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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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the head of the foreign ministry of great britain, being in the ukrainian capital. russia attacked ukraine, and ukraine has every right to retaliate. with russia striking ukraine, it's understandable why ukraine feels the need to make sure it can defend itself. we will provide £3 billion every year, as much as is needed. we just exhausted everything we could. regarding the provision of equipment, some of it is actually arriving in ukraine today while i'm here. so, mr. oleg, is that it? does it mean that there is already a consensus among the western partners that their weapons will fly in the direction of the russian federation? there are, but not with all western partners, but the number of such countries is growing, and these are not the last countries on the european continent. i... just
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today i read, watched the news several times that great britain offers to sign an agreement with ukraine for 100 years, for 100 years on cooperation in all possible types of state activities, and this means that putin is receiving a very clear signal, and this signal is repeated by more and more influential countries that fuck you putin, ukraine is not yours and... it won't be, and that's why there is simply no chance for ukraine to win, because when the west rallies, russia just doesn't have enough, i saw in the news, you have a tape running there that they russians ca n't to take now without it, when the entire west is connected to a single large ukrainian city, and they have not captured a single large ukrainian city, so talking about the country is simply a dream of a bunker dwarf and... the world
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speaks very clearly about it, mr. oleg, but you talk about this century-old agreement, this one the agreement will be called the hundred-year partnership, or about the hundred-year partnership, as david cameron said, but we know that great britain was also a participant in the budapest memorandum, there they were guarantors, and here the question is that if after 30 years they do not were they able to ... after 20 years from 2014 , bring russia, which was also the guarantor of this budapest memorandum, to its senses, where is the guarantee that great britain will be friends and help ukraine for the next 100 years? of course, there is more symbolism here, but important symbolism for ukraine, as well as, among other things, in the position of macron and france, that is, these european countries are beginning to push back the horizon of the future. to have
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a future horizon in which ukraine is definitely present, well , it is obvious that you and i are not planning for 100 years, we cannot think in a year, but when political initiatives appear in the world that want to model the possibility of partnership for many, many years , it is great britain, it has a certain tradition there, already a monarchist tradition, and they have a foreign office, the ministry of foreign economy, connections, this is not... our mykhailivska, no one supervises them there from the royal palace, there they are very independent, very experienced, based on many centuries of history, and such initiatives are important for us, and it is especially important for us that there is no question that ukraine will remain out of the spotlight, it is obvious that putin is trying as much as possible to somehow separate this alliance, this union, he is trying to convince the world that why don't you spend a lot of energy on... what do you want on this
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ukraine to waste weapons if they cannot win the war, but such initiatives they are sending a completely different signal that ukraine will be armed and will have allies, but one more thing, the moment you talked about, after the second world war, the west, well, he really imagined that worse times were coming behind, there will be no more war, there will be no more war on the european continent, as they say figuratively... the west lived on dividends after the victory in the second world war, and then again after the victory in the cold war, but now such a hard realization has come, and macron speaks frankly about this, realizing that europe, which seemed to simply live endlessly and bathe in this peaceful world, it can be destroyed, before it there is a real threat of military destruction such as in ukraine. and that's why they came to the conclusion
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that it's better to stop russia in ukraine, rather than try to give putin the opportunity to go further, and it's very felt, er... here's what cameron said, he's not the only one who talks about that some host countries do not object to ukraine using their weapons on the territory of russia, because it was announced by the newly appointed minister of foreign affairs of latvia, baiba braja, in an interview with european pravda, she said the following. let's listen. but there are already countries that have already provided weapons to ukraine without such restrictions. indeed? absolutely, of course, not everything is announced publicly, and it is even better not to say it out loud until a certain time, the main thing is the influence on the polyba, because here there is a choice, whether to say something loudly, or just do what is necessary. putin's press secretary piskov said that
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the kremlin is concerned and considers dangerous and those that inflame tensions in the last statements of the president of france and the head of the foreign ministry of great britain regarding the possible presence of western... troops in ukraine and strikes by british weapons on the territory of the russian federation. mr. olezh, what do you think, well, the kremlin is afraid that british missiles from storm shadow will fly or that of other countries will fly in the direction of moscow, in the direction of other russian cities or military facilities located near these cities, or they still hope that due to the fact that they have... nuclear weapons, they can threaten and talk about the fact that now the time of judgment has come, as medvedev said, and now we will hit the western capitals, but macron responded very clearly to this threat, he said that he has nuclear weapons and the most modern, much
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more effective than russian ones, and not only that, france took the initiative to make such a nuclear umbrella for the whole of europe, if we remember that... poland turned to the united states with a proposal to place nuclear weapons on its territory, then we see that in response to these endless rattling of nuclear weapons , finally, a they are beginning to say in the west that nuclear weapons are a double-edged sword, that is , it is sharpened on both sides, and if it was unheard of before, now it is becoming a reality, because... that nuclear weapons were not invented at all for , to threaten and attack with it, it was invented so that those countries that have nuclear weapons could defend themselves, that is, it is a weapon that is not for attack, but for defense, and putin began to use it first as a threat
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of attack, and he gets appropriate reaction, because in fact there are tactical nuclear ones strikes achieve little, what russia, for example, does to ukrainian... towns like bakhmut or avdiyivka or some others where they simply completely destroy the city, well, it's the same as what happened there in kherasim after nuclear weapons, that is , the destruction is the same, but when the west started talking about the fact, and it should have been done earlier, that nuclear weapons are not only in russia, then to your question, are they afraid, i am sure that they are afraid, they are most afraid that the west will stop being afraid of them. mr. ole. it is clear that in the current situation, when and macron is talking about nuclear weapons, putin is talking about nuclear weapons, everyone is waiting to see what xi jinping will say about nuclear weapons, because xi jinping is coming to paris to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between china and france, and this
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will happen in may, but we see like macron and like scholz and like blinken are trying to convince the leader. china to support civilization, the civilized world and ukraine, and the same kirby, an adviser to the white house, says that so far they do not see that china is ready to support the ukrainian formula for peace and to participate in the peace summit in switzerland. kirbyk says we would welcome the participation of china or any other country that would like to join that takes into account and respects the 10-point plan. of president zelenskyi, but i would be wrong if i said that we really see china moving in this direction, we have not seen such, as far as you think, mr. oleg, this is the participation of china, even if china,
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conditionally speaking, will again promote their 12 points there, which they formulated back in february of the 23rd year, and they believed that these were some of their peace initiatives, if... if they don't even promote this position, how much the mere presence of a representative of china at this global peace summit, which will be held on june 16-17 in switzerland, how much will it... give status to this forum, and whether it is said that the presence of china will in a certain way give a signal there to the countries of the global south, on which beijing traditionally has influence. well, that will be it, this intrigue will last until the last moment, but it was natural for china to be present at this forum after all, no at the highest level, because we have already heard that china is making its own... anti-maidan, china wants to make its own forum with the participation of all
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parties, where russia will be, and for some reason ukraine will be there, maybe medvedchuk will represent ukraine, because the best relations in china during yanukovych's presidency, yanukovych spent three days there and the most contracts were signed, this indicates what kind of politics and politicians china is interested in and with whom china would be ready to be friends, so here... we don't have there should be no doubt that china will be the last a supporter of the fact that the countries to which he goes are conventionally the axis of evil, there are russia, china, north korea, iran, those are autocratic, not even just cars, but dictatorial countries, well, at the level of terrorist countries, so that they set the tone for the world, china will try as much as possible to make the current world order dominated by the united states. the european union to change this order, but it is also very characteristic of china never to burn bridges, china,
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sisin ping will now make a tour, he in general, china believes that in general there is a china in the world and there is the united states, well, they remember, sizenping said that the world is enough for two countries, for two, for three, there is no room for russia, and that's why china wants to create relations for it in one way or another. even the european union is a kind of vassal of the united states, and they meet with france, because france has certain anti-american sentiments there, it has such a special position, and china also wants it, and plus macron was there in china, they met there for three days, economic contracts, china is simply looking for options where it can influence world events significantly more seriously, and that's why he builds like that. these relations, but i repeat, it is very natural for china not to be on the side of ukraine, not to wish
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for the victory of ukraine, because the victory of ukraine is the victory of the western world, it is the victory of nato, it is the victory of the united states, and china would like the united states to the states, and nato, and the europeans were defeated. mr. oleg, you, as a person who knew very well how this kremlin machine functions and how it actually coexists there, this machine, in which many operators sit or people who believe that they are leading russia forward there. what can you say about the information of the american institute for the study of war, which believes that putin can punish shuigu for not fulfilling the kremlin's military goals, and this is the conclusion drawn by experts from the meeting of the president of the russian federation with the governor of the tutsk region, oleksiy dyumin, who is connected to the pkk. wagner, according to analysts, this may indicate putin's desire to reduce shaygu's power and balance
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him with competitors, and we know that just a few days ago he was detained deputy minister of defense of the russian federation timur ivanov on suspicion of receiving a bribe, part six of article 290 of the criminal code, and in general, timur ivanov is generally a billionaire in russia, which is obvious. worked in the interests, including shaigu. how important is shaigu in the current configuration for putin, and can we hope that these skirmishes between different towers of the kremlin can lead to the weakening of power in russia, and accordingly, it will give ukraine some chance during the war. well, it is more difficult to say about the chance during the war, but about the inevitability. similar steps, i am sure of it, well, first of all,
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russia formally has a constitution, after the next term of the re-elected president, the entire government formally submits a request to this president to resign, that is, the entire government will resign, it should be noted that dyumin - this is a person who was the main personal bodyguard of putin for a long time. and then he fell a little out of favor, then he was sent to the governorship, but when they analyze the situation with ivanov, they say that actually it's a union. shoigunov really created a projectile famine for the wagner group, i don’t know whether putin knew about it or putin did not know about it, but an active position of various interested parties had long been formed against shoi, and according to one version of western analysts
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, putin realized that prigoshin was actually , who was his faithful there for a long time. and prigozhin's associate were simply provoked by the fact that he was not given weapons, and prigozhin decided that this was happening with putin's blessing, and putin allegedly did not know, no matter what the option of replacing shoigu, because shoigu, shoigu, shoigut, except for his personal devotion and vacations there in the far north, i don't know how he is different there, but the character, huh. already causes such an allergy in many politicians to the influence of business groups , including the military, therefore it could be quite natural for putin to reboot this system a little, and the main thing is that he has an extremely convenient situation, the government, including shoigu, is forced to to resign by the constitution. and of course, mr.
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olezh, there are many experts, many specialists internationalists, including, is trying to understand putin's logic, and what he is, what he is doing now, and why he is doing it, we understand that he, well, seeks to destroy the ukrainian state, seeks to destroy ukrainians, but the director of the national intelligence of the united states of america, avriel gaines, believes that the tactics of the russian dictator is to convince ukraine that the continuation of the war will only increase the damage to the country, according to your observations. at the current stage, what putin is trying to do, that is, to force us to disadvantageous for we have the conditions to sit down at the transition table and fix this line of demarcation on the occupied territories of ukraine, the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and create a frozen conflict based on
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the korean version there, that is, north and south korea, will it still be... it will continue and it will to try to achieve much more than we can imagine. well, after he won the election so convincingly in quotation marks, it was obvious that he began, as they say, to pert, yes, he just radiated enthusiasm for against the background of the fact that ukraine could not receive a package of financial assistance from the united states for six months. i think that putin's plans did not include this decision of the congress. i think that putin planned his activities and this company in the summer and fall, based on the fact that ukraine will be on this projectile famine and that he has some kind of agreement there with trump, that the republican party of trump will never vote for this package. obviously, these
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plans fell through. it is also obvious that the goal of the campaign did not work either. the world is that ukraine should not be helped, because it is everything will lose exactly, and that is why we said to you that a campaign was planned, this is an ipso, and with the aim of demoralizing the ukrainians, to show that everything is lost, to convince the west that ukraine should not be helped, there are many vector campaigns, and this campaign, to talk about the illegitimacy of ukrainian, whatever, to convince ukrainians that, in principle , it is easier for you now to give what we want. because we will take everything away from you anyway, but we see that putin is now having serious problems with this campaign, the initiative macron, and what you and i talked about today about how the leaders of key european states are behaving, the provision of weapons to us, among other things, which i mentioned, because i spoke many times about the fact that even at that time , when it seemed to us that ukraine
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would not receive help, it turns out that we received more than 100 attacks somewhere in january, in february, and... and we only now received information about this, it is clear that there is a baltic diplomat, she said very correctly , that not everything needs to be talked about, we should have a lot more weapons than will be known, so putin has had enough of this well-thought-out campaign from his point of view, it is now falling apart, it is difficult, but important, to say that there will be a breakthrough along the entire front line. to pay attention to what macron and some other european leaders say, that in such a case they are ready to send their troops to ukraine, we need to think about having a law, i don't understand. why is there no board that allows foreign troops to be present on the territory of ukraine. i know every time there were nato exercises, the verkhovna rada voted
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there such a law that units can be located on the territory of ukraine, but now we do not have exercises, we are now in a life -or-death war, so we need to anticipate this initiative and work to ensure that at least there was a union and the number of members of this union was growing, those countries that understand and are ready, including, to use their own armed forces in order to prevent the occupation of the whole of ukraine by putin and the withdrawal of russian troops to the territory of the european union. thank you, mr. oleg, for the conversation, it was oleg hrybachuk, former vice prime minister of ukraine for european integration and former head of yushchenko's presidential office. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and. for those who are watching us live there now, please take part in our survey, today we ask you whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications, yes, no, please vote
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of the main directorate of intelligence, major general vadym skibitsky, the latter, in particular, gave an interview to the british publication the economist and stated that he did not see opportunities for ukraine to win the war only on the battlefield, however , he believes meaningful negotiations between kyiv and moscow. possible no earlier than the second half of next year. skibitsky believes that even if ukraine could reject russian forces back to the borders, it would not end the war. according to him, such wars can end only with treaties, and currently both sides are fighting for the most favorable position before potential negotiations, but representative gurk says that such negotiations between ukraine and russia... are possible in the second half of 2025, before time, according to him, russia will face serious headwinds.
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well, what, what, what mr. skibitsky is talking about when he talks about headwinds, it's hard to say, but it's obvious about the difficult situation that will exist in the russian federation, starting from 2025, when the russians will spend a lot of money on armaments and... on the production of tanks, drones, missiles, and they will simply lack money. russian dictator putin is spending record sums to militarize the country out of a paranoid fear that the west wants to limit the influence of the russian federation. this was stated by the director of national intelligence of the united states of america, avril gaines , during hearings in the congress of the united states of america. let's hear what she said. with this a certain paranoia is involved. putin continues to believe that russia is under threat, and almost certainly assumes that his larger and
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better-equipped military will convey this view to western and domestic audiences. he continues to view nato expansion and western support for ukraine as reinforcing his long-held belief that the united states and europe are seeking to limit russia's power. well as far as putin being paranoid, i think avril gaines is exaggerating a bit because we 're dealing with a murderous syrian maniac and whether he's paranoid or not, we have to record that he is a syrian murderer, that he is a person who kills tens of thousands of people in ukraine, who razes cities and villages and seeks to destroy them. ukraine is rather a manic syndrome in putin, he is a ukrainophobe, and he does everything to make sure that we do not exist, therefore,
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taking into account... he is the one who is carrying out the militarization of his state. boris pistorius, germany's defense minister, says that over the past few months we 've seen, he says, the russian federation begin to produce more weapons, more than is needed now for a war with ukraine. they are storing these weapons somewhere in siberia or behind the urals, or in front of the urals, somewhere further there, and they are trying to replenish all their stocks, which were exhausted in... two years of the great war against ukraine. russia did not expect that they would have to deconserve old tanks that were still in use during the second world war and bring them to europe, meaning from siberia or the far east, and use them in combat operations in ukraine. therefore, putin is now actively trying to make up for this history and do his best to... provide for himself
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appropriate weapons, and we have yevhen magda, the executive director of the institute of educational policy, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, mr. serhiy, good evening, good evening, we have some problems with the sound, is everything normal, no, i have problems, we are fine, mr. yevgeny, we have already started talking about these several statements that have come out in recent days from the mouths of ukrainian... officials, in particular the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba and a representative of the chief intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense, vadym skibitsky, who say that peace negotiations with russia are possible, skibitsky says that it is not before the second half of the 25th year, how do you feel about these talks about some peace talks, how far are they are predictable as far as
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they are. to be there in the 25th year, and do these peace talks require certain prerequisites and with the participation of our international partners? apparently, you need to be a professional scout in order to predict on may 24th that which will be in the second half of the 25th. i do not have such opportunities, so i will say this: i understand that there is a demand in the world: for peace between russia and ukraine. it exists in various circles of the western establishment. it exists in the arab world. it obviously exists in china, because the russian-ukrainian war has become the biggest war in the world. after 1945, and accordingly there is a request that it end as soon as possible. but i understand why
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dmytro... koleba is talking about possible negotiations, because this is an incentive to gather people at the summit, which will be in switzerland in mid-june, this is also obvious. accordingly, to say that there will be negotiations, and they are literally about to begin, you are now showing footage of the negotiations in istanbul from march, last year, i think it will be a big break. that the whole world is ready for these negotiations, russia is not ready for these negotiations, which i am sure will be after the start of putin's inauguration, after may 7 and after the inauguration itself, it will be, well, before this summit, until mid-june, it will be try to improve their position on front, she will try... to buy new
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ukrainian territories, this is, in my opinion, an absolutely obvious and understandable scenario at the moment. we must counter this through not only diplomatic maneuvers, we must counter this through the consolidation of ukrainian society. we have significant problems in demonstrating the consolidation and resilience of ukrainian society, and therefore we have to do in... in order to show the world that ukraine, even after 800 days of a large-scale invasion, even after experiencing gigantic losses, infrastructure, energy, very significant human losses, it continues to maintain itself as a state, it continues normally.


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