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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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thank you for your work, the news editor will tell about the main events for this hour, and i will start with the fact that the blessed fire has descended. the blessed fire has descended. in jerusalem, the miracle traditionally took place in the city where jesus christ is buried. in the morning, the chapel above the grave was inspected by delegations of christian churches, after which it was sealed. before the ceremony in the church of the resurrection of christ, all candles and lamps were extinguished. and the patriarch of jerusalem entered there. the faithful were waiting under the walls of the temple, when the blessed fire came down, the patriarch lit it and took it out 33 candles symbolizing quantity. years
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of the earthly life of jesus christ, now representatives of the clergy will take the fire from the holy land to their countries. people believe that this miracle is a sign of new life and light that overcomes darkness, and if the fire does not go down, it means that the end of the world is approaching. meanwhile, the russian invaders attacked kharkiv with pre-guided aerial bombs. writes city mayor ihor terekhov, people are urged to be careful, there is a possibility of repeated attacks. two cities in donetsk region at once, pokrovsk and myrnograd without water the filtering station, which provides water supply, is not working due to damage to the karlivka rivne aqueduct, - announced the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. he also added that specialists are already carrying out repairs. he noted, during the day, as a result of russian shelling in the region. three people died,
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seven more were injured. the occupiers hit kurakhovo and turetsk with hail and hurricanes. four aerial bombs were dropped on the estuary and ridkodub. as a result of the attack , more than fifty residential buildings were destroyed in nivachena administrative buildings, gas pipeline and power lines. a 58-year-old woman was wounded by enemy shelling in dnipropetrovsk region. she was hospitalized, informed in... the state emergency service. russian invaders once again attacked nikopol. as a result of the impact , a fire broke out in the residential sector. the flames engulfed an outbuilding, a garage and a car. firefighters have already extinguished the fire. he miraculously survived during the enemy siege. military roman kliza undergoes rehabilitation in lviv after multiple injuries. the man visits every day.
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classes with a physical therapist to relearn how to walk, what the hero had to go through, kateryna oliynyk will tell. roman kliza, originally from volyn, worked as a driver abroad before the great war, went to defend the country on the first day of the full-scale invasion of russia, became an aerial scout in the 100th separate mechanized brigade. appeared in the silversmithing of the luhansk region. rather, we adjusted the artillery. provided the coordinates, they have already worked out. on december 4 last year, roman was summoned to military sortie to stop the russian offensive, on that day the defender was seriously wounded and miraculously survived. my brother-in-law and i were driving in a combat position, arrived by car, then went on foot, reached our bunker, and somewhere at that moment an enemy came flying towards us , as a result, i was wounded, and my brother-in-law mykola. died, as
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i found out later. after the injury, roman klize recovered in the dnipro hospital. the defender spent nine days in a coma. the doctors there did everything possible to save the soldier. in i had a head injury, it was done to me in slovyansk. then they were transported to dnipro, to myshnikov, from there they were transported by plane to ky, the city stabilized. one and a half centimeter piece of enemy ammunition. literally stuck in roman's heart. after being transferred to lviv, the man was operated on by a team of cardiac surgeons from the saint panteleimon hospital and the amosov institute. fortunately, we managed, as they say, to get away with little blood. we mobilized the aortic arch. they found a fragment under it, pulled it out, removed and sewed up the aorta. it's been a month and a half, defender is recovering with the specialists of the nezlamni rehabilitation center. ok, now the obstacles. due to brain damage
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, the soldier had a paralyzed left arm and impaired coordination, and after classes with a physical therapist, he managed to take his first steps, well, you see, i've been talking for a long time about... i want something, i'm very motivated, i've noticed progress , when roman was admitted, he could not get up, and now, as you saw, he walks and walks confidently, he goes step by step, crosses obstacles and becomes a simulated step, there are still some left in roman’s body metal debris. the man will soon undergo neurosurgery to repair the skull defect. and after a long rehabilitation, the soldier hopes to go on vacation and build a house with his own hands. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. and
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the collection of espresso tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces continues. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these men. soldiers we can live, work, to learn, and to at least somehow thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the ambitious goal is uah 720,000. only 97,000 remain to be collected, there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. nine resuscitation vehicles were brought to lviv region by philanthropists. representatives of the association handed over the humanitarian convoy from france. medical and charitable aid france-ukraine. these are used cars from the owners of foreign enterprises, the cars are equipped with everything necessary for the evacuation of the wounded and demining de-occupied territories. several ambulances will be sent to the front for the military and various brigades. the rest will go to
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pyrotechnicians of the state emergency service in poltava, dnipropetrovsk, cherkasy and kharkiv regions. we brought ambulances for ukraine. our assistance is small in view of the scale of needs, but we want to continue this assistance, because we know that it is very important for the population and for the army. these are large companies that have their fleet of cars, and they decide there on the solidarity project with ukraine, they allocate so many machines there, they prepare them and send them to ukraine, and so we have several of them. they do it once a year, and this is their seventh convoy. in may, the russian urals were covered by a powerful blizzard in the sverdlovsk region, due to the accumulation of wet snow and falling trees , fifty power lines were damaged. at night
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, several settlements were left without electricity , local energy experts report, and problems with mobile communications are also noted. such large-scale accidents are not remembered there in the last 20 years. suppliers complain electricity, hundreds of cars were stuck in long traffic jams on the highways. russian weather forecasters warn that bad weather will rage until the end of the day and will reach the perm region. a twenty-meter hotdog sculpture appeared in new york in the very center of times square. it was created by two artists from brooklyn. the installation is equipped with hydraulics and a cannon and... every day at noon, confetti shoots out, various public events and competitions are planned around it, including eating the same hotdogs. residents and guests of new york will be able to admire it until the 13th june home for the rehabilitation of birds.
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a new aviary was built at the kyiv zoo, 20 rescued birds are housed there, and they have tree trunks for leisure. with hollows, bundles of branches to create nests, swings and a decorative pool. each parrot has its own past, someone was taken out of the affected areas, someone was simply thrown under the beasts of this box. since the beginning of the war, the kyiv zoo has become a center for the rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals and birds from all over ukraine, the employees of the institution say. help from they have already received more than 500 birds. look for more interesting videos on the spresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, as there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot
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topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be there. and of course, you can always read more about important things on our website. and also subscribe to our channels in social networks. before meeting. the enemy is preparing, moscow has increased the production of weapons and ammunition, has shifted the economy to war reiki, receives missiles from north korea. more about the expansion of the defense sector of the russian federation in the material of my colleagues from franz-24. in moscow. issued orders to increase the production of weapons and ammunition. this happened after the president of the united states
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, joseph biden, approved a package of military aid in the amount of 61 billion dollars. this is the same famous package that has been blocked in congress for months. un investigations are ongoing in an effort to confirm whether russia, which is already actively launching iranian weapons, used north korean weapons shahedy for striking the cities of ukraine. so, supplies are already coming to russia, and now it is similar. wants to effectively double its spending on weapons. joining us from washington for analysis is jacob heilbran, editor of the national interest and staff member of the atlantic council. jacob, congratulations and thank you for being with us. how do you interpret the news that russia is increasing its defense spending? well, putin has decided to move in a totalitarian direction. he is trying to put the entire russian economy on a war footing. increasing arms spending and neglecting the economy and the standard of living of the russians, and that's just
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one of the points, because there will be people who will work in the manufacturing plants, and they can get paid well, but overall, as you just pointed out, this approach takes away a lot money in the general public, right? that is indeed the case, and the russian economy, although it has managed to pull from... longer than i think the biden administration initially projected, however, i think that over the next year or two, russia will have to reap the rewards of its action as the death toll among russians continues to rise and more and more russian resources are invested in what is essentially a colossal waste. it is obvious that this is a race against time, because the money blocked in congress by the trump faction, let's call it, is about 61 billion military dollars. aid, which is now heading to kyiv from washington, it is clear that they still have to wait, don't they, such
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resources do not arrive overnight, russia is also awake and trying to increase everything possible, now all this has actually turned into a race with time to arm your troops and make progress on the battlefield. certainly, we see that the russians are trying to go on the offensive as quickly as they can, but the ukrainians are already using long-range missiles that... they got from the us and other countries to strike at the enemy's rear. today, the daily losses of russians amount to more than a thousand people. just imagine a thousand a day, that's an absolutely amazing number. lloyd austin, the us secretary of defense, a few days ago called on countries that have, as strange as it sounds, free patriot missile complexes, transfer them to ukraine. the question is why this did not happen earlier, and whether it will be enough. it's never enough, but it's absolutely vital, as ukraine
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has been neglected for months, especially by the united states, and the russians have systematically attacked ukraine's energy sector and definitely harmed ukraine's economy and morale. let me remind you that with the new aid package from the usa, ukraine can regain both its morale and its lost territories. the other day, ukraine struck the energy sector in the russian kurdish region. in odesa, which, apparently, there were no victims, in fact, there is little information about what is happening, because as we speak, the war continues, i suggest returning to what volodymyr zelenskyi said, namely, that nato rushed to helping israel when it was attacked by iran, no one hesitated whether it was right or not, zelensky points out that why not help ukraine in this way, can nato act in this way? no, i think we should show some caution, because we are talking about
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potentially getting into a direct conflict with russia, this is a red line that joseph biden will never cross, but he continues to step on it more and more, and sending long-range missiles to ukraine, this is definitely a much more aggressive step than those he was willing to consider before. however , there is evidence that the russian side could... the un investigated this issue back in january, and only a few days ago odessa was hit by an iskander with a cluster munition, it turns out that that on one side of the dividing line. adheres to some rules, and others to others. putin is a dictator who stops at nothing. we are shocked by the number one thousand, but he is ready to throw as many people into this meat grinder as he deems necessary. i think that biden managed to unite nato. he managed to get another arms package to ukraine,
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while putin brewed up a mess that could ultimately jeopardize his own governance. jacob heilbran was with us, thank you very much for joining us at franz 24, we appreciate it your time and your analysis. jacob halbran is an editor at the national interest and a fellow at the atlantic council. thank you. we will, of course, keep an eye on the development of events in ukraine. if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unbox tv strong saws are just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for
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for pain in the joints and back, there are discounts, there are coco discounts in may for tizin 20% in plantain pharmacies. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, yet more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world,
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the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day. with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we are working for you today, and today and tomorrow too, today is still ahead, an hour with a tail our participation on the air of the tv channel. espresso , thank you for today's activity, it's incredible, i'll be honest, uah 89, that's what you donated today... so we already have the first hundred thousand on our new collection, and this is a fortieth part of the amount that we
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needed, need 4 million hryvnias. now it sounds scary, but listen, we collected 100,000 with you in one day with a small tail, to be more precise, in a day, so i hope that if at this rate we will close this collection very soon, very soon, we will collect for... bicycles , which have to help rescue our military wounded who are supposed to deliver ammunition to the battlefield, so don't forget to notify us, and in the meantime we will talk with dana yarova , a volunteer, adviser to the deputy minister of defense of ukraine, a member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense and the head of the public organization children's dream of ukraine. mrs. dana, nice to see you? congratulations to each other, congratulations to ukraine, congratulations to the studio. actually, these... what holidays, although it is very difficult to keep this holiday in the third year of the great war mood, i would like to first of all ask you about how you manage
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to support uh, or maybe add some holidays to those children whose dreams you are trying to fulfill with your public organization, what exactly are these children dreaming about, they are children, i understand , who lost their parents in the war. i agree with you, it is very difficult in the third year of the war to preserve and stabilize yourself and stabilize your children, whom you are raising, and also take care of the children, the dead, our dead soldiers, and help the families of the dead, missing persons and prisoners, it's such a difficult burden, it's difficult for the family that lost... it's difficult for others, because someone else's grief, it still touches any of us, it's very difficult, but we have ,
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we have to do it, we have to support each other, we have to support our future, because the children, it is the children, they will build the independent, european state that we all dream of, and to which we are so grateful. .. we all want this european family that we want to belong to, so it is extremely important to help to a little person who has already faced such grief as the loss of a family member, we not only have dead soldiers, we have dead civilians, and to lose, especially when leaving the occupation, children in front of their eyes, children killed them parents, this is probably... well, something separated us, probably someone is trying to call
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mrs. dana at this moment, dear friends, in the meantime, i will say that we have already passed 1000 and 200 have been added, while we started talking with ms. dana, ms. dana, are you back on the air, we have some problems with the internet, please continue, eh... it is quite difficult, but we have to support each other, and we have to invest in our future, specifically in our children, and we have to understand throughout the country that the children of the dead, the children of the missing , they became our common children, because there are so many children, i started dealing with the families of the dead from the age of 14, from the 16th year, then we somehow helped and managed as a volunteer community. now we are not coping, because we have the first such situation since the second world war a serious conflict in the center of europe, that
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's why such initiatives appeared, now we support children and pay for their education, english language education, computer science education, art education, anything, and summer, like any mother, worries me too, where my children will spend the summer. therefore , for the second year in a row, we are launching the summer and without war campaign, where we send children, we send children to transcarpathia, we send families to bulgaria and give children the opportunity for at least a week, at least 10 days, to remember about the fact that they are just children, what they just have children's toys, which, that they have friends, comrades, and just a union... and to be even without constant worries - this is what, in principle, we all try to,
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let's say, make them a little. life is brighter, that's why we have to hold on, we have to hold on to each other, we have to support each other, including mentally, and we have to worry about our future, because it's for their sake that we say yes now, and for their sake this war is going on, for that , in order not to get into a large concentration camp, excuse me, but for such a comparison, but to get into a european family, to the european family, therefore... these are, let's say, efforts to make the life of every child a little brighter, who in this life has already seen what grief is. by the way, about the big constable, yes, i understood what you mean, if you are talking about russia, and here are the drawings of russian children that appeared on the eve of victory day, i don't know if you saw them, it's just... something like that,
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i don't know, some kind of philanthropy or something, they 're comforted, it's just some kind of blood-curdling, but everything is covered with such red paint, uh, and and and so the joy on their faces, that they painted it, they are happy about it, and it is very interesting there, when there are still tanks on the streets of the city, yes and eh, that is, it is clear that these are civilians, they are just being killed with automatic weapons, i am. about that, you know, that's what i'm talking about, that i don't want to go there again, we almost jumped out of that constable, yes, while we were there for 73 years, and i want our children to not have the same fate it happened, as it happened to fate, our parents, our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers, i have repressed in a family of two parties, and famine, repression, war - these
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are only things that a country that probably has no right to exist can... bear, therefore, on the eve of easter, i wish all of us that on the other side we have a big blue ocean, our children grow up happy, healthy, and we helped them become real europeans and achieve success in any field they choose in their lives, and not destroy, build and, well, do something good and beautiful in this life. children until victory day, they don't sit and think, looking at these drawings of russians basements, ugh, they didn't see how their parents were killed before their eyes, or whether their parents were raped before their eyes, they, well, maybe their parents are dying somewhere there, those who went to svo, and these children, who... ..
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your public organization takes care of them, they suffered terrible losses, is there such, the same kind of bitterness, such a desire for the blood of a neighbor, like these russian children? you know, ms. yano, just recently i marked a post with children's drawings, we paid for a studio for children and exhibited drawings from these children, what they, what do they draw, yes, that is, it is an educational project, i reported and showed. what beautiful pictures are drawn by the children of our dead, this is precisely about the fact that we are trying to raise not murderers, yes, we are trying to raise people who will do wonderful things for the future of society, and what will grow from those children who draw such pictures that you showed, well , i can’t even imagine, it’s a good topic,
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we and... i would know, there is such a stupid phrase that our journalists like to use, i couldn’t, i can’t help but ask, you know, it actually means that a person wants to ask something that he thinks might upset the interlocutor, and therefore i can't help but ask, all these stories about the possible resignation of umerov were written about by the mirror of the week, ukrainian pravda and public, but there is a refutation , i 'm not saying anything, but... what's wrong with zumov? because we know that those refutations are false, they didn’t work when our chatbot answered, it’s the ministry of defense, dear journalists, no, it’s not true, it was, yes, it was, there was such a thing, what can we say here, that there is no such thing was, if the press service of the ministry of defense said that everything is not true, everything is not true. to date, to be honest, i have not even heard any conversations about layoffs within the ministry.


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