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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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to reduce shaig's power and balance him with competitors, and we know that just a few days ago the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of accepting a bribe, part six of article 290 of the criminal code, and in general, timur ivanov is generally there a billionaire in russia, who obviously worked in the interests of shaygu, including, how... important in the current configuration shaygu is for putin, and can we hope that this is a showdown between the various towers of the kremlin may lead to the weakening of power in russia, and accordingly, it will give some chance to ukraine during the war. well, with regard to the chance during the war, it is more difficult to say, but about the immutability of such steps, i
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am sure of this... well, first of all, formally, russia has a constitution, after the next term of the re-elected president, the entire government formally submits this president will be asked to resign, that is, the entire government will resign, it should be noted that dumin is a person who has been the main personal bodyguard for a long time putin, then he fell a little out of favor, then he was sent away. for the governorship, but when they analyze the situation with ivanov, they say that, in fact, the union of shoigu and ivanov really created a shell famine for the wagner group, i don’t know if putin knew about it or not, but against shoigu active opposition of various interested parties, and according to one version the west, has long been formed there. prigozhin was simply provoked by the fact that
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he was not given a weapon, and prigozhin decided that this was happening with a blessing putin, and putin allegedly did not know, no matter what, the option of replacing shoigu, because soigu, soigu, shoigu, except for his personal devotion and vacations there. already causes such an allergy among many politicians, influencers of business groups , including the military, therefore it could be quite natural for putin to reboot this system a little, and the main thing is that he has an extremely convenient situation, the government , including shoigu, is forced to the constitution to submit. well, of course, mr. olezh,
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many experts, many specialists, including internationals, are trying understand putin's logic, and what he is, what he is doing now and why he is doing it, we understand that he, well, seeks to destroy the ukrainian state, seeks to destroy ukrainians, but the director of national intelligence of the united states of america, avriel gaines, believes that the tactics of the russian dictator ... is to convince ukraine that the continuation of the war will only increase the damage to the country. according to your observations, at the current stage, what putin is trying to do, that is, to force us to sit down at the table of changes on unfavorable terms for us and fix this demarcation line on the occupied territories of ukraine, temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, and create.
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such a frozen conflict according to the korean option there, that is, north and south korea, will he still push on and try to achieve much more than we can imagine, well, after he so convincingly won the election in quotation marks, it was it can be seen that it started, as the perts say, yes, he just radiated... enthusiasm against the background of the fact that ukraine could not for six months receive a united states financial aid package. i think that putin's plans did not include this decision of the congress. i think that putin planned his activities and this company for the summer and autumn, based on the fact that ukraine will be on this projectile famine, and that he has some agreements there with trump, which the republican party of trump will never vote. for this package, it is obvious that these
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plans collapsed, it is also obvious that it did not work, and the goal of the campaign is to convince the world that it is not worth helping ukraine, because... it will lose anyway, and that is why you and i they said that a campaign was planned, this is ipso, and in order to demoralize ukrainians, to show that everything is lost, to convince the west that ukraine should not be helped, there is a lot of vector for the company, and this company, what can we say about the illegitimacy of the ukrainian , anything, to convince the ukrainians that, in principle, it is easier for you now to give what we want, because we will take everything from you anyway, but we see that now with this campaign... serious problems arise for putin, macron's initiatives , and that we are with you today they talked about the behavior of the leaders of key european states, the provision of weapons to us, among other things, which i mentioned, because i spoke many times about the fact that
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even at the time when it seemed to us that ukraine would not receive help, it turns out that we received more than 100 attacks, somewhere in january, in february, and we only now received information about this, it is clear that... but the baltic diplomat, she very correctly said that it is not necessary to talk about everything, we should have a significant more weapons than will be known, so putin has enough of his point of view, well, such a well-thought-out campaign, it is now falling apart, it is difficult to talk about the fact that there will be a breakthrough along the entire front line, but it is important to pay attention to what macron says and and... and some other european leaders, that in such if necessary, they are ready to send their troops to ukraine. we need to think about having a law, i don't understand why it still doesn't exist, which allows foreign troops to be present on the territory of ukraine. i know that every time there were nato exercises, the verkhovna rada
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voted on such a law as in the territory there may be units of ukraine there, but now we don't have training, we have a war for life or death, so we need to foresee this initiative and work on... so that at least there is a union and the number of members of this union of those countries grows , who understand and are ready, including to use their own armed forces, in order to prevent the occupation of all of ukraine by putin and the withdrawal of russian troops to the territory of the european union. thank you, mr. oleg, for the conversation, it was oleg hrybachuk, the former vice-prime minister of ukraine from the european union. of integration and former head of yushchenko's presidential office. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications. yes,
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no, please vote with the appropriate button or write your comment under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you... think artificial intelligence is needed in government communications 0800 211 381 - 0800 211 382 and all calls to these numbers are free, please vote , further on we have yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, he will join our broadcast in just a minute, now we are setting up a connection with mr. yevhen, let's talk with him about who and how, why is he now pumping up the topic of possible negotiations between ukraine and russia, as there have been several statements over the past few days, and from ukrainian officials, from the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba and
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kuleby and the representative of the main directorate of intelligence, major general vadym skibitska, the latter, in particular, gave an interview to the british publication the economist. and stated that he does not see an opportunity for ukraine to win the war only on the battlefield, but considers meaningful negotiations between kyiv and moscow possible no earlier than the second half of next year. skibitsky believes that even if ukraine could push russian forces back to the borders, it would not end the war. according to him , such wars can only end treaties, and currently both sides are fighting for... a more favorable position before potential negotiations, but representative gurk says that such negotiations between ukraine and russia are possible in the second half of 2025, by which time, according to him, russia will face
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serious headwinds, well , what mr. skibitsky is talking about when he talks about headwinds, it's hard to say, but obviously he's talking about that difficult situation. which will be in the russian federation, starting from 2025, when russians will spend a lot money for weapons and for the production of tanks, no dust. they will simply lack money, the russian dictator putin is spending record sums on the militarization of the country due to the paranoid fear that the west wants to limit the influence of the russian federation, the director of national intelligence of the united states of america, euryl gens, stated this during the hearings in the congress of the united states of america, let's listen, what she said this is connected with certain'. noah putin continues to believe that russia is under threat and almost certainly
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assumes that his is bigger and better equipped the army will bring this thought to western and domestic audiences. he continues to view nato expansion and the west's support for ukraine as reinforcing his long-standing belief that the united states and europe seek to limit russia's power. well, as far as putin being paranoid...i think avril gaines is exaggerating a bit, because we 're dealing with a syrian homicidal maniac, and whether he's paranoid or not, we have to record that he's a syrian homicidal maniac, that man, which kills tens of thousands of people in ukraine, which destroys cities, villages and seeks to destroy ukraine, it is rather a manic syndrome. putin, he is a ukrainophobe, and he does everything to prevent us from existing, therefore,
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taking this into account, he carries out the militarization of his state. boris pistorius, germany's defense minister, says that over the last few months we 've been watching, he says, the russian federation is starting to produce more weapons, more than it needs now for a war with ukraine, and they're stockpiling those weapons somewhere. to siberia or behind the urals or in front of the urals, there somewhere further, and they are trying to replenish all their own stocks that were exhausted during the two years of the great war against ukraine. russia did not expect that they would have to deconserve old tanks that were still used during the second world war and bring them to europe, that is, from siberia or the far east, and use them in combat operations in ukraine. therefore, now putin is actively trying to make up for this history
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and do his best to provide himself with appropriate weapons, and we have yevgeny magda, the executive director of the institute of world politics, on the phone, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, mr. sergey, good evening, good evening, we have some problems with the sound, is everything ok, no, i have problems with... we are fine, mr. yevgeny, we are already began to talk about these several statements that have come out in recent days from the mouths of ukrainian officials, in particular the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba and the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense vadym skibytsko, who say that peace negotiations with russia are possible, skibitsky says that it is not earlier than the second half of the 25th year, how do you feel. to these talks about some kind of peace talks, how predictable are they, how
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far can they be there in the 25th year, and do these peace talks require certain prerequisites and with the participation of our international partners? i guess you need to be a professional scout in order to predict what will happen in may 24th... in the second half of the 25th, i don't have such opportunities, so i will say this: i understand that there is a request for peace in the world between russia and ukraine, it exists in various circles of the western establishment, it exists in the arab world, it obviously exists in china, because the russian-ukrainian war has become the biggest war in the world since 1945 , and accordingly there is a request that it ended as soon as possible, but i understand
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why dmytro kuleba is talking about possible negotiations, because this is an incentive to gather people at the summit that will be held in switzerland in mid-june, it is also obvious, accordingly to say that there will be, well, negotiations and they are literally here... you now you are showing footage of the talks in istanbul back in march of last year, i think it will be a big exaggeration that the whole world is ready for these... talks, russia is not ready for these talks first of all, which, i am sure, will be after the inauguration of putin, after may 7 and after the inauguration itself, it will, well, before this summit until mid- june, it will try to improve its position at the front, it will try
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to occupy new ukrainian territories, this is, in my opinion, well... absolutely obvious and the current scenario is clear. we have to counteract this through not only diplomatic maneuvers. we have to counteract this through the consolidation of ukrainian society. we have noticeable problems with demonstrating the consolidation and stability of ukrainian society. and that is why we must do everything to show the world that ukraine... even after 800 days of a large-scale invasion, even after suffering gigantic losses, infrastructure, energy, very significant human losses, it continues to preserve itself as a state, it continues to function normally and will continue to function normally, this is our main
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goal at the moment: it is not possible to carry out negotiations exclusively through... statements: we have to create the preconditions so that, if we want volodymyr zelenskyi's peace formula to be actually effective, we must do everything to ensure that it works and is understandable to our citizens, i am not sure, i am very unsure, that at least half of our citizens know these 10 points, well, the question here is not that, as it were... citizens know, the main thing is that our partners, probably also knew and understood, i do not agree with you, because we either say nothing about ukraine without ukraine, and then we have, you understand, i think you will agree with me on this, after the revolution of dignity , the citizens of ukraine have the right to understand and
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know what is happening to them and in what way, well, you see that they... generate avatars and try to communicate with society thanks to artificial intelligence, well , that is, if the authorities, excuse me, do not have enough urbanites, then they are already trying to use artificial intelligence, and that, to me it seems that artificial intelligence is also poorly used in principle without urban ones, well, how do you feel about the fact that the government is very good at communications, how the government communicates with society, so... what the ministry of foreign affairs did, recently launched this shi avatar, well, that is, as far as it is appropriate at all in the current conditions. on this topic, i joked that there is an artificial chief of staff of the verkhovna rada, who has already been accused by the european parliament of managing the work of the parliament, and this is probably the only effective, artificial one without an attachment
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the intelligence that exists in the ukrainian government is effective from the point of view. authorities, i don't quite understand, well, i do, as far as i can understand, the idea with artificial intelligence, it was connected with the fact that it was necessary to end the scandal surrounding the restriction of consular services for citizens of ukraine, males aged 18 to 60 , but if they asked me about spin doctoring, i would still give other advice, for example, the idea of ​​10 ambassadors. what uh should be in africa, where are they, this is the first, this can be played for a very long time. next, talk about the opening of new consulates in europe, because millions of our citizens are in europe and they have problems with consular service, including women who are not on the military register. next,
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the search for new partners and new forms, building construction. new checkpoints at the border, well, there are actually a lot of problems on which you can informationally play, you just need to have political will and have political opportunities, and not close all opportunities to one well-known address in kyiv. the question is, when you play the sandbox, and you are going to scoop up all the sand, then forgive me, there is a very high probability. with the sand, you will also collect dog poop, i'm sorry, it's okay, i hope that our viewers, tv viewers, calmly accept such things. analogies, also, mr. yevgeny, one piece of information that mr. skibitsky voiced in an interview for zaeconomist, which in the end did not turn out to be not an interview, but a solid text,
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that russia has a plan to destabilize ukraine, which contains three factors: military, disinformation and international isolation, when we are talking about what russia will destabilize or try to create international isolation for... the country, what can ukraine oppose to this? ukraine should counter this with joint actions with our partners. i will give you a simple example, we have only recently ended the crisis in relations with poland, because the polish, polish farmers finally unblocked the border. i watched it carefully, after a few months anything was possible, but it was not. polish-ukrainian actions in poland in order to explain what is happening to our polish partners, similarly, we had to hold an action in
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romania, because we are excited, ah, romania is building an autobahn to ukraine, this autobahn was built only during the time of ceausescu, it's just that nobody in ukraine knows about it, that's the thing, it's our problem in general, we we know little about our neighbors, i will say more, we know practically nothing. about our neighbors, and accordingly, we have a lot of loopholes in which russia skilfully plays, because russia has the ability to do so, today i happened to read in one of the telegram channels of a russian mardadel that there is an institute, private, as it were, but with such, you know, intelligence support, high-intelligence, which is engaged in the study of culture and sports in... the post-soviet space, what do you think they do it for, just like that, they lack their athletes, or what? no, these are all elements of soft power that work effectively,
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that can help deliver results, and accordingly, it creates serious problems for us today if we do not offer our own ideas to dismantle russia, if we do not talk about , that... we need to create a proper narrative of the baltic sea region with the countries of this region, if we do not say that we are waging a war for independence, and this is an anti-colonial war, we will not reach very many, and then, the meeting planned for june, it will just be a pleasant time, which will be held in switzerland, but will not achieve the necessary result there. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends,
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i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube. we continue the survey there and ask you about whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, we also conduct it on tv. polls if you think artificial intelligence is needed in government communications 0800 211 381 no 0.800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free vote now we will see the interim results of the poll in the first part of our program 13% say yes and 87% do not. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on estefin 15% in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts representing coco discounts of may on nozhpaforte 15% in pharmacies of travel
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memory and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours. air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about what is in happened to the world, yuriy will speak in more detail fizar, yuriy, good evening, please have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news , a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much. chechen for information about the news of the culture of the presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andrew
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parubiy, people's deputy. of ukraine was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. olenivka a prison in the occupied territory of ukraine, where the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and beat them very hard. journalists found those involved. olenivka, curators of evil. on the air of espresso tv channel. may 6 at 9:15 p.m. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pavel koval, the commissioner of the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this
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week in poland and ukraine. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sestra au. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who make sense of and comment on the most relevant social discussions. we will find out exactly what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at ereso. congratulations, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, today, as it were.
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friday we have a journalism club, and today we will talk about such things. media chaos in information policy. the scandalous mp bezugla continues to attack the public. will the independent broadcaster be forced to withdraw from the single telethon? journalists return to the parliament. zmi representatives will be allowed access to the verkhovna rada again, but with restrictions. why are broadcasts of plenary sessions not resumed? artificial intelligence service in the ministry of foreign affairs. consular information for the media is now commented by a virtual spokeswoman. will the digital official be trusted. we talk about this and other things for the next 45 minutes. but before we start our big talk with my colleagues, i offer you a survey.
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friends, here we are today. you about this, whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications, so yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, or your own version of the answer, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote , if you think that artificial intelligence is needed in government communications (0800-211-381), no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize. of this vote, i want to present today's guests of our studio are my colleagues, olga musafirova, correspondent of the new newspaper europe in ukraine, maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, journalist, political observer, media consultant and author and host of youtube channels showbiz and censor. oleksiy mustafin, historian, publicist and media manager. ladies and gentlemen, i welcome you, thank you for
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joining us today. thank you, congratulations, so, so, as we ask our viewers what, what they think about this artificial intelligence in government communications, let's exchange opinions in the format of a blitz poll, is such artificial intelligence necessary in government communications, of course you can joke about the fact that when there is no ordinary intelligence, artificial intelligence is used, well, and organize about it, so let's, in principle, exchange until... what do you think about it, let's start with olga musafirova. well, serhiy, you practically intercepted my thought, i wanted to say exactly that and say that, well, actually, intelligence will never, no matter how artificial, it will be. thank you, oleksiy. well, you
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know what...intelligence, that's why is called artificial that it...


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