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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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god's blessings on you, that grace of humanity, always, now and always and forever and ever. amen. christ rose from the dead. death overcame death. and you gave life that you tried. christ, who rose from the dead, overcame death with death by giving life to slaves, our true god, pray to his most pure mother, the holy , glorious and all-praiseworthy apostles, through the intercession of the holy archestrategist. michael,
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with all heavenly powers, our holy father john, archbishop of constantinople golden mouth, holy reverend god-bearers of our fathers, anthony and theodosius, and all the saints of pechersk and all the saints, have mercy and save us, for he is kind and philanthropic. christ is risen.
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we worship his resurrection today. let's pray to god. lord, have mercy. master, saint, father, almighty, eternal, god, be pleased to sanctify this bread with your heavenly blessing. that he may be to everyone who consumes him, the salvation of the soul, for the health of the body and for protection against all evil spirits, various enemy tricks, through our lord jesus christ, who came down from heaven, gives life and the salvation of the world is with you, reigning in the unity of the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. let's pray to god. look,
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lord, jesus christ, our god, on this lamb and on all other meat dishes. bless and sanctify them, as you sanctified the lamb that your faithful abraham brought, and the lamb that abel brought you from the fruits. also the heifer is fattened, which you raised. rebel for the prodigal son, who returned to you again, and as he was pleased with your mercy, to enjoy such, let us enjoy these blessed and with the dishes sanctified by you, because you are the truth of food and the giver of good things, our god, and we send you glory, with your eternal father, and your most holy and good and life-giving spirit. and forever and ever. amen.
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let's pray to god. lord, have mercy. lord, lord, our god, creator of all things, bless cheese, butter, milk, eggs and other food. and keep us in your goodness. that we, consuming them of your generously given gifts and of your unspeakable goodness, may be filled through the light on the third day of the resurrection of the dead our lord jesus christ, for thine is the power and the kingdom and the power and the glory of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit.
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amen. christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen, death has passed into death, he is gone. ochittsya gave, christ rose from the mortal death in the death of the chaff, which washed away life and. christ
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rose from the dead, resurrected. easter is the easter of the lord, because from death to life, and from earth to heaven, christ god has brought us, that we sing victoriously, christ has risen from
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the dead, let us be pure, let the christ who is sitting come, but not of any kind. let's hear, triumphantly singing, christ is risen from the dead, let the heavens rejoice in a worthy way, and let the earth rejoice, let the idle world be visible, all its invisible, christ has drunk sinful joy, christ is risen from the dead, come.
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died, it is confirmed to him, christ rose from the dead, yesterday i spoke with you, christ, today i am resurrected by you, i worshiped you yesterday, venus himself glorified save by your will, christ has risen from the dead, and the divine. watchmen, because, please, let him stand with us and show, the light of the angel, who clearly speaks salvation to the world today, because christ has risen, as strong as all things, christ
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has risen from the dead, a male figure, he writes the truth of the bran, appear. christ, as a man, was not good, because he did not know death, from those aerodrones. where they load these cabs, where they fill up with fuel and fly to drop them on ukraine, these are airfields within a radius of several hundred kilometers, such airfields can be constantly terrorized by our relatively cheap drones, which
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, due to their number there and cheapness, will be a suitable means to overcome those air defense systems that protect these airfields and constantly create danger for enemy aviation that tries to base there. and constantly drive them away from there, so all these visits with russian aviation crews will be more rare in ukrainian positions. and this fact will reduce, reduce the number of cabs that are flying at our heads now. the main ones russian military airfields on which su-34 and su-35 bombers are based are morozovsk, primorsko-akhtarsk, yeisk, baltimore. during the years of full-scale war , ukrainian drones regularly visited here, and it is obvious that these attacks will continue. to impress, what can fail them, that is, warehouses with ammunition, the second. this is refueling with rocket fuel, this is the destruction of russian refineries, this is
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the destruction of all pipelines and other logistical routes by which something goes there, and this, well, first of all, this is the inflicting of damage with cluster munitions on airfields, to force them to fly away, so that it would be possible to increase the time they need to get... here lbz told them that they are saving the russian-speaking population, but no, but they are destroying it here, here i myself am from donetsk region, from these parts, a little south of the occupation, well , my house is now in the occupation, but what they brought, we can see that there was a school here, the school was recently renovated, children studied here, probably... not one hundred children, but now we see that everything is destroyed, and this, this, this that
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they tell us whether the umpk has become more accurate, it cannot be said that it has become more accurate, because, first of all, its duration of action has increased, and look, it is not a high-precision weapon, and if it were a high-precision weapon, the russian federation would was used for a completely different purpose, at the moment we should not forget that the same fabs are actually used there for... massive bomb attacks and on the positions of the defense forces of ukraine, and actually on, unfortunately, we can see on the residential infrastructure as well, it and the border territorial communities of ukraine and so on, that is, essentially for intimidation in order to achieve, let's say, the effect of pushing through. the main problem is even, even, you know, not in these fabs, not in the fabs themselves, as such, in the access of the russian federation to technologies that can be manufactured at the ipc and run these fabs at much greater distances, which i already mentioned
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noted that there are no purely military technologies there, because obviously military technologies are not transferred to the russian federation, we are talking about dual- purpose goods, that is, it is obvious that behind them export control takes place on or over them, however, the russian federation may somehow find a way around sanctions there. currently ukraine. found effective protection against the massive bombing of its territory by modernized russian aerial bombs. there is still no alternative to drone attacks on military airfields. the problem can be solved by increasing the supply of western air defense systems, as well as with the help of f-16s, which are armed with air-to-air missiles with a range of 120 km. airplanes, western partners they promise to hand it over to ukraine in the summer, but... air defense in the near future. it was the donbas rally, my name is yehor loginov. see you
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today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. with indiscriminate weapons in the cities of millionaires. russia is intensifying missile terror against the civilian population. when the western partners will be ready to deploy the anti-aircraft umbrella. over ukraine. from defense to culture. great britain has started negotiations with ukraine on a hundred-year partnership. how did the kremlin react to cameron's statement about strikes by british weapons on territory of the russian federation? paranoid fear. according to american intelligence, putin is panicking about the weakening of russia's influence. what decisions of the kremlin dictator accelerated the events that he... tried to avoid. glory
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to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today we will talk about putin's paranoia, russia's missile terror, when the f-16 planes will finally fly to ukraine and... will be in the ukrainian sky and british weapons will fly to the russian federation, that's for sure. we will talk about all this over the next hour with the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine and... yevlash, public figure oleg rybachuk and executive director of the institute of world politics yevgeny magda. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how special operations forces destroyed the launcher of the russian buk m1 complex in the sumy direction. the target was hit by strike drones. the occupiers are useless
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tried to extinguish the fire and save the equipment. let's see the price. throughout the broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications, yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, everything is quite simple, either the function is yes or no, write your comment , if you have
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your own special opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or... phone and vote if you think artificial intelligence in government communications is needed (0800-211-381), no (0800-211 -3822) and we have our first guest, ilya yevlash, major of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesperson of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, good evening, audience. first of all, mr. major, let's analyze what russia is currently using for the last, last, at least a month, carrying out terrorist airstrikes on the territory of ukraine, what is their special feature now, what are the russian invaders shelling ukrainian territory with, and most importantly, how do we counter this ? well, wednesday
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the main features, this is what we have been recording for the last few days, for example, today... there was such a rather rare event, this is the complete absence of any missile, yes or drone strikes, of course, that the enemy continues to constantly attack with guided aerial bombs, in particular, the front-line cities, however, we now see the absence of shaheed in most of the airspace and more emphasis on ballistic weapons and guided air missiles of the kh-59 type, which the enemy is actively trying to... apply of their planes, it is also interesting that now the enemy is very actively using unmanned aerial vehicles, reconnaissance, it is most likely that he is adjusting his missile strikes, so quite often we manage to see a large number, in particular in the south, near kherson, in zaporozhye and near
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kharkov, we almost always detect these unmanned aerial vehicles, the enemy also uses, well in... this is not drlo a50, but su-24 mr, which he also uses for reconnaissance, they quite often appear near the borders in the airspace of the russian federation, but their main activity is also aimed at identifying our air defense systems, and it also collects other information, including about our troops, and of course , from what we have seen, these are absolutely cynical strikes on odesa, with iskander ballistic weapons m. with a cluster warhead, as a result of which people were killed and injured, ordinary odessans who just went out for a walk in their native odesa in the evening, well, of course, this is a violation of all norms and conventions, and this should have consequences in an international court, in particular, in gas for putin and the russian federation. mr. major, you said that now the russians are using less
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drones and striking with missiles, well , ballistic missiles in particular, this means that the russians are ... the ukrainians, i.e. the russians, obviously with the beginning of the big offensive, the next big offensive, which the president of ukraine zelenskyi announced today, will obviously intensify the shelling, including cities with millions of people and objects of critical infrastructure, i.e. the absence of these safety measures. testifies to this very thing? well, unfortunately, we can't know for sure, since intelligence knows more about it, but of course, you can just think logically, so what could it be related to. to be, it is most likely that it is accumulating in a certain way its striking means, of various types, we know how russia attaches itself to different dates and quite often
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it likes to spoil the holiday, that is, now we have easter, then another next sacred date is may 9, for the enemy, this the holiday of pobedobesiya, of course, that on this day they will also try to make their own, their internal audience, a picture of how they... are fighting mythical nazism in ukraine, how they are denazifying high-rise buildings, ordinary, completely civilian people with peaceful people, well, of course, that he has such an unhealthy mania for bloodthirstiness, which the enemy has repeatedly used, well, including us, we cannot know, for sure, what exactly was the reason for the absence of such shahed blows, maybe it is some deterioration of relations together with his allies, yes or maybe some problems in the production of these. shahedi, as we remember, there have been strikes before where the production of these drones was, of course, that russian propaganda constantly reports that all
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the drones were shot down, that nothing was damaged, but as we see, quite often they shoot down these drones, their stations, yes, oil storage, or, well, some other military facilities, so we can't know why there is such a lull in the use itself right now. but we must not lose vigilance and be ready for any moment to work on any aviation targets. mr. major, you have already mentioned the attack by iskanders with a cluster cluster iskander on odesa on may 1. the new york times writes that this may be a sign of new terror against civilians in ukraine, and the prosecutor general of ukraine, andriy kostin, commented on the russian attack on odesa as follows. how? it is an indiscriminate weapon, the use of which can lead to significant casualties among the civilian population.
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metal fragments and debris of the rocket. the investigation has reason to believe that the decision to use such a weapon was made by officers of the russian armed forces, knowingly in order to kill as many peaceful ukrainians as possible. that is, the purpose of these strikes with cassette iskande. after all, there is the killing of ukrainians, and not the hitting of this palace of the serhiy kivalov law academy in odessa, that is, they deliberately just hit civilians in order for more people to die in odessa and for people to be afraid or flee from odessa, so what they pursue a goal, that is, to collect everything suitcases and fled from odessa, just like that, the main task of the enemy is to make life in the cities of millionaires unbearable, to force people. to obey, of course, that this is destabilizing the social situation inside our country, because they understand that they are powerless now directly on the front line, yes, they
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are trying to put pressure on the rear of our cities, on people, and to destabilize the social and political situation, to force people to leave to some rallies, yes, of course, that this scenario can be seen quite strongly in the informational and psychological operations which the kremlin is now launching, and of course it wants to destabilize our situation internally, in particular with such completely cynical strikes, of course, when the enemy strikes in the evening, absolutely even when the light is on in the city of millionaire, also on the embankment, with cluster munitions, of course , that it is aimed at maximum damage to people, yes, if there are inside these small cluster bombs with... concentrated, well, literally thousands of these shock elements, shrapnel, yes, which fly away at a crazy speed and pierce everything in its own way, if it easily punches through fairly serious metal
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sheets, yes, then what can be said here for ordinary people who do not have any protection, of course, that this is an act of terror, an act of genocide of the ukrainian people, and of course that this is absolutely a war crime, which, unfortunately, is not the first time that russia has demonstrated this. the unjustified russian-ukrainian war. in social networks, president zelensky reported the statistics of how many drone missiles russia used over the past month, according to according to the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, in april alone, russian terrorists used more than 3,300 missiles of various types, almost 300 shahed missiles, and more than 3,200 guided aerial bombs against in ukraine, thousands of lives of our people were saved thanks to the help of the leaders and countries that have already supported our air shield, that are already effectively putting pressure on the russian
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war machine with sanctions, but many lives, unfortunately... were taken by these strikes, only force can stop this terror, well, here is the statistic, it is actually quite impressive, 3200 kabs, 300 rockets of various types, almost 300 shaheds, and a completely logical question arises, when will it all end for them, or when will there be this or that limit beyond which they will say that everything is already running out for us, we are already ukraine has released all of its weapons. all your reserves, how do you estimate that russia has enough potential to renew these reserves, because it is clear that if they produced 3,200 cabs in one month, then obviously they need to be produced, well, for the next month there on for may, that is how much do you see a trend between how much they shoot and how much they produce, how much goes to them,
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unfortunately, of course. the russian federation still has a fairly powerful reserve of these high-explosive aerial bombs, which they turn into cabs, and in the mpb, unified cross-species planning bombs, in particular, which they use in kharkov and in the front-line territories, unfortunately, they have quite a lot of this iron left , and the problem is that they can make them including, yes, some of them are rockets, let's say so, and other means of aerial na... they borrow or supply from their partners, that's north korea, we know, also that's iran, from where they also get drones, directly shahet, yes, which they made supposedly their geraniums, yes, of course, that they still have that potential, exactly how much it's hard to say, because that's what our intelligence is dealing with, but what they're aiming for and these numbers, which are only for april. well, these are
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very large indicators with which we have to face not only, but also ordinary ones to the ukrainians, who are, unfortunately, under these bombs, so in order to effectively fight against the threat from the air, the most necessary and most effective will be the fight against the carriers, because of course, with so many bombs, well, literally, if we all start shooting down, we will run out of missiles very, very quickly, which are already in short supply. therefore, the best way out of the situation is to directly develop our air defense, we really hope for our partners, allies, who know about our need, they know exactly what we have weapons, as much as we need, and of course, in this regard, we are completely dependent on them, since we do not independently manufacture either missiles or installations, and these air defense systems, together with the f16, they would allow us to create a certain system, yes, which would
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allow... to deter and suppress the russian tactical aviation, which is the carrier of these means of air attack, and would somewhat reduce the burden on our front-line cities, but in addition, we must not forget that they still have a lot of anti-aircraft missiles s-300 missile systems, which they literally use just as long-range artillery, and we know that these are quite powerful air defense systems, modified, which they use as ground-to-ground already. instead of ground-air, so in reality there are a lot of problems, but to fight with the necessary non-standard methods, we need to fight with carriers, and for this we need creativity, a non-standard approach and the support of our partners. another short topic, mr. major, is the closing of the sky over the western regions of ukraine. former minister polish defense minister janusz oneshkiewicz said in a comment to ukrinform that poland and nato countries
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can open a protective umbrella. over western ukraine, according to him, for this it is necessary to overcome the resistance of nato partners, but such decisions can be made in the summer. now it is possible and necessary to do so that missiles that can violate the airspace of poland could be shot down by the polish air defense system from the territory of our country. however, this will require the polish side to have full situational awareness of the airspace of ukraine, i.e. information from ukrainian radars, other means, what for today. there is no polish side, mr. mayur, well, they see, the poles, in particular, see these missiles flying towards western ukraine and track them, because their planes in the sky are monitoring this situation, that is why janusz onyszkiewicz, according to you, says that they more information is needed, as i understand it, they are in complete control of the situation during the shelling of ukraine. of course we exchange.


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