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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anna yavomelnyk and it's time to learn about the main events for this hour. two cities in donetsk region, pokrovsk and mirnograd, are without water at once. the filter station providing water supply is not working due to damage sections of the karlivka-rivne waterworks - announced the head of the regional military administration , vadym filashkin. he also added. that experts
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are already carrying out repairs, he noted, during the day, as a result of russian shelling in the region, three people were killed, seven more were wounded, the occupiers hit kurakhovo and turetsk with hail and hurricanes and dropped four aerial bombs on liman and ridkodub, more than fifty residential buildings were destroyed due to the attack , damaged administrative buildings, gas pipeline and power lines. injured by a missile attack on a man was operated on in the kropyvnytskyi district, his condition is stable, informed the head of the kirovohrad region andrii raykovich. he noted that a commission is currently working in the district that examines the houses damaged the day before. in general, enemy shells damaged two dozen private houses, three of them were almost destroyed, and infrastructure objects were also damaged. a 58-year-old woman
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was injured due to enemy shelling in dnipropetrovsk region, she was treated and reported to the state emergency service. russian invaders they attacked nikopol again, a fire broke out in the residential sector due to the hit. the flames engulfed an outbuilding, a garage and a car. firefighters have already extinguished the fire. the occupiers shelled the sumy region, which caused a fire. in the residential sector of one of the settlements of the shostino community, the state emergency service said, the village is located near the russian border and there are still people there, firefighters managed to localize the fire, so that the fire did not spread further, and later extinguished everything, about victims are not reported. international day of firefighters, today the whole world honors those who save people from fire. fire the date
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was chosen in memory of the tragedy that happened in australia on may 4, 1998. then a big fire broke out, and the wind spread the fire all over the city. five firefighters burned alive in their car. since then, the day has become a symbol of honoring the courage and heroism of firefighters. in ukraine, in the conditions of war , employees of the state emergency service work every day at the limit of human capabilities. they put out fires after shelling. dismantle the rubble and risk their own lives for the sake of others, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russians , 91 ukrainian firefighters died, another 348 rescuers were injured. and the collection of the espresso tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction continues. they will win tough battles. our independence with you. thanks to
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these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - 720 00 hryvnias it remains to collect only 97 thousand. there are no small donations. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. in volyn , prosecutors found a historical monument from the time of the kyiv movement. it. a carved stone slab of the 19th-13th century with the image of two angels, the prosecutor general's office reported. the artifact was seized as part of a previously opened criminal proceeding, then the law enforcement officers prevented the sale on the internet auction of a plate with the image of a holy warrior, which is also monument of the period of kyivan rus. unique finds will be given to the national museum of the history of ukraine for research. savings
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on the easter basket: because of the war, many ukrainians are forced to limit themselves in treats at the institute. of agrarian economy calculated this year's cost of the basket. how much does a traditional set of products cost and whether prices have increased, we will tell in the story. this weekend , ukraine will celebrate one of the biggest christian holidays - easter. many families will celebrate it traditionally with cooking and consecration of the easter basket. this year , easter in ukraine will be 5.8% more expensive than last year. last year, as the saleswoman raisa, who has been working in the market for 30 years, says, the prices now remain almost the same as last year, and some products have even become cheaper. as they say, the pasochki are sold out, people still take them on the last day, in the last days, because they know that they will be
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fresher, and the prices are the same as last year, even 100-gram pasochki are uah 2 cheaper than in last year, and bigger ones, and the bigger ones... this is the price, nothing has changed , what is the price, how much does it cost 90 uah for half a kilogram, 160 uah for a kilogram, they are preparing for the holiday and filling the easter basket and buyers say that despite the limited budget they want to buy everything delicious for the table, i will take dried apricots , nuts, will you pick the honey yourself? the daughter will be in tact, mrs. olga has been living in the white church for a long time, she claims, compared to last year...
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you cannot imagine a festive table without a piece of meat, so, as the saleswoman pavlina assures, the demand in the meat department until easter will not increased, almost completely disappeared, so they sell it for almost nothing. meat rose a little to 170, 180, 200 pieces, and lard fell to 100 and even 50 hryvnias , even at the end the girls give even 50 hryvnias to... economist lidia horoshkova states that indeed some products have fallen in price, and some have increased in price, but in general there is an increase and by no means a decline. so you and i have, in general, overgrown by +17% in a year. next
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, to add that you talked, and people see in the markets and so on, what do they see? they see in addition, additional things, i mean. vegetables, that’s where the prices of vegetables haven’t changed significantly, vegetables, fruits and so on, they haven’t changed significantly, and if you take the total cost of last year, i mean just the same more or less expanded set, where we will add kahor , we will add vegetables, we will add some fruits, then just here the growth will be only 17%, that is, this component is vegetables. fruits, wine, they became more expensive, that's why we have such a situation with you. according to the data of the institute of agrarian economy in 2024 traditional: paska, eggs, homemade sausage, bacon, lard, butter, soft and
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hard cheeses, horseradish and salt, will cost a family of four, about uah 1,422. last year, the same set of products cost uah 1,208. for the third year now, ukrainians are celebrating the lord's resurrection in conditions of full-scale war. so, when relatives, friends and relatives gather around the table, each of us will ask god for only one thing, peace and victory for ukraine. the entire team of espresso-bila tserkva tv channel wishes you a peaceful easter. saved lives on khmelnytskyi policeman pulled four puppies out of a trap in kamianets-podilskyi. the community officer was informed by locals about the barking at the abandoned enterprise. a law enforcement officer found a small animal in melted resin. their mother was not with them, apparently one of the owners took them there. the puppies were extremely exhausted. serhii pulled them out and gave them to zoo volunteers. now the dogs are looking for new
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homes. the news team is back on the air at 3 p.m. and then meet my colleagues, lesya vakulyuk. the operator maneuvers the drone in the sky, yes soldiers of the first separate brigade of special forces named after ivan bohun, are testing new birds from volunteers. every section of our front, this hell is real and fpv drones help very well. hunting in different directions along the entire front, since we don't
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have enough artillery shells right now, then semi-drones, they are a great substitute for an artillery shell, which costs ten times more than this little bird. military personnel of the haydamaki battalion received 27 kamikaze drones, they were purchased by volunteers of the umbrella-ua charity fund and all-ukrainian charitable fund zhivvago. we are constantly adapting. under the enemy's rap means, and we try to reach such a level that every first, and even second, drone flies to the target. these drones are of domestic production, but in terms of technical characteristics they are not inferior to foreign drones, they attach explosives that destroy the occupiers and their enemy equipment. it carries up to 1.5 kg, depending on the task, if it’s a bomber, then it’s... we have a range of up to 5 km, it’s to return the drone, if it’s komyukadze, then you can fly up to 10
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depending on the weight of the ammunition, they are very nimble, very maneuverable and very difficult to hit them, unless of course it hangs in one place for a long time, this is the peculiarity, they are very difficult to shoot down. in the near future, fpv drones will go to the war zone together with the defenders. thank you. for the help of the zhivvago charity fund for the provision of fpv drones to the first separate brigade of ivan bohun of the haidamati battalion, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, kateryna oliynyk, espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are returning to ether, we are continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy
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saichuk, let me remind you, in this studio we work for you all day long, join our ether, who has time, who has already baked the passovers, who may have even planned to go celebrate them, and we are starting our second part, and i want to tell you , for all those who watched us in the first part, all those who heard our calls to donate and for all those who collected for today, for today's first part of the day 75 00 uah, and we already have 86,409 uah from our of the new collection, which is huge, and it is frightening, of course, but looking at the way you share the warmth and light that is inside you today with our military, it inspires great hope that very soon... these 4 million hryvnias will be collected, like the previous 2 million, that we have already collected with you, and already fp drones
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for the 93rd 72 brigades, will be transferred to them, dear friends, scan, join, we thank everyone for this hryvnia, it is very important now, our military is in great need of help, and at this time holidays are a time to share goodness with others, our protectors of that are in great need, i will remind you that today is the eve of easter. it's a terrible saturday, and we will simultaneously show you a broadcast from the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem, where just now, my god, this is another miracle, just now the blessed fire has descended, friends, and you are witnesses of this picture, olesya, olesya, then it's your job, it's just that our people stood for so long, they didn't rush you, now we would have left at 2:10 p.m., says father, right after the news there should be espresso, there will be vakulyuk, the blessed fire will appear, or anna eva melnyk, must have known something. she winked at the end and said, by the way, either, or it's because stepan barna,
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a serviceman of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, former head of the ternopil regional state administration, will now appear on our airwaves. the third version. mr. stepan, tell me, it is in your hands, your appearance and immediately in ukraine. our business and the business of our hands is to burn the enemy in positions in the eastern direction, in donbas, which we are doing successfully, thanks to. and people's support, mr. stepan, what is the situation now, to be honest, na na in the east na in the donetsk direction, i just see that in recent days... well , at least four famous people have died, it is obvious that the situation is tense, the enemy is trying to find weak spots in the defense line, he usually looks for these spots in places , just between the junctions, between the junctions of the brigades of the defense forces, or places of weakness is looking
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directly somewhere in the positions of strength. well, this is a common practice, first the positions are shelled, then the assault is carried out with the help of equipment, light military equipment of the bmp type, and of course the advance of the assault group of the occupier, well, it is clear that in our case we manage to hold our positions, i would like to point out, if we are talking about the line of responsibility. of the 10th mountain assault brigade delves and in general there, for example, about the position of our battalion, we have moved only 4 km in the fields in these more than a year and a half, that is , it can be considered that we are holding our positions well enough, and for sure it is happens
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due to the support of people and the support of power. support of those who directly perform combat tasks. mr. stepan, what? it feels like you are a person who has been at the front for more than the first day, do you feel that the russians are now, firstly, the day of victory is approaching, and secondly, the russians are waiting for the inauguration, and somewhere there they got a task, at least something, at least somehow, in any way, but to gnaw away, to fight in... our defenders, and this is the traditional devilish symbolism that is present in the imperial ideology of russia, something must and must be taken on the occasion of some holiday, the next day's victory, well, we remember we believe that the start of putin's election campaign
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it was necessary to take the bah, tens of thousands of occupiers were put down, then... the elections had to be taken in avdiivka, well, this is such a peculiar sacrifice to the devil, which putin brings regularly in the form of his occupiers, his orcs, on the occasion of some certain, certain events, i am so sorry , because the siren turned on in me. mr. stepan, i would also like to ask, writes botusov, yuriy , that the situation at the front is now acutely critical, would you agree with this assessment, if so, obviously, it is constantly critical and constantly acute, there is always a need for soldiers, there is constant need and
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drones, shells, does that mean that the situation, does that mean that the situation... is getting worse, compared to what it was, i don't know, a week ago, a month ago, six months ago, well, i would, i wouldn't say, in in our case, on the contrary , the situation has eased a little, stabilized, because at the beginning, in early april, there were more intense assaults by the occupier in our direction, now, thank god, they have calmed down, but this does not mean that it is easy in other directions, it is necessary. .. to be aware that this is temporary and one must be ready for any you at any time to respond to a certain form of aggression or an attempt to advance by the enemy, you know, it will soon be exactly four months since we changed the commander-in-chief, and in four months what changes have been felt can or
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cannot be felt in reality in the armed forces of ukraine, see , combat battalions... they feel little change and an ordinary soldier, the vast majority of ordinary soldiers do not even know who their commander-in-chief is, you ask him who is a syrian there by position, maybe a more famous hard worker there, then it is certain that 90% will not answer the exact position that he holds, so that you understand, not to mention the position, who holds a minister there. defense, for example, so it must be understood that a lot depends exclusively on the total means that are concentrated directly by units, that are concentrated on... places and how effectively these resources are used by the command of battalions, brigades, units , and so on. mr. stepan, they say that
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american aid will arrive in ukraine, will reach our defenders already in the summer, as per your feelings, will it be possible to hold out this may without, obviously, i hope that some reserves have been formed and for one month... the command of the armed forces of ukraine, i have hope in this, at least, well, obviously, if there is some plan measures aimed at providing bc with the equipment of the ukrainian army, including at the expense of american or european aid, well, it is precisely in this month that these reserves should be concentrated as much as possible and not give the enemy the opportunity to break through and make another feast for himself. then win like you you say, and i hope that it will be done in the near future, in principle, we actively count, in particular, my unit on
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the support of people, volunteers, every day we work at positions, release dozens of drones and the absolute majority of them work effectively, and this is to thank by god, we succeed thanks to people, including you, i remember... you know, when there was still a phase of the war called ato, then all the time before easter there were talks about an easter truce , yes, the russians of that easter truce were observed, but at least they more or less gave an opportunity to take a breather, to dedicate passovers, this year we are talking to our military and they say that they are appealing to the people, first of all, so that people do not engage in such extravagance, do not transfer. just a crazy amount of these paskas, because you don't have time to eat them and you don't have time because the intensity of the battles is very high, will you have some time
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to dedicate those paskas? well, first of all , the consecrated paskas have already come to us, and of them, well, i will say that this year there are not as many as last year, it's not bad at all, because there are enough of them to eat them, and not for them to... fall, that's the first thing, the second thing, it's obvious that you can't eat all the sausages, so we settle for what we have, and it is necessary to protect human resources as much as possible, in order to better purchase drones, help the guys with ammunition, maybe with some other necessary things, or donate fpv drones to our brothers from other brigades. well, i will also ask, you know, when did our offensive begin last year, and many people accused, well, for example, us journalists that
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we allow ourselves to ask the question of whether we should now also think about preparing defense lines just in case, just in case, then it just caused terribly sharp criticism, they said that these are traitors, they do not believe in our victory, and how it is even possible... if there are no questions, then only victory, only forward, now we will be in crimea, and now, instead , publications are published that are not ours, by the way, publications of other foreign media that have some kind of accreditation for the front line, and they too they write that the military complains that they are serious there are no crazy lines of defense, and if , god forbid, there will be a breakthrough somewhere, there is nowhere to retreat very much, well, look, i... i will say that i do not know which, which directions you are talking about, directly, well, every line of defense, which built in our direction, it was built,
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dug with the own hands of the same military personnel who are currently on the front line, er, and this is the first line, a second line, a third line is being built in parallel, that is, the guys are digging directly, of course, there is a lack of equipment and ... this needs to be worked on, i hope the authorities will concentrate their forces and resources in order to build, not just a line of defense, a wall that will prevent the enemy from advancing deep into ukrainian territory. it is obvious that this should have been done a long time ago, maybe even thanks to the fact that you raised this issue in the mass media, in many places they really started to build fortifications, and this is happening before my eyes. in fact, i can confirm now that the intensity has increased significantly compared to last year. thank you, mr. stepan, for this conversation, stepan barna was there
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with us. of the edelweiss separate mountain assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, former head of the ternopil regional state administration. we also thank our viewers, writes our viewer nadya olyshevko, mrs. lesya, connected colleagues to donate to the sit and begs at least 100 hryvnias each, everyone promised more, catch it. thank you for this, dear friends, there are already 91 thousand, there will be another 9,000, 91, and 104 hryvnias, that's right, someone else probably threw in 100 hryvnias. at ms. nadiya's request, or mine, or those who are watching now our ether, 9 thousand, is less than 9 00 and we will have 100 00, and this will already be the 40th part of our collection, dear friends, now we are going on a short break, we will come back, ee and we will watch an interview with you, interview with dominik hasyk, czech hockey goalie, nhl legend, who actively helps and supports ukraine, and
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glasses focus plus at. complete with a choker at a sale price of only uah 199, but hurry, the number is limited, call. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, it would be even better in... we have a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, norman, we can to imagine, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. big broadcast of vasyl zima, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what
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the world is about, two hours to be informed. economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. so, dear friends, we are coming back, do you remember how before the full-scale invasion there were some ... several such scandals related to sports with ukrainian athletes, and then there was a huge debate about whether sport is outside of politics or not, and the minister of sports, then and now, and the minister of sports, gutsite, said that sport is still outside of politics. now we have finally come to the point that no, sport cannot be outside of politics, and now special rules are being developed on how to behave in a ukrainian manner.


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