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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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9 hryvnias with the possibility of free delivery , powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. during the night shelling of the dnipropetrovsk region, russian troops attacked an electrical substation. according to the ministry of energy , as a result of the strikes, the substation was de-energized, along with it, two mines. in addition, they were left without energy. the water supply and industrial
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facilities for household energy consumers have already given light. as you know, in the pavlograd district, our defenders shot down five shaheds. an infrastructure object and several buildings were damaged in pavlohrad due to enemy shelling. two people were injured. an explosion rang out in kharkiv this morning. this was announced by the mayor of the city igor terekhov. the air force warned about the threat of a tactical attack. enemy aircraft. we will wait for more information about the consequences of the explosion in kharkiv later. the russians hit a truck with drones that was carrying water to the residents of bereslav in the kherson region. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. as a result of the impact, the car caught fire every day fortunately, no one was hurt. three people died, seven more were injured as a result. shelling of donetsk region. this
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was reported to the regional police. the russians hit kurakhovo with hailstorms and hurricanes, and turkey dropped four aerial bombs on liman and ridkodub. as a result of the attack, more than fifty residential buildings were destroyed, as well as administrative buildings, gas pipelines and power lines. meanwhile, in transcarpathia , there was a conflict between tsc employees and local roma in the vynohradiv district of mzhny. and women blocked the exit from the premises of the territorial procurement center. the police reported that in the evening a group of at least 10 people violated public order and committed hooliganism due to the mobilization of two of their comrades. when the roma tried to force their way into the territory of the tsk, the military fired warning shots into the air, no one was injured, and the police began an investigation. the culprits face up to seven years in prison for hooliganism. shooting in
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dnipro. the law enforcement officers detained the intruder who injured two people. victims hospitalized with gunshot wounds. this was reported to the regional police. a 31-year-old man attacked the victims in the garage, fired an unidentified weapon, and then fled. the police searched for the attacker in the center of dnipro, he is suspected of attempted murder. the motive of the crime is currently being established. rescuers pulled a woman out of the flames in drohobych, lviv region, the regional emergency service reported about it . the fire broke out in the apartment on the fifth floor at the time of the arrival of the emergency services, the fire and smoke covered everything rooms. the owner of the apartment was rescued, the woman was admitted to the hospital with moderate severity, the cause of the fire is currently being determined. russian troops twice
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tried to storm the island of nestryga in the kherson region, seven more attacks were made near the wells, but all were unsuccessful for the enemy, dmytro pletenchuk, head of the press center of the southern defense forces, said. according to him , the day before , our aviation worked in the ostrova region and the enemy suffered losses. in general, the situation is stable and under control. last day our troops completed more than 700 fire missions and hit more than 600 individual targets, plytenchuk added. the patriot air defense system, which germany plans to hand over to ukraine, will arrive at the defense forces no earlier than the end of june. the new york times writes about it. the training of 70 ukrainian military personnel under the accelerated program will last six weeks in germany, after which the german military will transport installations, radar and other parts to poland and hand them over to ukraine. russia is suffering
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colossal losses in the war in ukraine. the russian army has already lost about 500,000 soldiers. he stated this in an interview with novaya gazeta europe. minister of foreign affairs of france stéphane sejournay. he noted that russia's military failure is obvious. according to him, russia's losses amount to half a million people, of which 150,000 were killed. sezhuzhine also commented on macron's words about sending troops to ukraine and emphasized that when peace in europe is threatened, under such conditions there cannot be any restrictions or exceptions. karma in action. russia was covered by power. snow blizzard in in the sverdlovsk region, serious destruction was recorded at energy facilities, this was reported in the russian zmi. the region is out of power, problems with mobile communication are also recorded. because of russia's war against
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ukraine, our medical system is focused on helping military and civilians suffering from shelling. so in the moss public health center , people are encouraged to get vaccinated in order to reduce the burden. on doctors, for which diseases there are drugs in outpatient clinics and how often adults should be vaccinated, our yaroslav of the goc will tell. according to the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, every child in ukraine under the age of 16 must be vaccinated against 10 dangerous diseases, hepatitis b, tuberculosis, measles, mumps, rubella, as well as diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis and hemophilic infection. adults, in turn, must be re -vaccinated against deuterium and tetanus every 10 years. immunization is free of charge in both communal and private institutions that have signed an agreement with the national health service. as noted in mos, vaccination coverage in
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ukraine in recent years did not exceed 80%. so outbreaks of a number of diseases were recorded. in order to achieve collective immunity. so that there are no fears of infectious diseases and to protect people who for certain reasons cannot receive preventive vaccinations, for example, due to their health, it is necessary that collective immunity is formed, and for this it is necessary that 95% of children are vaccinated according to the calendar of preventive vaccinations , and at least 80% of adults who have received a booster dose of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus for 10 years. by in the words of bilotserkivska. epidemiologist maryna lyashko, some postpone vaccination until later, because they think that diseases will pass them by. according to the specialist, currently vaccinations among children have increased somewhat, but the rates among adults remain low, as a result,
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cases of measles, rubella, and mumps have increased this year in the kyiv region. vaccination against hepatitis b is very important, which not only protects against hepatitis b in particular, but... in general, the vaccine is designed to form, as it were , such a protective barrier for hepatocytes, for liver cells, so that they avoid these risks of damage, including drug-induced damage, toxic damage, and allergic damage. i wanted to emphasize this separately: vaccination does not provide 100% protection against infection, but vaccination ensures that a person will not have... a fatal case and there will be a mild course of one or another disease for which vaccination is given. a pediatrician or a family doctor will help you understand which vaccine you or your child needs, as halyna says kuharenko, there are vaccination rooms in outpatient clinics
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, and upon coming to an appointment, a person can be immunized on the same day, but for some reason not everyone rushes there, although the drugs are almost always available and... they are stored at a special temperature, it is convenient when you are reminded , that you need to come and get vaccinated, this is usually done today by a family doctor with his nurse, they call the patient, call and ask them to come at a certain hour and get vaccinated, and who comes, who comes with certain documents, he is also told by the family nurse , who looks at his vaccination card, that in wartime one should not forget about one's health. since it is also an important component of national security, and to maintain it, you need to visit doctors periodically. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow
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the updates on our website, and also search our youtube and our social networks. we will see you tomorrow. in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. with indiscriminate weapons in the cities of millionaires. russia is intensifying missile terror against the civilian population. when the western partners will be ready to deploy an anti-aircraft umbrella over ukraine. from defense to culture. great britain has started negotiations with ukraine on a one-year partnership. how did the kremlin react to cameron's statement about strikes by the british. weapons on the territory of the russian federation. paranoid fear, according to american
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intelligence, putin is panicking about the weakening of russia's influence. what decisions of the kremlin dictator accelerated the events that he tried to avoid glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. during the offensive. for two hours we talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. today we will talk about putin's paranoia, russia's missile terror, when the f-16 planes will finally fly to ukraine and will be in the ukrainian sky and british weapons will fly to the russian federation, that's for sure. we will talk about all this over the next hour with the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya evlashem public figure oleg rybachuk and executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda. however, before
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starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how special operations forces destroyed the launcher of the russian buk m-1 complex in the sumy direction. the target was hit by strike drones. the occupants tried in vain to put out the fire and save the equipment. let's watch the price of the video.
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throughout the broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about is artificial intelligence needed in government communications, yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple, or the function is yes or no, write your comment, if you have your own special opinion, if you watch us on tv, get your hands on smartphone or phone and vote: if you think artificial intelligence is needed in government communications (0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382). and we have our first guest, ilya yevlazh, major of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, good evening, audience. first of all, mr. major, let's analyze what russia is currently using for the last, last, at least
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a month, carrying out terrorist airstrikes on the territory of ukraine, what is their special feature now, what are the russian invaders shelling ukrainian territory with, and most importantly, how do we counter this ? well, among the main features, it's what we've been recording for the past few days, for example, today there was such a... a rather infrequent event, this the absolute absence of any missile, yes or drone strikes, of course the enemy continues to constantly attack with guided aerial bombs, in particular the frontline cities, but we now see the absence of shaheeds in most of the airspace and more emphasis on ballistic weapons and on guided aerial missiles of the type kh-59, which the enemy is actively trying to use its aircraft, it is also interesting that now the enemy is very actively using unmanned
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aerial vehicles, reconnaissance, most likely that he is adjusting his missile strikes, thus quite often we manage to see a large number, in particular in the south, near kherson, in zaporizhzhia and near kharkiv, we almost all the time record these unmanned aerial vehicles, the enemy also uses, well, not the a50 drlo. however, su-24 mr, which it also uses for reconnaissance, they quite often appear near the borders, in the airspace of the russian federation, but their main activity is also directed. on the detection of our air defense systems, and he collects other information, including about our troops, and of course, from what we have seen, these are absolutely cynical strikes on odesa, with iskander m ballistic weapons, with a cluster warhead, as a result of which people were killed and injured, ordinary odesa residents who just went out for a walk in their
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native odesa in the evening, well, of course, this is a violation of all norms and conventions, and we must... but have consequences in the international court, in particular, in gas for putin and the russian federation. mr. major, you said that now the russians use drones less and launch missile strikes, well in particular, ballistic ones. this means that the russians are stockpiling these weapons, meaning unmanned attack drones and missiles, that is, what should the ukrainians prepare for, that is , the russians will obviously intensify with the beginning of a big ... offensive, the next big offensive, which the president of ukraine zelensky announced today shelling, including cities of millions and objects of critical infrastructure, that is , does the absence of these drones indicate exactly this? well, unfortunately we can't know for sure since it's more intelligence that knows,
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however, of course, you can just think logically, so what could it be related to, most likely. that it is accumulating in a certain way its striking means of various types, we know how russia attaches itself to different dates and quite often it likes to spoil the holiday, that is, now we have easter, then the next sacred date is may 9, for the enemy , this is a celebration of the victory of the devil, of course, that on this day they will also try to make their internal audience a picture of how they are fighting the mythical na... tsom in ukraine, the way they de-nazify high-rise buildings, ordinary absolutely civilians with peaceful people, well, of course, that he has such an unhealthy mania for bloodthirstiness, which the enemy has repeatedly used, well , including that we cannot know, for sure, what exactly caused in the absence of such shahed strikes, maybe it is some kind of deterioration of relations
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together with its allies, yes, or maybe some problems in the production of these shaheds, as we remember. and earlier strikes were made where there was production of these unmanned aerial vehicles, of course, that russian propaganda constantly reports that all the drones were shot down, that nothing was damaged, but as we see, quite often they shoot down these drones their stations, oil reserves, or, well, some other military objects, so we cannot know why there is such a lull in the use of drones right now, but we must not lose. you are alert and ready at any moment to work on any aviation targets. major, you already mentioned about the attack by iskanders with a cassette, cassette iskander on odesa, on may 1, the new york times writes that this may be a sign of new terror against civilians in ukraine, and the prosecutor general of ukraine andriy kostin
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commented on the russian strike on odesa in this way. this is an indiscriminate weapon, the use of which can lead to significant casualties among the civilian population, in a radius of 1.5 km from the firing site, metal fragments and rocket debris were recovered. the investigation has reason to believe that the decision to use such a weapon was decided by the officers of the armed forces of russia deliberately in order to kill as many peaceful ukrainians as possible, i.e. the purpose of these strikes by cluster iskanders is still... to kill ukrainians, and not, not to hit this palace of the serhiy kivalov law academy in odessa, i.e. they are deliberately just hitting civilians so that more people die in odesa and people are afraid or run away from odesa, so what goal are they pursuing, i.e. so that everyone packs their bags and runs away from odesa? that's right, the main task of the enemy is to make life in
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millionaire cities intolerable, to force people to obey, of course, that... this is a destabilization of the social situation inside our country, because they understand that they are powerless now directly on the front line, so they are trying to put pressure on the rear of our cities, on the people, and in order to destabilize the social and political situation, to force people to go to some kind of rallies, it is so natural that this scenario can be seen quite strongly in the informational and psychological operations that are now... launched by the kremlin and it of course, who wants to destabilize our situation inside, here in particular with such absolutely cynical strikes, well, of course, when the enemy is in the evening, absolutely once again... light on the city of millionaire and also on the embankment with cluster munitions, well, of course, that this is aimed at the maximum damage to people,
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yes, if inside these small cluster bombs there are concentrated, well , literally thousands of these shock elements, shrapnel, yes, which flies with crazy speed and pierces everything in its path, if it easily pierces metal pretty serious letters, huh? what can be said here for ordinary people who have no protection, of course, this is an act of terror, an act of genocide of the ukrainian people, and of course, this is absolutely a war crime, which, unfortunately, is not the first time that russia has demonstrated during this unjustified russian ukrainian war. in social networks, president zelenskyi reported the statistics of how many drone missiles russia used over the past month against the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine in just one month this april, russian terrorists used more than 300 missiles of various types,
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almost 300 rockets, more than 3,200 guided aerial bombs against ukraine. thousands of lives of our people have been saved thanks to the help of leaders and countries that have already supported our air shield, that are already effectively applying sanctions against the russian war machine, but unfortunately many lives have been taken by them. strikes, only force can stop this terror, well, here are the statistics, they are actually quite impressive, 3200 kabs, 300 missiles of various types, almost 300 shaheeds, and there is a whole the logical question is, when will they end it all, or when will there be a certain limit beyond which they will say that we are already running out of things, we have already released all our ammunition, all our stocks all over ukraine. how do you estimate that russia has enough potential to replenish these reserves, because it is clear that if they
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produced 3,200 barrels in one month, then obviously they must be produced, well , for the next month, for may. that is , how much do you see a trend between how much they shoot and how much they do they produce as much as they receive, well , unfortunately, of course, the russian federation has enough... there is still a powerful reserve of these high-explosive aerial bombs, which they turn into cabs, and in mpbs, unified interspecies planning bombs, in particular, which they use around kharkiv and in the front-line territories, unfortunately, they have quite a lot of this iron, and the problem is that they can manufacture them , including, yes, some of them are missiles, let's say, and other means of air attack, they borrow or... supply from their own partners, this is north korea, we know, this is also iran, from where they also take drones, directly shahet, yes, which
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they allegedly made their geraniums, yes, and of course they still have this potential, how much it is difficult to say , since this is what our intelligence is dealing with, but what they are aiming for, and these figures, which are only for april, well, it is very large... indicators that we have to face not only, but also ordinary ukrainians who are , unfortunately, under these bombs, therefore in order to effectively fight the threat from the air, well, the most necessary, the most effective, it will be a fight with carriers, because of course, with so many bombs, well, literally, if we all start shooting down, we will run out of missiles very, very quickly, which are already in short supply, so the best way out of the situation is to directly develop our air defense, we really hope for our partners, allies, who are aware of our need, they know exactly what we have in our arsenal, how much we need need, and of course that
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in this regard, we completely rely on them, since in our country, we do not independently manufacture either missiles or installations, and the chain of the air defense system, together with the f-16s, they would allow us to create a certain system, yes, which would allow us to deter and.. . and to suppress the russian tactical aviation, which is the carrier of these air attack means, and where to reduce the load on our front-line cities, but in addition, we must not forget that they still have a lot of missiles for anti-aircraft missile systems s-300. , which they literally are are used simply as long-range artillery, and we know that these are quite powerful anti-aircraft complexes, modified, which they use as ground-to-ground already, instead of ground-to-air, therefore... in reality there are a lot of problems, but it is necessary to fight with non-standard methods , we need to fight with carriers, and for this we need creativity, a non-standard approach and
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the support of ours. another short topic, mr. major, is the closing of the sky over the western regions of ukraine. former minister of defense of poland janusz onyszkiewicz said in a comment he told ukrinform that poland and nato countries can open a protective umbrella over western ukraine, according to him, for this it is necessary to overcome the resistance of nato partners, but such decisions can be made in the summer. now it is possible and should be done in such a way that missiles that can violate the air space. poland could be misled by the polish air defense system from the territory of our country. however, this will require the polish side to have full situational awareness of the airspace of ukraine, that is, information from ukrainian radars and other means, which today there is no polish side. mr. mayur, well, they see the poles, in particular, they see these missiles flying towards western ukraine and track them, because their planes in the sky are monitoring this situation. so, why is janush...
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onyshkevych, in your opinion, is saying that they need more information, but, as i understand it, they are in complete control of the situation during the shelling of ukraine? well, of course, that we exchange information with our countries, partners, allies, who join in supporting our state in the fight against russian aggression, of course, that we provide the necessary data for our colleagues, well, why did he answer that way, this is already a question directly ... to the polish high-ranking official, but of course this help, it would be able to make our breathing a little easier, we could move the systems that are currently in place more freely in the west of our country, to cover the frontline cities, other critical energy facilities, yes, which need this protection, technically it could be done, and we saw that the poles yes, they have...
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in their armament various systems of medium , a large radius of action, yes, which could cover our airspace, well, but that's already a question, we have certain problems with communication, it was ilya yevlash, the spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, unfortunately, we lost contact now with our spokesman, well, i hope that we will resume it, there is time, i will remind you that... er, literally a few days ago , ilya yevlash announced that the f-16 could arrive in ukraine after easter, although he did not specify, when exactly after easter, well , not the next day, in other words, we are waiting for the inclusion of ilya yevlash, if there will be an inclusion, we will of course ask him about it, but in the meantime i want to remind you that we are conducting a survey and asking you, friends, about such a
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thing today, whether we need an artificial... in government communications, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, you vote or with the button yes or no, or write your comment under this video, and if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you think that artificial intelligence is needed in the government's communications with ukrainians, then 0800 211 381, no 0 800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free vote, well, we haven't re-established contact with ilya yevlash, so we thank him for participating in the program, we have oleg rybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, former prime minister, vice prime minister, in contact minister of european integration and former head of yushchenko's presidential office, mr. olezh, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, i am glad to be in this studio again, thank you.
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thank you mr. olezh, let's start with david cameron, who visited kyiv yesterday and announced that his country had granted ukraine permission strike british weapons on the territory of russia, and also promised to continue annual military aid to ukraine. let's listen to what the head of the british foreign ministry, who is in the ukrainian capital, said.


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