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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 5:00am-5:10am EEST

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even when the light on the city of millionaire and on the embankment with cluster munitions, well, of course, this is aimed at maximum damage to people, yes, if there are nazis inside these small cluster bombs, concentrated, well , literally thousands of these shock elements, shrapnel, yes, what flies away with insane speed and pierces everything in its path, if it easily pierces the metal quite serious ones. letters like that, so what can be said about ordinary people who do not have any protection? of course, this is an act of terror, an act genocide of the ukrainian people, and of course, this is absolutely a war crime, which, unfortunately, is not the first time that russia has demonstrated it during this unjustified russian-ukrainian war. president zelenskyy published statistics on how many drone missiles russia used over the past month on social networks. according to the supreme
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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , in this april alone, russian terrorists used more than 3,300 missiles of various types, almost 300 shahed missiles, and more than 3,200 guided aerial bombs against ukraine. thousands of our lives people were saved thanks to the help of the leaders and countries that have already supported our air shield, which are already effectively putting pressure on the russian military machine with sanctions, but unfortunately many lives... were taken by these strikes, only force can stop this terror, well, well, well statistics, they are actually quite impressive, 3200 kabs, 300 missiles of various types, almost 300 shaheeds, and a completely logical question arises, when will they end it all, or when will there be a certain limit beyond which they will say that well we are running out of everything, we are already all over ukraine released all their ammunition.
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your reserves, how do you estimate that russia has enough potential to renew these reserves, because it is clear that if they produced 3,200 barrels in one month, then obviously they need to be produced, well , for the next month there for may, that is , how much do you see the trend between how much they shoot and how much they produce, how much comes to them, well , unfortunately, of course in russia... which federation is quite powerful, there is still a reserve of these high-explosive aerial bombs that they are converted into cabs, so the mpb has unified cross-species planning bombs, in particular, which they use in kharkov and in the front-line territories, unfortunately, they have quite a lot of this iron left, and the problem is that they can manufacture them including, yes some of them are missiles, let's say that and other means of air attack they...
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borrow or supply from their partners, that's north korea, we know, it's also iran, from where they also get drones, directly shahet, yes, which they allegedly made with their geraniums, as well of course they still have that potential, it's hard to say exactly how much because that 's what our intelligence is dealing with, but what they 're aiming for and those numbers, which are just for april, well... those are very big numbers that we have to face not only, but also ordinary ukrainians, who are, unfortunately, under these bombs, so in order to effectively fight against the threat from the air, well, the most necessary and most effective, it will be a fight against carriers, because of course, with such by the number of bombs, well, literally, if we all start shoot down, we will run out of missiles very, very quickly, which are already in short supply. therefore, the best
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way out of the situation is to directly develop our air defense, we really hope for our partners, allies, who know about our need, they know exactly what we have in our arsenal, how much we need, and of course, in this regard, we are fully we rely on them, since in our country we do not independently manufacture either missiles or installations, and these air defense systems together with the f16, they would allow us to create a certain system, yes, which would allow in... to intimidate and suppress the russian tactical aviation, which is the carrier of these means of air attack and would somewhat reduce the burden on our frontline cities. however, in addition, we must not forget that they still have a lot of missiles for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, which they literally use simply as long-range artillery, and we know that these are quite powerful air defense systems, modified as they are used as earth, earth already instead of earth. air, so in reality
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there are many problems, but it is necessary to fight non-standard methods, we need to fight with carriers, and for this we need creativity, a non-standard approach. and support of our partners. another short topic, mr. major, is the closing of the sky over the western regions of ukraine. former minister of defense of poland janusz onyszkiewicz said in a comment to ukrinform that poland and nato countries can open a protective umbrella over western ukraine. according to him, for this it is necessary to overcome the resistance of nato partners, but such decisions can be made in the summer. now can and should be done in such a way that missiles that can disrupt. the airspace of poland could be shot down by the polish air defense system from the territory of our country. however, this will require the polish side to have full situational awareness of ukraine's airspace, that is, information from ukrainian radars and other means, which the polish side does not have today. mr. mayor, well, they
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see the poles, in particular, they see these missiles that fly towards western ukraine and track them, because their planes in the sky monitor this situation, that is. why janusz? in your opinion, onyshkevich is saying that they need more information? they, as i understand it, are in complete control of the situation during the shelling of ukraine? well, of course, we exchange information with our countries, partners, allies who join in supporting our state in the fight against russian aggression, and of course we provide the necessary data for our colleagues, well, why did he answer that way, that's all for it. .. question directly to the polish high-ranking official, but of course this help, it would be able to make our breathing a little easier, we could more to freely move the systems that are currently in the west of our country, to cover the frontline cities, other critical energy
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facilities, yes, which need this protection, technically it could be done, and we saw that the poles are so... they are armed with various systems of medium and long range, yes, which could cover our airspace, well, but that's already a question, we have certain problems with communication, it was ilya yevlash, spokesman for the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, on sorry we are out of touch with our spokesperson now, well, i hope that we will restore it, there is time, eh... let me remind you that just a few days ago, ilya yevlash announced that the f-16 could arrive in ukraine after easter, although he did not specify when exactly, after easter, well not the next day, in short, we are waiting for
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the inclusion of ilya yevlash, if there is an inclusion, we will of course ask him about it, but in the meantime, i want to remind you that we are conducting a survey and asking you, friends, about this today. is artificial intelligence needed in government communications? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, you vote or click the yes button or not, or write your comment under this video, and if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you think that artificial intelligence is needed in the government's communications with ukrainians, then 0.800 211 381, no 0 800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are available. vote for free, and we have not re-established contact with ilya yevlash, so we thank him for participating in the program, we are in touch with oleg rybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, former prime minister, vice prime minister minister of european affairs
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of integration and the former head of yushchenko's presidential office, mr. olezh, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, i am glad to be from the... studio again, thank you, mr. olezh, let's start with david cameron, who visited kyiv yesterday and announced that his country had given ukraine permission to strike british weapons on russian territory, and also promised to continue annual military aid to ukraine. let's listen to what the head of the british foreign ministry, who is in the ukrainian capital, said. russia attacked ukraine, and ukraine has every right to retaliate, as russia strikes on ukrainian territory, one can understand why ukraine feels the need to make sure it can defend itself. we will provide £3 billion
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every year, as much as is needed. we simply exhausted everything we could in terms of providing equipment. some of it is actually arriving in ukraine today while i'm here. so, mr. olezh, does this mean that there is already a consensus among the western partners that their weapons will fly in the direction of the russian federation? yes, but not with all western partners, but the number of such countries is growing, and these are not the last countries on the european continent, i still...


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