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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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cookies, you need to get a special number. currently, almost 100,000 such numbers have been issued. if you look at the funds spent by european and american governments to help ukrainians, it amounts to tens of billions of dollars. obviously, these funds arouse the imagination of the authorities and it seems that they can simply be taken and redistributed here. but it actually works differently. foreign governments provide aid to ukrainians with the expectation that they will leave these funds in the economies of these countries. because of that, all the fantasies of the ukrainian authorities appear. absolutely meaningless. on at the beginning of 2023, the national bank even drew up a plan for how much money ukrainians would transfer home. 16 billion dollars per year. we believe that in 2023, ukrainians will be actively employed and will be able to send part of their funds to ukraine, - deputy chairman of the national bank serhii nikolaychuk said at the time. but in fact, by the end of 2023, the amount of remittances amounted to 11.5 billion dollars. now more. more money is taken out of
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ukraine than resettled in ukraine, summarized the same serhii nikolaychuk. so, from one on the one hand, the authorities want european governments to drive ukrainians home, and on the other hand, they want the funds allocated to them to be transferred directly to ukrainians. of course, it looks absolutely absurd, and when it doesn't work out, then the authorities start harassing the refugees themselves. i definitely feel the government's efforts to create a split between those who left the country and those who are for... we are like property that escaped and must be returned, except that interpol is not dealing with us yet, but they won't be, because it's in the wet fantasies of our government can only occur. now the authorities are concerned about the spending of ukrainians, as if they spend a lot in europe, live like sabarites and indulge in luxury. ukrainians spend 35 million dollars on bank cards abroad every day. it sounds solid, but... 35 million dollars every day, apparently,
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it should cause a negative emotion in those ukrainians who remained in ukraine, and this is not at all the emotion that we need in order to unite our society. moreover, if you analyze the costs of these 35 million dollars, then it turns out to be a complete manipulation. there are about 8 million immigrants from of ukraine and labor migrants who left before the invasion. if you divide these 35 million dollars by 8 million migrants, every ukrainian spends $4.30 cents every day in... the eu. according to the international poverty index of the un, if a person lives on less than $5.5 a day, then he is below the poverty line. before the invasion , 5% of ukrainians were in ukraine along this line, now it is 25%. but what will the ukrainian government gain if, at its request, ukrainian refugees are expelled from europe. it seems to the authorities that the country will get rich, that they will pay rent housing, taxis and restaurants, but not really, because they will have nowhere to earn. and in this
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way , there will be more people living below the poverty line in ukraine, not 25%, but 50. a brilliant idea. many ukrainians call me and ask me to talk about various fabrications of the authorities. the only bright spot here is olena zelenska. the authorities felt that the initiatives could not withstand any criticism, and they were losing popularity among those ukrainians who left ukraine, and decided to promote olena zelenskyi's phrase, which is absolutely fair i have been talking about this many times. it is wrong to force people to return when they have nowhere to return. let's be honest. most of our idps cannot return home because their homes have been destroyed. therefore, i am sure that democratic countries will not make drastic moves. these are our partners, these are the countries that support us. and i think that there is no need to worry about the fact that there will be some unfriendly people. actions for ukraine.
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it is not easy for ukrainians abroad, but it will be even harder. many national governments are not waiting for eu decisions on cancellation of temporary protection and themselves reduce the conditions of support for ukrainians, reduce the funds allocated for each ukrainian. and what is happening? ukrainians go to work, and 53% of them have already settled down and found a place of work for themselves. the highest percentage of employed people is in those countries with the least amount of aid. 65% of ukrainians went to work in poland, 61% in... britain, 56% in sweden, 53.51% in lithuania and the czech republic. but in countries with high social support, the situation is different: in france and ireland, about a third were found work, in germany, italy and switzerland by 19%. high payments will be cut and ukrainians will look for work, what consequences will this lead to? in poland, 40% of poles believe that ukrainians claim their jobs and make their lives difficult. and it is not surprising,
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it is interesting that 80% of migrants believe that they have a job abroad that is lower than the one they performed according to their qualifications in ukraine. they want to come back, 50%. ukrainians living in poland do not send their children to polish schools, and here too ukrainian authorities should intervene and do everything to return these people. what is the ukrainian government doing instead? begins an attack on internally displaced persons, in which way i will tell later. according to a fact group survey conducted in august 2023, the first place among the needs of migrants is improving security, the second is the opportunity to get a job in ukraine, and the third is longing for home. on the fourth and fifth, children have the opportunity to receive a ukrainian education and participate in post-war reconstruction. to those who else hesitates, the government should offer a social package that does not worsen their social situation. instead, what does the government do? reduces payments to internally displaced persons. partners set requirements
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to constantly verify payments in order to reduce or optimize them. the point is that according to international standards, two years is enough to adapt. this has already become a bad tone of the government, as soon as any problems arise, as soon as unpopular decisions need to be made, they always nod to some partners who demand it, while they never explain who these partners are and who exactly and what they demand. but why did this issue of reducing payments arise in the first place. in 2022, ukraine allocated uah 57 billion to help internally displaced persons, in 2023 this amount amounted to uah 73 billion. in the 24th , they plan to reduce it to 57. where did this increase of uah 20 billion per year come from? this is surprising, because internally displaced persons are decreasing according to statistics. a large part of people are returning to their homes. maybe before declaring such things, it is necessary to conduct an audit and find out if some dead souls may have appeared.
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because it turns out that due to optimization, we take away 2 thousand from those people who need it the most. every month the state pays 200 hryvnias for adult internally displaced persons and 3 hryvnias for children with disabilities, there are almost 5 million internally displaced persons in ukraine, half of them receive social assistance and live only on it, on 2000 hryvnias per month, mostly unemployed women . cash payments are important, and you need to put them in order. but how does our social service work? more than 3 million people are and actually live without work, maybe it would be necessary to build a network of retraining centers for these people. grants and support are more willingly given to such centers, by the way. international structures and organizations. the ministry of economy states that ukraine already lacks 4.5 million workers, but there are almost 3 million unemployed among internally displaced persons. therefore, it is not just a matter of the decline of the economy, of the fact that our government cannot give itself advice. about how you can
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effectively engage in retraining, i told in his film mary's shelter. unique, fantastic examples. you can watch this movie on my youtube channel. love. mutual support, the ability to learn from ordinary people - this is what can help the ukrainian authorities. there are many entrepreneurs in lviv who want us to teach immigrants, and we teach them there. there are many people in lviv who help, there is, for example, my friend, member of the lviv city council petro adamyk, who just in the center of the city gave his huge office so that people there could learn ukrainian, so that people studied english there, so that they could gather there, paint, engage in art therapy. i am here with the people. we draw and do what i would like to do at home, but i don't have time for it at home. we lived abroad for more than a year and a half, and only this summer we came back completely, so to speak, because of that the lviv shelter is probably one of
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the largest in terms of activities, and city tours, studying ukrainian culture, teachers who want to tell something to those who came, these are very interesting opportunities, lviv is a bridge. which one it is given to love, there is such a saying in ukrainian , it is given to love, and these people who come, they really love lviv. i feel at home here, but not at home a little, so this adaptation is still ongoing for me. even at the beginning of the war, i joined the creation of a volunteer organization that implements the "shelter" project. at first, people were simply given food and humanitarian aid, then they started providing psychological help and teaching. now they teach various professions, engage in retraining, but none of them are public. the organization, unfortunately, cannot change state in my previous films, i talked about the need to create a ministry of love and a ministry of return. we must immediately create a strategy for demographic development and recovery, because every lost year is lost hundreds and millions of people who could
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return to ukraine, and they actually want to return. on february 24, 2022 , the family of oleksandr podolsky, like millions of ukrainians, rushed to save children in europe. in... a week they ended up in spain. we arrived, they received us very well, the spaniards went to meet us in everything, asked what you need, how can we help you? in barcelona, ​​in general, there, well, it ’s kind of... like, you know, paradise, there are palm trees, on those palm trees sit such green papayas instead of sparrows, everything blooms, everything smells, that joy and admiration for fabulous spain in just a few weeks turns into disappointment, the understanding came that, well, that this is some kind of parallel reality, you eat, walk, go to the sea to swim every day, but it's as if it's not you, it's some fictional character, it's him bathing, and i'm just watching him, because i'm actually there in ukraine. well, we were just there as if we were visiting, there was no such thing as us
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at home, then the podolsky family moved to germany, where their friends already lived, but you can't run away from yourself, at some point, it was a decision of both the heart and the mind , you have to go back, get your life back, work and live it, when we came back, when we were going to go home, we could not count on support... the states knew that we would look for work, we would, well somehow to re-plan budgets, because i understand that prices have risen for the banal things there, for food and for feeding five people, a family, how we will do it, i didn't really know, but we are back, now millions of people from the whole world are thinking, whether to return to ukraine, their fate is a balance of scales, on one side, longing for the native land, the desire to return, on the other, uncertainty about the authorities in the future and whether this authority really... needs them, i continue to do everything in order for ukraine not to lose these people, the pain of
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and on other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency for the world. will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in the new two-hour format even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and vice versa. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict
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with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they - the boys from volyn proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, appreciated the ability to stand side by side with your mother until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land by the meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. with the beginning of a full-scale war in russia. against ukraine , both sides tried a lot of ways and means to tilt the scales of the scales in their direction.
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the last few months a serious problem, both for the armed forces and for the border territories of ukraine, in general, there was a large-scale use of modernized aerial bombs by russia. how they affect the course of hostilities, how dangerous they are and why they now fly further, we will understand in this program. this is realia's donbas. congratulations. one of the ukrainian forces in the avdiiv direction near the line. front, where russian fabs and cabs regularly arrive, it is difficult to find at least one whole building here. we counted 10 buildings on this street that were completely obliterated by russian aerial bombs, leaving behind only these huge tears, as you can see, all the buildings have been erased literally to the foundation. closer to the
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front line, the situation is even worse. here, the bombs are actually used by the russian army as artillery, they are dropped. fields and landings, well, if we take this morning, then since 5 in the morning there have been at least six missile launches in the zone of action of our brigade. methods of launching, these are not dozens, these are five cab launches, this is at least 20 controlled ones. because one plane carries more than one a guided air bomb, and more, well , the practice of using cabs was still in the zaporizhia direction, that is, in the zaporizhia direction, to whom we stood at robotino, orikhovo and further there, they also used cabs very massively, well, here, but in the avdiiv direction even more, they intensified their pressure, especially when they
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meet resistance and... resistance, their tactics are very simple, they storm with arches, lose a couple of archways, after which they discover our main means of fire and direct there not artillery, mortars, but controlled aerial bombs now they do not shy away, they use the guys both on the field and in simple positions, that is, there is a trench for three or four people, and an aerial bomb can fall calmly there, they spread everything, well, where we were hiding, they are often used, the landscape changes every hour
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with the appearance of those drops, big, well, there, the swins are demolishing these trenches where we were sitting, that's enough. such a difficult thing, but they also throw it at the infantry, they use them very, very often, they don’t count, so to speak, three or four pieces there for 5 minutes, well, very often i use different ones from 500 to 1500 kaba, well, i mean. i have in my hands the wreckage of one of the two aerial bombs that flew over this brand new school, as you can see, the destruction is quite significant, what is
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a guided aerial bomb, if an aerial bomb falls at a distance of 100-200 m there, then this is a minimum... tusia, if the person was in hiding, if of course there was no direct hit, that is why it is a very, very serious weapon of the enemy, which is seriously bothering us, i think, if it were not for the mass use of kabs by the enemy on the audio guns, then the audio gun would not have been lost, because the effort there, when i was talking about, well, the capture of the enemy was very strong, the number of aerial bombs there at that time was simply off the scale, that is, they must have been accumulating these aerial bombs somewhere and then how they started to use them very, very, very heavily, when we were stationed at the aldiivskoe coke plant, they were also there all the time on these concrete fortifications, dozens of aerial bombs fell every day, that is
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, well, only because it was a fairly strong structure, it was there, well, it was still possible somehow... it could be carried, there were bunker there and the like, due to massive air bombardment it is very difficult to hold the positions of the defense in the fields, all that can be opposed to the air strikes is to hide in time, a minute and a half or two, to find shelter, but it is still impossible to hide from him in some basement, on it will split molecules into atoms and that's all, well, an explosive wave can destroy it, a contusion can be a...
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to make a normal eye, a dugout, in an open area is possible, but a little, a little difficult, also some kind of shelter is almost ready, here you need to zero, and a plus must still be thought of for the life that i will dress myself up and risk, the sky above... the front is saturated with aviation unmanned aerial vehicles that detect our firing positions, therefore the enemy is aware of the state of affairs, where the troops are, and therefore effectively uses these aerial bombs, the only thing, what saves us at the moment is that they are not precise enough, exactly where... it is impossible to predict, only an approximate direction can be calculated, so after receiving a warning that there will be an air strike, we go. so far, intelligence has reported that
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cab launches in this area where we are, so we need to leave this settlement immediately. in general, if we talk about the area of ​​responsibility of the 47th separate brigade, it can be up to 120 aerial bombs in just one day. at the beginning of the full-scale war, russian aviation was actively used. bombed mainly, striking large cities, kharkiv, chernihiv, kherson. however, the successful work of ukrainian air defense and manpads calculations quickly forced the aggressor to abandon the mass use of bombers. but this year the situation has radically changed. according to the bbc, in four months only on the front, russia dropped more than 35 aerial bombs, which is 16 times more than in the entire year of 2023. mostly for now. the armed forces of the russian federation - this is what was discovered by us there during the work there with trophy samples, from the search from trophy communications, these are high-explosive aviation bombs,
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so-called fabs, these are 250 and 500, this index is 250 and 500, that means the weight of that bomb, there's 1,500, and it uses a corrected air bomb, that's not crooked, no next, it is a corrected air bomb, mainly from... 500, that is, the mass of this bomb is about 500 kg in total. rbk 500 gas bomb cartridges are used, they have different fillings, it is mainly used with shoab filling, it is from russian, шариковая виационная осколочная бомба 05, 05 is also the weight index of this one ball fragmentation bomb. russia has a large stockpile of fab, it has been produced in the ussr almost since the end of the second world war, in fact it is a free-fall bomb, but already during a full-scale war the occupiers began to massively equip them with umpk,
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a unified planning and correction module. in fact, it is a small fuselage in which there are a control antenna, a gps module, an inertial laser heading system and an altimeter. a module that allows this bomb to do planning processes. and in this very module gps guidance systems, guidance systems, may be there, something else can be attached there, everything you attach will work there, but the main thing is that it began to plan, and it can be thrown from quite a long distance, and she can fly to the well on average there somewhere, let’s say, 50 km, well, that is, its use is now known to everyone, and they are launched from a distance from the line of combat collision there 30, 40, 50 km, well
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, accordingly there from different heights and accordingly they then hit at the distance that well, let's say quite mathematically, you can calculate, because it is more than capable of flying, it does not fly, especially dangerous heavy high-explosive aircraft. 1500 with a unified module, which, however, is not yet widely used, in terms of the power of the warhead, it can be compared to the kh22 cruise missile. when 1500 kg explodes, yes, that is, what is 1500 kg, it is almost 700 kg of explosives, then at a distance of 150, 100, 150, 200 m, different ones are possible. barotraumas, barotraumas are the incapacitation of a fighter , so there, even if there are no major physical destructions, walls collapse there, something
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falls, something flies, there are fragments. another thing, but simply due to this large air wave, you can inflict quite serious damage, and if it is both day and night, and day and night, then it is possible, i cannot even imagine the condition of our fighters who were there under this pressure, well it's very, it's very like that a serious problem, it is beyond our physical capabilities you... to get all this is life in the trenches it is in the 22nd there or maybe even in the 23rd year it is very different from how
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ukrainian soldiers live in the trenches now. let's stop at the present moment, due to the fact that fpvs have really appeared massively now, which can be possible, have the ability to hit very accurately, and the second is the factor of cabs, even though the cabs there can have a very approximate accuracy , well, a person who watches the arrival of bombs weighing several hundred kilograms every day, she understands that... well, sooner or later , this position will at least have to be left, preferably alive, but in any case , it will have to be left if it continues, so this is an important factor of moral and psychological influence, i understand , that in principle from such an effort, well, it is difficult to come up with a shelter, even more so to build a shelter that will save, it is a cab. it's our turn, it's
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our turn. in addition to the fabs from the umpk, the russian army also uses cabs, adjustable air bombs that initially act as gliders ammunition. the main line is upap, a guided aerial bomb that plans and umpb d-30-sn, a universal interspecies munition, which was first used in march of this year. they are much more expensive to produce, so they are used less often. what we now call kabom, this is actually what is called upap in the russian modification, and this is where the further development of the cap system, the cap itself, i emphasize once again, it cannot fly further than there 10, 5-10 km, because it does not have a planning system , he only has a system of some minor correction, so he and
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was called, let's correct it... aviation bomb, in this direction they have two main bombs, which are called, respectively, up 500 and upab 1500 b. these are exactly the kind of bombs that fly with these correction modules. in fact, this module of maneuvering and planning is a module that, no matter what you attach to it, it will not fly, here it is, let's say, when we were children, we made such paper airplanes, this is exactly what it is, but it has there is another system that allows it to be adjusted according to the guidance system, and the third, what is here in
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they are bombs. which were launched and they were already with small rocket engines, which allowed to increase the flight range of these bombs, well, they are increasing there, as far as i know, by 20 kilometers, that is , it is no longer 70 km, but 90. i would like to remind you that the fabs in principles and cabs are flying, they are mainly used from the su-34, su-35, and from the umpb, we assume that it can also... because why is it called inter-range, most likely it is also launched from a salvo missile system, tornado most likely accordingly, why i mentioned from 700 km, because some rockets of this rocket salvo system can reach a distance, well, the distance of their return is about 100 km, military experts also talk about cases of


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