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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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yes, the use of these weapons against the city of kharkiv, in particular, mr. serhiy, mr. serhiy, we understand your emotions, we understand that this is the irritation of the muscovites' plan, thank you, now there is a moment of silence, we remember those whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's honor with a moment of silence the memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that... it was unleashed by russia.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians attacked kharkiv with shaheds. four people were injured as a result. among them are 13-year-old child. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. as a result of falling debris , three fires started. in the osnovyansk district
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, the fire engulfed a warehouse with an area of ​​more than 3,000 square kilometers. currently, the liquidation of the consequences is ongoing, rescuers are working on the spot. well , two people were hospitalized with injuries as a result of a night attack in the dnipropetrovsk region. the occupiers attacked the pavlograd district with shahedes. a fire broke out due to falling debris. in a private house, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said. also that night, the russians struck nikopol and the marganets community, damaging two high-rise buildings, a utility company, and a critical infrastructure facility. already in the morning, the occupiers shelled myrivska hromada, a fire broke out at an agricultural company there. in general, that night the invaders attacked ukraine with 13 shaheds.
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our defenders managed to destroy all the enemy drones, the air force reports this, the invaders also launched four s-300 missiles from the belgorod region, the consequences of the attack are currently being clarified. and till operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 119 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. heavy fighting continues in donetsk region. 34 russian attacks were repulsed by our defenders in the avdiivskyi direction, another 27 assaults were stopped in the bakhmutskyi and 16 in the novopavlivskyi direction. the occupiers became more active in the kharkiv region, in the kupyansk direction, and our defenders stopped nine enemy assaults. another 11 attacks were repelled by the defense force in the kherson region. during the day , the ukrainian aviation carried out 13 strikes areas of concentration of personnel and destroyed three enemy control points. also rocket launchers and... it was a restless night
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in the temporarily occupied crimea, explosions rang out in dzhankoya and yevpatoria. the ministry of defense of the country said that the aggressors had allegedly shot down four atakams missiles over the peninsula. at the same time, local residents reported at least 15 explosions. and in khabarovsk, russia, a commercial building is on fire. center, this is reported in the emergency service of erefiya. the fire covered more than 100 square meters, previously the fire started in the hood. 270 people have already been evacuated from the building. information about the victims is currently being clarified. the patriot air defense system, which germany plans to hand over to ukraine, will be delivered to the defense forces no earlier than the end of june, writes about it. new york times. the training of 70 ukrainian
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soldiers under the accelerated program will last six weeks in germany. after that, the german military will transport radar installations and other parts. to poland and will hand them over to ukraine. the united states of america leads negotiations with the g7 countries regarding the allocation of 50 billion dollars to ukraine, writes bloomberg. according to the american plan, most of the funds will be allocated at the expense of profits from frozen russian assets. the u.s. treasury department confirmed that negotiations on this issue are indeed ongoing and include the sending of funds to the coalition. countries, the united states wants to conclude a deal in june at the g7 summit in italy. and because of the war, the purchasing power of many ukrainians is currently limited, especially in the pro-front areas, therefore, preparing for easter, many
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are forced to economize. the institute of agrarian economics calculated this year's cost of the easter basket. so how much does a traditional set of products cost and whether prices have increased, he will tell. in our story: this weekend ukraine will celebrate one of the biggest christian holidays - easter. many families will celebrate it traditionally by preparing and consecrating an easter basket. this year, paska in ukraine will be 5.8% more expensive, compared to last year. as the saleswoman raisa, who is already 30, tells has been operating on the market for years, the prices now remain almost the same as last year, and some the products have even become cheaper, even pasochki, as they say, are more flexible, people buy them on the last day in the last days, because they know that they will be fresher, and the prices are the same as last year, even 100-gram pasochki are uah 2 cheaper than last year , and the bigger ones, and
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the bigger ones are exactly the same price, nothing has changed, this is what the price is, how much is 90 uah for half a kilogram, 160 uah for a kilogram. they are preparing for the holiday and filling of easter basket and buyers, they say, despite a limited budget, want to buy everything delicious for the table. i will take dried apricots, nuts, will you bake the beeswax yourself? no, my daughter will bake. mrs. olga has been living in the white church for a long time. he claims that, compared to last year, the cost of some goods has decreased, so he considers it profitable to bake easter bread this year. prices compared to last year. this year they are smaller, i know that for sure, well, there is a little less, well, not much of course, how much 5-10 hryvnias, no, within the limits of 5 hryvnias, two, three, five, five is already ceiling, well, i thought that, for example, the way out, here is the fact that you buy one paska, then for
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this money, you will get three at home, you cannot imagine a festive table without a piece of meat, so, as the saleswoman pavlina assures , in the meat department, it did not increase until easter, it completely disappeared for lard, so they sell it for almost nothing. the meat rose a little to let there be 170, 180, 200 pieces, and the lard fell to 100 and up to 50 hryvnias, even at the end the girls give away even 50 hryvnias of lard, in general no one takes any lard. economist lidia horoshkova states that indeed, some products have fallen in price, and some have risen in price, but... in general, there is an increase and by no means a decline, so you and i have, in general, an increase of 17% over the year. to add further, what you talked about and people see in the markets and so on, what they see, they see in addition, additional things,
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i mean vegetables, then just here the prices of vegetables have not changed significantly, vegetables, fruits and such otherwise, they have not changed significantly. and if you take the total cost of last year, i mean more or less an expanded set, where we will add kahor, add vegetables, add some fruits, then just here the increase will be only 17%, that is, this component, vegetables, fruits, wine, they have become much less expensive, so this is the situation we have with you, according to according to the data of the institute of agrarian economics... in 2024 , the traditional foods: paska, eggs, homemade sausage, lard, butter, soft and hard cheeses, horseradish and salt will cost about uah 1,422 for a family of four. last year, the same set of products cost
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uah 1,208. ukrainians are celebrating for the third year already the resurrection of the lord in conditions of full-scale war. so when will loved ones gather around the table? relatives and brothers, each of us will ask god for only one thing, peace and victory for ukraine. the entire espresso bila tv channel team wishes you a peaceful easter. church. in the meantime, i would like to ask you to join the collection for our defenders. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give you and i the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is uah 720,000. thanks to you, we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect a little more than uah 100,000. so... let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important, every hryvnia of ours is of great importance, now you
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see all the necessary details on the screens, so scan and donate. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow updates on our website, and also look for us on youtube and on our social networks, meet my colleagues andrii saichuk and lesya vakalyuk in a moment. we with we will see you. in less than an hour, dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, i would like to remind you that today we are working for you in this studio throughout the day, our first part will end at 11, and then in the afternoon we will return and continue, i want to thank our viewers for this incredible kind of festive roll call, which they arranged under
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our youtube broadcast, where they send greetings from different cities of ukraine and not only ukraine, again, they send us greetings once from donetsk, they write that donetsk is it ukraine, greetings from munich, greetings from zaporizhzhia, from italy, from germany, again , again from the dnipro, from mykolaiv. er, from a new division, er, almost my homeland is small, er, also our viewer, lidiya panova, writes to us about the fact that our defenders were congratulated with donations , one for each card, in addition, in addition 2 million joined the fundraiser, and now it will be up to 4 million. thank you for your work, and we thank you for your donations, so we are starting a new fundraiser, so i want to thank all those who participated in the previous one. you and i did it 2 times million hryvnias are there, even a little more than you put in, and
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these 2 million hryvnias with a tail will now be handed over to our military defenders from two brigades of the 93rd 72nd, they will have fp-cannons that will destroy moskal, and so we have i am working on the next collection, a big one, twice as much as the previous one, so twice as much, i will ask you for your support, today's appeals have already been heard by our viewers, we have... such a festive, slightly pre-holiday mood, it is not too, you know, elevated, so that we have the third, the third easter in the time of the great war, but - i think that this the holiday should be shared a little with our defenders, now we are collecting atvs for them, and these atvs are needed for quick evacuation, as well as for transporting ammunition, this is how it all looks, dear friends, it is difficult to evacuate on... them from the battlefield, but every minute is very precious, so atvs will be very needed by our
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military, support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold ravine with a donation, i hope that you will donate your donations and now share a little of this holiday that is inside us with our military for this morning, i won't say how much you and i collected, because i... opened the link only at the mark 11070, and before that i had already made an announcement, but if we talk about pushing back from this mark, then there are already eight and a half thousand, and i hope that today we are a little with you, yes, there are already 9 00, even 10 00, dear friends, please join us with your donations, our military needs our support, and the amount is not small, 4 million hryvnias, but little by little, little by little we will overcome it with you, i believe in it, but now mykola osychenko, journalist, is with us a media person from mariupol, we will ask about what
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is happening there in mariupol, while we wait for him to join our airwaves, we will remind you that we will remind you, we will remind you that you can also put your favorite, if you are currently having problems with money, here there is no money now, you are waiting for a salary or a pension or some fees, then listen: you have no money, leave your favorite, your thumb up under our youtube broadcast, this is also very helpful to us, because in this way you do so, that this... broadcast will be in about in the suggested list, more people will look, more people will hear my calls about what we are collecting now on atvs for rapid evacuation and for transporting ammunition, more people will take, scan this qr code, more people will know the truth, because we are trying to speak the truth, and not to make some beautiful, empty
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promises, uh, so, dear friends, be with... with us, be with our military, while we continue our marathon. yes, and regarding our marathon, i wanted to know what to say about what they say the new york times writes about this, that in fact, as it turns out, the main thing is that all this help, which we were promised, will not arrive until the summer, and it will not be so soon, and that is exactly what we , the patriots, need most, rockets to them. well, also bradley, humvee, 155 artillery shells, in short, all this can take months, so something will not be until the end of may, something even later, well, but with good news, with good news, with good news, maybe they will give us another 50 billion dollars, this is already being considered now such a package
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americans, here is also unclear now a bit of the situation with the f-16, you remember. that yevlash, the new spokesman of the ukrainian air force, said that after easter, there might be the first ones on the 16th, then the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and on the 16th in the ukrainian sky, but not everything can be so simple, because of western countries, officials say that it is possible that in the 16th they will not be before the end of june, that's how it is... this will roughly coincide with the delivery of new missiles and patriot air defense systems in a word, so by june it will not be easy, absolutely not easy we may have times, it may be may not easy, well, actually president zelenskyy says this too, he warned about it yesterday in his address that it is not a difficult stage, also, by the way, a good, very
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noticeable, let's say, maria berlinska's interview for... nv, you all know maria berlinska, of course, who is a veteran and well-known volunteer, who also says that the situation in may will be difficult, and said that we will find ourselves in a situation where we did not prepare for this may, and this happened , i will quote maria berlinska, because we have a vertical of solid lies. criticized the information policy of the state for two years on the official channels and the official media, all this aristocracy, which in the end has now turned out to be such situations, dear friends, we are already approaching uah 4,000, well, some uah 600
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separates us from this, and uah 40,000 - it will already be a hundredth of the required amount, i thank you... because of how you respond to appeals, especially on such a day before easter, thank you also, our viewer reminds us that the military said that instead of paska, give us donations , so you can't transfer a pasochka, even more so, all pasochkas, our soldiers do not have time to eat them, they either share those paschas with the local residents, i.e. donate, listen, a paska costs uah 100 and... uah 50, this is also, this is also important, little ones donats, if we collect them, there will be a lot of us from around the world by the thread of a poor shirt, the amount will be collected very quickly at once, it is these drones that actually allow the military to have time for shepherding and for some kind of rest, because when there are no drones, there is no shepherding,
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atvs will help save lives in time, help evacuate from the field because? will help the military defender not to bleed out and save his life, save his limbs, atvs will help to quickly deliver ammunition, because we know that enemy drones are also scurrying just above the battlefield and do not allow our military to save the lives of their brothers and sisters, dear friends, well, now we will tell you about another one of our defenders, who is a conductor of passenger cars by profession, but he has never... once worn the uniform of a railwayman, instead he cannot take off another, military, his uncle, the hero of the heavenly hundred, who died on the maidan in 2014, defending freedom in... ukraine, and now you have the story of a defender with the call sign plyusyk. this is andriy lysak, but all
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his relatives and brothers call him plyusyk. the guy comes from the city of yavoriv, ​​lviv region. he studied to be a conductor of passenger cars, but he understood in his heart that his vocation was military service. from 2014 to 2023, plyusyk defended our country from the russian aggressor in donbas, but i did not have to travel by train, because i had, well, since childhood, since my father a military man, he has been in the service for 28 years, when i came to arozheyka for the first time, i saw weapons, well, this is my desire, i just love weapons, that's why i have weapons, and i went up the ranks, advanced to the rank of senior sergeant, was the commander of the repair platoon department. this is mine rubizhne, kreminna, maryinka, krasnohorivka, bakhmud, toretsk, popasna - these are far from all the settlements visited by andriy. the boy remembers that during his 10 years
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of military service, he saw different things, but there was no such hell in donbass as after the full-scale invasion. this is hell, this is hell, from it was a full-scale hell, especially in the very first days, no one knew anything... did not understand who, where, where our, where, where, where the russian troops are regular, where they went, it could be that they could just fall on their own in uniform, and he could also shoot, because no one knew, and everyone took a risk. the first week of full scale, the artillery fire did not abate, the enemy released 60-70 packets of hail per day, and so without stopping, the cities and... villages of donbas were simply razed to the ground, but plyusyk and his comrades did not give up and fought the enemies with all their might. we went to
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popasna and there were already such fierce battles in popasna, well, bakhmat won’t even prove this, because in the first days we were, well, without such support at all there in terms of weapons, well, we had fully automatic assault rifles, there was no such thing as bk, on ... they just walked, one might say, in a herd, around 100 people entered, especially at the depot, then 17 of our people broke up their group, almost to 100 people, andriy started the struggle for a free and independent ukraine back in the days of the revolution of dignity, together with his uncle as roman senyk, he was an active participant in the maidan, where he was injured, but roman was hit by a bullet on january 22, 2014, and died in the hospital a few days later. nowadays, ukraine knows him as the hero of the heavenly hundred. i
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was with him on the maidan, only i arrived a little later for four days, i also got injured in the khreschatyk in the subway, we were told that aunts were coming into the subway, i just walked on the side next to the door, missed the door. and a man in a mask came out from there and hit him on the head. plyusyk finished his military service in 2023 after receiving complex shrapnel wounds. however, even today, the man cannot imagine life without the army, so he found his place in the veterans hub organization, which supports ukrainian soldiers and their families. it's hard to get used to life as a citizen. it is difficult to find a circle there, i found the veteran hub union, which deals
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with legal assistance, psychological assistance, help with grants, managers, well , they work, they work for the military, we are leaving, i got a job there, a mobile office driver, well, where would you go without creativity and love during andrii lysak falls in love to sing, he recently became the performer of the song "onukam", which was written by his girlfriend elizabeth. the composition was born from frontline stories, dedicated to the struggle for ukraine and true love that lives despite the war. one day i will wake up in a world where the lives of little children will not be destroyed. and while the angel will vouch for me, i'll take care of myself...
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fix fixes reliably, my dentist advised me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good, economical. lacalu fix. there are discounts, the may discounts on eurofast softcaps are represented by coco. 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. exclusively on the air. channel greetings, friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis
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of changing processes. country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. well, friends, we are coming back, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work today in this studio for you, we work throughout the day, tomorrow we will work the same way despite the fact that it is a holiday, but our work as journalists is such that while someone is celebrating, we we talk about what is happening, i do not regret it, because i am glad that i can inform people and tell about the truth, and i am also glad that i can read these
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beautiful books. comments under our youtube broadcast, then they send greetings to us from zaporizhzhia, from mykolaiv, again spain, luhansk, and yes, dnipro again, dear friends, odesa again, in a word luhansk, in a word many, many from kosovo, eh, donbass, many, many greetings, and this is very gratifying, dear friends, and it is also very gratifying that you are so, yes... actively responded today to our new collection, because we closed the previous one, i congratulate all those who joined it, you and i collected 2 million and even a little more, and now we have already collected a little more than a hundred with you a part of the new collection, of the 4 million that we need, 47,549 uah is already available.


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