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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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he gave us eternal life and great mercy, jesus rose from rome, i foretold. because there is eternal life, and in a dream, jesus rose from the grave, how to spend, he gave us life.
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the one who freed jonakivi from the furnace, became a man, suffered as a mortal and clothed a mortal with the beauty of incorruption through suffering, the only and blessed god of the disciples and foretold. christ rose from the dead. god-wise women with peace consecrated the world for you. and you, who died with tears, were bowed down, rejoicing in the living god. and i will send a secret message to your disciples, christ good news christ rose from the dead,
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we celebrate the victory of the death of the destruction of the reptile, the other life of the eternal beginning, and we praise the one who did it, the only one, the blessed father of god and the glorified one. christ rose from the dead, truly holy and all-holy, the father of the savior and a light ray for the night, which becomes the harbinger of the bright day of resurrection, let the eternal light shine again bodily for all.
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good news blessed, simple, again and again, in the peace of the lord.
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let's pray! lord, intercede, save, have mercy, and protect us, god, with your grace. to the most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious ruler of our mother of god and the most holy virgin mary, with all the saints, remembering ourselves and each other, we give our whole life to christ god, lord. your kingdom is blessed and highly glorified by the father and the son and the holy spirit now and always and forever and ever. amen. this announced holy day, the first after the sabbath, the royal and the lord's, is a holiday above holidays, and the celebration of all celebrations. on this
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day, let us glorify christ forever. christ rose from the dead. because they came to you from the west and the north and the south and the east, as god is your light today, blessing christ in you, us.
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bless the father and the son and the holy spirit, the lord. now and forever and forever. amen. father, almighty. and the word and the soul, in three persons there is one supernatural and pre-divine word, because we have baptized you, and we bless you, praise, glorify, worship you for the smoreli, singing it all ages.
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christ, forget it! purification, peace to the lord, let's pray. lord, have mercy. come, save, have mercy, bury us, god, with your grace. lord, have mercy. to the most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious mother of god and holy. let us give mary, with all the saints, who have remembered ourselves, each other, and our whole life, to christ god. to you, lord. blessed and glorified be your honest,
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your kingdom, of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. let us praise the mother of god and the mother of light with songs, grace, pure yahora. rejoice, and i say again, rejoice, your son was resurrected on the third night, and the dead were raised by people, rejoice, shine, laugh,
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new jerusalem, glory to the lord, for you are for... dead, divine people, and your word is straw, with us, because indeed we have promised to be until the end of the age, christ, having the lord, we
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faithful rejoice in hope, christ rose from the dead, blessing and most holy christ, oh wisdom and words of god and strength, may we have a welded lot of thirst with you.
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the bearded man stood up. your presence, your presence, again and again, in the peace of the lord, let us pray, lord have mercy, intercede, save, have mercy, and protect us, god, with your grace, lord have mercy. the most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious ruler of our theotokos and the ever-virgin
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mary, remembering ourselves and each other with all the saints, let us give our whole life to christ god, lord. all the heavenly powers praise you, we give you glory to the father and the son and
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the holy spirit, now and forever and...
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name-caller, smoroi gooslavit.
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death. lord ver. smitirnos.
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the rich, having fallen asleep like a mortal, the king, lord, on... on the third day of resurrection.
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sub-announcement death, the lord does not accept, know, save.
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chieftains, the song of god belongs to you, praise him, all his angels, praise him all the heavenly possessions, the places belong to you o god, praise him, you sun and moon, praise him. all you bright stars, praise him, you heavens, heavens, waters above the heavens, let them praise the name of the lord, for he commanded and created things, left them forever and gave a law that will not pass away, praise the lord from the earth, whales and all the deeps of the sea, fire and hail, snow and fog and a raging wind that fulfills his word, mountains and all the trees,
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gardens and all the cedars, wild beasts and harm all kinds, hailstones, winged birds, kings of the earth, all peoples, princes and all earthly judges, boys, girls, old people together with youth, let the name of the lord be praised high, because his name is the only one, his greatness is above the earth and the sky, he raised the roar of his people, praise to all his holy sons of israel, the people who are close to him, sing a new song to the lord, and praise him in the assembly of the righteous. let israel rejoice in its creator, let the sons of zion rejoice in their king, let them praise his name with a tank, let the neighbors and with the harp, let them sing to him, for the lord is kind to his people, he decorates the humble with victory, let the righteous triumph in glory on their couches, let them rejoice, let the praise of god be on their lips
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and a two-edged sword in their hand, so that between the nations they may retaliate between the tribes of punishment. to put their kings in chains and their nobles in iron shackles, to execute the judgment written on them, this is the glory of all his saints. praise god in his sanctuary, praise him in the stronghold of his strength. praise him for his great deeds, praise him. and glorify your resurrection, praise him with the spirit of the horn to praise him on the beautiful and on
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the lips, you who endured the cross and overcame death, who rose from the dead, you... by your resurrection christ. so please us with a pure heart, to mock and glorify you,
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praise him on sparkling cymbals, praise him on tormenting cymbals, let everything that lives praise. lord, glorifying your divine grace, we praise you, christ, i was born from the house and remained inseparable from my fathers, my husband suffered and voluntarily saw half a sin. you have risen from the grave, you will not raise a candle to save the world, lord, glory to you, that one, that one, may
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god rise again, and disperse, his thresholds. the holy post appeared today. on the holy day, we give salvation. easter is glorious. easter christ the savior. paska is not easy to handle, gospo is great. stand faithful, because it is scattered, because
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why is it connected to all the mines, i am still a gathering at night, it will come. rejoice, rejoice and be glad, jerusalem, for you are waving kings. christ, who go out of sight, but let sinners perish from the face
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of god, the righteous, let them rejoice, myrrh-bearing women, coming early in the morning to grave to his disciples, whom the lord created for himself
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, my joy. rejoice in me, beautiful paska, pasa of the lord, pasa, pasa, glorious, sang, joyful, joyfully embrace each other, embrace, liberation, glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and
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always and forever. eternal ages, amen, resurrection, aden, enlighten the dawn, we are one, one and the same, and let's say, brothers, go, don't... alinat will lead us on the path of resurrection, and let us sing the song. christ rose and died, he overcame death with death, go to
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forgive. gave life, christ rose from dead, i overcame death with death, and you, who i gave to the poor, christ rose from the dead, overcame death with death, and... took life and gave, the proclamation of john chrysostom, on the day of holy easter. whoever is pious and god-loving, let him rejoice in this great and bright holiday. who is a smart
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servant, let it be fun. will enter into the joy of his lord, who labored by fasting, may he receive a reward today. he who rose to work from an early hour, let him now receive a just wage. whoever came at 9 o'clock should thank god and celebrate joyfully. who is the 12th hour has arrived, let him not be alarmed. for he will not be denied anything, whoever did not make it to the third hour, let him proceed without hesitation, and whoever arrived only at the fifth hour, let him not be afraid that he is late, because the lord is merciful, he accepts the last as well as the first , he satisfies
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the latecomer equally. all and those who work in the morning, he loves the latter, and takes care of the former, and therefore he gives generously and bestows on this one, and he accepts deeds, and he welcomes intentions, and honors what has been done, and he praises sincere desires, that is why, enter all of you into the joy of the lord yours, and... the first and the last, accept the same reward, rich and poor, rejoice together, hardy and careless, honor this day, rejoice today those who fasted and those who did not fast, the lord's meal is ready,


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