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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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because i am glad that i can inform people and tell about the truth, and i am also glad that i can read these wonderful comments under our youtube broadcast, then they send greetings to us from zaporizhzhia, from mykolaiv, again spain, luhansk, yes, again dnipro, dear ones friends, once again odeschyna, in a word luhansk, in a word many, many from kosovo, many, many greetings to you, and it makes me very happy, dear friends, and i am also very happy that you responded so, so actively today to our new gathering, because the previous one we closed, i congratulate all those who joined it, you and i collected 2 million and even a little more, and now you and i have already collected a little more than a hundredth of the new collection, of the 4 million that we need, we already have 47,549 hryvnias. the start
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has been made, i hope that very soon you and i will collect the four million, which looks very scary so far, but we will close it, and our military will receive atvs in order to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, in order to give rides ammunition and do it promptly, watch how the qr code will appear in this corner, well, in the meantime, we continue to talk with our guests, and with us is anatoliy khrapchynskyi, the deputy general director of the company that deals with rebs. and also the aviation expert, mr. anatoly, congratulations, congratulations, where are you going on business, can you hear us, good morning, i hear you, oh, great, i say, where are you going, tests, uh, okay, something good, tests of new means, yes, uh, good, what will protect our military, actually, mr. anatoly, as far as it is now, if s... i read
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the interview already today i mentioned it to our to the audience with maria berlinska, who is also usually involved in the topic of drones, and she says that there are certain achievements and it would have been very cool two years ago, but for may 2024, that is not enough. here... technological advantage, let's start with the fact that if we are talking about capabilities, we have actually made a very big step in these two years, so we really wish we had such capabilities at the beginning of, for example, the 22nd year, so that, for example, when there in the 16th or 18th year we proposed some means of radio-electronic warfare, we were listened to, but, as they say, we have what we have, now we need it. ..
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to solve urgent issues and scale up, therefore, in fact, if we talk about scaling up, then during these two years of full-scale war, we can say that production increased by about 40%, it is clear that the need is crazy, and there is a need not only for means of radio-electronic warfare , which are put in the trench, but you have to think already more globally about large systems that could be closed sectorally and provide danger to our military. due, for example, not to the fact that they still have to work with some additional means of radio-electronic warfare, or it is clear that staff units are now being introduced that allow them to perform these tasks under cover in certain units, but we must also say mostly about the creation of such sectoral systems, due to which they could significantly reduce, for example, and increase the capabilities of anti-electronic warfare means, in war stories there's always swords, there's always shields and... every now and then one trumps the other,
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armor became ineffective knightly after guns were invented, now slaves are obviously a shield, strike drones are a sword, now what's the advantage , let's start with the fact that , in fact, if we talk about both of these means, they both help us and protect us, so it is really important to have enough of both. if we talk, for example, about the actual development of means of unmanned systems, it should be noted here that ukraine has also made significant progress, and there are some developments that, for example, our western partners consider very effective and are looking in their direction, either in order to have some kind of collaboration with our companies, or even in order to to purchase for certain specific tasks, and again, i constantly emphasize here that these tools will be highly effective and in demand even in civilian time. after victory
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, ukraine will be able to significantly help other countries in defense, for example, because one should not forget that, for example, defense against drones can also be used. for example, in ordinary stadiums during a football match in order to, for example, prevent unnecessary filming there or something else, so in fact here we need to pay more attention to this and develop and scale, it is clear that we need to scale seriously, because the enemy is not standing on the ground, we see both fpv drones and skid drones coming in droves, so we need to look for countermeasures and a more modern solution that would be 10 steps away. there is an enemy ahead, so it is necessary to look for a solution to it overcoming enemy slavery in order to be more efficient, but there are all possibilities for this, the state needs support for our manufacturers, i always say, we are more efficient and in a better position, because we have a large number of private
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companies engaged in these questions, that is , private companies directly communicate with the ministry of defense, with the military directly on the front line, we receive quick information. for example, almost every day i receive some changes or some elements, for example, means of unmanned russian to look for or find a countermeasure, so in fact there is an active dialogue on this issue, and due to the fact that we have a large number of private companies, and not one state company, which will be there, as we see, there are russian companies, that they still have some financial systems in place, and that's why we actually say... we're in a much better position. the russian ministry of defense said that today they shot down four missiles in attacks from over the crimea, and it seems that they used a modified 3m beech for this, how would you comment on this? the only fact
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the confirmed downing of the atakamsa missile by russia was recently in dzhankoya, when, however, the s300, or rather the s-400, was shot down by its own person. so in fact we... we can hear a lot from the russians regarding the use of countermeasures, but it should be noted that both atakams and hymeres have shown high effectiveness on the front line, and here it should be noted that the russians will continue to promote various theses that e.g. there is a decrease in the accuracy of these missiles, for example, their technical composition is poor, because they cannot oppose anything except propaganda against effective western weapons. but is it true that the russians reduced the accuracy of guided projectiles with gps guidance of these excaliburs. let's start with the fact that , in fact, if we talk about suppressing gps signals, russia has made some progress, and we
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can see it, for example, in the cranes in the baltic countries, when they block, for example, the ability of civilian aircraft to receive gps signals, which creates certain difficulties, but... we are talking about civilian aircraft, if we talk about military weapons, they are somewhat, they are developed immediately more resistant to the suppression of gps signals, so some effects are possible, but they are not significant in order to, for example, radically change the accuracy there, and we already heard this in the 23rd year, then there was a repeated statement by the russians there that they it seems that they began to significantly include systems, jamming, and due to this, the accuracy of both projectiles and haimens decreased, but this is again russian propaganda, and in addition to, for example, gps guidance systems, there are several systems that allow for high accuracy weapons eh, among the list of desired weapons, which
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ukraine wants to receive from the united states in the next aid packages, the first position seems to be the mq9 reaper, a large, heavy, heavily armed drone, there... the americans are hesitant, this is not the first time we have asked to give this reaper, we have seen how effective it is was, for example, there in afghanistan, when they are there or somewhere in the middle east, but whether in the conditions of a war with russia with their air defense personnel, he will be helpful to us, well, let's start with what, in fact, if we are talking about the event of some western weapons, then in the conditions, for example, deserts, so it is more effective. for example, if we say in our conditions, there may be some problems, it was for example on some small reconnaissance drones that the americans provided us and they were not as effective as stated, but regarding this drone, it should be noted here, that in fact it is a rather powerful aircraft, which, by the way, this
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same drone was not shot down, damaged by russian aircraft in the black sea when they shot it down. fuel on this drone and due to this it lost controllability and fell into the black sea. but here it should be noted that in fact 1700 kg of payload. the flight range is 1900 m, it is quite such an interesting bird and in fact it would significantly help us in some matters, and yes, there is also a modification, this is a modification of the predator ripper, and which can also carry missiles and weapons, it is like a reconnaissance one, and can carry, for example, a payload, and this payload can have a total axis of 1700 kg, there was a message from the air force spokesman that literally after easter, f-16s may
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already appear in the ukrainian sky, on the other hand, there in the american media, referring to various sources, they say that it will be at the end of june, not before we find out that i am already on the 16th here and what will they change? well, let's start with what concerns after easter, mr. egnat once said that about patriots. and so actually this already, as they say, it's such a familiar meme, but in terms of, for example, what we're going to see, we're actually going to see a significant increase in airspace, and for an example can be compared, for example, to repelling an air attack carried out by iran on israel, when a large number of aircraft were involved, then they effectively and very quickly dealt with most of the missiles that flew in that direction, and again here it should be noted that it is possible. .. to say that here it will be possible to affect some of the ground positions of the russians who
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are trying to advance now, and also it will be difficult for the russians to use their su-34 aircraft to drop aerial bombs or to launch x59 x69 missiles, so i think, in view of the external picture and what will happen on of the front line will be immediately clear, for example, if there is information about the downing of russian planes, for example, on the border, for example, from the side of sumy or chernihiv, kharkiv region, or russian planes will fall more actively over the front line. ugh. as for the ata -atakams, we've seen them used, probably even just to hit manpower concentrations, behind the front lines now, at least, well, it looked like an ata kams cluster warhead strike not too long ago somewhere on ... in the luhansk region on of the occupied territory, and this means that we
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have enough of these atakams that we, as you remember, said a year ago, if we had at least a couple of atakams, we would immediately hit the crimean bridge, and now the crimean bridge, it mostly such as a symbol, but still included in the necessary targets for destruction, because there is a part of the logistical component of the russian federation, and if we say about the use, then in fact. here it should be noted that ukraine uses such means to a high standard, because we see pinpoint strikes on important objects that significantly affect both the capabilities of the enemy in the class, for example, the personnel, as well as the logistical component. now an important task is to hold the front line and create certain problems for the russians in logistics, then we will see new gestures of goodwill . well, mr. anatoliy, we really... thank you anatoly hrabchynskyi, the deputy general director of the company, which is engaged in the field of
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aviation experts, we are releasing mr. anatoliy to test new samples of weapons that ukraine is currently developing of its own production, of domestic production, we really hope for this one, for neptune, the so-called long neptune, have you heard about it? yes, yes, long neptune, i heard, long, was short, then that, well , it was not that short, but i could not... with him moscow. dear friends, we also thank you, we already have uah 53,569, uah 53,669, so, you see, we immediately updated and immediately added some money to our account from the 4 million needed for atvs for our military. to evacuate the wounded and to bring in ammunition, it's literally, you know,
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they say there is some kind of easter miracle, this is a pre-easter miracle that you responded so, so much and you and i have already collected so much this morning, i really didn't keep track of the amount we started collecting from, because this collection was actually collected last night by our colleagues began to announce, i fixed the amount of 11070 for myself, this is what i saw, so for this morning it is already 42... we collected with you and this is a hundredth of the required amount, so you and i started this collection quite well, i hope that he will go the same way. all those days i don't know how many there will be, but with your help i hope that those collection days will not be many, and we will close the collection very quickly, despite the fact that it is much larger than the one you and i have already closed, 4 million, that's what what do we need to collect, i will remind you that the previous collection, the amount we had to collect was 2
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million, you can now see qr codes on your screens, and card numbers throughout our also watch for... the presence of the qr code, well, i remind you that under the youtube broadcast in the description you can also find all the necessary information about the collection, that we are conducting, let's give our soldiers a holiday, a feeling of a holiday, and a feeling of a holiday for them, they themselves say, it's not just the number of paschis that people from the rear gave them, of course, that paschis are also important, because they are also a reminder and a little reminder of that normality. about a normal life, but the number of belts should be optimal, and not in such a way as to throw those belts at our soldiers, who then do not know what to do with them and have to give them away, give them away, share those belts with the locals, or unfortunately, it happens that there are so many of them that they are forced to simply throw them away, because they deteriorate, so what would you like to pass on to
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a babysitter or something else? without any pretensions, think about the fact that instead of spending money on a dog, you can transfer this money to atvs. dear friends, we are going for a short break, we will be back, and ivan tymochko, a serviceman and the head of the reservist council of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, will be with us. stay with us today we are working, the first part is ours until 11, and then we will return at lunch and continue. are waiting for you. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what 's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage
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. dollgit - the only yellow cream from joint and back pain. olenivka is a prison in the occupied territory of ukraine, where the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and beat them very hard. journalists found those involved in the crimes. names of those responsible for crimes in olenivka in the new film investigation olenivka, curators of evil. on the air of the espresso tv channel. may at 21:15. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, 2 hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in
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two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. dear friends, we are returning to the ether, and we are already adding to the conversation ivan tymochka, a serviceman and the head of the reservist council of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, and i want to tell you... that while we were on break, dear friends, 13:00 before our gathering added, somehow incredibly, with incredible our viewers are doing very quickly, and they literally move and give some faith that everything will be successful, mr. ivan, we congratulate you, congratulations, glory to ukraine, i am glad to see you, before the day of the holiday, i congratulate you, heroes, glory, mr. ivan, actually , what is the mood of the military before the holiday, is there a feeling of a holiday, of course. well , there is a holiday for that, and there is a tradition, there is our historical and genetic memory, of course, that before the day of the holiday, all those who
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celebrate this day, easter, of course have their own little internal preparations for there are holidays, and the fighters are preparing in units, so here, as you know, they say war after war , lunch after dinner. according to the schedule , war is war here too, it is a holiday, and it is all the same, it gives a certain feeling, a little even comfort, there is a certain feeling that tomorrow will be many times better than today, so this is a holiday, it is a holiday, mr. ivan, i would not like to talk about anything unpleasant at all, but literally on the eve of the holiday, well, but i think that, in fact, that is not why i am sitting here, to say only pleasant things. things, here, and i don't know, maybe it's just a feeling, i see that a well-known activist, dmytro
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lysenko, died yesterday, and the main character of a bbc documentary died, the day before yesterday, it seems, botusov, the main character of one of his interviews, died yesterday, well, it could just be a coincidence , that three famous people died in two days, and maybe this... indicates how difficult the situation is now at the front, and what do you say about it, how difficult is the situation at the front, after all , zelenskyi said yesterday that what the situation , we enter a new phase and the next month it will be very difficult, the next month, yes, unfortunately, both known and recognizable ukrainians, and... and ordinary people, and citizens who know only, say, family, or close relatives, are dying at the front, but nevertheless, this does not diminish the feat and success of any of them, yes,
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unfortunately, i am also losing my brothers, there are a number of heads of the reservist council of brigades who died in battle, there are wounded, but there are also many of us who are fighting, and there are still, thank god, those who come to support, and we hope that... enlightenment, insight will come to many, who, if even now he doubts, but he will understand that with time, that we need to defend and protect our country, and this is an axiom that is probably not subject to debate and some kind of proof, so the situation at the front is usually quite difficult, quite tense, and no one is doing good here at the level of the military command at... we all understand very well that the enemy is trying to make the most of the opportunity that, despite all
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the procedures for financing or even moving weapons to europe, unfortunately, not yet fully these weapons have not fully reached the front line in order to destroy the enemy, and there are no longer even any bureaus here and there. critical about delays or some, you know, treason, but there is simply a mechanism that should contribute as much as possible to the secret transportation of weapons, the most efficient delivery, because the enemy is very much now trying to track the paths of movement, in fact, that the equipment that weapons, even in europe, we already with you and have watched a lot of videos that they shoot, how everything is burning in them there, what can fuel them, what they are sitting on, how annoying they are sitting in europe, why europe is helping ukraine, but the force is also not
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going to ... themselves in russia, so we are actually waiting, waiting for this replenishment of weapons that should come , and it will give an opportunity, i will not say that there to defeat all the enemies at once, but it will give a serious opportunity on a parity basis, at least to work in relation to the enemy, it will give an opportunity to a much smaller human resource, for example, to use and... weapons much more effectively to strike the enemy, so it is worth understanding that the enemy understands that he does not have much time, moreover, they also have their own symbol, their own victory there, which awaits them, and by the way, they refused on easter, wants to do some truce or even make a few hours of silence there, since this is a russian statement.
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parties, that they suspect or are afraid that we will definitely defeat them on this day, well, maybe the evil forces are afraid that they will really have to flee somewhere to their orkostans on the bright holiday, they are very smart are proud that they are orcs, of course, that the situation here is quite difficult, we understand that they have specific tasks until the 9th of may , and even that same may they have tasks. to try to break through, and in the time of the yari, they have the task of expanding the bridgehead in the direction of ugledar pokrovsk. attacks in these directions, so it won't be easy for anyone, but still...
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you shouldn't give up, and we don't have any such panicky moods either, and those attempts, that resource, even the russians use for those results, well, it doesn't really match, the loss and the result, well, but for them it's not such a significant result , for them even the movement of the army in aggression, an aggressive, attack by the army is important for putin to be able to come out on may 9. and he will not be able to admit out loud that in many cities they canceled those victory parades, that they canceled various events in many cities, because there is nothing to celebrate, to be proud of, of course he will talk about how their troops are already on the border of some village three houses away, of course he will tell that the russian army is advancing everywhere, and victory is not far away, and finally
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all these orcs will have their fill... blood and looting, but we know the result, that behind the burlap is actually the same fear of the dictator for us, for our army, for the allies, so you should make every effort to all of us who are at the front, who are in the body for for this turning point to come as soon as possible. mr. ivan, thank you for the information, we wish you a peaceful holiday, although we understand that... these wishes for the military have not come true. ivan tymochko, a serviceman and head of the reservist council of the land forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was with us, dear friends, 70,000 are already out of 70 00,809 hryvnias of the required 4 million are already with us, we will now go to the news and see what has happened in ukraine and the world
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in the last hour, kateryna shirokpoyas. as always, i'm ready to tell us about it, colleague, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of night attacks in ukraine and an amazing find in odesa from the time of the crimean khanate. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night , the russians attacked kharkiv with shaheds. four people were injured, including a 13-year-old child. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleg senigubov. as a result of falling debris, three fires started. in the osno-osnovyansk district, the fire engulfed a warehouse with an area of ​​more than 3,00 m2.


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