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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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ostensibly speaking on her own behalf, but everyone knows her ties to trump and sees her as trump's mouthpiece to some extent, which trump can't even afford to be public, she's a voiceover, and i think bezuglakh plays about the same role, well sometimes it leads to the fact that, you know, like now green did a nice curtsey in the sense that she wanted to, so to speak, run over her opponents and suggested the slogan make ukraine great again, a nice slogan, so sometimes, so the side the effect can be useful, but of course, she does not set such a goal for herself, she did not set such a goal, just like bezugla itself, we see that bezugla is such a tool for shifting public attention, this was the case with her campaign against zaluzhny in her time, i
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think that it was also used in other campaigns of this kind, and now we see that the authorities, the authorities really need to somehow switch public attention, channel it, to a certain, certain, we see the story with these consular services, which caused a lot of noise, and precisely in the noise, it seems to me that its main meaning was not that... the mobilization law would start working, the same thing is happening now with the public one, it is a way to shift attention, to cause such, you know, something like class hatred, now to the journalists, tomorrow it may be to some, i don't know the separate factions in the parliament, they will say that there are separate factions in the parliament, they take people's money, they book someone there and so on and so forth in... a man can
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be turned into any on in any direction that will, well, will be issued useful, useful for the government, i think that its scapat should be treated exactly like this, it is an attempt to switch attention, of course, the public should not be given, offend, but treat it as if it is some kind of long-term strategy for after the war , well... yes, when we begin the post-war period, i think that this is a tactic, and exactly as a tactic should be treated with these escapades. the chairman of the board of the national public television of ukraine, mykola chernotytskyi, stated that pressure on the public broadcaster is inadmissible. according to him, society is ready for two options: either to remain in the telethon with only news, or to expand broadcasting on the first channel, we either maintain parity conditions, or a model where the public expands its broadcasting on... the first channel, while
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i have to understand that this is legal, that it is not contradicts the decrees of the president, the decisions of the national security council, we must have a guarantee that in the event of withdrawing from the marathon, we will not be accused of undermining national security and starting to speak on our channel, the mediaar journalistic community called for an end to the pressure on broadcasting, but in this whole configuration they are quite often mentioned and compared. public with a national telethon. serhiy leshchenko, an adviser to the head of the president's office , said that without the telethon in ukraine, there would be media chaos, and attempts to discredit it are part of russian propaganda. let's listen to what leshchenko said. the telethon was created for this purpose, to be a source of verified information, not fakes. and it is clear that one of the methods of russia's struggle against ukraine is discrediting. information that is transmitted
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verified information, information without fakes, without hype, as a matter of fact, that is why part of the russian information war against ukraine is being waged by discrediting the marathon, understanding that if there is no marathon, then there will be media chaos and in conditions of media chaos it is extremely easy to create provocations that split society and glorify ukraine internally in the face of russian aggression. so, ladies and gentlemen, leshchenko says that after... without the telethon there will be mediahouse, does this mean that before the war, when there were many tv channels, there was also a media house, but a structured media house, and now there will be a media house, which, according to leshchenko, is part of russian propaganda or part of the russian concept. olga, what do you say about this? you know, i would say the following, paraphrasing the expression. which we already
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use quite often, a large soviet army against a small soviet army, this is the big soviet... that is, russian propaganda against small soviet propaganda, that is, a single marathon. let's call a spade a spade. i understand that the first month, the same terrible one, march of the 22nd year, so the marathon had spectators too, not to say that they were grateful spectators, they were shocked, frightened spectators who... were afraid to turn off the tv, because it was the only connection with the authorities, with what was happening around, and it was necessary to somehow make sense of all the terrible things that fell together with the great invasion. now
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we understand that the further we go, the greater the gulf grows between what the television says and what people talk about in the... kitchens, my god, my god, in almost every family, if no one from relatives and friends are not at war, then there are friends, there are acquaintances, there are sources of information, and the gap becomes obscene, it becomes like in soviet times, this is a bad story for us, because, well, we cannot... like that behave with citizens in such a way, we, i am talking about media people, yes, we cannot behave with citizens in such a way that they say: my god, that tv just barks, you will not learn the truth there, and you need to learn,
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one woman said, you need to to find out from telegram channels, mostly anonymous, that is, eh... absolutely distorted, distorted reality comes out of us, well, so the audience again, both viewers and readers, they learn again, uh, to catch the truth between the shots, between the lines, that is, those who lived in soviet times, that’s what it is, you know , a skill that we already thought was lost a long time ago, can return here, because if you want to know the truth, you have to extract it drop by drop from where to extract it, well, it's almost impossible, well
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, for me it's, you know, such a question is whether... it is possible during the war, when talking to society, to get away with 100% of propaganda, without propaganda, for me it 's an open question, i don't have an answer to it, and if it's not possible, what percentage of propaganda should there be in that absolutely bleak picture of reality. which fashionistas must give people, so that they do not have a distorted idea of ​​what is happening, and whether it is even possible to ask questions like that, but i am absolutely sure that varnishing the reality, calming people down,
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saying that oh well, glory god, they give us weapons and money, and of course... there are certain problematic acts on the front, and there are such dramatic stories, but still, in general, the positive prevails, if we do not turn the mood of the society in the direction when people will start to decide personally, and not only their fate, in principle , this will begin , such processes will begin, which will then be difficult to reformat in society, and the responsibility,
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the responsibility of the media in this, is extremely great, that is, with propaganda at the... state level, i believe that it should be finished. thank you. olga. maryna, why, in your opinion, is in principle logical. and the correct action of creating a channel, a single channel, a large channel from verified information, why are we still talking about the ineffectiveness of such a channel as a result, i.e. was it not such completely verified information, or something, as ulya says, very there was a lot of propaganda, too much propaganda, which did not give an idea, well, a complete picture and does not give a complete picture of what is happening in... in ukraine, is this information policy, verification of this information, and propaganda
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carried out by people who, well, maybe not too qualified first of all, the quality of these people who work as editors, journalists and presenters is much better, and secondly, there is such a thing, look, unfortunately, it is impossible. to create a single, verified broadcaster in the conditions of the 21st century, when everyone has access to information in various forms. it is obvious that the only telethon, having received such a first success in 2022, should have developed, invested in some really interesting stories, and not reduced everything to such one-sided propaganda, because, for example, quoting these words... which you voiced, he just spoke in the framework of a single
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television marathon, and well, this is absolutely shameful, considering that serhiy ilyeshchenko was once a promising journalist, but i can say a few words about this quote of his that, oh, if we do not have a single television marathon, there will be mediahouse, please excuse me, just the other day we spoke with tetyana nikolenko, she is a very famous ukrainian... journalist, my colleague on the censor website, and it so happened that they worked for a long time with serhii leshchenko, creating ukrainian truth, and tetyana said a very important thing: na alas, serhii leshchenko forgets one point, that when in the early 2000s, during the time of leonid kuchma, medvedchuk, there were temniks, people did not look for the only verified information on the inter tv channel, they went to look for alternative sources of information, and thus the ukrainian... got the first buz for its growth, and when we look
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at the development of alternative youtubes, alternative online media there, then people went to look for information not on a single telethon, you know, i can say, for our own projects , we constantly look at analytics, and there is a huge influx of several categories of the population, that is, conditionally young people who were not going to watch that television product... which gives a single telethon, that is, those people who go to the authors and watch those products that they consider necessary, and a huge influx even pensioners, pensioners have mastered elementary youtube and they go to look for an alternative to the only television marathon, and this indicator is absolutely on all our friendly youtube channels, we asked colleagues who are engaged not only in politics, but historical channels, cultural channels, and everyone just in... an explosion of people of completely different categories, because everyone was simply fed up with a single television marathon,
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it doesn’t work, but the authorities are afraid to admit that a single television marathon did not justify itself, and therefore it is okay this shame, shame and hatred towards the public. thank you , marina, oleksiy, if the current government had asked you what to do with the national telethon, you would have been a media consultant. of several political groups and parties, if you were asked, here is oleksia, what, what should we do, in we have such a national telethon, there are many tv channels, a large budget, but the effectiveness is there, how many 30% of ukrainian citizens or 40 watch the telethon, well, at least i have come across such statistics that what do they need to do in order for this tool to work, well, before eh... to answer your question, i would still like to apply the same method as when answering the question
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about the bason, i am just curious about whom, as they say in certain circles, leshchyn crumbles the loaf, he says that they are not satisfied with the marathon, russia is unhappy that russia arranges actions against the marathon, well, we know that the biggest critic of the telethon in recent times has been the united states state department. i do not think that the state department of the united states, although there are different rumors, but that it works so directly for russia. the second point, if we talk about the fact that we have... a democratic country, we, the country, so to speak, are the vanguard of freedom in the fight against totalitarianism, we were told that there is no version of the darkroom, and that journalists adhere to certain standards, providing information actually, exclusively at the call of one's own soul. i have a question, in
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this case, why should they all be in the same marathon, which... they all understand very well, give verified information, but they do not coordinate it with the presidential administration, do not verify it in the presidential administration in some shadowy way, they can safely publish their news, working to the same standards as they have been working for the last two years. the third point, if mr. leshchenko says that the task of the marathon was to create verified information, then v public participates in this marathon. who issues verified information, obviously, at least in this case, there is no claim against him, not even on the part of ms. bezuglai, i have a question, maybe it was such an attack on ms. bezuglai that she interferes with the submission of verified information
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to the public , i.e., if you say that we have a media system, in case... we have a media house, then it seems to me that we now have a media house, because we do not understand what mr. leshchenko means, it is some kind of porridge, no there is no logic in this, none at all my advice, which of course no one asked me except you, but nevertheless, i worked even before i consulted, i worked at the inter tv channel that was mentioned. and i remember the story with kuchma's presidency with the united information. then they also said that the main thing is not to rock the boat and give verified information. this was the main motive in creating this unified information policy. i then told the people who organized this unified information policy that it would not work like that, and no, and,
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more precisely, it would work in the complete opposite way, because creation. er a single monolith that doesn't differentiate on each channel, meaning there are many channels but they all tell the same thing, like in the soviet union, it results in the fact that for people it merges into one channel, and one of many , because there are other channels, and now, thank god , we have various others, so to speak, even technological ones, there are social networks, there are youtube, there is... there are messengers and so on and so forth, and it seems to me that people they go there not at all because they are bored with the marathon, these are parallel processes, people they master what, what they are interested in, what is more efficient, what is available gives a more, so to speak, attractive picture for them, a picture of the world, a way of presenting information and so on, there are also bubbles, of course , but
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nevertheless, it just coincided that the disappointment in the marathon, if someone had a fascination, also coincided with a change in habits, habits of the audience, in these conditions, of course, the marathon is doomed, if in the near future, we will not have changes and in the direction that there should be pluralism, for the people, pluralism first of all, it will simply turn into another ut1. which existed during the time of the same leonid kuch, so the question is that if someone wants to save the patient, then changes are needed, and if nothing is changed, then he will simply end his life quietly and imperceptibly for the world, and here against the background of the fact that happening around the public and statements about
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this media house, information appeared that journalists return to the council. after the journalists get access to the meetings of the verkhovna rada, they will work on a rotational basis due to the lack of seats in shelters, said yaroslav yurchyshyn, head of the committee on freedom of speech. zmi representatives will also be prohibited from conducting online broadcasts from the parliament. ola, as a long-time journalist, you have been accredited to the verkhovna rada of ukraine for decades. how, how do you perceive this absence, a two-year absence from the parliament, and... and what did it give to the authorities and what did it not add to journalists and society? well, actually, when i read it , the head of the... apparatus, i think, told the council about it, the lack of a full-fledged bomb shelter, and you know, the first thought, really a person who has been accredited in
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the rada for many years, i apologize, go down to minus one, where is the buffet, well, it is a completely local bomb shelter, classic with two exits, well, who cares about those people who work in this parliament as a journalist. for many years, and forgive me, i simply will not develop the subject of bomb shelters, because , well, the communication transitions between the council buildings, they themselves were constructively, at one time, planned precisely as a bomb shelter, so, forgive me, this is a bureaucratic refusal. what does it cause? just a smile, there is a place to hide in the council, and you know, it sounds a little provocative, because
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we really say many times that there is a great need for bomb shelters for citizens, and kyiv, compared to other cities, is still in such a priority ... the situation, because we have a subway, in other cities, in small towns, there is nothing there at all , that means, in the premises of the council, where there is, well, actually, minus the first floor, where they can accommodate and deputies, we have 20 seconds on the air, thank god, what journalists are returning to the council, in the conditions of martial law, it is... simply necessary that the deputies come to their senses and work, at least under the supervision of the press. thank you, olga
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musafirova, maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, oleksiy mustafin were guests of our program today. thank you ladies and gentlemen for participating in the program. during the program, we asked you, friends, whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications. let's look at the results of the television survey: 11% - yes, 89%. no, we will put an end to this, it was the program verdict previ i serhii rudenko, i will say goodbye to you until monday at 8:00 p.m., i wish you a peaceful holiday, be healthy, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye, there are discounts, we present coco discounts for may for relief! 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. there are discounts representing coco discounts of may on eurofast softcaps 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. olenivka a prison in the occupied territory
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of ukraine, where the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and beat them very hard. journalists found those involved in crimes he was so short. the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film investigation olenivka - curators of evil on the espresso tv channel on may 6 at 9:15 p.m. exclusively on our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and
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other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of processes, that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent. gather in the present and predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder. with the brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens
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those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. we are looking for 14-year-old victoria pushkar. i know that the girl lived on the left bank of the kherson region in the village of abrikosivka, which remains under occupation. from the beginning full-scale war. and imagine, precisely since then there is no information about the possible whereabouts of the child. it is quite likely that the girl could have been taken to russia, or maybe she still remains somewhere in the territories not controlled by ukraine. i really hope that with your help victoria pushkar will be found. if anyone has seen her or knows where the child may be now,
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call us immediately on the hotline of the service. search for magnolia children by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. also, information can be transferred using the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. she told us about karina's disappearance. her mother, imagine, the woman has not known anything about the fate of her daughter for almost a year. i turned everywhere i could, i'm already screaming as much as i can, this is how they tied my hands and told me to swim, so i'm in such a situation at the moment. karina's parents already divorced a long time ago and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she went to her father and stayed with him. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time.
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says the woman, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks, but in april of last year, the connection with karina mysteriously broke off, the girl stopped logging into her accounts, and no one knows where she is now, she already wrote everywhere, even here on this territory on looking for a child, because i don't know where they are already shouting, how can i find a child, i can’t, i am an adequate mother, a child is for me, this was my life, the girl’s mother is now so... she is also in the occupied territory, recently we contacted her again, the woman assumes that her daughter could be taken to russia, but exactly where is unknown, so it is important to know even the smallest details. i want to appeal to everyone who saw or who knows something about my child, who went missing and stopped going out since april 2023, this is karina igorevna konevets. if
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has anyone seen karina kanivets or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 1163. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chat bot child tracing services in telegram. i am asking for my beloved child. she will see, hear me, so that she responds, i'm really looking forward to it, thanks to everyone who can help. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where
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the work of the police is practically paralyzed. where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, anyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone in the end help to find we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior,
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strong in spirit, i appreciate... the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow soldiers.


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