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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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the exit of such a symbol for russia of the black sea fleet somewhere in abkhazia, and for example near kharkiv, but either there in kupyanstvom or there in the direction of bakhma, that is , this is a remote liberation, it has more of an effect on ... , that's another box of utsyans, yes, and when you hear conversations, calls from the crimea, as far as it goes, that's them, that's their understanding, that's when they see this reality, yes, yes, for us it's when we..
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... opportunities, say, of an economic nature, yes, they have become very difficult there are constant issues of danger, and for their children, there relatives, all this is there, but each of them thinks about the future, you know, i am talking, what they say, they are waiting, and they are very much in favor of... actions, this gives confidence , that
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we have something with which we can beat, and liberation, it is remote, but it is very, let's say, but for them it is tangible that the future is with ukraine, it is getting closer, closer, closer, and partners too, when you talk to them, they understand,
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then all of ukraine will use visa-free, will live peacefully, yes, prosper, and all then we realized that this is not the case, this will not happen, but we are all fighting for the future of ukraine now, mr. akhtem, i will ask you one last question, but we understand that there are people who are waiting for crimea to be liberated, and are waiting for this... every day, hoping
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that every day is getting closer to this, but there are people who live in crimea, they are doing well, muscovites, they like them, they were waiting for them, but they also like crimea, because there is beautiful nature, it's warm, the weather is good, but i don't like the fact that some tourists are flying in from ukraine now season, as the so-called minister of resorts and tourism of crimea this year, he said that it will be difficult, but interesting, fathers... the so -called crimeans, how do they like this tourist season, we know that they lived from what they came tourists, paid them money, rented accommodation from them, rooms that were not always the best adapted for this purpose for recreation, but nevertheless they took huge amounts of money and lived on it, how they now, like their moods, i did not hear well, but hey... i heard about this tourist season
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from the very beginning, from the end of last year emphasized the fact that there are no such reports as before from the actoons or. constantinov or another chest sleeper, preparations are going on, things are going on, things are going on, and, in past years, yes, it did not really correspond to the wishes of these occupiers, collaborators, but now there is no question about it at all, and the fact that there is someone there there , he still goes to the crimea out of delirium, and then waits for the entry on this yaalovsk bridge, because... there are no alarms and they block this deyaviv bridge, and then, well, i’ll tell you this, there are hostels, but implementation of such as they want no, and this is again a question of
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how far we will deliver these objects to the crimea and we need to get to them. thank you, mr. akhtem, for the conversation, akhtem chigo and the deputy head of the crimean tatar people talked about what is happening in crimea, and how the muscovites, the occupiers and those who were waiting for the occupiers react to the arrivals, now we are going for a short break, we will come back and talk about easter, ukrainian easter, as it is in the conditions of a great war. dear friends, stay with us. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with dolgit joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit
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to do when there will be a liver? alohol and for bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder. hello hall with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. dear friends, we are back, this is our final 20 minutes 15 minutes even of the first part of our marathon of everything. i will remind you that at 14:10 we will return with andriy saichuk and lesya lukuliuk, and we will continue to talk with the guests, thank you, dear friends, we have less than uah 800 left in order to have the 50th part of of our collection, the new collection that we announced today, we have to collect 4 million, but for this morning we made good progress and we already have 79,200.9 hryvnias, and in less than 800 it will be 80,000, which means that you and i
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have almost collected 50 parts in one day, almost, because i don’t know how much for yesterday evening, just yesterday our colleagues started announcing, so, dear friends, don't stop, you still have time to donate and so that those 80,000 will already be at the end of our first part, well, we are joined by oksana stebelska, an artist, singer, conductress. art projects, and we will talk about ukrainian easter. mrs oksana, congratulations. we congratulate you, i want to say, christ has risen, but it will not be long, we have to wait a little. it's early, but, you know, ms. oksana, i don't know how your feed, mine, the so-called easter challenges on facebook have significantly decreased compared to previous years, i understand that not everyone has this one festive. mood, not everyone has the strength to bake a pascha and
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to go celebrate those paschas, because the time of holidays is a time of joy, and the time of holidays in times of war is a time when you realize that you are not quite everything in your life is the same as it was before the war, because someone may not return to the easter breakfast, someone is not there, someone, someone cannot gather their large family this easter breakfast, because they lost their home, or there are these paska-challenges in your feed, are there disputes about how it is correct to call the paska kulyachi or paska, are there disputes about which paska is more correct ukrainian, or the one with white fondant, or the one without it? you know, well, you and i probably have a common feed, because we are also friends on facebook, so i think that you and i will have the same opinion, but do you know what is most important? before i went on the air, i heard information about this challenge,
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about the gathering, and this is probably the most important thing to do during the holidays, to support those who need support, who need help at that moment, that , who is worse off, you know, they always say that if someone from the family is in the hospital, or even sick at home, or at christmas, or at passover, you should always visit that person and bring them these treats, there is passover, or if for christmas, that is corner therefore, it is probably the most important thing that we should do during the holidays, to think about those who are more difficult now, who are more difficult now, who we can help, and this applies not only to material things, money, treats, it also applies to moral support , and prayers, especially to our military, who are behind, for whom it is very difficult now, i don’t know if this will console them, or if it will console them with the feeling and understanding of the holiday, because i understand when the bombs fall, when they shoot... then you you forget what day it is, what date it is, and it it hurts just as much, whether on saturday or sunday, and
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on any date, but at that moment to write a few warm words, to say that the holiday is incomplete without you, that you are the epicenter of my joy, our joy, this is probably the most important thing to take care of about relatives and relatives, and about easter, well, first of all, we know that now we have as much as a month difference, and between celebrations, both in the catholic tradition and in the orthodox tradition, and of course, a large part of people have already even easter celebrated a month ago, and are already preparing for the green holidays, because somehow already got used to the fact that at christmas we were connected in the calendar, but at easter we were not yet, and many families are now separated, as we know, many families have moved around the world and are somehow getting used to this and that calendar to live, but you know, the most important thing is not even the day, the most magnificent thing... the fulfillment of this day, for me it is very important these traditions that are passed down to us from generations,
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from our grandmothers, from our parents, and this is some kind of special sublime the feeling when you understand, after all the suffering, after the cross road, after all that christ came and went through on his way, he deliberately went through it, because he knew that it would lead him to the resurrection and to the salvation of humanity, but we are all probably now in some kind of such a ... general state of struggle for freedom, we sacrifice our relatives, loved ones, money, anything, but we know for what, for the sake of a great goal, a great goal, and this is also... the meaning of passover, that's why we really fill our baskets, remember we say that the godfather is ours, this is some kind of family amulet, which we consecrate and then we all feast together, and the consecrated egg, as well as the meat, we know what the basket is filled with, i can tell you more, if you have time, you literally
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removed the question from the language, what should be in the basket , because it happens that there is something in the basket, let's face it, what shouldn't be? and what should not be in the basket? you know, once, when i saw, passed by the temple of the russian patriarchate and saw that vodka was being consecrated, i was very surprised, this definitely shouldn't be, because paska is not about that, but what does our basket consist of? well first of all , you need to have a basket, and preferably have a nice, beautiful tablecloth, preferably embroidered with your own hands, a handkerchief with which to... easter eggs, and colored eggs, and painted eggs, and they also laid a few eggs that had already been cleaned, so that, let's say, they were the first eggs, which were opened with an egg, if they were sacred, to open this easter,
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easter cleaning, and there must have been two - three testicles. cleaned without shell, so it is clear that sausage, you don't need to put a lot of shinochka a piece at a time, because it's a purely symbolic treat, then you can eat, of course more and it's not necessarily consecrated, you don't need to carry whole bags and balls of everything, giblets, so paska, egg, sausage, horseradish are a must necessarily, because horseradish, as we know, in the spring it has a lot of such qualities, qualities. and the healing herbs and horseradish were taken directly with a knife, as they were scraped, and eggs and meat were sprinkled with it and eaten together with this raw horseradish, and salt was necessarily consecrated, because salt is sacred, it is not only during easter celebrations, and during the year it also served as a certain amulet, because it was always considered that the sacred thing carries with it
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special qualities, special properties, first of all, it drives away all evil spirits, everything is bad. and well, he also adds, well, it cleanses you personally from some bad thoughts and bad things, well , cheese was always put in the basket, so mine was called differently in different regions of ukraine, pleskanka, for example, in my family, it was baked , it was both salty and sweet cheese in small plates, they made such a mixture as cheesecake and baked and such baked cheese was brought to consecrate, that is, in principle, we list... all the main things, it is clear that baked lambs are conjured up for children, gingerbread can be put in this way, but the main thing is an egg, paska, sausage, horseradish, salt, cheese and butter, because butter, you can anoint the beeswax, it just turned out that the entire graduation group did not have time to have breakfast today, everyone came to work early and are already
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there saying, god, stop this story, please, it is good that this one does not... stevneshe is also in the basket, what i know, what my grandmother put in the basket is a candle too, i don't know did you, or did i not miss it, and greenery is also a symbol of eternal life, in the west of ukraine, they say, a branch of boxwood, in the east of ukraine , they may wonder what the word is, it is boxwood, because it is eternally green, and it was also decorated with it and own butter, when they put a little oil, they said, we oiled, we oiled a basket. to make a basket and on the oil they laid out a cross with leaves of this boxwood or boxwood, maybe you and i are from the same village, maybe i am from khodorov, lviv region, where are you from, well , i grew up there too, that’s the world big, and it turned out that we are from one part
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of ukraine, ms. oksano, but you know, yesterday... our host, roman chaika, says to me: have you been to silpo? i say, what is there? he says, is that where they started putting these easter bunnies? i say, what easter bunnies? he says: well, you see, easter rabbits are already here, they are probably the ones who should be looking for eggs, and says: we are already protestants in the vision, silpo, dear silpo, think about it, listen, you are for whom, you, are you protestants or what, for i do not know. he is not there in the ukrainian tradition, i don't think it's protestant, it's a fast-anglo-saxon tradition that's globalized, but right now we have a huge number of ukrainians. who ended up abroad, and how can we protect our ukrainian basket, so that sometimes this easter rabbit
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does not write down among the easter lambs, you know, we are now, we are now too globalized to prohibit anything, because access everyone has information, and first of all, people drive a lot, travel, learn, there is the internet today, there is a huge difference in all that. information and various customs and traditions, we must preserve ourselves, that is, every people, every country has something of its own, and to be honest, if even a rabbit is for sale, then there must be a shepherd in the store, because first of all we must and make the shepherd happy and treat him, but we can also try the rabbit, or i don't know, or something else, actually we are rich because of that, the world is rich because it is colorful and diverse, and precisely in this variety of traditions. there is also certain curiosity, when in some in the international environment, people gather and everyone tells: how do we celebrate easter, what is prepared, what is celebrated, how it
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happens, and that, well, that is our great wealth, that we have our own traditions, that we managed to protect them, that we have been destroyed for centuries, and i also remember, because i was born in the soviet union, how we consecrated that little shepherdess at night quietly, so that no one could see, that this basket should be folded correctly, embroidered with cotton, covered, dedicate, and in the morning at school everyone was asked which of the children went those who did not go to church, and those who did, they were taken separately to a room and there they were given a whole instruction on how to do something impolite, that is, we lived through a lot of difficult times, but we preserved ourselves, and today, what is happening, and this war, and this struggle of ours, our resilience, speaks only of the fact that we have not been destroyed, will never be destroyed in our lives, because we stand on... very powerful roots, very deeply dug in, we have to thank god, a very strong connection with our family, with our roots, so let's go
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continue to value our own, we study everything else, but we must know how to pass on our own to the next generations, and now, at a time like this, when we are preparing for passover, we must remember that food, traditions, this is the main thing, but the most important thing is that in during the holidays to support all our... relatives, all our acquaintances, try to visit the cemeteries of our deceased, because at such a time the whole family should be mentally and morally together, eh, what exactly, i don't know, somewhere in europe they envied us or in the united states of america or in canada, it's our easter eggs, because even, i remember on, as they say in our country, in the west of ukraine, the polish easter , on the catholic easter, i saw how my polish friends, who... support ukraine, greeted each other with photos in which there were exactly ukrainian easter eggs, and they wrote that these are ukrainian easter eggs, because there are also
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easter eggs in poland, but they are different, they are different, so dear friends, take over the rabbits, but do not forget about your easter eggs, it is very expensive our ancient tradition, and i am glad that in such difficult times, this is a fragile art, it is all one is restored. ms. oksano, thank you for the conversation, thank you for this mood. i hope that it was useful for our viewers to hear what should be put in the basket, and what should not be put there. oksana stebetska, an artist, singer, head of art projects, was with us, our stomachs are all grumbling, well, it's still fasting, tomorrow we will taste the place. dear friends, andriy saichuk and i will be back at 14:10, stay with espresso. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful,
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11:00 am
congratulations, it's news time on the espresso tv channel, kateryna works in the studio. an explosion rang out in kharkiv this morning, mayor ihor terekhov reported. the air force warned about the threat of attack by enemy tactical aircraft. more information about the consequences of the explosion in kharkiv. we will wait later. three people died, seven more were injured as a result of the shelling daughters this was actually reported to the regional police. the russians hit
11:01 am
kurakhovo and turetsky with hail and...


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