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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 4:30pm-4:54pm EEST

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well, now let's move on, well, i will say more about tanya, certainly tanya, not tanya, because tanya is her name, she is tanya. and, over a long period of time, she earned a reputation as one of the best directors of music videos in ukraine, she filmed for various of our stars, and developed her own sufficiently original and recognizable style, which many like, now you can see it, she has all the musical video, somewhere here... you will immediately recognize that it was shot by tanya moinho. this is her latest music video for dualipa, one of the the most famous singers in the world, and we had a lot of them, well, every time tanyu releases a music video, everyone here is proud of her, here you see lenny kravitz, who is so naked, walking around the house, in general, tanyu loves such a small provocation, but there were also provocations in this video, which... collected incredible
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millions of views, lil nas six is ​​an american rapper, and he, this is also a long enough video there about various other worlds, well, this is a monatik clip , remember, once upon a time, and when it was discussed recently in network, this is a video of a duelip, then a lot of people wrote about the fact that, look, this is exactly the case when monatik and nadia dorofeeva had such clips to... there is jennifer lopez, to dudu alipa, to lenny kravitsya, this of course it's nice, i'm sure that tanya moinio will make a very bright performance, direct it, and it will add a lot of points to our girls, because i remind you that eurovision is a song contest, of course, as they position it, but it's also a contest of some sort spectacular image, everyone likes not just listening to the participants, but to look at all these decorations, at... innovations,
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it is such a big, bright show, we are waiting for it, let me remind you that the first finals will take place on may 7 and 9, and the big grand final is on may 11. well, let's move on to the cinema, i predict a srach, and why not, and because we haven't had something for a long time, movie srachs, it can now take place not around some mass films, but around author's films, i'm happy about that. in that we remember, in general, what kind of problem we currently have in cinema, there is a discussion, and it sounds like making films about a full-scale war, more specifically, about very harsh situations, when it is genocide, massacres, mass murders, how to make a film about it, and whether it is time to make a film, about it now, well, i don't really like all this whether it is timely or not timely, but here... just the discussion is very correct, because
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it is simply more intellectual and some kind of technical, because imagine, we have to make a movie, for example, about the occupation of izyum, it must be true, natural, naturalistic, realistic, yes , as auteur films, we have to impress the foreign audience, we have a lot of moviegoers now, have ambitions to impress foreigners, to show it to the film world, well, okay, how are we going to shoot the scenes of child rape, we want... tic cinema, right, how are we going to shoot it, how are we going to show it, that doesn't mean that it's not you can do it, which means that it is extremely difficult to do it, and you have to think very, very hard and have talent, tact, i don’t know, something else, some sense of cinematic aesthetics, to do it and for it to be, well, really not disgusting , not traumatically, but for it to be art, for it to be some kind of understanding, to be. understood
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why is all this done, yes, not just to show some hard scenes and shock someone. so, until earlier , we discussed this problem on the basis of films that, well, let's say this, from my point of view , have no artistic value, their authors had previously shot fairly light mass films or tv series, for example, it is about the film butch, i i have already watched it, by the way, there is almost nothing about bucha, because... it is so hyped, they made a hype name, there is no tough guy from bucha, whom everyone they are afraid, it's just a movie about the main character, who takes people out of the occupied kyiv region, and yuryk and i also had a precedent, you remember, a television movie that stirred up the people of mariupol, many of its cinematographers, firstly with its frightening quality, and secondly, by completely falsely portraying the occupation, the people who survived the occupation in mariupol said that
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we were not so comfortable, sorry, it was how they showed it all in the film, but now we have the next stage, because this topic was taken up by two people who always have taste, talent and know how to make a movie. these are myroslav slaboshpytskyi and oleksandr rodnyanskyi. i will tell you about oleksandr rodnyansky and what the fuss will be about. because, not only is the film about such a topic, but i am more than sure, i consider miroslav a very talented director, and i think he will cope with this difficult task, to show very, very painful shots and realistic shots, so that it was art, but alexander is a relative. who is this, do you remember, this is our ukrainian television manager, who was once one of the creators of 1+1 of this cool channel, which he used to show good cinema, programs about cinema, which was an intellectual channel, supported the ukrainian language, and then
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he moved to russia and began to shoot propaganda films there, there are various cadets, so here is one of the last ones he shot, chernobyl, this the russian answer to the successful series from hbo, in general, absolutely talentless cinema, such an answer, and oleksandriansky tried himself in hollywood, but he, well, in my opinion, does not really, not very well cope with commercial cinema, as a producer, and so to speak about authorship cinema, first of all, he made mass propagandistic films and television, in particular in russia, and he also produced a lot of really good artistic russian cinema, which was nominated and received there... oscars and was in various received awards at various film festivals, i am important to you i will tell the story, because here is radnyansky, he moved at the beginning of the full-scale war with russia and, well, many people perceive him as a good russian, others perceive him as ours,
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well, a person made mistakes, well, who did not make them, and he is also perceived precisely for border, as a producer who... has created, who was involved in such films as there, for example, the tapes of andrei zvyagintsev, this is one of the most talented russian directors, he shot original cinema, which is constantly there, as not at the oscars, but at cannes or somewhere else, and here is an important feature, his films from vegensev and which were produced by rodnyansky and many other similar author's films were, these are films that were criticized, criticized mercilessly. russian reality, for example, what is worth only liviathan, which was a big fight there in russia, he was also called zvyagintsev and all these different agents and russophobes, well, as they know, but just imagine, these
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films that criticize russian reality, they are filmed at the expense of the state, that is , the state, their state cinema allocates money for of these films, because more than that, the director who made one of their anti-russian films from their point of view... receives funding from goskino again and again for the next and the next of his anti-russian films. why would the russian state finance such a movie? let's think. and also, well, i'll explain why, because russia is doing very right. they always knew how to deal with culture. the fact is that films, the same shoot from vegans in your livia fan or yelena. these movies. they are selected for various film festivals, they go, everyone there is enthusiastic, everyone is re-created the image of russia, as a country of course scandalous, difficult, but look at what talents live there, and still there is freedom of speech, well, look , such films are financed at the state expense, are nominated for an oscar, so
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it seems to me that this is also such an element a very contrived strategy, well, as for the film of the future itself, which... will be called occupation, they will do it together. rodnyanskyi as a producer, sloboshpytskyi as a director, already, for example, deadline published, well, not a review, but such a review by a journalist who read the script, here rodnyanskyi wrote about it on instagram, and there the director says that the film wakes up, hits you in the face and makes you want to fight for your life, as well as rodyansk. said that he already has partnerships with various such big ones by companies in the united states, for example, a company called anonymous content, which was engaged in the distribution of such and various famous films, here, and a film based on
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a book by peter pomarantsev, called we can only be enemies, the author of this material, after reading the script, he said he really liked it... it's like the movies son of saul and go and look, i'll just remind you what those movies are. son of saul is a hungarian film that has had many different awards, which... tells the story of lasl nemes, a director, which tells about a nazi concentration camp, and there is a probe team, that is , a team of the same jews, of people who were put in a concentration camp, but they are forced to help the nazis in the crematorium, but the main character sees the boy's body and considers him his son and is trying to somehow humanely bury him in these conditions, the film is very difficult, difficult, and the other tape is a go -and-see, well-known film, soviet maklymova about the occupation of belarus by the nazis, there are also very, very
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many naturalistic hard shots, one from the most famous scenes - this is the main character, a teenager, who at first we see as such a carefree teenager, towards the end he becomes just such a grandfather, in fact, with wrinkles, also a difficult film, well, the film occupation of myroslav slobaspitsky will definitely be difficult too, let me remind you who myroslav is ? slaboshpytskyi, you know him, probably the biggest film tribe, she received at one time, it was the 14th, i think it was a year, two awards, the 14th or 15th, two awards at the cannes film festival, and so on , it seems like about 60 awards, this tape received, she is very artistic, very talented, tells about students in an orphanage for deaf, hard-of-hearing children, there is absolute lawlessness, russian... the psychology of violence, these people who are educators there, they
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look more like supervisors, they force girls, who live there, learn to engage in prostitution, eh, the strongest survives, and the main character, he is a newcomer who just comes to this orphanage, he tries to fight with all this, that is why this film was criticized a lot, they said that it shows ukraine in an unflattering way, to me it seems that, on the contrary, it shows ukraine as a strong country, because the main character... he is strong, he can, knows how to fight with various life troubles that befall him, and so what, i will tell you next that we are moving on to the tape about the third assault , the film is also about victory, about how cool, heroic we are, and so on, the film is already in the box office, it tells the story of this kind of film in the style of a mockumentary, that is, it is also a game film that turns into a documentary. tells about the fighters of the third assault brigade, the main character there is young
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a recruit who is 19 years old, his name is journalist, his call sign is journalist, and here he is interviewing different people, let's see an excerpt: my call sign is journalist, and now i am a recruit in the third separate assault brigade, these soldiers are fighting for ukraine and for the honor of his unit. "dear to the decisive battle, i will tell you who these people are, and we are already in direct contact with the director of this film, lubomyr levytskyi, lubomyre, good day, good day, thank you very much for inviting us, let's start with which is surely what is best for me it seems to me that your tape is not actually about our sunnies, but..." about cool guys, it seems to me that
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there is a little bit of such tapes missing in our cinema now, both in feature films and in documentaries, because mostly something so lyrical, to feel sorry for someone, that's also good, it resonates with a lot of viewers, they come, they say they cried in the cinema, they like it, but at the end of the day, i think we need to make movies, who will show us not as unfortunate terrible people, but on the contrary as people, who you want to be like, and the heroes of your film are definitely like that, tell me, did you really put such a narrative there and why is it important? thank you, thank you very much, in fact, it really is 100% true. the fact is that , unfortunately, no one feels sorry for us anymore, they can only be inspired by us and it's time to make such stories that will strengthen these feelings every time, we were recruits, this is this film, which just shows new heroes, warriors of the new generation in ukraine, we show
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them as full-fledged characters, this is, you know, our new universe of military cinema already you can create on the basis of these archetypal characters, and each of them, each character, each story is inspiring, but it really is, and the film is created in a rather experimental genre, it is a mockumentary genre, the audience may not... know to the end that this means that in america this genre is very popular, here it is just breaking through, in fact, it is a mixture of documentary and art cinema. these are real stories, real characters, which are embedded in a story in an artistic style, this is a story about a young recruit who was supposed to become a journalist, but doubted that his civilian future could come, as he sees it, and as a result he joins a separate third assault brigade, where he
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is no longer a journalist, but his call-sign is a journalist, but he continues his mission and... the road to the east, he interviews eight different characters, we created different eight worlds with different atmospheres, with different music, with a sense of presence, these warriors in their video, this is a very experimental format of the film, the audience will feel new emotions, only they did not feel in principle even in our cinema, but tell the story, it seems to me that you have two such spectacular and spectacular moments there. it's the sound, well, music and sound, well, in my opinion, at least, and these humvees that drive, i think it's epic in slow motion, they drive like that, tell me how you managed to get these cars somewhere, because well i don't know much about it, but i think they are a little hard to find, it was the most humvee, it was my, if the
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most important desire as a director, but this was the most difficult task for our salesman, because it was really... very difficult to find them, and this is exactly what russian propaganda is talking about, who say that somewhere in ukraine there are humvees, somewhere in the headquarters, they are standing and no one is sending them to the front, it's not like that, for us personally, people from the general staff were looking for humvees, they couldn't find them, and they said, they are all on the front, so it's really true, and it was really very difficult for us, i'm sorry, we really it was very difficult to find these... these machines, but it so happened that several of these kanvi was going to be repaired, and we just pulled them out and worked with them for 5 days, it’s about what about music, music is divided into two categories, it’s both written music and individual bands, i wanted to put something
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new, in this in the film, i used ukrainian country music... in particular, there is such a performer sasha buhl, he is a military serviceman, i wanted to use someone from that music, someone from the military servicemen, for the key tracks, and i found just this very cool genre, which looks quite fresh in in this story, and he in this one the song is derived from this expression that some are born for war, some are not, which means that you were born in an outfit. born, this one is going to be free for us, absolutely true, in terms of sound, the sound is a separate part of this film, i'm a big fan of the soundtrack in films in general, i spend a lot of time on it, and i will tell you that we experimented with e- from the video, which is a real video shot by soldiers, our
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heroes on the front lines, and if you watch this video on youtube, it will be, well, the sound will be flat. we took that sound out, we it decomposed into molecules, and we restored it and expanded it to a 5.1-dolby panorama, that is, we put exactly those circumstances before the viewer, and the viewer was able to get a new experience when watching this video in this film, that is, it is also very interesting, and the same sound in these excerpts to our viewers, i will just say that you may now see that there are... well, such stories of fighters, seven fighters, one female fighter helga, there are also, well, shootings, how everything happens there in the training camp and so on, and there is also here are excerpts from these also famous videos, which datsik seems to have filmed with a well-known military datsik, they are very popular, datsik himself is well-known, and i he filmed with a non-helmet
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camera, and as far as i am not mistaken, lubomir, you also stretched the sound even more there, so that it was transmitted at all. in every sound, every shot, so in general, you know, at first i had a desire to reproduce this sound in general, that is, to take only replicas as much as possible, and we wanted to create atmospheres artificially in the studio, but we gave up on this idea, because we would have lost the sense of documentary , you know, and so we worked with that sound, but he was bred already on the panorama, well, that is , they fought a little for this feeling, and tell me? it can be said that this film is also intended for people who are thinking about mobilization, but for some reason cannot dare, but can this film really? to encourage people, because, for example, it seems to me that it is, because you have a lot of explanations there, it is absolutely explained, look, you will come here, there will be a training camp here, you will do this and
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that- then, don't worry that you have a physical one the form is bad, everyone there tells the fighter that it's not a problem, we'll get you up, the main thing is fortitude, can this film really work to improve the mobilization process, and yes, it will 100% work, but in a good way. the way, you know, the way when really people who see themselves in this art, let's say, military, they er, they will come to it, those who want to be a volunteer, they will come, unequivocally, because, ah, someone will realize that he's not doing enough, someone will realize that he wants to be as cool as all these guys, uh, that absolutely normal story, we grew up on hollywood movies and we understand how, how, how it all... works, if you show the truth very correctly, then look, you can show all the bad, you can show all the good, i'm in this movie i tried
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to balance my feelings, not to go into some kind of propaganda, you know, to say what it is like, that's how it comes, well, that is , this is not in the film at all and there was no problem, we immediately said that we do not want the film to be perceived there well, some kind of propaganda, it's... about feelings, about the strong feelings, i think, those ones, yesterday we already did the premiere in lviv and i had a full house, and most of the hall was different cadets, military, well, future military, they came out with such eyes, you don't imagine, they said: that's it, we want to go there, we want to be like them, we're right, i think, okay, well, that is, if... this story has already motivated at least a few people, it's already very, very cool for me . we have a pretty good result. the film will now be in cinemas, it is already running, but then it will
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will also be on various digital platforms, you are still negotiating, i understand, but explain to our viewers, please, because there in cinephile circles they always say that the film is better to watch in the cinema, tell us why your film is really better to watch in the cinema , and then maybe you will say. if someone will not be able to watch it in cinemas, because they are not everywhere, unfortunately, where will you be able to watch it after the rental, but yes, yes, i recommend everyone to watch it in the cinema only from the point of view of what we have already discussed, from the standpoint of sound, you will get a completely different viewing experience, completely different, and you will hear these vibrations, you will have a sense of presence, because if you are already watching on a well there, let's say at home on a plasma, it will be okay, but... but it will not that's not the same feeling anymore, so i recommend exactly who has the opportunity to come, also the second point, it's platforms, we want...


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