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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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"we are multipolar and try to play on all fronts, like all normal countries." that is, all of these interviews of tucker carson, with putin, dorov, and now with dugin, all of them are actually about one thing, about the fact that russian propaganda is trying to influence american society, the republic there. party on some of its deep-seated conservatives with one single proposal that they express: let us conquer ukraine, let us conquer ukraine, and we will not cooperate so directly and closely with iran and china, that's the whole idea, that is , literally the only request that they go to trump and offer, don't let russia...
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lose, that's all, and we will be in the near future, until the presidential elections in the united states, we will now see the broadcasting of this single narrative, through a bunch of interviews, through such mercenaries, among american politicians for the money of the russians, all this we will be with one single idea, do not let russia lose, because if... russia will lose in ukraine, it will end as such an imperial country, or maybe the end, as in general, well, what we see today, as the russian federation, it simply will not happen, so this is the story, see you, laugh, physical. even during such a small
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vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give based on facts his assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours? tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from...
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taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bc, picked up the boys quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to contribute by donating to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd cold brigade. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. another bribe from femidi. how the police detained judge burhan. receipt of funds by the persons involved was documented. but why did the supreme court lower
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the quality of judging judges? the qualifying commission throws all those facts into the dustbin judges, their dishonesty, their property. greetings, this is a judicial control program, and as always, we are talking plainly. a reform on which our european prospects directly depend. how is the new judiciary being formed in ukraine and is it really possible to talk about a total renewal with confidence? experts notice alarming symptoms that may threaten the entire reform. about all this today, but first traditionally to the news. another judge was caught on a bribe. the police arrested the head of the upper dnipro court of dnipropetrovsk serhiy region. according to the case materials, he demanded 2,500 dollars through an intermediary, for which he promised to remove the seizure from the property that was seized as part of the criminal proceedings. in the course of the investigation, it was documented that the persons involved received funds, after receiving which the judge made an illegal decision in favor of
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the person. during searches of the places of residence and work of the persons involved, the law enforcement officers seized the funds that were received as illegal benefits. in the center of opposition. corruption drew attention to other manipulations by serhii burhan. he headed the upper dnipro court of the dnipropetrovsk region since 2007. last year , judge tetyana petryuk became the new head of the court. however, she was re-elected within three days, burhan was again the head of the court. presumably, in this way he circumvented the ban on presiding over the court for three terms in a row. the public council of virtue exposed the superpower of the judge. he can make decisions without being at the workplace. moreover, this is how he manages to issue more than 50 resolutions in one day. in total, the state administrative court counted 68 decisions that serhii burhan made while studying at the school of judges. the second the disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice sent for dismissal the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region oleksiy dandyr, who last year in a state of alcoholic intoxication beat to death the soldier
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of the national guard vadym bondarenko, when he was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv. now the final decision must be made by the entire composition of the supreme council of justice. currently, the judge is although suspended from the administration of justice and in a pre-trial detention center, he is still not dismissed from his position and still receives a considerable salary the higher qualifications commission continues to conduct interviews with candidates for the post of judge and with current themis employees, assessing their integrity and professional competence. and although this is already an updated composition of the vkks, which was formed with the participation of foreign specialists and taking into account high international. standards, experts and public activists notice a decrease in the quality of conducting assessments. the commission is increasingly turning a blind eye to non-compliance. we reloaded the highest qualification commission of judges on 100% expectations from them, and this is not only the expectation of ukrainian society, because the request for the purification of the judiciary, it has been
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very relevant since the days of the maidan, since the revolution of dignity, and we have only just started this process, or have we resumed, let's say, qualification evaluation judges, which began. year with a new body, which was supposed to finally dismiss unscrupulous judges, and everything started as if it was not bad, but now the percentage of cases, the percentage of judges in respect of which the decision was negative, the public council of integrity, that is, recognized them dishonest, in respect of which the higher commission of judges agreed, today only 38%, of more than 110 judges who have already passed the qualification assessment, at least... two had negative conclusions of the public integrity council, and more than half of them the higher qualification commission, despite recognized the dubious integrity as appropriate for the position and sent her to dismissal only on the 22nd. that is, in two-thirds of the cases of the supreme court
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, the commission of judges throws into the dustbin all the facts and all the things that were found in relation to judges, their dishonesty, their property, their previous decisions. and so on, this is a bad number, but a catastrophic trend, because if this continues, then there is every chance that in a few months, not even years, the vkks will reach the figures... of the previous vkks kozyakov, which actually and dispersed for the failure of the judicial reform, when only 15 of the 3,000 judges who passed the qualification assessment were dismissed. serhiy babiya of the pavlograd city district court of the dnipropetrovsk region. in 2018, babia's wife bought a chr car for almost uah 800,000. babii says that part of the amount is for him. allegedly her mother gave it, he paid the other, but in the declaration the judge for some reason did not indicate either the mother's gift or
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his own. it was said: i give the old one to my mother, and she helps me buy a new one fifty-fifty 50-50, that's all. in 2013 , serhiy bebia's wife purchased shares of the ebrd public joint-stock company for almost 110,000 uah according to the foundation, at that time she had no official income, the judge already. some of the annual declarations did not report such shares or income from their disposal. the wife purchased these securities with her own funds, i had nothing to do with this transaction, so what did she actually buy for, but sold, well, okay, but where did she get these funds? this is the question. the wife always had her own free funds. the public council of virtue draws attention to... the connections of judge serhii babii with the acting people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, a member
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of the verkhovna rada committee on legal policy, by oleksiy demchenko. in particular, together they were the founders of a law firm and even jointly own an office with an area of ​​111 m2 in dnipro. i stopped my participation in the society, and communication with demchenko continued sporadically. formally , i am a member of the working group of ukrainians. of the parliament on the issues of proper financing of the judiciary, which were created by the decision of the legal policy committee headed by mr. demchenko. from 2018 to 2021, the judge and his family members repeatedly traveled to russia. according to the public council of integrity, babii crossed the border with the aggressor country at least six times and returned to ukraine in less than a week. babiy himself explains this by the rules of border registration and not. information incorrectly entered into the system, the judge's file includes
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nabu's information, and the departure airport is dnipro, the arrival airport is sharmershen, the section of the russian border, did you cross the border with the russian federation? no, they did not cross, no crossed this explanation fully satisfied the vkk. in february 2022, serhii babii tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice. the ethics council finally studied his biography and found him unscrupulous. the ethics council, which was engaged in the reform of the high council of justice, which , together with international experts, admitted that, more precisely, it did not give a recommendation on the criterion of integrity, recognized the judge as unscrupulous in fact. the high commission of judges at the qualification evaluation says: everything is great, great judge, you can continue to work until the end of your days, in the updated, reformed court system of ukraine. often a higher qualification commission. of judges turns a blind eye to judges' smearing of drunk drivers. themis officials
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use a common scheme of prolonging the case, and then simply closing it because the time limit has expired. this is a well-known evasion scheme to avoid responsibility for drunk driving. as a result, we have accidents, fatal, including, literally not so long ago, there was a story about an 18-year-old girl who was killed by a drunk scumbag, sorry, while driving. which before that, six months before, the judge did not take away the right, in spite of all this, the higher commission of nova judges recognizes them as virtuous. thus, the supreme court of justice retained ada pedenko, the judge of the solomyanskyi district court of kyiv, who, according to the calculations of the civic council of virtue, actually amnestied the 21st drunk driver and the judge of the slavyanskyi city district court of the donetsk region, alina honcharova, who closed about 100 cases for driving on top-up. judge goncharova, who... closed more than 50% of the cases she had on drunk driving due to the
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statute of limitations, which means that most of the cases that you consider under this category, you consider so badly that they are closed and the deadline simply expires. last november, the higher qualification commission of judges and the public integrity council agreed on a joint list of markers that indicate non-compliance of a judge or a candidate for the position of judge with integrity and professional criteria. ethics, as well as the principles of their application. however, vkks seems to have decided to ignore the agreements. drunk driving are indicators in black and white, written in the criteria that together. agreement of the highest circles of the commission of judges and the public council of integrity, which are indicators of dishonesty, that is , both bodies agreed that if there are such cases, it is not honest, the decision is contrary to the decision of the same, the very same body. if this trend continues, the entire qualification assessment, and therefore the general cleansing of the judicial system of ukraine,
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will be in danger. qualification assessment of judges is one of the priorities. vkks was rebooted. one was the number two reload of the vkks ivrp out of seven points that we needed to fulfill in order to obtain the status of a candidate and open negotiations on joining the eu, that is, in fact, if this reform fails, everything goes to that, then there will be no european integration for us, well, that is, we will be in this limbo for an endless number of years candidate status and surpass turkey simply by this parameter, which has been there for 25 years. so currently , whether the judicial reform will continue in ukraine depends on the quality of the work of the high qualification commission of judges, and from yes and the way to the european union. and that's all for today, if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly
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a week. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with dolgit joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. long joints facilitate movement. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate zas after its
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release? energy expert olga kosharna tells. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. see this week in the collaborators program. how he became a shoe seller. the head of the occupying public chamber. as a result of the coup on the maidan, there was the legitimate government in ukraine was overthrown. but why is zaprodanka from luhansk region being taken care of by russian soldiers? since february 23, congratulations. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the behest of sece and the wallet. how much
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is the oryza of a collaborator worth, for what benefit from the occupiers of citizens? ukrainians are ready to sell themselves to scumbags and serve murderers, an idea, money, ghostly fame or a dream position, everyone has their own price, but all sellers have one thing in common, for their treachery they will have to pay. our today's issue is about those who in the temporarily occupied territories are blindly guided by the orders of the kremlin and vainly think that punishment will be avoided. he exchanged his mandate as a ukrainian politician for the career of a traitor. called to the point that we do not have an escalation of such hostilities in the east, and the state really thought that the issue was already over, but this conflict did not go anywhere, this is bulyuk vitaly viktorovych, he is 55, a native of the village of gladkivka, kherson region. in this three-year-old video, he, as
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a deputy of the kherson regional council says, that it is necessary to increase the funding of ground defense. at first glance, the flight... which is concerned with issues of national security, but as it turns out later, the issue of national defense, unity and ukraine in general did not interest him much. bulyuk's career began to develop rapidly in 2003, when he was appointed deputy chief of kherson customs. soon the man was promoted, and from 2007 to 2015, bulyuk was the head of kherson customs almost continuously. at the same time, he took the first steps in politics. starting with... was a deputy of the kherson regional council from various parties, the now banned communist party and our region. a party appeared that united all the people of the cause in itself. i made such a decision for myself. bulyuk decided to keep his warm place in the deputy seat at any cost.
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after seeing russian tanks in the kherson region, he put the credentials of a ukrainian politician far away in a drawer and happily ran to earn the reputation of a russian official. according to law enforcement agencies , on april 16, 2022, bulyuk helped the rioters capture. the building of one of the city councils on the territory of the region, and also convinced local residents not to prevent the occupiers from distributing so-called humanitarian aid from russia. i made a choice too, i am for peace, for friendship. i am for the fact that fascism will never happen again on the territory of the kherson region. for his pro-russian choice, he received dividends in the form of positions. at first, the firemen appointed him alone. from gauleiter volodymyr saldo's deputies, already on august 17, 2022 , vitaliy bulyuk became the temporary acting head of the fake
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military-civilian administration of the kherson region. planting trees is timed to the day of reunification with the great motherland, russia, so we are starting, continuing and continuing such events. now bulyuk was given a new position, now he is the first deputy head of the illegal government. of the kherson region on finance and economy, and the betrayal did not go unnoticed. ukrainian partisans arranged a big boom for him right next to his house in temporarily occupied skadovsk. bulyuk miraculously survived, but his driver died. an attempt was made on our associate, our friend who works in the government. there was a specific attempt on his life. as he was leaving his house, an explosion rang out. the device was hidden across the street. fortunately, he remained alive. but bulyuk did not have long to rejoice at the fact that he remained alive.
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i am sure that our law enforcement officers will arrest him soon. the question of choosing one's future destiny, life with a great powerful country. that's why i'm in a great mood. the case of this seller is already under consideration in the kherson city court. then but who knows perhaps, before the verdict in bulyuk's yard , one more woman will happen, spring thunderstorms are so unpredictable. in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, the russians completed the formation of a local so-called public chamber. what is this body and who manages it? the public chamber is a body without powers, which should create the illusion of public society in russia. in fact, the chamber issues a certificate of a public figure and gives an assessment to legislative initiatives. the leadership of the chamber is appointed by the president of the russian federation , putin, you might think that for the position the heads of this chamber appoint someone influential or famous, but no, he became
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a shoe salesman. i would really like it to be felt on the other side, not only in ukraine, but preferably far away, where the puppeteers are sitting, controlling everything that is happening. originally from the kherson region, until february 24 ukrainian sources only knew about his biography that he was a private entrepreneur and sold shoes, but this is what he tells about himself to propagandist russian media. kacher positions himself as a journalist, activist and defender of the russian language in ukraine. like with in 1992, he began to publish regularly, these were articles. on military and political topics, which appeared, in particular, in the central editions of russia. for a long time , the man was a member of the worldwide zhdimin search service in the kherson
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region, and in 2014 , the security service of ukraine charged kacher with separatism and anti-state activities for his articles in russian publications. as a result of the maidan coup , the legitimate government in ukraine was overthrown, and from that moment a series of events began. which as a result led to the beginning of svo. ideal biography to occupy a high chair in russian institutions. like, i am for mother russia, i waited a long time for you, defended the russian language, wrote laudatory articles about the kremlin. tired of selling shoes, give me at least some position. not surprisingly, when the full-scale invasion began, kachur ran to hug the killers. it was not possible to remain in that... life and in the condition in which the people of kherson lived for the past 30 years, and finally such an opportunity appeared. at first, he helped
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the occupiers in conducting pseudo. referendum was a member of territorial election commissions counted votes and engaged in pro-russian agitation among the residents of kherson region, well, then he went on to a significant promotion, he was made the head of the occupying public chamber of kherson region, this chamber has a telegram page with 300 subscribers, there are regularly posted photo reports of kacher's activities, for example, how he attends conferences his master putin, accuses ukraine of shelling civilians and tells children to... who to vote for when they grow up. kachur hopes that the botox effigy will sit in the chair for a long time under the red star. well, a pure scumbag, with such disorders of thinking, it wouldn't hurt him to dig in in a completely different chamber, and not to lead the public chamber. the school of young voters is designed as a way to involve young people in electoral processes. but of course, if mental processes are unattainable, they must be occupied.
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elections, kachur also spreads russian propaganda and agitations on his personal page in telegram, it is called the personal attention zone. we will emphasize the poverty of the nedumok channel with the symbolism of russian murderers, but the word zone is encouraging, i am sure that soon this seller also learns about alternative interpretations of this noun. finally, i will tell you about olga volodymyrivna simanova, the head of the russian defenders of the fatherland fund, born in 1983 and originally from the luhansk region. one of the priority directions of our fund is the perpetuation of the memory of the participants of the special military operation. olga graduated from dal luhansk university with a degree in political science. until 2014, she worked in various projects and was even the head of the social partnership charity fund. when the russian army began the occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions in the 14th year, olga and her son went to
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the temporarily occupied crimea to soon return home to luhansk region. i would like to express my gratitude to president vladimir vladimirovich putin. i have been doing volunteer work for many years, and all these years i feel the support of the government and the president. in this way , olga explained what she had been doing in recent years in the temporarily occupied part of luhansk region. it seems that her climbing was not appreciated there and there was no money gave so, with the beginning of a full-scale war , the woman decided to move to where russia opens new illegal ones. ministries creates state organizations, throws millions of wooden rubles into the kherson region for russification, having experience working with the occupiers, simanova received the position of head of the branch of the russian state fund defenders of the fatherland in the kherson region, and later became putin's confidant, as a candidate for the presidency of the russian federation in kherson region. from february 23, congratulations, here you are too. as the head of the fund of
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black trash bags, well, or... theirs defenders of the motherland, she takes care of the fact that the people of chmova receive holiday gifts, medical care, so that those who have died are not forgotten, and their families move forward in the queue to receive a fur coat or zhigulis. the optimism of the residents of the kherson region is certainly visible, and i am very happy to see it too. it would be better to deal with the wholesale purchase of garbage bags, the benefit would be much greater. olga covers her work in the telegram channel, she has it there. 170 subscribers, i advise these traitors to conduct it more actively, like our law enforcement agencies there will be more evidence to declare suspicion, the verdict in this case will not be taken away, i am sure of it. it was a collaborator program and i, olena kononenko, if you have information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on
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espresso. today we will talk about the situation in the donetsk region, almost every day we receive news that russia has captured another settlement in donetsk region. or came close to him. does ukraine have the strength and resources to hold such cities as, for example, chasiv yar, kostyantynivka, kramatorsk, slovyansk. what are the moods of the locals and what do the military say? my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda life. at the front , the most difficult situation for ukraine since the beginning of the war has developed and it may worsen, the deputy told in an interview with the economist.


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