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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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showed, well, i'm even scared to imagine, uh, this is a good topic, we, i would know, there is such a stupid phrase that our journalists like to use, i couldn't, i can't help but ask, you know, it actually means that a person wants to ask something like that, what he thinks, might upset the interlocutor, and therefore i cannot help but ask, all these stories with a possible resignation from merov were written about it. the mirror of the week and the ukrainian truth, and the public one, but there is a refutation, i am not saying anything, but what is there with moderation, because we know that those refutations by the way, they didn’t work when our chat bot answered, the ministry of defense, dear journalists, no, it’s not true, it was like that, yes, it was, there was such a thing, what can we say that this did not happen, if the press service of the ministry of defense said that everything is not true, everything is not true, for today. day,
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to be honest, i didn’t even hear any conversations within the ministry about omirov’s resignation, so in principle i think, well, of course, he goes to work, everything is fine, in place, so there are no such conversations about it, but such, you know, such rumors i constantly hear it's been probably three months since his resignation, so i think it's like who wrote yes?
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in the past two years, it has become such a toxic place that, in principle, everything that is generated and done by the ministry of defense is under such, such serious attention of society, and it is right, because the largest budget we have now is the budget of the ministry defense, and as many negative stories as the ministry of defense has had during this time, it will probably be quite difficult to come out at least reputationally zero, well, that's all. you need to do something positive to to get at least reputationally zero, to say that it is a plus, then it will probably be necessary to work no less than those two years, during which we heard many stories about the ministry of defense and what happened in its style, well, you are a person with a good reputation, and your reputation is also added to this negative reputation, in order to at least bring it down to zero, and maybe even come out in the plus, so i actually come to what you can have as an adviser... there is now is good advice, and maybe
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someone will hear it now, how to get a plus in trust to the ministry of defense in a warring country, by the way? you know, there's a good phrase that i use all the time: when you don't know what to say, tell the truth, that's probably what would give our society some confidence in the future, because speaking positively, that everything is cool, everything is great, well, listen, it's the third year of the war, we've all been on... learning how to filter information, get it from some sources, besides, everyone now has someone in the war during a full-scale invasion, and i think it would be very correct if would speak when it is bad, speak bad, when it is good, speak good, this would give understanding to the society, which firstly did not relax, and secondly, the society understood that they are telling us the truth, when it will be very bad, they will also tell us about it . and this is what scares
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many when they say: "do you remember, before the full-scale offensive, we were told to go to barbecues?" and it scares people, it really scares them, no one even apologized for it. absolutely, i agree with you, and besides, i know that many of my personal acquaintances do calls during some events, says: "it's true, it's true, it was all, it's true, maybe you know." and this mistrust, it will be in society for quite a long time, so... that's why i would like to advise you, you don't know what to say, tell the truth, and communicate with society as if you were adults, and not by telling some, but you can right away, i will also ask, is it not too late to start telling the truth, maybe we have already passed that moment and the second, whether we have an adult society, a bison, whether it is ready for the truth, because even when we start voice something that there is some problem that is not pleasant, then we see how some viewers, well, some thank us and... others write, what
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kind of presenters are they, are they some kind of traitors to ukraine? well, you know, the truth is, she is not always beautiful, as many would like to see, yes, that everything is beautiful in war. everything is fine, everything is so, we are so patriotic, we are going to the borders of 91, the war in general is very, i don’t know how to say it in ukrainian, there is a russian word ugly, yes, and how did hashik vbraum manage to write a soldier shvyka with humor, i even i don't know, it's just a brilliant man, let's say war is a very scary thing, very scary, and that's why, let's put it this way, you have to tell the truth. the truth is, you need to start communicating with people as you do with adults, well , you have to grow up someday, at some point you stop talking to a child like a child, you start talking and building relationships like an adult, so it’s not too late, maybe too late , do we have to start, do we have
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to start, will some people be in the stage of denial, yes, they probably will and will be to write to you and me: god, what are you doing there, but... well, we should talk in black and white and black and black and become more mature and mature and probably pass this puberty period that our society is currently experiencing and to move to a more conscious, adult life. well, there is no alternative, because even if we bury our heads in the sand, reality will still approach, approach from behind and somehow make itself heard. mrs. dana, thank you for the honest conversation, happy holiday in spite of everything. despite the fact that mood, these holidays are somehow a little difficult this year. dana yarova, volunteer, adviser, deputy minister of defense of ukraine, member of the public anti-corruption council of preminoborona and head of the public organization children's dream was, children's dream of ukraine was with us, dear friends, we talked a little about the truth and whether it is time to tell it or not
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. we have one more truth about the blessed fire, which does not actually go down, but what happens to it, i will tell about it later after a short pause, stay with us, i know the journalist spent alone. investigation, had there are some problems with that, but nevertheless, he managed to get the truth and that things are called his own, truth and faith, there are difficult moments here, but i am less worried about the fact that the blessed fire does not go down, but something else happens to it it does not become beneficial, dear friends, after a pause we will return and continue, kratov contains natural components that carefully care for yours. the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes kratal, improves blood supply and heart rate, increases physical and mental performance. kratal - natural strength for your heart. and what do you think about lakalut fix? does it fix reliably? did my dentist advise me? yes, and particles of food do not get
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no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainians. with western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will definitely find out the topics already this sunday will be relevant, special guests, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a ride. giving a ride to the boys, the atv is the way from zero to our life. at this stage
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of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. so, dear friends, i promised that i would tell you what is happening with the blessed fire, which descends on saturday, easter saturday, holy saturday on the eve of the resurrection of christ , i will tell you now, please remove the children from the screens, sit down well if you are standing just in case, because your legs may bend, in fact, in fact, i will not discover something new, so that the orthodox church of ukraine the day before very carefully began to prepare the faithful, the ukrainian faithful, for what is actually happening in the church of the holy sepulchre, so here is the blessed fire by itself, which... strangely does not ignite, in fact it is ignited, but then this fire is sanctified, and because of
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what happens to it, it does not become less blessed, it is simply necessary to tell the truth to people, how it all happens, in fact, some clergymen of the jerusalem patriarchate did not want to tell the truth, because they were afraid that they would break a centuries-old tradition, but there was and is such a journalist, an investigator. gretsky, who even had a lawsuit, and almost lost it, but still won, who proved that there is no such thing as a miracle, that this is a human creation, if at all, if such a thing has already begun, you know, this debunking, to be honest, the water during this baptismal font, or whatever they are called, does not have any extraordinary properties, you can easily get hypothermia, if you are already sick, then you cannot rush into that pit, you are generally a wild sound. honestly, let's be honest, so dear friends, but i say that
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this fire does not become less blessed, but this is all just the opinion of us, the greek journalist, the finnish court and, in principle, parts, parts of the clergy, a great, great enlightener the ether was held last year by a priest of the orthodox church andriy dutchenko of ukraine, who, immediately after his trip to jerusalem , gathered an online series about the descent of the blessed fire and explained how it all happens, i still have additional questions. okay, the lighter, which brand, what kind of gas was in the lighter, if it was gas, if it was gasoline, it’s also interesting, in a word, i wouldn’t be here like that right now, i’m very categorical, but gentlemen, okay, thank you actually for this, for this session, how to say it correctly, rational lessons, well, now we will, now we will talk with a political scientist, deputy chairman of the board baltic to black sea, aliens latvia, alex grigorievs, and let's talk, we have such a good reason. this is the day of the restoration of latvia's independence, in the end we will also talk about what is happening in
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latvia. mr. alex, nice to see you and happy holiday, how big is this holiday for latvia? on the other hand, it is quite a big holiday, and now there is already such a tradition, there is that it is called the white holiday. tinny, that is, that is, there is a tradition to use white, if so, more festive, tablecloth, on this, on this holiday, and this is the holiday of the restoration of independence latvia, i, i was then, on the fourth of may 1990, i was a deputy. a newly elected deputy of the supreme council of latvia, and it was
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the second day of work of the new, new supreme council, and on the second day we voted for this declaration of restoration of independence, very important for us. it should also be that latvia was already independent for 20 years between the wars, interwars, and we, independently. restored, i.e. if we were to return to the latvia that already was, i.e. we were to return as, which, which we already had, and it was taken away from us,
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i am not you, how is it, no, i do not know. and how is it because of the occupation, that is, in the 40th year , the soviet union, that is, russia attacked the baltic states and occupied them, and that is... that is, all these years we were occupied either by the soviet union, most of this at this time, or there 3 years in germany, mr. oleks, sir, if i may, i just wanted to clarify right away, well
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, this experience is very interesting for us, because actually in ukraine in the 1989-1990s... there was also an attempt, there were initiatives, specifically to talk about the restoration of independence, and we have august 24, it has already become the 91st year, after we already celebrated the first year of independence after the declaration in 91st, and the declaration about even this act declaration of independence, we remember that in the original it was originally called the act of restoring the statehood of the ukrainian people's republic, they could not get it. the detention of pro-russian communists, who then constituted the majority in the ukrainian verkhovna rada. for me, it is important here that even the ukrainian verkhovna rada - this is the last verkhovna rada of the soviet republics, which is still called the verkhovna rada. and when you returned to the sejm itself, or in latvian, we would say, saima, saima, saima,
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saima, so, how, how did this return take place, because hrushevskyi. it is in his, in his documents of the 17th, 18th years, he is the founder, in fact, he is the head of the first central council, he, he bequeathed that as soon as the national elections are held and the already delegated parliament is elected, then he will also be to be called the ukrainian diet or sojm, that is, it can be seen that there is some kind of tradition of a larger state of a supranational entity, well... yes, but in latvian, if saima, it is also from the word sayet, that is, to gather, and also saima, saima is not so very, very well a well -known word, and we use it only
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in relation to ours. of our parliament, but there is another such and such a word, it is satversme, satversme, this, as if creation, and this is also the name of the latvian constitution, that is, we also use the word constitution, but we call our constitution satversme, i.e. sa... versesmesaima are such and they are such as if they were ancient words and well if they gave more respect to these phenomena and yes and our verkhovna rada was elected in the 90th year
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i was elected as if i remember i'm eating and i think that it was march 18, 1990, and the first, the first session began on may 3, and i remember those days very well, because it was so extremely warm, a real summer, and it was ... so so warm, as it was in our souls, in our hearts, and when we voted as a deputy. it was very cold there under the windows a lot of people if there was a big nato and when
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all the windows were open and everyone heard what was happening in the hall of the verkhovna rada and i and i and we heard how they react to... to ours to these voices and the chairman of the verkhovna rada anatoliy gorbunov then he i read each deputy's name there and said whether he was for or against, and every time there was some kind of reaction from the people who gathered there under the windows, and... it was, it was the parliament, the elections were free, and there
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were none, well, nothing that could be said to be undemocratic, but, but the elections were held according to soviet laws. that is, that is, according to the law adopted by the verkhovna rada of the soviet republic of latvia, and according to the constitution, from safversme, our parliament had to be elected according to the principle of proportionality, that is , a proportional system of elections, and when well... when it was already more or less if it is clear that everything is fine in the south and our state remains, then
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the verkhovna rada dissolved itself, and the saima was elected, ah, if so, a new, new saima, eh, i don't remember, he was the seventh . or the sixth, well, i don't remember anymore, but we continued the count as it began in the first at the first elections of the diet, that is , i don't remember whether it was in the 20th year or in the 21st, and the constitution was was made if at the constitutional constitutional a... constitutional assembly of the 22nd year, yes, the 22nd year, we have literally, unfortunately, we have literally a minute left, i also
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wanted to ask you, actually the fact that latvia had statehood until the 40th year, how much it helped her later at the start in the 90th year, we literally have minutes, very very, very, it's, well, in us. there was a feeling that we were returning to something that we already had, that we, and what if we belonged, that is, what we had a right to, and that too, it was very, very important, but i also want to say , what we understood then, and... how important independent ukraine is for us, and we also helped the movement,
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the movement for independence, well, everyone, as, as it was possible, i remember, sometimes, i was there, we came on one of our holidays, there are 15 observers from ukraine, and i'm worried. i had to put them there for the night i called my friends there, i have four, there are four at a friend’s house, another four at a friend’s house, that is, we printed materials, every day we had something in ours, because i was the editor of the russian-language newspaper of the people’s front of latvia and atmod about... ukraine and
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a lot of ukrainian materials, that is, what if, what is now, well, these relations between our countries, they are not new, they were, are, and will remain, and we really hope that after 35 years, i do not know any . and distance in this relationship we will finally be, because we have extremely similar stories, it's just that our history turned out to be much more tragic, then it was not possible to defend independence, but the offensive of russian troops was unprecedented in the 18th, 19th and 20th years. thank you very much for this conversation, mr. alex, alex grigoriev, political scientist, deputy chairman of the board of the baltic to black sea, alliance latvia was with us about the independence day of the restoration
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of latvia's independence, today we talked. we congratulate all latvians on their national holiday. dear friends, now for your attention is an interview with natalia havrylitsa, moldovan economist and politician, prime minister of moldova from 2001 to 2003. i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. my name is kateryna galko and this is our exclusive conversation with the ex-prime minister. do you remember the mood of moldova at that time and the full-scale invasion, so what did you see as a threat to moldova then. of course, from the very beginning, we believed that this russian invasion of ukraine was a flagrant violation of international law. we
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supported ukraine from day one, we knew about intelligence, we knew information about what war may break out, so we've prepared for the unexpected. but at the same time, until the last minute, we did not think that such a big full-scale war, the largest in europe after the second world war, could... therefore, of course, we mobilized everything to help the influx of refugees, but society in support of ukraine. first of all , then, of course, through humanitarian support, support for green belts for ukrainian goods, etc. also, of course, we had to...
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focus on minimizing the impact of war on our citizens, even though we are not at war with combat operations, we are participating in a hybrid war. we observed rather tragic economic consequences, therefore, at the same time as helping the ukrainian people, we also focused on helping the moldovan people. how did the attitude and scale of assistance change during your time? first of all, let me mention people-to-people contacts, because i think that's the most important thing. i think that there were many ukrainians who discovered moldovans and many moldovans who discovered ukrainians. and i know very beautiful stories about how people come together, about how people start cooperation, be it mayors or local authorities or businessmen. i know that ukrainians
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have started a business here, a new life, and i think we have seen a high appreciation of how moldovan society has responded to the refugee crisis. you know, before the war at the unhcr, the high commissioner for refugees, you know, thought that we could accept a maximum of 25,000 people. but as the whole society mobilized and we saw people taking people into their homes, we saw a lot of volunteers. we have seen how private the sector will contribute, we have seen almost all sectors of society get involved, thanks to which we were able to take in 125 thousand refugees at the height of the crisis, which is five times more than our total estimated capacity, and you know, we have seen a lot.


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