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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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congratulations, for two weeks now in russia there has been a continuous immersion of russians into such a past, well , this immersion, it is the actual one, why is it suddenly sacred, sometimes even the propagandists themselves do not really understand and somehow broadcast their doubts to some. tv channel, such as mordan, but he does not understand what may day is, why it is may day and why it should be a holiday. today is a holiday for the boys, the pioneer triumphs, may 1, i congratulate everyone who celebrates, although i must confess to you that in my entire conscious life i have not met a single of a person, as the day of international solidarity
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of workers, it used to be called that, what to call it now, i don't know, most likely, it's like labor day in the americans, colleagues, look, it's just now on the internet, what it 's called in russia now. and why is it suddenly a holiday, we can assume that it is a holiday, because for the next week, all the main russian political shows were not aired, and this is, in principle, a holiday for the russian people. from russian
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propagandists can also be considered as such, you know, even a holiday somewhere, and the fact that it's just a broadcast of some such endless soviet union, well, that's what their news shows, that's basically how they present it, as you know, we're going back to the soviet union, we're going back to somewhere that someone once remembered there, and not very much, for example, in these news. a warm holiday, today is the day of spring and labor, many of us still well remember the traditional may day demonstrations, where thousands of people gathered. now the holiday is overgrown with new traditions, but, as before, everything is bright and with a special scope. well, about traditions, which ones have been before, so you can show how, for example, the parade took place on may 1 , 1941, at the same time, it also... says the traditions are also
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beautiful traditions, this is in moscow, the 41st year, and who are the guests at this holiday on may 1, now they will show such guests in such a beautiful, such a nazi uniform, realistically, that is , the war has been going on in europe for a year and a half, almost the entire continent is already occupied there, britain is at war, here are the soviet troops. meeting with the nazis, well, who else can they meet with, if they are their best allies, in fact there are 180,000 in britain before that destroyed at the moment, 2 million houses were destroyed there, meanwhile, here is the soviet union, you see there saluting nazi officers, these are the traditions of may 1, and apparently this is exactly what they are trying to revive in modern russia, otherwise it is difficult to explain. and you know, other
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traditions of the soviet union are also ready to be revived in modern russia, for example, labor camps, this is a good soviet tradition that is proposed to be revived, some other figure from united russia, well, this is the ruling party in russia, the party of the president, that is, it is proposed to be revived labor camps today in in the construction sector, about 30% of vacancies are not filled, i believe that we do not have unemployment at all in the tomsk region, but the people you are talking about need a mark, and they go to your employment fund and receive unemployment benefits, so , in your opinion, it might be worth considering the issue of some labor camps, that's all we had, well, colleagues, why are you laughing if you are on construction site? there are no
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concrete workers, rebar fitters, welders, there are not enough electricians, especially in winter, when you need to warm up the concrete, well, i’ll tell you, in me today engineers, technical staff. and they take turns to warm the concrete, in winter, especially, we have winter, sorry, 6 months, a lot of people who simply do not want to work and use state support, well, they are just vermin, they are worms on our body, maybe i said it wrong, sorry , but there are a lot of such people, and the fact that you are talking about the measures that you propose, they will not give results immediately, and they will not be there for a long, long time, people need to be educated. well, let's apply some drastic measures, especially since there are many, many vacancies, well, such a good may day, on labor day, the idea of ​​reviving the camps, especially
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in winter, well, that's right, who else can be put somewhere in a barrack in the winter, preferably not heated, why, well, it should be traditionally in russia, here. .. like this year, so that there is no heating, and let them go and connect some wires, well, such a good idea came up, well, and on the other hand, of course, in addition to the fact that the russians are resting from the propagandists, well that they still go to barbecues, obviously, yes, and here it also turns out that suddenly it is also some scrap of the russian world, the same mardan said that it turns out to be a scrap, moreover, he once told something like this:... a lot about the russian world itself, what it imagines with itself, and where in this russian world the scraps come from, the scraps turn out to be , the russian world traditionally steals somewhere, about shashlik, about shashlik, shashlik is a scrap,
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it is impossible to argue with this, it is an example of a typical classic appropriation, russians in this sense are nationally imperial, everything we like we are for... there is nothing more russian than kebab, well yes, borscht was stolen from the ukrainians, from the chinese, matryoshka dolls from the japanese, in the end they stole barbecue from the caucasian peoples, they stole everything, well, to say that in fact... the people somehow brought more things there, built roads there, something else, no, these they just steal and that's what they say, we are an imperial people, because we steal something from everyone, and the only idea, you know, of the russian world is to steal something, and that's it, well, for some reason
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, that's the interpretation of the russian world, somehow it in europe, it is not widely spread in the world, but in vain, because, well, more often, it is necessary somehow to explain what the russians themselves see as the idea... of the russian dimension to steal something from someone, well, if there is something, then they steal, but no, and just a few days ago, well, we already know takir carlson, an american propagandist like that, who used to interview there, first with putin, then with pavel durov, the owner of telegram, now he has released an interview with oleksandr dugin. who is considered to be some ideologue of the russian world, well, he is probably an ideologue of how to steal better, and actually this ideologue was telling him something, and there is someone with such a you know, i listened seriously, and
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what they talked about is, in principle, quite characteristic in itself, because it shows us what exactly the russians are trying to promote now. in the united states of america, because you know, this is the sequence, there is putin, then after him durov, as such a representative, you know, something so technical, something so fashionable, some new creative industry, and now here is an ideologue, fool, all this is a clear sequence, a clear attempt to promote in the united states some, some such, you know, the mysterious russian world, yes, which seems to have something to do with it, that not only are they killing everyone around them, they are not only stupid aggressors, but there is something else in them ideas, and what ideas, and why exactly american,
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some part of american society can somehow be so favorable to them, but it is clear, for example, from this comment, it was even brought to the russian news. uh, just to show that it was, like , the main thing in what dugin said to tucker carlson, let's see what's up. what is the cause of western russophobia and what values ​​does our country protect? oleksandr dugin gave the answers to these questions in an interview with tucker carlson. an american journalist calls him russia's most famous political philosopher and notes: "the ukrainian government killed his daughter." here is a fragment of the interview. more recently, a year ago, putin signed a decree on the political protection of traditional values. and this, i would say, was the starting point. but observers in the progressive camp in the west, i think... got it from the start of its leadership, it is, so this hatred
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is not just a coincidence or some kind of mood, if your main task and goal is to destroy traditional values, traditional family, traditional states, traditional relations, traditional beliefs, and here someone with nuclear weapons and not the smallest arsenal, which is important as an argument, begins to seriously defend the traditional values ​​that you are going to abolish, i think they have grounds for... this russophobia and hatred of putin, that is , the idea that nuclear, nuclear weapons appear to be they're just defending traditional values, you know, it's like that, that kind of manipulation is very deep, but that's exactly what the russians are trying to, well, roughly speaking, sell to these conservative americans, again, not that they're like... well they are just stupidly and aggressively trying to seize the territories around them, yes, and as if they are protecting
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traditional values, some there, well, the thing is that recently there is literally no propaganda program on russian television that does not talk about all this, you know there traditional so-called values, well, that's absolutely correct, they, because... that's the only thing that they have now, as a result of all these, well, two years of war, that's the only thing, it turns out that they can say, that's what they are, what they are with are fighting in ukraine, it turns out that they are fighting for traditional values, as if there are some wrong values ​​in ukraine, which are not like that, it is not clear to anyone, except perhaps dugin, but there is another way to say why they are fighting, they cannot, there is simply no such thing, well and here, for example, it is constantly, in order to, you know, somehow explain it, they constantly invent some
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legends, well, a new legend, for example, this is the statement of the speaker of the state duma, volodin, about how russia was excluded from the per . we didn't come out by chance, and that already says a lot, they don't look at whether the majority is in this faction or not, they selectively, necessarily demand that people of non-traditional orientation be represented, well, it's called not volodyanup. to talk about it, volodin is simply famous, let's say yes, with his non-traditional orientation, well
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, simply throughout the russian elite, that is, he could not say something about it somehow, well , but less so, the funniest thing in this comment of his is actually the fact that the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe in march of this year, she expelled russia, well, that is, russia did not leave the country, russia was expelled, excluded, and... and excluded from the country precisely because of the incompatibility of its behavior with the principles of the organization, because it is an aggressive country, it attacks everyone and carries an attack on well, i'm delusional, after all , its management is constantly lying, that's for it it was she who was excluded, and before that the russian federation had already been excluded before, and it must be said that at that time they somehow did not pay much attention to who was ahead, moreover, russia was grabbing there with their hands and feet. in order for them to be returned to the front again, the russians
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gave, well, not quite a bribe in the literal sense, they corrupted the leadership, they tried to corrupt the couple, so that they would be returned to this couple, that is, they did not want to sit there, you see, that they simply made every effort to have them there, but nothing worked out, they were kicked out and now such legends tell, well, it's just so small. episode, but let's return to dugin and the interview with tucker carson, what are the russian propagandists trying to do, well, they are trying to show the american. you know, some kind of your own, well, i don’t know, intellectual, cultural capacity and intellectual and cultural value, here you are, well, who are they showing, well, they showed putin, well, they showed durov, well, now they show it as a philosopher, and this is taken the interview was at the same time that tucker carson was in the
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moscow, had an interview with putin, that is , in fact, if we look at it now, as it all is, we... we understand that most likely takir karlson took, you know, well, such an order from the kremlin for such promotion of russia in the united states, as such, the promotion of all these russian values, let's say, this is an order that he is working on, and you see, he is already working on it, well, in fact, more than one month of exits, because since that interview with putin, well, enough has passed many. time there for two months, probably and probably there will be something more about this, obviously, we can expect some other such moments of practice, well, in principle , the russian propagandists themselves, well, as if they explain, and why dugin in particular, well, maybe there is simply no one to show, well, but here
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they explain that this is because something like some kind of mystical behind... and here to go on stage, you'll forgive me, i'm quoting mardan here, you'll forgive me for looking at myself from the side like this, and then oleksandr gelich dugin, who looks like everyone at the same time, comes on the stage cool russians, tolstoy, dostoyevsky and solzhenitsyn, putin's philosopher, who lost his daughter and indomitable, who wrote books so thick that any american professor looking at them feels like an impostor, for america and the conservative, thinking. let's talk more, but on the other hand, what about duging, the personification of the russian idea, about this we show, really, who is shown, well, not the hero of the so-called svo, because let's show now the latest news about the heroes of the svo, these are the ones you know, a disintegrator maniac and a cannibal met in the svo zone,
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the cannibal who killed a tajik there and ate his heart is so beautiful. ieds, well, really, they should not be shown to the americans, because, well, there they might somehow be too scared of such traditional russian values, dugin is shown, allegedly, as such a mystical, mysterious person. well, let's listen a little then to this mysterious mystical person, well , we have already heard about traditional values, about the fact that they defend them, but how do they explain... the fact that they fight in the west, that's exactly how they show it all that they are they did not just attack ukraine, not just because they want to seize the lands of ukraine, not just because they are trying in their fantasies to immerse themselves in the past and restore the soviet union, as if because they are at war with liberal values, well,
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he spoke about liberalism itself, such a doyenne. the light for liberals is lucifer, so if we're not like lucifer, what, what liberalism is, is satanism, just pure satanism, that's what nihilism is, individualism, and if liberals believe that light is progress and development, that's it the way they propose to follow the lgbt community and transhumanism, then in relation to such light, to me, russian darkness. much closer, but i certainly think that we carry the real light, and our people are precisely the most important lamp, its heart lives its heart, despite the trials that we go through through the centuries, it still remains tender, it still remains the , who loves it all, a liberal is like a curse, a liberal is like a criminal,
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an invalid, a madman, it is interesting, yes, - it is like an invalid, it is very interesting, that is, if the hero there svo received a disability, then he probably immediately becomes a liberal, accordingly and a servant of lucifer, well, according to dugin. if you thought that everything you heard was just some delusional nonsense, then you were wrong . in fact, this is a delusion devoid of meaning. in principle, like everything. this is the ideology that dugin broadcasts, it's just a set of words, well, like some, well, you know, that's the kind of person, immersed. indeed, all mysticism is in such a way, that is, it is not philosophy, it is not some kind of understanding of the world of depth, no, it
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just the delusion of a sick person, just like dugin himself in principle, moreover, it is the delusion of a person who loves death as such, and we have already given him a story where he called: "kill with us, die with us", that is, what he basically said... well, i don't know, for the last 10 years, he constantly calls everyone to die, to kill, that's the main thing he calls for, but for some reason he didn't want to talk about it with tucker carlson, and tucker carlson didn't ask him about it either, but that's the main thing about dugin, it's absolutely that one, well, you know, some kind of semi-sick type who just sows death around him ... well, it's one thing, another, it's actually when it comes to something more realistic, for example, the events of the war, here he is, as
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tucker carson said there, a brave man, a brave philosopher, let's listen, and what does this brave man and brave philosopher say about the events, well, not so far away, that happened, well, here are literally two. years ago, how he boldly, like a philosopher, comprehends the aggression that his country carries out, let's see, and the fact that we started a war and cannot finish it in the west is perceived as our weakness? yes, of course, they were initially sure that we would win instantly, and had already built their entire policy on the fact that we would take half of ukraine. and we will force kyiv to capitulate, and we stood in the first days of the war, we stood in very good positions, and then something happened, no one knows what in reality,
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or what cannot be talked about for censorship reasons, and rightly so, even if i i am doing a victim of censorship, then i'm for censorship, we're just not allowed to say what happened, but something happened, something happened, yay yay yay, so what? this happened, well, actually two years ago, one of the generals of our police, zhukov, said it beautifully, who simply explained what happened in the kyiv region with the russians, let's remember these literal words, which have become a meme for a long time, and where they are now kyiv region, they are not there, why, because they got it, that’s all, that’s all, so here... you know, such a profound philosopher already somehow it was possible to make some sense of it, and not say that they were not told, or it shouldn’t be said, everything is very simple, they got it on the head and there was no more of them
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in the kyiv region, the whole mystery, well, and actually why, why is this being broadcast now everything why they are trying to promote it now, i already said that it is an attempt to compensate with hybrid methods, now again. something that, well, actually, military methods do not completely work out. yes, the russians are now advancing and advancing. yes, they are now taking advantage of the fact that we do not have enough weapons, not enough people, many things are missing. and that gives the russians, well, you know, a window of opportunity to attack. but at the same time , the pace of this offensive is still such that it cannot be called that. you know, this whole effort, for two years, they switched to the military. rails, for two years they gathered all the prisoners there from all the prisons there, i don't know , they pushed a bunch of migrants into that army, they even
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brought some indians from india, who were tourists who came there , and they threw everything that moved there, drove them into the army and that, and as a result they advance, well, against, well, in fact, let's be honest, a very, very tired ukraine, bombed, where it is completely destroyed... the practical economy is completely, they are advancing, well , at a kind of turtle's pace, that is, there is no such, you know, great effort, that's why we have to now we have to put pressure on the americans, we have to invent, we have to promote the russian peace in america again, there is nothing new in this, i will tell you, it is actually a repetition of what happened the day before and in the first...years of the second world war, that's for sure , goebbels, nazi germany, promoted in the united states, so-called isolationism.
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so that the united states would not interfere in the affairs of europe, that they would sit there by themselves, that they would not help britain to fight, all this was in the united states , newspapers were created there, there were a lot of friendship societies with germany, well, there was a whole extensive network , which worked only for one thing, for the united states not to interfere and there were those... politicians of the united states, such as tucker carson, like there, well, that, that, that, the sena, the congresswoman, who tried to stop passing the law there with their amendments, there were exactly the same people who tried to prevent the united states from entering the war, and now we are seeing a repetition of this again, but the russians are already doing it all, and again the same thing is blowing.
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says absolutely clearly why this is so, why this is so important, because there will be no russia if russia is defeated in ukraine, it simply will not exist, and they feel it, and the same duin feels it, putin feels it, and they all, you know, as rats fear it, it's their main, you know, night terror, that here they'll be defeated before probably... it will come, it must be imagined, and we have very few such images of a happy russian future, or maybe none at all, that is, something very vague, something unclear, and at the same time there are impulses that push us towards this russian future, with of our culture, there are very strong currents coming from us, like a current, a vital current, they push us, if anything, to what, it is not known, our real, it is connected with our victory, we are, and now putin is also saying about this:
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we are about it, if there is victory, if there is no victory we are not on svo, well, let's look at the other side of this statement, our existence as russians, as a state, as a people and as a society is not guaranteed, moreover, it is being questioned today, non-victory for us will not be some kind of compromise, non-victory will be our non-existence , we won't be able to imagine this russian future, because otherwise, it's if it's... there won't be such victories, if there's not total victory, it'll be total defeat, that's the thing, that's what separates us from the west. and us our stop will mean the end of all of russia, as such, because our society will not accept any compromises, after these sacrifices, after this tension, after this mobilization. that is, they do not have a future, they do not have a vision of this future, all they want is to conquer ukraine, and it is their only one. actually
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, the proposal to trump and people like tucker carlson is this: let us conquer ukraine, which is what other propagandists are talking about. trump will try not to surrender ukraine to us, but to sell ukraine. trump understands that ukraine is a liability for him, he understands that even the very fact of handing over ukraine to russia will pull russia away from china. what about us? and we have china and iran. in the sense that we should refuse to cooperate closely with them. there is another important point here, i think trump understands it. like many american experts, there is no need to demand that russia end its alliance with china and iran, just give ukraine, stabilize relations with russia, and it will automatically pull away from china and iran towards the west. we benefit from
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balancing, we are multipolar and we try play on all fronts like all normal countries. that is, all this, all these interviews of tucker carson with putirov, now with dugin, they are all about one thing, about the fact that russian propaganda is trying to influence the american state. society on a part of the republican party, on some of its deep conservatives with one single proposal that they express: let us conquer ukraine, let us conquer ukraine, and we will not cooperate so directly, strongly, closely with iran and china, that's all an idea, that is, a request literally the only thing they
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come to trump and offer is not... give russia about...


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