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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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he rose from the dead, died, died, died, and you are a woman.
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churches, bless the lord god , come to the fountains of israel and worship.
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he who is mortal shines, ami, hallelujah.
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save the swine of god, who rose from the dead , i sing to you, hallelujah, hallelujah. aziro.
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words and words. christ jesus rose from the dead, he overcame death with death, and by giving life to the right, christ rose, christ rose,
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rightly, christ to rise, to die, to give death by death, glorified. life was home yes, glory, to the son, to the holy spirit, and to the new born, and
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having found therefore, to dry from the angel in the world is to the narrower of things. what are you looking for in the church as a family, you see, preach to the world, so that it may know death, because it is a bastion of human cowardice, and in every way. and for ever and ever,
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amen, the beginning and the good came down immortal, but they perued the son, and he rose again and how you will win , christ god, and there he emerges. slave, and through your apostles you grant, and you give resurrection to the dead. let's pray to god. lord, have mercy. for you are holy, our god, and to you we give glory, to the father and to the son and
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to the holy spirit, now and forever and forever ages amen. everyone cried out to christ, i prayed to christ, alleluia, all who were baptized into christ. put on christ, hallelujah, all who
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were baptized into christ, put on christ, hallelujah! look down from heaven, o god, come and look at this vineyard, and establish it, for your right hand has planted it.
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god what is christ? the villain
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prays to christ. praying let's be careful, peace to everyone, and to the spirit. to yours, wisdom through me to the eighth voice, on this day it was created by the lord, let us rejoice and rejoice in it, close, let us be lord,
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famous confess to the lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever. lord lord, because everyone has set this day, the lord created it, congratulate, do not
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come. wisdom, the works of the holy apostles, reading, let us be attentive, the first book i wrote for you theophilus, about everything that... jesus created and taught, from the beginning until the day when he ascended, giving orders through the holy spirit to the apostles whom he chose, and before whom , after his sufferings, he showed himself alive with
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many reliable proofs for 40 days. ev, appearing to them, and speaking about the kingdom god, and having gathered them, he commanded them: do not depart from jerusalem, but wait for what was promised from the father. what have you heard from me? because john baptized with water. and you will be baptized with the holy spirit a few days after that. therefore, they came down and asked him, saying, is it not at this time, lord, that you restore the kingdom to israel? he said to them, it is not your business
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to know the times and terms that the father has put in his power, but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem and throughout judea and samaria, and even to the edge of the earth. peace to you and your spirit. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. hallelujah
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generous zion, hallelujah, lord from heaven to earth, i will look. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,
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bless, most blessed lord... evangelist, holy, glorious and all-praiseworthy, apostle and evangelist john, theologian. may god, through the prayers of the holy, glorious and all-praiseworthy apostle, evangelist, john the theologian, give you the word to preach the good news with great power. fulfillment of the gospel of his beloved son, our lord, jesus christ. amen. wise,
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let's stand devoutly, let's listen to the holy gospel. peace to all. to your spirit. holy gospel, reading. glory to you, lord, glory to you. let's be careful. from the beginning of time there was a word. and the word was with god. and the word
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was with god. it has been with god since time immemorial. everything happened because of him, and without him nothing happened. everything that happened, there was life in it, and life was a light for people, and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not envelop it, enarchinologist,
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the word, and the word is god's side, and god is the word, this battle is a horse to god, all this , and without it nothing would exist, it would exist, in that belly, and in the belly the world is a man, and the world shines in darkness, and its darkness is boundless, because. there was a man sent from god, his name was ion. he came for testimony, to testify about
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the light, so that all would believe through him. he was not light, but he was sent to testify about the light, there was light and... the truth that illuminates every person who comes into the world, into the world, and the world came through him, and the world did not know him, he came to his own , and theirs did not accept him, but to those who accepted him, what believe in... me, he gave me the strength to be children of god, who are not born of blood, not of suffering
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. which were not born of man's will, but of god. fiudhom, jesusdeo, huin, eratus, yoannes, hyquenim, intentonum, otesantion, perhibere delumene, utomnes, kredere.
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receprunt, quot quot, outtem, axepertum eum, detis, eis, phileos, daiverii, his, quick, credunt, and nomene, eyuus, veishalioahmeim, vishmoyukhan, gubaledut le aita lyaor, leman, yaminu, kulya malyado, ulyoga yaor, kim, legaita, lyahor. aoramiti, ameir lekol, hayabel alyoam, beolam, hayavel velyaliado, niyaogol, veagolglio ekiro, guba elasherlio , vesheramalo, lyokablyhu, vegame, kablimoton taanes, lemuliot, banimleim, hamamini beshmo, asheromidam, velo mifesar, a...
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esikois, sromlis, shesahebat, in tkva, chem, shemd, momavali, chemzeoperateli, hagda, winaidan, chemzeuitsiko, misi, sisavdisan, myviget, kwela, madni, madnisatsil, winaidan, rzhduli, motsemula, mosesmier, holo, madli, dachashmariteba, pyesoh.
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dissi: colui che viene dopo di me, mi è passato avanti, perché era prima di me, dalla sua pienezza noi tutti abbiamo receivedu e grazia su grazia, perché legge fu data per mezzo di mosè, la grazia la verità, venero
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per mezzo di... and the word became flesh and became strong among us, full of grace and truth. and we have seen his word, the glory as the only begotten of the father. ion testifies about him and says loudly: this is the one about whom. i said: he who follows me stood before me, because he was before me, and from his fullness we all received, and grace upon grace, because the law was given,


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