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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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putin has an incendiary syndrome, he is a ukrainophobe, and he does everything so that we do not exist, therefore, taking this into account, he carries out the militarization of his state. boris pistorius, the minister of defense of germany, says that over the last few months we have seen, as he says, that the russian federation is beginning to produce more weapons, more than is needed now for the war with ukraine, these weapons are being stored somewhere in whether in siberia or behind the urals or in front of the urals, well , somewhere further there, and everyone is trying to replenish its reserves, which were exhausted during the two years of the great war against ukraine. russia did not expect that they would have to deconserve old tanks that were still in use during the second world war and bring them to europe, meaning from siberia or the far east, and use them in combat... operations in ukraine, therefore, now putin
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is actively trying to make up for this story and do his best to provide himself with the appropriate weapons, and we have yevgeny magda, the executive director of the institute, in contact of educational policy, mr. yevgeny, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, mr. sergey, good evening, good evening, we have some problems with the sound, is everything okay? no, it's my problem, we're fine. mr. yevhen, we have already started talking about these several statements that have been made in recent days by ukrainian officials, in particular the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba, and the representative of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense vadym skibytsko, who say that peace negotiations with russia are possible, skibitsky says that this is not before the second half of the 25th year. how do you feel about these
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talks about some kind of peace talks, how predictable are they, how far can they be there in the 25th year, and do these peace talks require certain prerequisites and with the participation of our international partners? i guess you have to be a professional scout in order to predict what will happen in may 24th... in the second half of the 25th, i don't have such opportunities, so i will say yes, i understand that there is a demand in the world on peace between russia and ukraine, it exists in various circles of the western establishment, it exists in the arab world, it obviously exists in china, because the russian-ukrainian war has become the biggest war in the world. after
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1945, and accordingly there is a request for it to end as soon as possible, but i understand why dmytro kuleba is talking about possible negotiations, because this is an incentive to gather people at the summit that will be in switzerland in mid-june, it is also obvious, to say that there will be, well, negotiations and they are, literally... just about will begin, you are now showing footage of the negotiations in istanbul as early as march, last year, i think it will be a great exaggeration that the whole world is ready for these negotiations, for these negotiations, first of all, russia is not ready, which, i am sure, will be after the inauguration of putin , after may 7 and after the inauguration itself, she will , well, until... this summit, until mid-
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june, she will try to improve her position at the front, she will try to occupy new ukrainian territories, this, in my opinion, is absolutely obvious and the current scenario is clear. we must counter this through not only diplomatic maneuvers, we must counter this through the consolidation of ukrainian society. we have a pomi'. problems with demonstrating the consolidation and stability of ukrainian society, and therefore we must do everything to show the world that ukraine, even after 800 days of a large-scale invasion, even after suffering gigantic losses, infrastructure, energy, very significant human losses, it it continues to preserve itself as a state
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continues to function normally and will continue to function normally, this is our main goal at the moment: negotiations cannot be carried out. exclusively through statements, we have to create the preconditions so that, if we want volodymyr zelenskyi's peace formula to be actually effective, we have to do everything to make it work and be understandable to our citizens, i'm not sure, i'm not sure, that at least half of our citizens know these 10 points, well here... the question is not that our citizens know, the main thing is that our partners probably also knew and understood, i do not agree with you, because we either say nothing about ukraine without ukraine, and then we have, you understand, i think you
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will agree with me on this, after the revolution of dignity , the citizens of ukraine have the right to understand and know what happens to them and in what way. you see that they generate shi avatars and try to communicate with society, thanks to artificial intelligence, well , that is, if the authorities, excuse me, do not have enough citizens, then they are already trying to use artificial intelligence, and then, i it seems that without urban artificial intelligence is also poorly used in principle, well, how do you feel about the fact that in the government you understand communication very well, how does the government communicate? society, that's what the ministry of foreign affairs has done, recently launched this shi avatar, well, that is, how appropriate is it at all in the current conditions? on this topic, i joked that there is an artificial chief of staff of the verkhovna rada,
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who has already been accused by the european parliament of managing the work of the parliament, and this is probably the only effective, artificial one without an attachment intelligence that exists in the ukrainian government. effective from the point of view of the authorities, i don't quite understand, well, i do, as far as i can understand, the idea with artificial intelligence, it was connected with the fact that it was necessary to end the scandal surrounding the restriction of consular services for male citizens of ukraine aged 18 and over to the age of 60, but if they asked me about spin doctoring, i would still give other advice, well , for example, well, the idea... 10 ambassadors who should be in africa, where are they, this is the first, it can be played for a very long time. next, talk about the opening of new consulates in europe, because millions of our citizens are in europe
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and they have problems with consular service, including women who are not on the military register. next, the search for new partners and new forms. the construction of new checkpoints on the border, well, there are actually a lot of problems on which you can informationally play, you just need to have political will and have political opportunities, and not close all opportunities to one well-known address in kyiv. the question is that when you play in a sandbox and you are going to shovel all the sand, then give it. there is a very high probability that along with the sand you will also collect dog poop, sorry, it's okay, i hope that our viewers and tv viewers calmly accept such analogies, also mr. yevhen, one piece of information that mr. skibitsky voiced in
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an interview for the economist , which in the end did not turn out to be not an interview, but a solid text about the fact that russia has a destabilization plan. of ukraine, which contains three factors: military, disinformation and international isolation. when, well, we are talking about what russia will try to create destabilization or international isolation for ukraine. what can ukraine oppose to this? ukraine should counter this with joint actions with our partners. i will give you a simple example: we had a crisis only recently. ended in relations with poland, because polish farmers eventually unblocked the border. i watched this carefully: in a few months , anything happened, but there was no joint polish-ukrainian action in poland, in order
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to explain what was happening to our polish partners, we had to hold a similar campaign in romania, because we are delighted that romania is building an autobahn in ukraine. this autobahn was built almost at the time of ceausescu, it's just that no one in ukraine knows about it, that's the thing, it's our problem in general, we don't know much about our neighbors, i'll say more. we know practically nothing about our neighbors, and accordingly, we have a lot of loopholes in which russia skillfully plays, because russia has the ability to do so. today i accidentally read in a telegram channel of the russian mordadel, about the fact that there is an institute, private, as it were, but with such, you know, intelligence background, dense intelligence, which is engaged in the study. of culture and sports in the post-soviet space, what do you think they do it for? just like that, do they
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lack their athletes or something? no, these are all elements of soft power that work effectively, that can help to produce results, and accordingly, this creates serious problems for us today, if we do not propose our own ideas to dismantle russia, if we will not talk about... that we need to create a proper narrative of the baltic black sea region with the countries of this region, if we do not say that we are waging a war for independence, and this is an anti-colonial war, we will not reach very many, and then , the meeting is scheduled for june, it will just be a pleasant time spent in switzerland, but they will not achieve the necessary result there. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for
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the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, i remind you that we are working live espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube. we continue the survey there and ask you about whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications. yes, no, it's quite simple on youtube, on tv, we... also have this poll if you think artificial intelligence is needed in government communications 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, please vote , now we will see the interim results of the survey, in the first part of our program, 13% say yes, and 87% no, exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week:
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russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and... project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. now in a new two-hour episode format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests:
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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks kamikaze. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. svoboda live - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. congratulations, friends,
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the second part of the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. today, as every friday, we have a journalism club, and today we will talk about the following. media in information policy. the scandalous mp bezugla continues to attack society. will they force an independent broadcaster to leave the single one telethon? journalists are returning to the parliament, representatives of zmi will again have access to... the verkhovna rada, but with restrictions. why are broadcasts of plenary sessions not resumed? artificial intelligence service in the ministry of foreign affairs. consular information for the media is now commented by a virtual spokeswoman. will the digital official be trusted. we talk about this and other things for the
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next 45 minutes. but before we start our big conversation with my colleagues. i offer you a survey, friends, today we ask you about whether artificial intelligence is needed in government communications, so no, everything is quite simple on youtube, or your own version of the answer, please write in the comments if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think artificial intelligence in government communications need 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guests of our studio, they are my colleagues, olga musafirova, correspondent of the new newspaper europe in ukraine. marina danylyuk yarmalayeva, journalist, political commentator, media consultant and author and host of the youtube channels of showbiz and centor. oleksiy
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mustafin, historian, publicist and media manager. ladies and gentlemen, i welcome you, thank you. that you joined our broadcast today, thank you, congratulations, so, so, since we are asking our viewers what they think about this artificial intelligence in government communications, let's exchange opinions in the format of a blitz poll, is this kind of artificial intelligence necessary in communications of the government, of course you can joke about when there is no ordinary intelligence, they use artificial intelligence, and organize about it. this, so let's basically exchange opinions, what do you think about it, let's start with olga musafirova. well, serhiy, you practically intercepted my thought, i wanted to say exactly that and say that, actually, intelligence is never, even if it is artificial.
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thank you, oleksiy. well, you know, artificial intelligence, that's why it's called artificial, it can't work without natural human intelligence, so it's on its own does not solve anything, and the appearance in the use of artificial intelligence, especially when it is presented as almost the main feature, it shows precisely that the people who are engaged in this, they really understand how artificial intelligence works. intelligence, on the one hand, on the other hand, it seems to me that this testimony shows that people do not fully understand what communication is, communication is primarily about compassion and trust, artificially will never inspire trust and no one can ever to evoke sympathy, so i think it's not a horse's fodder, thank you
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oleksiy, maryna, how do you feel about... the new spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs, because our actual question is whether artificial intelligence is needed in the communications of the government, in fact, we were pushed back by this victory, maryna, well, to be honest, listen and watch it is much more pleasant for her than for a number of active servants of the people. very short, but very precise. thank you, maryna, and, ladies and gentlemen, since during the last week there was a lot of talk and a lot of comments about the social situation, a whole discussion. maryana's political torpedo is endless, it is already torpedoing the public, and barely not that the post mentioned there mentions the public, but
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she literally just called for the public. to leave the telethon, she turned to the broadcaster, pointing out the inefficiency and unreasonableness of the expenses, according to her, this does not correspond to their values, you will be listened to and watched in the same way as more than two dozen of your channels, which are financed by almost uah 2 billion, are now watched through a budget with 3,000 employees, with more than 400 booked as critical infrastructure workers, according to your own information, when the telethon consumes in addition... from the budget, you have a separate budget for 2 billion. stop supporting what does not correspond to the values ​​and principles of society, is it still more profitable to take funds from two sources, alas. gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, what mariana bezugla did not set, well, a completely logical already logical chain and did not
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say that those 1.5 billion from the budget of the telethon are not going to public television, but to the television of the oligarchs, and this is also a rather strange story. olga, how do you perceive this whole discussion about the social, does it mean that if marina... bezugla begins to torpedo, then how the office of the president speaks through the mouth of bezugla, it seems to me that this is just such, you know, a test stone, how society will perceive, unfortunately, i have the feeling that society does not really distinguish, well, that is, it knows that there is... a marathon, it has been two and a half years, it has already been imprinted on the matrix, and whether it is
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social or something else, if they say that there are armored personnel carriers from the front, who are taking money, then this immediately causes negative reactions in the average viewer emotions, which means instead in order to... send money for drones, so that they are given to the army for the needs of the army , which are also shielded from the front, this is the situation that arises, you know, the devaluation of a very important link of journalistic work, because thank god, well, here i am a little biased, because i... i am a supporter of public affairs, and several times it coincided that i came on a business trip, uh, actually, focusing on
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the materials of public affairs, and you know, to the credit of my colleagues, uh, i couldn't , actually, i didn't set such a task before myself, but i didn't found, not a single, not a single twisted... fact, not a single distorted story, this indicates that people work very quickly and very qualitatively, and when you start torpedoing them now, well, it immediately comes to mind that there is some kind of well, some kind of political motivation, that means social... somewhere it starts or has already stepped very strongly on the calluses, which could not be touched, my first reaction is exactly that.
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thank you, olga, marina, you, i saw on your page in social networks how you laid out the public, like a powerful machine informative, talked about it, studied how many youtube pages are public. regions, how much audience they give, this is really a big broadcaster, no matter what, i understand that with the public, well , hardly any tv channel can compare, i mean with this huge network that covers ukraine, you , what can you say, zelenskyi’s team strives for the fact that they declared that we do not need journalists, well, now you can... transform it a little and say that journalists who are not accountable to us are not under control, we don’t need them, but here is such
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a story, we all understand that public broadcasting, by law, it has funding from the state budget, and i can say that public broadcasting, what is its essence, it was conceived as such a broadcaster, where communities will be.. . to receive news about themselves at their own expense, but for a long time in the office of the president of ukraine they believe that if something is financed from the budget money, read from the tax money of ukrainian citizens, then a priori all these people should be such waiters and maids of the ukrainian government, that is, they are obviously triggered by plots prepared by branches of the public, and i must admit that a number of branches work simply. very high-quality, they have very cool newsrooms, about myself i can mark those newsrooms that i always read, watch and find news, for example, public news. chernihiv residents
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work out public news very, very well... chernihiv makes incredibly cool news, stories, analyzes, for example, the best story about the repression of the russians in the village of yakhidny, known to everyone, was made by the forces of local journalists, or i really liked it, for example, documentary film in three series battle for chernihiv, which was filmed by the branch of the public chernihiv chernihiv, it was really a very high-quality work, and if you look at it that way, what will we see there. journalists from public branches tell stories about their communities, about people, about heroes, about prisoners, they raise very interesting topics, for example, from an extreme interview that i really liked, it was a public interview in chernivtsi, where a very talented young journalist took a cool interview with the bishop of ocu, where he explained various topics related to customs before easter, and it was something like that, you know, absolutely cool, because we all
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understand that... in bukovina , the russian orthodox church has dug in so powerfully, and that is why such information is very necessary, but we understand that the authorities zelenskyi is thinking about his fate after the war, about how to win the next elections, and they really want to have a controlled joint broadcaster, and for example, i approach the idea that it is very important for them to impose their vision of peace, completion. those people who live outside kyiv, etc they want to impose their own version of victory on them, it seems to me that such a decision is absolutely unsuccessful, because i know many public journalists, we
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grew up with them in different years as specialists. and these are absolutely professional, very cool people who very often, i want to reveal a secret to you, have worked part-time in different years, for example, during the elections, when they were held for the parliament, and i will not look down on volodymyr zelenskyi and his team, if one of the offended journalists will then decide to help some politicians build completely new political forces in the regions, and these nakhids of maryana bezovloya, they are quite so cunning. constructed, i will remind you that the first post aimed at public appeared on april 24, and she specifically threw into one basket the radu tv channel, the freedom tv channel, mentioned the social and television marathon there, and of course, if you do not understand much about media, you can it may seem that all the dermades, all of them have made armor for themselves, fatten on ukrainian money, but i can say that there is a huge difference between the public and tv channel rada and frido. council and
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freedom is nothing but a money launderer for people close to the bank, for example, such characters as cyril tymoshenko, the public really plays a very important role, and i think that media specialists can agree that the branches of the public have very, very well proven themselves myself just during a full-scale war, because you know, when i need to find some story about bilopol, i know very clearly that this story was made by the public. and as a woman who works in the city hall told me today, this is the only editorial office which goes to ours, i apologize to the ass, and films there stories about people that are broadcast today . thank you marina, oleksiy, you know about television, both public and non-public, and about the one that is in the hands of large media groups
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and big tycoons, eh. what do you say, here is this attempt that is now in place, does this mean that all other channels are in one way or another controlled by zelenskyi's office, although everything is not publicly controlled, and this is meant by this large pool of large tv channels that are in a single telethon, which have a single policy, and obviously there is one center that manages this single information policy, well i wouldn't say that there exists. the center of the many-year discussion about the creation of public television led to the fact that they tried to build it as such an institution, relatively speaking, public, which would not depend on the political conjuncture, and marina was right to say that it is a fairly centralized structure, on the one hand , on the other hand, social differs from...


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