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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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and the latter, as well as the former, he satisfies equally both the one who is late and the one who works in the morning, he has mercy on the latter and cares about the former, and therefore he generously gives and bestows on this one, and he accepts deeds, and he welcomes intentions, and what has been done he respects, and he grasps sincere wishes. that is why, enter all of you into the joy of your lord, and the first and the last, accept the reward equally, the rich and the poor, rejoice together, the hardy and the careless, honor this day, rejoice today those who fasted and those who did not fast, the lord's meal is ready .
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"luxuriate everyone. passover is holy. let no one go hungry. let everyone be nourished by the feast of faith, all partake of the wealth of good, god's kindness. no one complains about poverty, because the reign of all mankind has come. no one is saddened by sins, because forgiveness is from the grave everyone is happy." "let no one be afraid of death, because the death of the savior freed us, the one who held it destroyed it. hell captured the one who went down to hell, he experienced sadness when he encountered his body. foresaw this, the prophet isaiah called out loudly. hell was saddened , having met your fate, grieved because
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he was destroyed, grieved because he was despised, grieved because death came upon him, grieved because he was destroyed, grieved because he was bound, took a man, encountered a god, took the earth, and swept away the sky, took that saw, fell because of what he didn't care for, "where is your death sting, where is your hell victory, christ is risen, and you are fallen, christ is risen, and demons fall, christ is risen, angels rejoice, christ is risen, and life flows freely, he is risen christ, and not a single dead person remained in the graves, because christ rose from
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the dead and the beginning of the resurrection has come to the rest, to him be glory and power forever and ever. amen. have mercy on us, god, out of your great mercy we pray to you, listen and have mercy. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, we also pray for the most holy universal bishop francis, the pope of rome, and for our most blessed patriarch sviatoslav, and our self-loving bishops, cyrus joseph, cyrus stepan, cyrus andrew, for those who serve and have served him the temple this for
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our spiritual fathers and all our brothers and sisters in christ. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy we still pray for our god-fearing people, for the government and for the entire army. lord have mercy, lord have mercy. lord, have mercy. we also pray for the people present here, who are waiting for your great and abundant mercy, for those who give us alms, and for all orthodox christians, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, philanthropist, we send glory to the father and the son and
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the holy spirit now and forever and forever and ever. amen. let's complete our morning prayer to the lord. lord, have mercy. intercede, save have mercy and protect us, god, with your grace. i ask the all perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless lord. give, lord. ask the lord for an angel of peace, a faithful mentor, a guardian of our souls and bodies. come, lord, forgiveness and release of our sins and transgressions, we ask the lord. give, lord. good and profitable for our souls and peace for the world, from the lord, we ask.
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we ask the lord to complete the remaining time of our life in peace and repentance. give it to me. the eternal end of our life, painless, flawless, peaceful, and justification at the terrible judge of christ, we ask, most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious mistress of our mother of god and the most holy virgin mary, with all the saints we remember ourselves and each other, and let us give our whole life to christ god. o lord, for you are the most merciful god and we send glory to you, father and son and holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever.
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amen. peace everyone. yours bow your lions before the lord. lord because it belongs to you to have mercy and save us, our god, and we give you the glory. to the father and the son and the saint spiritual, now and always. and forever and ever, amen, wisdom, bless,
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blessed christ, our god, always, now and ever and forever and ever, amen. holy god, holy orthodox faith, forever and ever. holy mother of god, save us. shine, shine, new jerusalem. the glory of the lord was upon you. rejoice now, rejoice, zion. hail, pure mother of god. be comforted, the resurrection of your son, glory to you, christ god, our hope, glory to you, christ rose from the dead to overcome death to death, and so that slaves
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gave life, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. blessed lord, bless christ, who rose from the dead and conquered death by death, and by what our true god gave life in the graves. through the prayers of your most pure mother, the holy , glorious, all-praiseworthy apostles, our reverend and god-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy and save us, as you are kind and philanthropic. amen, christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen, truly risen, christ is risen, truly risen, christ anesti, eknekran,
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tanata, tana. christ resurrected the dead by death , overcame death, and gave life to those who made him! hos will rise from the dead, by death you will correct death, and
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you, that you may give life and give us eternal life, we worship you. here is his resurrection on the third day. christ is risen. christ is risen. christ is risen. yes, let your light shine before them, so that they may see your good works. and glorified our father who is in heaven, always, now and forever and forever and
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ever. amen. lord, lord, look down from heaven and see, and visit this one the vineyard that your right hand planted, o lord, and let your hand be on the son of man. which you have fortified for yourself. christ will rise, death covers death. lord, lord, look down from heaven and see, and visit this vineyard planted by your right hand, lord, and let your hand be on the son of man. which you have fortified for yourself. christ will rise from the dead
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. lord, lord, look beyond the sky and see, and visit the vines that your right hand has inherited, lord, and let your hand be on the son of man, whom you strengthened for himself. lord, lord, look down from heaven and look, and visit this vineyard that your right hand has planted, lord, and let your hand be on the son of man, whom you will strengthen for yourself. death passed away, jesus is still god. god, be merciful to me, a sinner, god, be merciful to
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me, a sinner. god, be merciful to me a sinner. christ rose from the dead, by death he overcame death, and by what he gave life in the graves. christ rose from the dead, by death he overcame death, and by what is in the graves life gave christ rose from the dead, by death he overcame death, and by what he gave life in the graves. glory to god in the highest. on earth peace in the people of favor, glory to god in the highest and on earth peace, people of favor, lord, open my lips, and my mouth will announce your praise. time to serve the lord, blessed lord, bless. blessed be god, forever, now and ever and forever. amen. pray for us, holy master. may the lord direct your feet. remember us, holy lord. may the lord remember you god is in the kingdom. yours always, now and always and forever and ever. amen.
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bless the lord, blessed kingdom. of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. christ rose from the dead, death is death. lav and those who
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gave life in the graves, christ resurrected the dead, through death, he overcame death, from you who made it. god gave life! christ rose from the dead, defeated death by death. and that
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the enemy of life. in the peace of the lord, let's pray. lord, have mercy. salvation of our souls. let's pray to god. for world peace, good condition, holy god, church connections of all. god's lord, let us pray for this holy temple of those who, with faith, grace and fear of god, go to it, lord. lord, have mercy. for the most holy ecumenical hierarch francis, pope of rome, and for
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the most blessed patriarch of our sviatoslav, and for high. our most reverend archbishop, kirbisvaldes, for our god-loving bishops, kir vitaly, kir yosif, kir stepan, kirandria, honest presbytery, deaconship in christ, for all the parables of people, let us pray to the lord. lord, have mercy. our god-protected people, for the government and the entire army, let us pray to the lord, for this city, and for every village, city, country and for those who live by faith, let us pray to the lord, lord have mercy, for a good harvest, for a harvest of
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earthly fruits and times peaceful, to the lord, let us pray, lord have mercy. for those who are sailing , traveling, for the sick, suffering, captives and for the savior, let us pray to the lord, have mercy on us, to free us from all sorrow, anger and need, let us pray to the lord, have mercy on us, intercede, save, have mercy, protect us, god by your grace god have mercy! let us give to the most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious twin mother of god and holy virgin mary, with all the saints who have remembered themselves, each other, and all our lives to christ. believe me,
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lord. for all glory belongs to you. worship the father and the son and the holy spirit now and always and forever and ever. amen. arise to the lord, all the earth, sing to him, give the word of his praise. by the prayers of the mother of god, save the world. save us, tell god how terrible your deeds are in multitude your strength, your enemies will defend you, with prayers. mother of god, save us, save us. let the whole earth worship you and sing to you, let it sing to your name, most high.
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through the prayers of the mother of god, save us. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. by prayers. god save us! lord!
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of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. god, have mercy on us and bless us, shine your face on us and have mercy on us. save us, son of god, who rose from the dead, we sing to you. hallelujah! in order to we have known your way on earth , your salvation of all peoples. save us, son of god, who
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rose from the dead, we sing to you. let them confess you, people of god, let them confess you, people to everyone. save us, son of god, who rose from the dead. we praise you, hallelujah! glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever, amen! the only-begotten son and the word of god, immortal and willed the salvation
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of our family to incarnate the most holy mother of god , christ, the virgin mary, could not come to a miracle. the crucified former baptizes god with death, death pray to the holy trinity and pray with the father and the holy spirit, save us, save us, save us.
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therefore, spiritual now and always and forever and ever. amen. "let god rise, and let
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his enemies flee, and those who hate him, let him flee, christ rose and the dead, he overcame death with death, and gave life to those who tried." as the smoke disappears, let them disappear, as the army melts from the face of the fire, christ rose from the dead, defeated death with death, and gave life to those who tried, so
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let it be. sinners will perish from the face of god, but let the righteous rejoice. christ is risen from the dead, overcame death with death. and because broba gave life. simple wisdom! the churchgoer will bless god, the lord! you are from the sources of israel! christ, you are the true light that enlightens and sanctifies every person who comes into the world. christ will rise.
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he corrected death by death, he gave life to those who were in the grave. let the light of your face shine upon us, so that we walk in it and see the light of your unapproachable glory. christ will rise from the dead, and death will cover death, jesus gave a stomach to a robber, from a straight foot. our to fulfill your commandments. christ will rise from the dead. the stomach gave the ongoing struggle. through the prayers of your pure mother, christ our god, save us. death covers the dead with death. mogrobi gave a stomach.
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save to the son of god, who rose from the dead, we sing to you, hallelujah.
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we sing godshakres from the dead tobila. hallelujah hallelujah, salvation.


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