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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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peace to all and your spirits, let us bow our heads before the lord. to you, lord. by the grace of mercy, philanthropy, of your only-begotten son, with whom you are blessed. with your most holy, good and life-giving spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen,
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let us be careful, saint, saint, forgive me, lord.
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o lord, bring the sea to the springs. the mortal will die, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
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voryokresin, come, come for let's share, let's sing, let's sing, people, blessed is your resurrection, come, come, come, for singing. therefore let us sing,
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save, lord, resurrection, we have already saved for the lord, not sinners.
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good man. rosky
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save for your resurrection.
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he will proceed with the fear of god, faith and love. christ will rise from death by death, death and you have given life, i believe, lord, and i confess that you are truly the christ, the son of the living god, who came into the world to save sinners, among whom i am the first, who believe that this is your most pure body, and this is your most honest blood, i pray, therefore to you. have mercy on me and forgive me my sins, free and unfree, interrogating the conscious and unconscious in deed, and
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grant me to partake without judgment of your most pure secrets, for the forgiveness of sins, for eternal life, amen, the supper of your secret, son of god, accept me as a communicant today, because i will not tell your secret to your enemies and i will not give you a kiss, like judas, but as a robber i confess you, change me, lord, in your kingdom, let the communion of your saints not be a reproach and not a condemnation for me and... lord, but for the healing of soul and body, amen.
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words, ilo christoveta. the body of christomer
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chego is immortal. christ's body.
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the body of christ, o christ. ilo christ, christ.
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the body of christ, the body of christ, the body of christ.
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save, o god, your people, and bless your inheritance, and sleep you,
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christ is risen, christ is risen, christ. amen. christ is risen. christ is risen.
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he overcame death, he overcame death with death. and you raved, life, yes, life - let us become pious, having accepted the divine, holy, pure , immortal, heavenly, life-giving, terrible mysteries of christ, we give thanks to the lord. lord, have mercy. accept everything perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, melting ourselves and each other, and our whole life,
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we will give to christ god, to you, lord, lord, this is our consecration, and to you we give glory, to the father and the son and... to the spirit, now and always and to the ages of ages. amen. we will leave in peace. all the name of the lord, lord. pray lord, you bless those who bless you and sanctify those who put their hope in you. save your people, and
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bless your inheritance, preserve the fullness of your church, sanctify those who love the beauty of your house, glorify them for this with your divine power, and do not leave us who hope for you. give peace to your world to your churches, priests, god-protected ukraine , to the parishioners of this holy temple, and to all your people, because every blessing and every perfect gift is from on high, which comes down from you, the father of light, and to you be glory, thanks and worship we send you, father. and to the son and the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. christ rose from the dead, death
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died, and you who are in the grave for nothing, christ rose, and the dead, death to death. gave and you also gave life, christ rose from the dead, death died, and he saw life.
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christ rose from the dead, by death he overcame death, and by giving life to you. christ rose from the dead, by death he overcame death, and by what he gave for your life. lord, let's pray. lord, have mercy. god,
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almighty, lord, almighty, you commanded through your servant moses, at the time of the exodus of israel from egypt and the liberation of your people from the bitter slavery of pharaoh, to slay the lamb, which was a type of voluntary sacrifice, slain on the cross for the sake of the messenger who took away the sins of all the world, his beloved son, our lord. jesus christ, you and now, humbly, we beseech you, look at this bread, bless and sanctify it, because we are also your slaves, in honor and glory and in memory of the glorious resurrection of your son, our lord, jesus christ, through whom freedom and exit received from the eternal slavery of the enemy, and
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freed from the infamous chains of hell. before your majesty, now , this all-bright, glorious and saving day of easter, we bring this bread, we who brought it and kiss it, and partake of it, partakers of that heavenly blessings of deeds, and all kinds of diseases and ailments, given away from us by your power, giving health to everyone, because you are the source of blessing and the giver of healing, and we give glory to you, the fatherless father, and with your only-begotten son, with the most holy, good and life-giving by your spirit, now and always and forever and ever. of the father and the son and the holy spirit.
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god's blessings upon you, with that grace and love of humanity, always now and always and forever and ever. amen. christ rose from the dead. to die, to die. christ, who rose from the dead, is death by death overcome by what our true god, his most pure mother, the saints gave in the works of life.


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