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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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you joined our broadcast today, thank you, congratulations, so, so, since we are asking our viewers what they think about this artificial intelligence in government communications, let's exchange opinions in the format of a blitz poll, is this kind of artificial intelligence necessary in government communications, of course, you can joke about when there is no ordinary intelligence, they use artificial intelligence, and organize about... so let's basically exchange opinions, what do you think about it, let's start with olga musafirova, well sergey, you practically intercepted my thought, i wanted to say exactly that and that intelligence, no matter how artificial, will never exist, thank you, oleksiy. well, you know, artificial
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intelligence, that's why it's called artificial, because it can't work without natural human intelligence, so it doesn't solve anything by itself, and the appearance in the use of artificial intelligence, especially when it is presented as almost the main feature, is it shows precisely that the people who are engaged in this do not really understand how artificially functions. intelligence, on the one hand, with on the other hand, it seems to me that this testimony shows that people do not fully understand what communication is, communication is primarily about empathy and trust, artificially will never inspire trust and no one can ever inspire empathy, so i think it's called not feeding the horse, thank you oleksiy, maryna, how do you feel about
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the new spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs, because, well, actually, our question is whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications, actually, we pushed away from this victoria shea, maryna, well, honestly, it is much more pleasant to listen and look at her than at a number of active servants of the people. very short, but very precise. thank you, maryna, and, ladies and gentlemen, since during the last week there was a lot of talk and a lot of comments about the situation surrounding the public sector, the whole discussion, mariana's political torpedo is cornerless, it is already torpedoing the public sector, and almost everything mentioned there mentions the public sector, so literally as soon as she called on the public in...
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to leave the telethon, she turned to the broadcaster, pointing out the inefficiency and unreasonableness of the costs, according to her, this does not correspond to their values, you will be listened to and watched in the same way as more than two dozen of your channels are now watched, which is financed by almost uah 2 billion through a budget with 3 thousand employees, with more than 400 of whom have reservations, as employees of a critical infrastructure facility , according to your information, when the telethon consumes additionally from the budget, you have a separate budget of 2 billion. stop supporting what does not correspond to the values ​​and principles of society, or is it still more profitable to take funds from two sources? well, sorry, ladies and gentlemen, that maryana bezugla put, well, a completely logical, logical chain and did not say that those 1.5 billion from the budget of the telethon are not going to public television.
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oligarchs on television, and this is also a rather strange story. olga, how do you perceive this whole discussion about the public sphere, does it mean that if mariana bezugla starts torpedoing, then the president's office is talking with the mouth of bezugla? i think it's just a, you know, pebble for pro'. how will society react? unfortunately, i have a feeling that the society does not really distinguish, well, that is , it knows that there is a single marathon, it has been for two and a half years, it is already on the matrix, it has been imprinted, and to choose, it is social or something else, if they say that there are armored from the front. that take money, it
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immediately causes negative emotions in the average viewer , which means that instead of... sending money to drones, so that they are given to the needs of the army in some unfortunate way, which are also shielded from the front, this happens , you know, the situation of devaluation of a very important link of journalistic work, because thank god, well, i'm a little biased here, because i... i'm a supporter of public affairs, and several times it so coincided that i came on a business trip, er, actually, focusing on materials of public affairs, and you know, to the credit of my colleagues, uh, i couldn't, actually, i didn't set
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such a task before myself, but i didn't find any, not a single twisted... fact, not a single distorted story, this indicates that people work very quickly and very qualitatively, and when to start torpedoing them now, well, it immediately occurs to her that there is some, well, some political motivation, which means social... somewhere it starts or has already stepped very strongly on the calluses, which could not be touched, my first reaction is exactly this. thank you, olga, marina, you, i saw on your page in social networks how you
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laid out the public, as a powerful information machine, talked about it, studied how many youtube pages there are public in different... regions, what is the volume audience they give, this is really a great broadcaster, whatever it is, i understand that with the public, well hardly any tv channel can compare, i mean with this huge network that covers ukraine, what can you say, but zelenskyi's team is striving for what they declared that we don't need journalists, well now we can. to transform a little and say journalists who are not accountable to us, uncontrollable, we do not need them, here is such a story, we all understand that public broadcasting, by law, it has funding from the state
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budget, and i can say that public broadcasting, what is its essence, it was thought of as such a broadcaster, where communities will... receive news about themselves at their own expense, but for a long time in the office of the president of ukraine, they believe that if something is financed from budget money, read from the tax money of ukrainian citizens, then a priori all these people should be such waiters and the maids of the ukrainian government, that is, they are obviously triggered by plots prepared by branches of the public, and i must admit that a number of branches work simply. very high quality, they have very cool editorials, about myself i can mark those editorials that i always read, i watch and find news, for example, public chernivtsi works very, very well, public chernihiv makes incredibly cool news, stories, discussions, for example, the best story about the repression of russians in
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the village of yakhidny, known to everyone, was just made by the forces of local journalists, or to me very i liked, for example, the documentary film... in three series battle for chernihiv, which was filmed by the branch of the chernihiv public chernihiv, it was really very high-quality. and, if we look at it this way, what will we see there: journalists of public branches they tell stories about their communities, about people, about heroes, about prisoners, they bring up very interesting topics, for example, from an extreme interview that i really liked, it was an interview with the community of chernivtsi, where there is a very talented young woman. the journalist had a great interview with the bishop of the ocu, where he explained various topics related to the customs leading up to easter, and it was something, you know, absolutely cool, because we all understand that the russian orthodox church has taken such a strong hold in bukovina
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church, and that is why such information is very important necessary, but we understand that zelenskyi's government is thinking about its fate after the war, about how it won... the next election, and they really want to have a controlled joint broadcaster. and, for example, i am of the opinion that it is very important to impose my vision of peace and completion on them. media under the auspices of the public broadcaster, it is so wary and certainly with such decentralization it will not be possible to impose stupid seluks on topy seluks , according to my information, they consider those people who live outside of kyiv to be the ones who live outside of kyiv, and they want to impose their own version on them victory, it seems to me that such a decision is absolutely unsuccessful, because i know a lot of public journalists, we grew up with them in different years as specialists in the media. and these are absolutely professional, very cool people who very often, i want to reveal a secret to you,
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have worked part-time in different years, for example, during the elections, when they were held for the parliament, and i will not look down on volodymyr zelenskyi and his team, if one of the offended journalists will then decide to help some politicians build completely new political forces in the regions, and these nakhids of maryana bezovloya, they are so cunning enough... i will remind you that the first post nakhid social appeared on april 24, and she specifically threw into one basket the tv channel radu, the tv channel freedom, there mentioned social and television marathon, and definitely , if you don't know much about the media, you may think that all the dermades, all of them have made armor for themselves, are fattening on ukrainian money, but i can say that there is a huge difference between the public and tv channel rada and frid. council and freedom is nothing but money launderers for
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people close to the bank, for example, such characters as cyril tymoshenko, the public really plays a very important role, and it seems to me that media specialists can agree that the branches of the public have proven themselves very, very well precisely during a full-scale war, because , you know, when i need to find some plot about bilopol, i know very clearly that this plot was made by public sums. and as a woman who works in the city hall told me today, this is the only editorial office that goes to our, i apologize, ass and shoots stories about people who are on the air today. thank you marina, oleksiy, you know about television and public and non-public television, about the one that is in the hands of large media groups and big tycoons, right? what do you say, this attempt that is now in place, does this mean that all
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other channels are controlled in one way or another by zelenskyi’s office, socially, despite everything, it is not controlled, and it means this large pool of large tv channels that are in a single telethons that have a single policy, and obviously there is one center that manages this single information policy, well, i wouldn't say that there is one... the center of the many years of discussion about the creation of public television led to the fact that they tried to build it as such an institution, relatively speaking, public, which would not depend on the political conjuncture, and marina praialna said that it is a fairly centralized structure, on the one hand, on the other hand, the public one differs from most ukrainian channels, which... are tied to the owner, that there is a slightly different management and
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leadership structure, and that's one thing, and the second is that it is certain to the extent that the joint project of ukrainian civil society and our western partners is quite strong, this connection is quite strong, and that is why it seems to me that the one who will now try to fight against the public will be defeated, at least as long as he is forced to... rhetoric, of course you can do it in georgia, unfold in the other direction, but if ukraine, the ukrainian authorities will still declare a european choice, then i think that our partners will protect society if the mechanisms that are in place now it is not enough, they will add, so to speak , efforts, and we see this, for example, even our closest neighbors, the poles, when there were problems with... together, how the european union reacted, despite the fact that the poles did not have
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to prove that they need to be integrated into the eu, they are already members of the eu, so i am still optimistic about what is happening with the public, that in fact, of course, they can drink a lot of blood, but the result, i think, will be beneficial, i would like to pay attention to something else, that er, cornerless is such an option, well, now we have... got acquainted with american politics in more detail and we see that there is such a character as medzhariya green, who allegedly speaks. on her own behalf, but everyone knows her ties to trump and sees her somewhat as trump's mouthpiece, something that trump can't even afford, publicly she's a voice, and i think bezugla plays about the same role, well sometimes this leads to the fact that you know how now green did a nice curtsey in the sense that she wanted to
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run over her opponents so to speak and offered slogan make ukraine. great again, a good slogan, so sometimes, it means, a side effect can be useful, but of course, it does not set such a goal for itself, it was not set, just like the bezuga itself, we see that the bezuga is such a tool for transferring public attention , this was the case with her campaign against zaluzhnyi at one time, i think that she was used in other similar companies as well . styba, and now we see that the government, the government really needs to somehow switch public attention, channel it in a certain, certain, we see the story with these consular services, which caused a lot of noise, and it was in the noise, i think, that its main meaning was, not that
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the mobilization law began to work, the same thing is happening now , with the public - this is a way to switch attention, that is, to cause such, you know, something similar to class hatred, now to journalists, tomorrow it may be to some, i don't know, separate factions in the parliament, they will say that there are separate factions in the parliament exist, people's money is taken, someone is booked there, and so on and so on, all this logic can be turned in any direction that will, well... will appear useful, useful for the authorities, i think that her escapades should be treated as such, it is an attempt to switch attention , of course, one should not give public opinion, offend, but treat the way that this is some kind of long-term strategy for the post-war period, well, we know when
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the post-war period will begin in our country, i think that this is a tactic, and precisely how to tactics, treat these escapes. chairman of the board of the national of public television of ukraine, mykola chernotytskyi, declared the inadmissibility of pressure on the public broadcaster. according to him, the public is ready for two options, either to remain in the telethon as the only news, or to expand broadcasting on the first channel. we either maintain parity conditions or a model where the public expands its broadcasting on the first channel. at the same time, i have to understand that it is legal, that it does not contradict. by the decree of the president, the decision of the national security council, we must have a guarantee that in the event of withdrawing from the marathon , we will not be accused of undermining national security and started talking about it on their channel, its journalistic community mediarukh called for an end to the pressure on e-broadcasting, but in this whole configuration
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, public issues are quite often mentioned and compared to the national telethon, the adviser to the head of the president's office. serhii leshchenko said that without the telethon in ukraine, there will be media chaos, attempts to discredit it are part of russian propaganda. let's listen to what leshchenko said. for this, the telethon was created, to be a source of verified information, and not fakes. and it is clear that one of the methods of russia's struggle against ukraine is the discrediting of information sources that transmit verified information, information without fakes, without hai. actually, that is why part of the russian information war against ukraine is being waged by discrediting the marathon, realizing that if there is no marathon, the media house will fail and in the conditions of the media house it is extremely easy to create provocations that will split society and expose ukraine internally to russian aggression. so, ladies and gentlemen, leshchenko says that without a telethon
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there will be mediaah, does this mean that before the war, when there were many... channels, there was also a media house, but a structured media house, and now there will be a media house, which, according to leshchenko, is part of russian propaganda , or part of the russian concept. olga, what do you say about this? you know, i would say the following, paraphrasing an expression that we already use quite often, big. the soviet army against the small soviet army, this is the big soviet, that is, russian propaganda against little soviet propaganda. that is, a single marathon. let's call a spade a spade. i understand that the first month, the same terrible one, march
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of the 22nd year, yes, the marathon had viewers too, not to say that they were grateful viewers, they were shocked, frightened viewers who were afraid to turn off the tv, because it was the only connection with the authorities, with what was happening around, and it was necessary to somehow make sense of all the terrible things that fell together with the great invasion. now we understand that the further we go, the more it rains the gulf between what the tv is saying and what people are talking about in the kitchens. my god, my god, in almost every family, if no one... from relatives and friends is not fighting, then there are friends, there are acquaintances, there are sources of information, and the break
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becomes obscene, it becomes like in soviet times, it bad story for us because, well, we can't treat the citizens that way, we, it's, i say, the... citizens, so we can't treat the citizens that way that they say, "oh my god, that tv only lies, nothing you won't learn the truth there." are learning again to catch the truth between
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the frames, between the lines, that is, those who lived in soviet times, this is, you know, a skill that we already thought had been lost for a long time, here it can... come back, so that if you want to know the truth, you have to extract it drop by drop, from where to pull out, well, it is almost impossible, well, and uh, for me it is, you know, such a question, is it possible, during the war, when talking to society, to do without... absolutely 100% of propaganda, without propaganda, for me it is, forgive the open question, i don't have an answer to it, and if not possible, then what percentage
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of propaganda should be in that absolutely uh-so unpleasant picture of reality, which the madiyaniks have to give to people, so that after all... they don't have a distorted idea about what is happening, and whether it is even possible to bet like that question, but i'm absolutely sure that to gloss over reality, to reassure people, to say that, well, uh, already, thank god, uh, they give us both weapons and money, and of course, that there are certain problematic acts on the front, and there are ... such dramatic stories, but still, in general, the positive prevails, so that we do not
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turn the mood of society in the direction when people will start to decide each one personally, and not only your fate. in principle, such processes will begin, which will then be difficult to reformat in society, and responsibility, the responsibility of the media in this, it is extremely great, that is, with propaganda at the state level, i believe that it should be finished. thank you, olga, maryna, why do you think, in principle, the logical and correct action of creating a channel, a single
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channel, a large channel is verified. information, why are we still talking about the ineffectiveness of such a channel as a result, that is, whether it was not such fully verified information, or whether, as ulya says, there was a lot of propaganda, too much propaganda that did not give representation, well, the picture is complete and does not give a complete picture of what is happening in ukraine, whether this information policy, verification of this information and... propaganda are engaged in by people who, well, maybe are not too qualified. firstly, which of those people who work as editors, journalists and presenters want much better, secondly, there is such a thing, look, unfortunately, it is impossible to create a single, verified broadcaster in
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the conditions of the 21st century, when everyone has access to information in its various forms, it is obvious that the single telethon having received such a first success in 2022, it was necessary to develop, to invest in some really interesting stories, and not to reduce everything to such one-sided propaganda, because, for example, these words of the quote by serhiy lishchenko, which you voiced, he just spoke within the framework of a single television marathon and... well, it's absolutely shameful, considering that serhii ilyeshchenko was once a promising journalist. i can say a few words about this quote of his, about the fact that, oh, if we do not have a single television marathon, there will be mediaah, excuse me, please, just the other day we spoke with tetyana nikolenko, she is a very famous ukrainian journalist, my colleague on the censor website, and it so happened that they
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worked with serhiy for a long time. were creating the ukrainian truth, and tetiana said a very important thing: unfortunately, serhii leshchenko forgets one point, that when in the early 2000s, during the times of leonid kuchma and medvedchuk, there were dungeons, people did not look for the only verified information on the inter tv channel, they went to look for alternative sources of information, and so on in this way, ukrainian truth received the first opportunity for its growth, and when we look at how they develop. then people did not go to look for information on a single telethon, you know, i can say, according to our own projects, we are constantly watching analytics, and there is a huge influx of several categories of the population, that is, relatively young people who were not going to watch the television product that a single telethon gives, that is, these are the people who go to
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the authors and look. the products they see fit and a huge influx even pensioners. retired people have mastered elementary youtube, and they go to look for an alternative to the only television marathon, and this indicator is absolutely on all our friendly youtube channels, we asked colleagues who are engaged not only in politics, but also in historical channels, cultural channels, and everyone is just a blast, the influx of people of completely different categories, because everyone was simply fed up with a single... thing, but the authorities are afraid to admit that a single television marathon did not justify itself, and therefore arranges this shame, shame and hatred towards the public. thank you, marina, oleksiych, if the current government asked you what to do with the national telethon, you were a media consultant for several political groups and parties, if
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they asked you, oleksiy, what... what should we do? we have such a national telethon, there are many tv channels, a big budget, but the effectiveness is there, how many 30% of ukrainian citizens or 40 watch the telethon, well, at least i have come across such statistics that what do they need to do to make this tool work? well, before answering yours question, i would still like to apply the same method as the answerer. to the question about the bases, i’m just curious about whom, as they say, in certain circles, leshchen is crushing the loaf of bread, he says that they are dissatisfied with the marathon, russia is dissatisfied, that russia is organizing actions against the marathon, well, we know that the biggest critic of the telethon recently is period was the state department of the united states, i do not think that with the state department of the united states, although there are different rumors, but that it works so directly.
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second in russia.


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