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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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a high assessment of how moldovan society reacted to the refugee crisis. you know, before the war, at the unhcr, the high commissioner for refugees, you know, believed that we could accept a maximum of 25,000 people. but as the whole society mobilized and we saw people welcoming people into their homes. we saw a lot of volunteers, we saw how the private sector came to us. we have seen how almost all sections of society are involved, thanks to which we were able to accept 125 thousand refugees at the height of the crisis, that is, in five times more than our total estimated capacity, and you know, we've seen a lot of these human stories, of course it affects society as a whole, you know,
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in addition, our security strategy, for example, was updated for the first time, about the threat from russia was mentioned in an official document of this kind, and we saw, we saw how people, for example, began to doubt our neutrality, maybe revealed more. support, for example, joining nato. they are still less than 50% because neutrality has long been used as a concept that will help us to get rid of russian troops, but of course, now we see that it does not work like that. consequently, we are observing profound changes, both in contacts between people and in the attitude of society. moldova and ukraine simultaneously
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began their journey to the european union. how difficult was this path for your country, and what are the biggest challenges now? i believe that this was a natural path, both for ukraine and for moldova. you know, we have a majority in the parliament, and if you look at the election manifesto, we said that we will apply to join the eu by the end of the mandate 2024. in fact, in the 25th year. so, you know, we felt that applying for candidate status was a natural next step to our association agreement and the association process itself. and we have always talked with the eu about the fact that our neighbors should not mean our exclusion from the status. potential
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candidate. now we have seen that the war in ukraine has brought us very close to our european partners, and this applies to the architecture of the entire european project. that is why it is important for europe that ukraine wins. so we don't considered it a difficult path, we did not consider it a change of course. and we are grateful that our european partners saw it. saw our point of view, and when i say ours, i mean both ukraine and moldova. the russian federation still has a significant influence on life in moldova. how can its impact be reduced? so, one thing i would like everyone to understand. this is what you know, it's like 2014 in ukraine. you know, we need time to change some of these situations. and you know, i said.
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setting society, but we see now great instability. we watch the steps then in one direction, and then steps back, so we're still, i mentioned a little bit about hybrid warfare, because we're still seeing a lot of disinformation, propaganda, hybrid means, cyber attacks, and so forth. and we know, and our people know, what russian propaganda is. how it works makes people disillusioned with democracy and how democracy works, or disillusioned with the speed of european integration, or disillusioned with, for example, the speed of economic growth or the speed of front-line advancement. we still need to to fight this, and we began to strengthen.
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we should have started in 2014, unfortunately we didn't have the political will then, so now we are working on the resilience of our military in terms of non-lethal weapons, or better procedures, better communication, better service delivery. we also work. our tools to counter disinformation, to counter these hybrid approaches and hybrid warfare. so, we look forward to continuing our partnership in this. transnistria and gagauzia regions remain
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a big unsolved problem. how do you assess such a threat and what do you see as the ways of development of events. yes, of course we have had this frozen conflict since '92, and i mentioned to you that we were very insistent on neutrality because we wanted the russian troops out. in 1992, at the osce summit in istanbul, russia undertook to withdraw its troops, but it never did. now we see a very interesting kind of balance, because now, you know, both moldova and ukraine are making some efforts. there is very little russian in transnistria contingent, and you know, now we see that the border is closed. the transnistrian region is very
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dependent on trade with the eu, because now the majority of their trade is also with the european union. and this is the power of a kind of factors of economic gravity. so we see on the one hand such more extremist formations, but then we also see economic needs. and we understand that actually the benefits, even for people who... live in the transnistria region, may actually be more moderate and head west, but a lot will depend, and we are aware of this, of course, from the outcome of the war in ukraine. and probably the final
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decision and troop withdrawal should be part of a larger deal. from the point of view of the gagauz autonomous region, it is an autonomous region. i think that here our... and there is more russian-speaking population there, so you know, they are very dependent on the content they see in russian, and we need to create better content in russian, but pro-european, to explain the values ​​that european civilization stands for. because there are many projects and investments in the ggau autonomous region also from our european partners. therefore, the problem lies in the capture by certain oligarchic groups and in the hybrid means of war
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used by the russian federation. so, i 'm sure and i hope that by improving communication, by increasing resilience to these tools of hybrid warfare, we can make sure that we maintain our pro-european path. by the way, the eu ambassador noted that there are options for the development of events, when moldova will become part of the union, while without these regions, which... what do you think about this ? well, we saw the example of cyprus, and i i think also during the epc european political summit, the european
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political community summit in bulboat, mr borel even said that we should not let this stop us. but at the same time, of course, we want the reintegration of the country and the support of all people in joining the eu, because this is actually a project of peace, it is a project of democracy, it is a project of human rights and freedom. so, along with these values ​​comes economic prosperity, so we must persevere and be sure that such attractiveness will also work for european integration. do you see the possibility of moldova's conflict with the russian federation, whether moldova is ready. and do you have
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the resources to fight back? as i have already mentioned, we are in a hybrid war. and the real problem is our resistance to these methods, because if moldova changes its course by political means, then in fact no rockets need to be prepared. so it is equally dangerous. so the next few months are going to be very important to explain to people what's going on and make sure that even though you know there's an increased anxiety, and you know, there's this disillusionment created by russian propaganda, you know, we need to persevere and we need to make sure that we continue our pro-european path. well,
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dear friends, we are back in the studio, we are continuing our marathon and this is our last 10 minutes on the air, you still have an opportunity to make a contribution, i will remind you that we have started a new collection, 4 million in front of us, well, not four, but less for 105.84 hryvnias, that's how much you and i collected in a day, i hope that you will throw in some money, because we are collecting. on a quad bike for our military, for our defenders, these two atvs will help and evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield to battlefields, and will also help deliver ammunition to the battlefield, so let's now have the eve of the resurrection of christ, we have holy saturday, tomorrow is easter, let's share a little bit about our feeling of the holiday, who has it, well , now we will ask what the feeling of the holiday is in... forecaster natalka didenko, and whether the weather will contribute to the fact that it will be a little
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sunnier in the soul, natalka didenko, forecaster and the host of the espresso tv channel is already with us, ms. natalya, we are glad to hear you, i am also very, very glad to hear everyone. actually, will you cheer us up or upset us, what will the weather be like for easter, easter this year in may, which is nice on the one hand, it should be warmer by now, because... as a rule, the weather varies on easter, i would say so, well first of all, is the weather happy or sad, i think that there should not be such a relationship with the weather at all, well, this is my opinion, especially for easter, we now have much more interesting events and all kinds of reasons to be happy or sad, on easter, does the weather vary, i, for example, always remember mostly, such a sunny easter, well... let's get back to reality, so to speak, well, the weather is really wonderful now, a lot of sun, good such a
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comfortable warmth, no heat , there were literally several days of such, well , the air temperature was abnormal, i would say, but on may 5, the day will be sunny and quite warm in most regions of ukraine, and some short-term rains will pass in the north of ukraine, these are zhytomyr region, kyiv region, sumy region, chernihiv oblast, yes... in the carpathians, transcarpathia and in the carpathian regions, well, there is very little, maybe if there is something like that, well , i would say, even more insignificant precipitation, so this is the immediate situation, it is easter night, who is going to go all night to the temples that will be open, it will be quite cold and, by the way, the information of the next night in the east of ukraine, in zaporizhzhia, as far as the kherson region, is likely to be frosty, and in general, the night will be around +3 +8 in most regions of ukraine, so... warmer, temperature fluctuations , that we had a terrible time mrs. natalka, please tell me, this
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is warm, abnormally warm, the beginning of spring, the end of winter, does it mean that global warming will soon be here anyway, and i don’t know what eschatological moments are present on planet earth, why am i asking, because i know a lot of different young people who say that whatever the war is, it doesn't matter, soon we... we will have an apocalypse due to the fact that global warming is going on, these are already signs of global warming, well, to those young people who say so, sit still and to sit down to such a general apocalypse, also... they will have to work and protect the homeland and please mom and dad, so talk about some kind of global resistance now, many people talk about it, and indeed in past years the air temperature exceeds the norm and even in this, i i would say on a planetary scale, but without some cataclysms, some
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kind of norm that is so terrible for us, i would not have thought about it at all, to be honest, because really, you are right... in april at the beginning it was very warm, such was the removal of heat from the south from the south short, then it normalized and the air temperature returned to some kind of normal range, now in general i would say that the weather is so normal, by the way, typical for may frosts, which i have already mentioned, are expected in the coming night, also another 9 and on may 10, by the way, frost is expected in most regions of ukraine. that's why talking about some kind of global warming, well, it's definitely not for me, it's rather possible for some fortune tellers, it can be real. mrs. natalka, if not about the weather, but about easter, i know that you have already baked paskas, i know, because i saw a post with a photo, a paska with the signature my flowers, and your subscribers,
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your fans, have already arranged such a one too... a parade of paskas, everyone posted theirs in the comments, to whom they asked, natalka didenko's paska, what does it consist of, how long do you knead it, how much do you bake it, and where do those paskas go afterwards? thank you very much for this question, i haven't been baking paska for many years, because my mother baked it, my mother-in-law baked it, and i've been baking for a few years, i've tried different recipes and settled on what i think is the most ingenious recipe for pasca, very simple from daria tsvek, you can easily find it on the internet, it is very simple and everything is written there, it is convenient for one portion, well, for two portions, respectively, a moderate amount of products and this year, by the way, i it was very simple, she succeeded, even before work i
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quickly got up from hell quite a lot of paska and i even baked raw paska, although they say that cheese paska should be shaped. from fresh cheese, not baked, but such a traditional paska, of course, i baked it, the only thing is that i made it she used to decorate the traditional, using these already modern methods, and i really liked how my mother and grandmother decorated, and they were from poltava region, and they just cut out some ears of corn from the dough, a cross on the dough, and then smeared it with such a ball yolk, she it was so shiny and so, well, real, as we say authentically, so there is no secret, but here is the recipe, i would highly recommend it to anyone who is afraid of bi. absolutely poptypasky, it is very simple and pleasant and not difficult. by the way, i also read somewhere this year the memoirs of a woman about what she says that hers, again, is a grandmother from poltava region, and she does not remember from her childhood that the paska was actually with this white fondant, and no, it never was, no, it’s true,
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yes, uh, you see, we are now a lot we discover about ourselves, precisely thanks to social networks. because this parade begins, each hostess brags about her paska, and this is how these discussions about cakes or paska, as it is properly called, appear, last year there was a little discussion, it has already flown a little this year, despite the fact that of course we have all our attention and support is directed to the war and to and to the front, but nevertheless, even these discussions, when they appear, they are so gratifying, because you think, my god, this is some kind of... . normality, when we argue over which paska is more correct, with white fondant or without, and i remember my childhood, then in the west of ukraine there was no fondant, at most they sprinkled it with colored sprinkles, and my grandmother said that if the paska was not cracked, then a good hostess, and that's why it is precisely in galicia without these all the fondants, so that it could be seen that the housewives
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did a good job of baking that paska, and you say that it was also without fondants in the poltava region. that's why it's interesting where in which parts of ukraine there were those fondants, our viewers can, by the way, write us a youtube broadcast, as it was customary in them, er, have you tried the way your mother and mother-in-law teach these various from the dough, any ornaments? i really tried, one year, i remember, and i cut out these ears of corn, that's all, and unfortunately they didn't turn out as beautifully as came out as mothers, and i, well, so far i have not done so. i just whipped the egg white and made a white fondant like that, but you know, i want to try it next year - and decorate something with the dough, well, just like my mother and grandmother used to do, i will... climb into this like a woman's conversation, in order to break gender stereotypes, as a person who has baked paska twice in his life or three, i don't remember how many, lukar or that white
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fondant, then there is salvation, if the paska did not turn out, just make that lukar and smear it from above and it will look nice, then just a hint from me, because really, but it's true, it's true, but we wish you, your subscribers, to wait for next easter and we want to... you see those passovers and for them to succeed as your mother and mother-in-law and your ancestors. mrs. natalka, thank you for the conversation, and thank you very much, bright and quiet, most importantly, a great day, and mrs. natalka didenko, weather forecaster, and presenter of the espresso tv channel, we also wish you, our dear viewers, thank you for spending this day with us, we'll be back in the studio tomorrow at 8:10, and we'll be with you on this one holiday on the air, thank you. for your donation, we wish this easter to be quiet, although our viewer from kharkov is already writing to me that it's great, there is no need to worry, dear
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friends, we really hope that this easter will be without victims. thank you for your attention, see you tomorrow. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, order now at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful mowing the lawn in the most difficult -to-reach places near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trimming bushes and even branches is easy . leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable. even women can use them. but
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goals, saves, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreaming pa norman can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso.
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friends, my greetings, today we are going to talk about a film that has just started in theaters, and this film is quite interesting because it talks about mobilization, but i think in a very right way, the film is called we were recruits, this film is about fighters from the third assault brigade and... and we will talk to its director lubomyr levytskyi, because it seems to me that this is such a big, beautiful commercial of this third assault brigade, because i really want to sign up for it after watching, go to the cinemas, feel it, and well, the film is very effective, i will tell you, and the main thing is that it is so heroic in the good sense of the word, that is, it is not about suffering, it is about victory and coolness, well... while we
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we are waiting for lyubomir, we will talk with them in 15 minutes, we will talk about eurovision, because there we may also have a victory, by victory, i personally mean a good performance, i think it will definitely be good. bookmakers, who constantly announce some of their betting tricks there, have announced again, that they moved alyona alyona and jerry gehl from the fourth place, from the fifth give places to... verte, and here, i understand, everything depends on what this or that participant or participant or participants will do if they will do something cool, bright, then the bookmakers are like, oh, probably, we will add one or two more points to these people, well, this increase happened after alona alona and jerry hale showed their footage of their rehearsal there, and now we
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can watch it. them, it's just jerry gayle, and really, this video is for a lot of people i liked it, i think there will be something even more so bright, because the production was handled by tanya muinho, the most famous ukrainian director who shoots music videos for the world's top stars, and maybe because of this the stakes have increased, but i'll tell you friends about those guys , who are considered to be the leaders now, and... these are two people who are in the first place, second place, but they constantly somehow change like this, and the one who is in the first place, he is a constant favorite, lately, his name is nemo, he is a singer from switzerland, he has the song the code, he is on the train, he shot a music video, let's listen well, the second favorite
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from croatia, his name is baby lasagna, he has a song called rim tim tagim, it's like a simple one, i can't remember it, but he's currently in second place in the bookmakers, let's take a look and him. to be honest, i like this song more than the previous one, i will definitely root for him, because the video is also cool, there is such a croatian village, and our baby lasagna is there with cattle, feeding pigs, well, all that we understand, we know, well, ah
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now let's move on, well... i will say more about tanya moinya, definitely tanya, not tanya, because tanya is her name, she is tanya, and she has earned a reputation as one of the top directors of music videos in ukraine for a long time. she filmed for various of our stars and developed her own sufficiently original, recognizable style that many like, now you see it, she has all the music videos, somewhere you immediately recognize that she filmed it. one of the most famous singers in the world, and we had a lot, well, every time tanyu releases a music video, everyone here is proud of her, here you see lenny kravitz, who is so naked, walking around the house, in general, tanyu loves such a small provocation, but there were also provocations in this video , which on...


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