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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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the fact that here they have bombs that were launched, and they were already with small rocket engines, which allowed to increase the flight range of these bombs, well, they are increasing there, as far as i know, there by 20 kilometers, that is, no more than 70 km are thrown , and 90. i would like to remind you that in principle, the cabs are carried, it is mainly used from the su-34, su-35 from the um. b we assume that it can still be, because why is it called interspecies, most likely it is launched from a missile system of salvo fire, a tornado is most likely, accordingly, why i mentioned the distance of 100 km, because some rockets of this rocket salvo system can reach a distance, well, the distance of their web is about 100 km. military experts also talk about cases. launches
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of rbcs, disposable bomb cartridges, or, as they are also called, cluster bombs, their feature is a delayed action, then mainly it is rbcs in the complete set or in the filling of these shlaps, which i mentioned, the side effect of these shoabs is essentially mining council of territories, because the shoab council is not explode, they are erected in the air there by themselves simply in the bomb itself, if the bomb did not work, did not explode there, then accordingly , you can examine these sabers there, in some... way, although again, i do not recommend going there to take them, if you even saw an unexploded one-time bomb case, because you don't know if i got these shava. experienced fighters and officers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade work on the range with infantry recruits, including explaining what they will have to face in the area of ​​​​the temporal ravine, which also regularly under airstrikes, and what about a chasik in general, there is currently a minimum distance to the temporary yayar from the position of the kats.
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in bakhmut, i got inside the house in front of me. it was completely formed once, and there was a position, ours, they hit the front edge, so to speak, according to our slang, disassemble the positions completely, and then they already begin to carry out some assault offensive actions, this is a problem, and at the moment, well, some unfortunately, we do not have countermeasures against the cabs, because they... do not fly at the
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distance when the same infantryman can take a singer or an igloo and hit this plane, at the moment it is a very big problem, i would say that probably artillery does not work as often as cabs, well, if you take the new time, which is across the channel, it is practically no longer there, there to disassemble everything, well, destruction in them.
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well, it’s not that kind of destruction anymore, the fighter with the call sign black knows what it’s like , i personally experienced it myself under an airstrike, got hit near izyum, we ran over from the landing, there was a very dense shelling of the enemy by artillery, we were told by the aviation, we ran over the building to to hide, that is, so that the plane at least did not see our location, the plane turned around anyway. i don't know if they told him through the radio station, but he still hit the building we ran into. the gap was actually two meters in front of the building, it was a one-story building, there was a kitchen, well, two or three to five meters in front of the building, well, three walls remained of the building and we were under rubble, fortunately we all survived, the contusions were very severe, there were shrapnel wounds, who was there... well, my legs
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were cut, my face was cut then, well, in general then of course everyone went to the hospital, it was mostly company management, but everyone... survived, well as ammunition, i'll tell you, it's a very powerful ammunition, and considering how long it's been since then, i still shudder to the sound of aviation, denchik is now... recovering from another injury, without military education he went from an infantry soldier to an officer, he treats fear in war philosophically, each fragment is waiting for you, you can stand next to it, bring it, you can stand behind 100 m fragment will be caught, well here according to their practice
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i can tell that your shard, if you're still walking, it's great, that means the undertaker doesn't have your shard yet, and then i say, what a trauma, well, what can i say? in my practice , i don’t understand something like that, even though i blew myself up on the tems, and how many times i endured explosions and it’s normal, i don’t think that i had a contusion there, because self-suggestion plays a big role, if you walk there you cry, your head hurts , but i have a concussion, but my head can hurt a lot, i say, it is not necessarily a concussion, well, self-discipline plays a big role, if it flies by here i think, yes, and heck... everything was fine, and you don't have to adjust yourself, that's all, if the bullet flew somewhere nearby, then i'll have a contusion, my head is spinning, i'm not ready there, well, i'm playing a big role, that no, not even here, even if it flies nearby, alive, alive, it’s already
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good, together in sight, choose for... comparing the battles for bahmud, for which the 93rd brigade fought for more than a year, and the battles during the yar, the fighters say that the situation in the latter is more difficult, due to the fact that this city is much smaller, that is, the russian army spends less time and projectiles to destroy specific targets. bakhmut was difficult for me, because it was my first practice in close combat, and in urban conditions. i think that in the city - it is in the city. in the fields it is in the fields, in the fields you have the opportunity to detect the enemy in advance, well, in bakhmut it happened that they were sitting under the windows, and no one could calculate them, and then we worked and were resisted, this is when the enemy came as
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close as possible distance, and it's just to drive them away, well, it was very difficult to... because there can be, roughly speaking, a delicate matter, because there i understand that your fighters are in the building, the enemy is already near the window, it is very difficult in such conditions to help with something, somehow, so that they all get out normally, the position was held, if you take, for example... there is a tick, andriyivka, there are these areas, there were constant stormy actions of the enemy, now it has calmed down a little, and all the pressure has stopped for a while , now the situation is very difficult, yes, well, it is more difficult now, mostly, it is the infantry, because they are all all the load, they're
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taking it all on now, but i wouldn't say that it is very critical, that is, in principle, i believe that it is normalizing. that is, the maximum the enemy will be able to reach is probably the canal and that's all, because it is a very big obstacle for the enemy, and for us it is a very powerful, powerful place where you can build a powerful defense, that is, there is a place to gain a foothold, there is a place to restrain the enemy, that's why i think he won't go further, well, again , further depends on the same cabals, if they don't completely cut everything there, then everything will stay on the channel as much as possible. bombs on russian su-34 and su-35 bombers are launched at the positions of the armed forces of ukraine and near-front ukrainian cities and towns from a distance of 40 to 70 km from a low altitude of up to 7 km,
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without entering the zone of action of ukrainian air defense, that is, soviet bukta s-300 installations simply do not see, but here are the western analogues, for example, the patriot with a radius of action of more than 100 km. most likely, it was with the help of the patriot in the spring of this year, according to the information of the general staff of the armed forces, that 15 russian planes were shot down. we can counter this with two. methods already available to us, the first available method - this means more active use of long-range air defense systems. well, we understand that, well, this is only a theoretical possibility, due to the fact that we don’t have enough of them everywhere, we don’t have enough of them everywhere, it’s missile terror, it’s shahed terror and it’s cabal terror, that is, for all these types of terror of western systems so far and modernized soviet defense systems are not enough for us, obviously... and the second option, which in my opinion, so far, well, maybe is not
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used enough, i would really like to have such a purposeful industrial policy states in this area, it is an opportunity to drive away the russian aviation from those airfields where they are loaded with these cabs, where they fill up with fuel and fly to drop them on ukraine, these are airfields within a radius of several hundred kilometers, such airfields can be constantly terrorized by ours. relatively cheap drones, which, due to their number there and cheapness, will be a suitable means to attack those air defense systems that protect these airfields and constantly create a danger for enemy aviation that tries to be based there and constantly drive them away from there, so all these visits with russian aviation drones will be more rare on ukrainian positions, and this is applicable to... will reduce the number of drones currently flying to our garden. the main russian military airfields,
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on which su-34 and su-35 bombers are based, are morozovsk, primorsko-akhtarsk, yeisk, balttimor. during the years of the full-scale war, ukrainian drones regularly visited here, and it is obvious that these attacks will continue. impress what can fail them, that is warehouses with ammunition. the second is refueling missiles. half-heartedly, this is the destruction of the russian oil refineries, this is the destruction of all pipelines and other logistical routes by which something goes there, and this is, well, first of all, this is the infliction of damage with cluster munitions on airfields to make them fly away, so that it is possible to increase the time they have necessary in order for them to get to... they claimed that they were saving the russian-speaking
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population, but no, but they are destroying it here, here i myself am from donetsk region, myself from these regions a little south of the occupation, well, in the occupation now my house is there, but what did they bring, we can see that there was a school here, the school was recently renovated, children studied here, probably not one hundred children, but now... we see that everything is destroyed, and this, this, this is what they are bringing us, has the umpk become more accurate, it cannot be said that it has become more accurate, because first of all its range has increased, and look, it is not a high-precision weapon, and if it was b high-precision weapons, the russian federation used them for a completely different purpose, for now we should not forget that these are the same fab, they are essentially used there to launch massive bomb strikes. and by the positions of the defense forces of ukraine, and actually by, unfortunately, we
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see, and by the residential infrastructure, that is , the border territorial communities of ukraine and so on, that is, in fact, for intimidation, to achieve such a, let's say, suppression effect. the main problem is even, even, you know, not in these fabs, not in the fabs themselves as such, in the access of the russian federation to technologies that allow manufacturing in... and running these fabs on much larger distances, which i already noted, there is no purely military technology there, because obviously military technology is not transferred to the russian federation, it is a matter of dual -use goods, that is, it is obvious that export control is carried out on or over them, however in a certain way, the russian federation can find a way around sanctions there. currently, ukraine has not found an effective defense against massive bombing of its territory with modernized russian aerial bombs, alternatives to attacks
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at military airfields, the problem can still be increased with anti-aircraft defense systems, as well as with the help of f-16s, which are armed with air-to-air missiles with a range of 120 km. it was the donbas rally, my name is yehor loginov, see you soon. blessed is our god, always, now, sown. time and forever. amen. holy god, holy, strong, holy immortal, have mercy on us. holy god, holy, strong, holy immortal, have mercy on us. holy god, holy strong, holy immortal, have mercy on us. glory to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. holy
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trinity, have mercy on us, lord, cleanse our sins. quietly, forgive our iniquities, holy zlyanci, heal our infirmities in the name of your council. lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. let your kingdom come, let your will be done, both in heaven and on earth. bread our bread, give us today and forgive us our trespasses. ours, as we also forgive our offenders and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from my bow, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen.
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lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord. have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. glory to the father, and to the son , and to the holy spirit, now and forever and forever ages amen. come, let us worship our king, god. come, let us worship and fall before christ, our king, god. come, let us worship and fall before christ himself, our king and god. have mercy on me god, out of your great mercy, out of your great mercy, forgive my transgressions, especially wash me from my iniquity, and from my sin, cleanse me, because my iniquity, i know, my sin is always before me, against you, alone, i i have sinned and acted wickedly before you, therefore you are righteous in your word and you are righteous in your judgment, here was
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i conceived in lawlessness, and in sins my mother gave birth to me, because... you love the unknown truth, reveal to me the secret of your wisdom. sprinkle me with sop, i will be cleansed, wash me and i will become whiter than snow. let me hear joy and gladness, and let my bones rejoice in submission. turn away your face from my sins and forgive all my iniquities. create a clean heart for me, o god, and restore a righteous spirit within me, do not turn me away from your face, and do not take your holy spirit from me. give me back the joy of your salvation and a mighty spirit strengthen me i will teach the wicked your ways and the wicked will turn to you. deliver me from the guilt of blood, god, god, my salvation, my tongue will joyfully praise your truth. o lord, open my tongue and proclaim your praise. because if you
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wanted a sacrifice, i would offer all the burnt offerings you don't want. sacrifice to god. subdued with a sorrowful and humble heart, you will not be disrespectful, lord, bless zion with your favor, let the walls of jerusalem be built, then you will be pleased with the sacrifice of truth, offering and pouring, then they will put it on the altar flowers, my love. once upon a time, i poured out the oppressors who were tormented under the earth, the salvation of the botoks, but we are like women,
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he sings to the lord. thank god he became famous. glory to you, our god, glory to you. lord, my god, i offer you a funeral song and a funeral song, because you opened the entrance to life for me with your burial, and with death you killed death and hell. glory to you, god. "glory to you, heavenly and underground forces, seeing you in the mountain on the throne, and below in the grave, my savior, were amazed at your death, it is incomprehensible for the mind to see you dead, life-giving, glory to you, our god, glory to you, to
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fill everything with your glory, you descended into the depths of the earth, because from you my self, which is from adam, is not hidden from you, and being buried, you renew me, withered, loving people... father. glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit. and now and forever and forever. amen. omo his own. for christ's sake. it was a mistake, torturer, that... you fell to the ground, the children were saved, but we
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, the children, sing to the lord, we glorified the glorious one, you... who hanged in the fashion, we do not possess the whole earth, seeing the creation hanging upside down, so that the great one will die, there is no saint besides you, lord, calling.
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glory to you, our god, glory to you. he foretold your burial with various foreshadowings. today, my lord, you have shown your secrets as a man of god and to those who are in hell, who are calling, there is no saint but you. lord, glory to you, our god, glory to you! you stretched out your hands and united those who had been scattered for a long time, wearing a robe, o savior, and laying in the grave, you freed those bound in chains who cried out, there is no saint but you, lord, glory to you, our god, glory to you , in sealed in the grave, you are not... shy, you were voluntarily received, but you showed your power by divine actions, to those who sing, there is no saint but you, lord,
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loving man, glory to the father, and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever ages, amen, to you. bear it, we will not hold the whole earth, the creation, seeing from the outside, with great mouse terror broke down, there is no one but you. calling out to you. the soldiers who
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guarded your sin, save, fell like dead soldiers of the gospel, who appeared to the wives, the myrrh-bearers, and announced about your resurrection, we glorify you, conqueror, corruption, we bow down to you. who rose from the grave of our one god. okhresti your divine ascension. having foreseen, abacom was horrified, saying. you, son, did not destroy the state of power. having descended to the earth.
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glory to you, our god, glory to you, you sanctified today the seventh day, which in ancient times you blessed with a rest from work, because you change everything and renew, my savior, you honor the sabbath and teach us, glory to you, our god, glory to you, by a higher power , when you won, your soul ... poured out of the flesh, breaking the chains gods, death and hell, by your power of the word, glory to you, our god, glory to you! hell , having met you, was saddened to see a person deified, covered with wounds and all-powerful, and died from the terrible vision. glory be to the father, and
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to the son, and to the holy spirit. now and always and forever and ever, amen. cross your divine confession. having prevailed, avacom lashed out, saying, your strong will destroy the state. pain, having gone down to the dry ones in pekra, like an omnivore. the appearance of your christ, merciful to us, bushy, and himself. i saw the light, and at night
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crying out, the dead will rise, and those in the graves will rise, and all those who tilled the earth will rejoice. glory to you, our god, glory to you, you renew the earthly creator, becoming earthly yourself, and the shroud and the grave reveal the secret that is in you, the word, the handsome bearded man prepares you for burial, and with this you wonderfully renews me, glory to you, our god, glory to you, death.
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you change the mortal by burial, the perishable and make it imperishable, god-wisely making immortal what you accepted, because your flesh, lord, did not undergo corruption, and your soul surprisingly did not remain in hell. glory to you, our god, glory to you, you , my creator, came out of the unknown, and was pierced in the ribs. from her he renewed eve, becoming adam, supernaturally fell asleep with a natural sleep, and raised life from sleep and decay, as the almighty. glory to the father, and to the son, and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. god of your appearance, christ. to us
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, god's merciful isaiah, i have seen you in the light of the night . and all terrestrials will rejoice. saint bulta is unrestrained in your tobins.


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