, planned precisely as a bomb shelter, so this is so much, forgive me, a bureaucratic refusal that, well, it only causes ... laughter, where, in the council there is a place to hide, and you know, it’s a little bit, it sounds exclamatory, because we really
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say many times that there is a great need for bomb shelters for citizens, kyiv, compared to other cities, it is still in such a priority position, so what we have underground. in other cities, in small towns there is nothing there at all, which means, but in the premises of the council, where there is, well, actually, minus the first floor, where deputies can also be accommodated, we have 20 seconds on the air, thank god that journalists return to the council, in the conditions of martial law, it is simply necessary to come. deputies, and they worked, at least under the supervision of the press. thank you, olga busafirova, marina danyliuk yarmalai, oleksiy mustafin were guests
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of our program today. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. by participating in the program. during programs, we asked you, friends, whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications. let's look at the results of the television survey: 11% - yes, 89% - no. we will put an end to this. it was the verdict program by serhii rudenko. i will say goodbye to you until monday at 20:00. i wish you a peaceful holiday. be healthy, take care of yourself and your family. goodbye. and what do you think about lakalut fix? it fixes reliably, did my dentist advise me? yes, and particles of food do not get under the prosthesis, and the price is good, the right choice for my retirement. lacalot fix is ​​a new cream for extra-strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums. so your
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10:00 pm
congratulations, for two weeks now in russia there has been a continuous immersion of russians into such a past, well , this immersion, it is the actual one, why is it suddenly sacred, sometimes even the propagandists themselves do not really understand and somehow broadcast their doubts on some tv channels, such as mordan, he does not understand what may day is, why he is this may day, and why himself. it should be a holiday. today, the pioneers triumph over the boys' holiday. may 1. i congratulate everyone who celebrates. although i must confess to you in all his conscious life he had never met a single one.


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