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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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may the lord god remember your holiness in his kingdom always, now and always and forever and ever. the most holy orthodox patriarchs, archbishop of constantinople and new rome, ecumenical patriarch bartholomew, theodore of alexandria, patriarch of antioch.
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theophilus of jerusalem, porphyry of serbia, daniil of romania, ilya of ruzyn, most blessed archbishops, metropolitans, george of kyp, hieronymus of gelada, osav of poland, anastasius of albania, rostislav of czech landslav, heads of local autocephalous orthodox churches. and his eminence agapit, archbishop of vyshgorod and his eminence ephrem, bishop of vasylkiv. may the lord god remember in his kingdom, always now and always and forever and ever. may the lord god bring your holiness into the kingdom.
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holy lord and father of our epiphanius, his beatitude metropolitan of kyiv and all ukraine and sviatomikhaivsk gold-top monastery . may the lord god bless archimandrite in his kingdom always now and always and forever and ever. most reverend metropolitans, orthodox archbishops and bishops, the priesthood, the deaconry, the entire monastic order, our god-protected country, the military authorities and all its people. honorable and forever unforgettable,
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founders, donors and builders, of this holy temple and monastery, brothers of this holy monastery, those who teach and study here, those who work and sing there, parishioners of this holy temple, and all of you, orthodox christians, may the lord god will remember in his kingdom. always, now and forever and forever. amen. and old. your dasih vaya
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i will win
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lord, lord, have mercy! let's pray to the lord for honest gifts! god have mercy! let us pray to the lord for this holy temple and those who go to it with faith, piety and fear of god! god have mercy! to free us from all grief, anger, danger and misfortune, let us pray to the lord. intercede, save, have mercy, and preserve us, o god, by your grace. lord, on the day of everything
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perfected, holy, calm and sinless, from the lord, we ask. lord, angel of peace, faithful guide, protector of our souls and bodies from the lord, we ask. forgiveness and forgiveness of our sins and wrongdoings. to the lord, we ask. good and profitable for our souls and peace for the world. to the lord, we ask. lord, let the rest of our lives end in peace and repentance, we ask the lord.
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we ask for the christian end of our painless, blameless, peaceful and good life at the terrible judgment of christ. the most blessed, glorious ruler of our theotokos, and the most holy virgin mary, remembering ourselves and each other with all the saints, and we will give our whole life to christ god. mercy to you, lord your only-begotten son, with whom you are blessed, with the most holy. by your good and life-giving spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. peace to all. and
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your spirits. let's love each other so that we can confess with one mind. the father and the son and the holy spirit, the trinity and not divorced. the door, the door of wisdom, let us be careful
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, i believe, the only one, the self-dweller, the father of heaven and... god, the only-begotten, who was born of the father, before all sins, light up your world, bright, begotten, uncreated, one-of-a-kind, the father who through him , all happened, and for us people. of our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnated by
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the holy spirit, and mary the virgin, and to spread the spirit on us to repel those coming, and the spirit of the journey with sufferings and resurrected on the third day of the recording. and ascended to heaven and the holy birth of the father, and came again to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will not be and the holy spirit, the lord of life, who is the one who gave him a son and gave
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him ... and the apostolic church, i recognize him for not baptizing for the remission of sins, we await the resurrection the dead and the living. age, amen, let us stand devoutly, let us stand with fear, let us be careful to offer the holy sacrifice in peace, khryloje.
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the grace of our lord, jesus christ and the love of god and the father, and the communion of the holy spirit, may it be with you all, and with your spirit. let's raise our hearts to the heavens, thank the lord, the most high.
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the song of victory is sung, pronounced, invoked and spoken.
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and bless the lord's name, glory to god. lord, accept, consume, this is my body, which breaks for you, for the forgiveness of sins.
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this is my blood of the new testament, which is for you and for many are shed for the forgiveness of sins. we bring you yours from yours, for everyone and everything,
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we praise you. lord, bless the blessed, bless p'. to the son , god, the saint, amen, amen, my lady,
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i pray the lord. god have mercy, especially for the most holy, pure,
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most blessed, glorious mistress of our mother of god, and the sweet. ours, ours, take care of yourselves, isish of the resurrection dawn. rise up
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, shine, shine, when the glory of jerusalem, o lord, has come from you. my beauty, mother of god, because the one who was born is resurrected, then everyone
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and everyone. first of all, lord, remember the saints orthodox patriarchs, most blessed archbishops and metropolitans. representatives of the local autocephalous orthodox churches and the entire bishopric of the orthodox, and grant them to your holy church, so that they may be
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protected, honorable, healthy, long-lived in peace, and truthfully teach the word of your truth. and remember, lord, lord of our father epiphanius, the most blessed metropolitan. holy archimandrite of kyiv and all ukraine and sviatomikhaivsk golden-top monastery, give him to your holy church, so that he may be preserved in peace, honorable, healthy, long-lasting and truthfully taught the word of your truth. lord our father. his beatitude metropolitan of kyiv and all ukraine, and the sviatomikhaiv
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golden-top monastery, the holy archimandrite and bishop of our most reverend captain, archbishop of vyshgorod. to the most reverend efrem, bishop of vasylkivsky, who bring these holy gifts, to the lord our god, for the most reverend metropolitans, archbishops and... bishops and for the entire priestly, non- jaconian and monastic order, god preserve our ukraine, its government, army and people, for
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the peace of the whole world, for the good condition of god's holy churches and the union of all, for the salvation and help of those who work and serve diligently and with the fear of god. for the healing of the sick, for repose, relief, blessed memory, and for the forgiveness of the sins of all the previously departed, orthodox, christians, for the salvation of the people standing here, and for those whom everyone has in their thoughts, and... for all and for all,
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and give us glory with one mouth, one heart. sing the holy and majestic name of your father and son and holy spirit, now and forever and ever. amen. may the mercies of the great god and our salvation, jesus christ, be with you all. by your spirit. remembering all the saints, let's pray to the lord for peace. lord, for the brought and sanctified,
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honest gifts, lord, that our philanthropic god, having accepted them on his holy heavenly and holy altar, as spiritual incense with the evil of divine grace and the gift of the holy spirit, we pray. lord, to free us from all sorrow. you, anger, dangers and misfortunes. let's pray to god. lord, have mercy. intercede, save, have mercy, and preserve us, god, with your grace. lord, have mercy. we ask the lord for a perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless day. angel of peace,
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faithful, guide, protector of our souls and bodies, we ask the lord. lord forgiveness and forgiveness of our sins and transgressions. to the lord, we ask. lord good and beneficial for our souls. and peace for the world, we ask the lord, grant us, lord, to end our lives in peace and in repentance, we ask the lord. lord christian end of our life, a painless, blameless, peaceful and good answer at the terrible judgment of christ.
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we ask, lord, give us the unity of faith and the communion of the holy spirit, having begged ourselves and each other, and our whole life, to christ god, we give it to you, lord, and grant us, lord, fearlessly and without judgment to dare to call you the heavenly god father and say: our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name, let your kingdom come, let... your will be done, both in
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heaven and on earth, our obedient one, give us today, and forgive us our trespasses , which we forgive, our offenders, and do not lead us into temptation, but into... for the world of the spirit, because yours is the kingdom and power and glory of the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. peace
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to all. and to your spirit, our heads, let us bow before the lord, to you, grace, mercy, love of humanity, your only-begotten son, with whom you are blessed, with your most holy, good and life-creating... spirit, now and always and forever and ever, amen .


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