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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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people are in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, and so, here is such an interesting story that you called on turkey to cancel the concerts of the russian ensemble, songs, well, what do they call themselves, songs and dances, of the russian army named aleksandrov in turkey, announced these concerts on the anniversary of the memory of the victims of the crimean tatar genocide on may 17, on the memory of the victims of the cherkasy genocide on may 21, and please tell me more about this story about that. how it was possible to achieve the desired and why the russians at all do you think they rush to other countries with their military bands? we learned about this from the reports of the turkish press, in particular the newspaper ferrari, and then there were phone calls from caucasian and crimean tatar organizations in turkey that they were the russian choir of the red army. named after aleksandrov, just on the days
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of commemoration of the victims of deportation and genocide, both the crimean tatar people and the circassians, they are holding concerts there in six cities of turkey, that is ankara, istanbul, bursa, antalya, polania, i learned this from berlin, i in there was a conference there, i came to ankara, i immediately came to...
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the concert will be allowed, the governor canceled the concert in the stock market by his order, i met with the mayor of ankara, i am your mansur, here again he turned out to be very adequate, he said that the arguments of the organizers of the sevoez events in the fact that the tickets have already been sold and there is no way to cancel it, then he called some of his businessmen there and said...
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there are not enough, i am talking about the fact that there is not one decent country now, these military cartists, headed by military the criminal doesn't let his country go, why are they walking around here, everything seems to be in agreement, but at the same time, this is what happened, mr. mustafa, i thank you very much, first of all, for your work, for the fact that you are doing this and preventing it activities of russian murderers, terrorists and propagandists outside of russia? unfortunately, time has run out, but it is important that we heard you, our viewers heard, and i wish you success in further work and countering russian aggression on the cultural and informational front as well. mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people, was in touch with us, and now the plot is for your attention, i will offer the volunteer legendary battalion aidar turns 10 years old. in the 14th year, the fighters of this unit defended independence on the maidan, and now the elections. weapons in hands at the front. about
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the founding of aidar and the 10 -year long struggle in this long war. in the story of our colleague emma stadnyk. cannon, shot! on this day, the 24th separate aydar assault battalion celebrates its 10th anniversary. during the full-scale invasion, the battalion fought for donbas, fought for volnuvakh and ugledar, and also carried out a successful assault and repulsed russian positions in the bakhmut direction for almost a year. aidar's story began back in 2014. in may, the centurions of maidan self-defense took up real weapons and stood up for the defense of ukraine in the luhansk region. however, now it is not from the berkuts, but from the russian invasion. the initiator of the creation and the first combat aidaro, lieutenant colonel serhiy malnychuk. it was under his leadership that volunteers liberated luhansk region, first from mercenaries and separatists, and later from regular russian troops. aidarvi, in the fierce battles for the city of happiness, protected the civilian population instead of the local militia, which either did not act or went over to the side
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of the enemy. the people of aidariv did not receive any money or awards for this, they trained and ate in tents, and they provided medical assistance. we are in the field , where we do not have unequipped. some operating medics of our battalion, who were also medics on the maidan, simply covered the room with a cloth, hung a flashlight from above, made an operating table out of the fabric intended for white linen rags and under such conditions they provided help to the wounded. bianka zalevska, a journalist from the espresso tv channel, lived with the battalion for several weeks in the camp, she created documentaries and reports about the battalion. that there was no well-known name aidar, it was simply called battalion 24. after completing one task, the journalist was returning home, but the military vehicle in which the woman was was hit by a russian sniper. the car overturned, and bianca was seriously injured. she was taken to a hospital in kharkiv, and later was transported to warsaw for treatment. i
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remember everything. weapons, and they shoot at us. the builders of the so-called novorossia declared that the polish journalist was a battalion sniper, and everyone knows who was the sniper and actually shot. lies about the heroic battalion were not only on the propaganda tv channels of the occupying country. in september 2014 , the amnesty international organization published a report in which the aydar people were accused of war crimes. in their reports, international experts who positioned themselves as objective, they referred to the policemen who had gone over to the side of the enemy and the russians.
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batal aidar met a full-scale invasion of its positions in february 2022 near the city of volnovakha. already during the great war, aidar became part of the fifth separate assault brigade under the command of the ground forces. i want ukraine to be whole, so that it does not split and there is not such a small piece left, as they are trying to do now... to make it free and happy, pray for us as long as it takes, we will be here as long as possible. this is the story of aydar. this has always been the case here since 2014. everyone who came here is a big, big family. as long as i have the strength, as long as i go, as long as i fit in, i
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will perform the tasks that will be set for me. and defend your country. this is my state, this is my land, and we will not leave it. god and truth are with me. emma is a statesman. many thanks to the soldiers of the aidar battalion and polish journalist bianka zelevska congratulated the aidar battalion on its anniversary and thanked the volunteers for their protection. she reminded that it is not only 10 years since the foundation of the battalion, but since the beginning of the russian-ukrainian war. this is the 10th the anniversary of the death of our friends, a sign of relatives.
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to poland and on the occasion of your birthday, i wish from the bottom of my heart victory and peace. i congratulate my good friend bianka zelevska. greetings to many. acquaintances from aidart's battalion and in general all fighters, soldiers who were, and died, and are still in the ranks. we will win, thank you. well, now we will talk about what a victory is without, a victory can be achieved, but it is very difficult, but in fact, without it, victories are not achieved. this is money and help. and i would like to add to the conversation kostyantyn zhivakhi, an investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist. mr. konstantin, i congratulate you. vasyl, congratulations. the united states of america , despite a long period of political debate , agreed to the long-awaited aid for our
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country, for what period of time, in your opinion, this aid can be enough for ukraine to, well, at least stabilize the situation and continue the struggle, this is a very good question, vasyl, thank you , in fact, what the analysts are saying now, they are saying that the $61 billion that was agreed upon by the united states of america. plus the help that was available agreed by the european community and our donors and our partners who are not part of the european community, who are not the united states, this aid , according to analysts and military experts, will last at least until the middle of the 25th year, and that is very good, and we hope that in some cases, as they say, if all these supplies are effective, effective, then these weapons and these resources can be enough even if the war will ... continue approximately until the end of the 25th year, although we all we hope that on ukrainian terms, on
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our terms, as it will be acceptable to us, the war would very much like and everyone hopes, to end sooner, and about the real money , which is really big, the money that ukraine can receive, we are talking about almost 300, 300 billion in frozen russian assets, and they are in the west, some in the united states of america, but most of them are in countries. union, well, it's about the fact that let's pay ukraine interest from the use of these assets, and here's the latest information, literally today i read that the usa is ready, they say, to the european union, give this money to ukraine, but the g7 countries say that , well, let's think differently, how, why, what is real, you, as a person who knows enough about the world of money well, what really stands in the way today of transferring to ukraine not only some percentages or partly yes, but in general to talk about the transfer of these 300 billion frozen russian assets. vasyl, this is a difficult
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question, we know that to transfer income from interest rates, which today are approximate somewhere around 4-5%, and 10-12 billion dollars are targeted for the amount of 300 billion dollars, i.e. the income that western countries currently receive from this russian portfolio of 300 billion dollars. tentatively, and this money is definitely a consensus among western countries and through the g7 countries and that this money should be taxed in any way through taxes and 100% of this money be taxed and then transferred to ukraine, in my understanding , western countries and the united states have already reached this point and the whole sinka is big these g7 and i'm sure that there the issue will be resolved in the next two to three months. that, firstly, these interests will be recalculated in ukraine, and secondly , even there, they are going to issue debt
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instruments that will be there for, say, 10 years, which will calculate, say, taxes on this money in the amount of approximately 40-50 billions, that is, debt securities can be issued there in the amount of 30-40-50 billion dollars and they will be guaranteed precisely by these interest to the income of interest, which in western countries have been blocked from reserves of the russian federation 300 billion, and this is a real topic, a real solution, which is methodologically and ideologically agreed upon by all the political and economic leaders of the united states and the great wall, and i see it as real, but this amount, it is large, 40-50 billion, it is very favorable an event for us, god forbid that we receive this money, but they will not solve everything. the issue of financing the annual war budget, because this budget is estimated to be from 80 to 100 billion dollars, we must
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also spend on defense needs, if we we will defend ourselves based on such money, and as western experts say, as military experts, if we want to win back our territories, then in addition to the fact that we will have all the remaining resources, we still need to have money approximately more than 100 billion per year in order to achieve results acceptable to ukraine on the battlefield. therefore, the issue of interest, it is almost resolved, the issue itself directly of the portfolio of billions of dollars, it is very complicated, and western countries do not want and cannot and even... according to the law, they do not have such a legal opportunity to destroy their financial infrastructure, if they are some kind of sovereign money, that is, sanctioned seizure even from such terrorist countries as russia, they can be blocked, the question is precisely the expropriation of this money or its sanctioned seizure, that the issue is very
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important, and it will not be decided even by politicians, because i am sure that if such a decision is made, then only ... through a court decision, a court decision is a long long time, we will not be able to get it, i i am sure, neither in six months nor in a year, therefore the issue of withdrawing exactly these 300 billion dollars is a big issue, which today no one can guarantee that it will be resolved, and most importantly, that it will be resolved within the next one or two three years, and also recently there was information that the kremlin's taxes from western banks in russia increased by four, and again here... your opinion is interesting so that we can understand why in this case not western sanctions work, that is , they work somewhere, they don't work somewhere, on average it turns out that it is neither here nor there, and is there still a mechanism to block this financial flow to the russian economy, which is working today, well, to a large extent for the war against ukraine, well, i agree with the fact that it is in fact
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nonsense, when western banks continue to earn money and... taxes to the russian federation, but the only thing we have to face is reality, because they are these western banks in russia, they are registered, registered in russia, they are russian residents, we must understand that all these profits , they earn precisely from the russian economy, that is, they receive profits due to higher commissions there, but they take these profits, and these are losses or they are expenses of russian companies, the russian economy, that is, if there were no western banks there, they would not earn, let's say.. . million dollars and did not pay 30% to the russian budget there, and all these million dollars would remain in the russian economy precisely with the customers, that is , russian companies would have this money, but today western companies simply take money from these profits from russian companies, which is good, because they took away 100 units, let's say $100, we paid
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only $30 to the russian budget, and we kept $70 as western banks, where the only situation is that these western banks do not... can even take the money out of the russian federation, so what they earn there is not, let's say, some crime or some bad situation, actually i look at it as a good situation, because they actually take this money as their profits , western banks from russian companies, from russian economy, that is, the russian economy faced the fact that it must and is forced to pay more to western banks than they paid russian companies and the russian economy. nish, that is, today the russian economy is actually suffering from this, because it is losing this money, in fact, in order to make money in western banks, but everything is equal, if a political decision was made and it is a moral decision, a mental decision, that western companies, huge companies leave the russian market in order not to transfer technology, in order not to transfer
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the best standards, they transfer the best efficiency, management of the management of the company by companies in russia. all the same, western banks must, under the pressure of the european central bank and the united states treasury department, simply have to, even with these profits, close their operations, as many western banks have done, and the same gp morgan, and the same american express bank, that is, all these banks closed their operations, they said: we are not interested at all, if even we earn more from the russian economy, if we more actually withdrawing money. from russian campaigns, we are not interested in it anyway, because we morally cannot conduct operations in the country of terrorists, because if the sanctions were adopted, it is not about profits, it is about what is white and what is black, and what is the truth on on the side of civilization, it is on our side, it is on the side of the ukrainians, it is on the side of our western partners, and they directly say that this is not business, business cannot
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exist on a curve, these are moral measures and moral decisions that we all must adhere to. well, also, today i read the opinion voiced by the representatives of the big seven, especially the european part of this, that group, the world, the most powerful countries, the economies of the world, what if this money, say, is not transferred to ukraine, but transferred to russia from for russia to leave the territories abandoned and leave ukraine, and i have a thought here, are these people really so naive who think that... conditional putin will sell the dream of his whole life for these conditions, well, for these 300 billion to destroy ukraine, well, it seems to me that it is not will work with a person like putin, who personally, according to various estimates, has somewhere around well, if they are not lying, well, i think that it is simply not the amount that can be traded in a situation when a person started a war that he dreamed of, well, half of his life, that's for sure, please, vasyl, i agree that it
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naive people who simply do not even understand what it is, and it is not a question of numbers, it is not a question of the amount, whether it will be 300 billion or 3 trillion dollars, because it is ideological, these ideological fanatics, like hitler in his time , ideological fanatics, they... there was no question of taking a trillion dollars or 500 billion dollars from the jews there and not sending them to concentration camps, it was not a question of finances, it was an ideological distorted situation, when it was criminals, just thieves did such things for ideological reasons, it is not a question of money, for putin, in my understanding, money is important in order to also support his economy, but he understands that in ideology... logically, he does it for himself, he does it for yours, actually, in mine, in mine understanding, absolutely distorted ideology in his head, which he reached through
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his whole life, being in fact an employee of the state security committee of the kgb, and after that the person who headed the fsb, this is ideological, and he also understands that these 300 billion, whether they are there or not, it’s another year or two, how to pump the pump on... they will pump out another trillion dollars from the russian treasury for another 3-5 years, that is, they do not count by categories of money, in fact, some western politicians are naive like that and analysts, they they think that it is somehow possible to somehow cure crazy ideological, just forgive me, sick people with money, it is impossible, thank you very much for participating, thank you for the professional comments, konstantin zhivago was with us, an investor, an entrepreneur and a philanthropist, and so on. .. and we will continue to speak, we will listen to yuri fizer, he prepared a brief overview of the most important events that happened outside the borders of our state, so let's watch and listen
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carefully. ukraine has the right to use british weapons to attack targets on the territory of russia, said the minister of foreign affairs of the united kingdom, david cameron, in an interview with the reuters news agency. according to him, when russia strikes targets inside ukraine, one can understand the ukrainians' decision to retaliate against targets inside russia. at the same time, the head of the british government promised to allocate $3,740 million in aid to ukraine every year. london will do this as long as it takes. the united states of america is preparing a long-term security support agreement of ukraine. an official representative of the state department said this during the briefing. us miller, according to him, the work is being carried out jointly with the ukrainian government, when this document will be ready, when it should be signed by both parties, mr. rechnyk did not
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specify. he also did not answer the journalist's question about what clauses can be included in these agreements. it is only known that it is about military, financial and other support for ukraine during the next 10 years. the russian war in ukraine is unlikely to end in the near future. during during hearings in the committee on the armed forces of the united states senate, said director of national intelligence avril gaines. at the same time, she predicts that russia will use more aggressive tactics, for example, increase the shelling of critical infrastructure facilities in ukraine. according to the main american intelligence officer, in this way the russian military and political leadership will try to convince the ukrainian authorities to stop the resistance, as it will not bring victory closer, but will cause damage to ukraine. a lot russia continues to conduct hybrid campaigns on the territory of nato member countries, moreover, such hostile actions are carried out at the state level. this is stated in the statement
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of the leadership of the north atlantic alliance, according to the published information, russian special services are conducting hostile hybrid operations on the territory of nato. in particular, in the czech republic, estonia, germany, latvia, lithuania, poland and great britain. valiants promised to resist such threats as a team. and individually assured that such actions will not force the allies to refuse continued aid to ukraine. russia does not currently pose a military threat to nato member states, the minister of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braje, said in an interview with the european pravda newspaper. at the same time, she added that this possibility exists purely hypothetically, so it should not be neglected. moreover, the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance should increase. spending on defense, as well as conducting military exercises in order to prepare for repelling possible enemy aggression. russia continues to supply
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petroleum products to the north. korea in volumes, which exceed the limits set by the un, the official representative of the national security council of the white house, john kerby, said this during the briefing. currently, the limit is set at the level of 500 thousand barrels per year. last year, russia violated it, and in the first four months of 2024, it sent 165,000 barrels of oil products to north korea. at the same time, john kirby once again emphasized that the us will continue to introduce sanctions. against all those who will facilitate exports from russia to the dprk. europe is playing with fire, giving ukraine more and more more weapons, prime minister of hungary viktor orbán said about it on the air of the national radio. according to him, in this way, western leaders only continue the war, and also involve themselves in it. this may cause a new world massacre, the head of the hungarian government claims that the hungarians are on the side of peace. that is why they are making
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every effort to prevent them from being dragged into another bloodbath that may begin in europe due to the short-sighted decisions of politicians. there will be no slovak military on the territory of ukraine, that's all prime minister of slovakia robert fico said in an interview with tasr. this is how he reacted to another statement by french president emmanuel macron that, if necessary, he can send french troops to ukraine. according to the leader , slovak. government, ukraine is not a member of nato, moreover, slovakia has nothing to do with the war that is currently ongoing on ukrainian territory, so robert fico assured that none of his soldiers will cross the slovak-ukrainian border.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, and now it's time to sum up the economic results of the week. oleksandrka, the most important thing. i collected more interesting things for you and will now tell you, good evening, please, good evening, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes you will find out what was most important in ukraine from the world of money, i will tell you about energy, about growth, the possible growth of the ukrainian economy in the current year, all in detail in a moment, wait, i'm oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i'll start
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with... such an optimistic and promising figure for the growth of the ukrainian economy, so despite the war, the internal the gross product of this thing will grow by approximately 4.6%, this is essentially such a progressive, optimistic figure, but what is the truth, missile attacks, in particular on the energy infrastructure, can worsen this indicator, this is the forecast announced by the deputy prime minister yulia sveredenko: will grow gdp thanks primarily to the development of the military-industrial complex and... the increase in exports and the improvement of logistics routes for the supply of our agro-food, first of all, and in the future, metal to world markets, will also continue. well , indeed, the economy will grow due to the fact that our exports are growing, and primarily thanks to the sea route, so 25 million tons of products reached the military level
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of ukrainian exports to the black sea ports, last year 1,300 ships used our sea corridor without the participation of russia. about this serhiy kyslytsia, permanent representative of ukraine to the un, said. according to him, our agricultural products are delivered via an alternative sea corridor to 40 countries of the world, and this exceeds the volume of exports for the entire year of activity of this scandalous black sea grain initiative, which essentially blackmailed many countries of the world, in particular. countries of africa muscovy. well , it's really an interesting initiative for the growth of the ukrainian economy, for increasing our exports from the united states, in particular the usaid development agency. the agency launched an initiative, it is called the crop, and it is support to farmers for 250 million dollars per


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