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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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who rose from the dead, we sing to you, hallelujah. hallelujah, hallelujah, save us sons.
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who rose from the dead we sing to you. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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hallelujah! voluntary, voluntary, education of our souls and bodies. christ will rise from the dead, he has overcome death by death.
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gave life glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. amen. in the eyes of the grave you descended immortal. but to test the strength. and i am resurrected, the winner, christ god having anointed the women, rejoice, and grant them peace to your apostles, the fallen victims of the resurrection, for you are holy, our god, and to you we give glory, to the father, and to the son, and to the holy spirit, now and forever.
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were baptized, clothed in christ, hallelujah, men from christen evaptyte, christon e nedysaste, hallelujah. give glory to christ
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our god. glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit, now and always and forever and ever. they put on christ, hallelujah, christ came out, they were baptized, they put on christ, hallelujah. let us be attentive, peace to all, wisdom, let us be pay attention, this is what the lord, the lord,
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we will rejoice and rejoice. confess to the lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever. let us speak, o lord, we will be glad, and we will rejoice instead. the wisdom of the deeds of the holy apostles of reading. let's be careful. the first book i wrote to theophilus, about all that
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jesus did and taught from the beginning. until the day when he ascended, having given orders by the holy spirit to the apostles, whom he had removed, he also showed himself to them in numerous evidences alive after his passions, appearing to them on the 40th day and talking about the kingdom of god, and when he was together with them at the table, he ordered them not to leave jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the father, which you heard from me, because john baptized with water, and you will be baptized with the holy spirit after a few days. so, when they came together, they
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asked him, saying, lord, will you restore the kingdom of israel at this time? he answered them. "it is not for you to know the time and season that the father has appointed in his power, but you will receive the power of the holy spirit that will come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem, in all judea and samaria, and even to the land.
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hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah! you are resurrected, have mercy on zion! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah, hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! the lord looked down from heaven to earth.
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hallelujah, hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
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hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! hallelujah! bless, most blessed lord, evangelist, holy apostle.
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may god, through the prayers of the holy, glorious, all-praising apostle and evangelist john, give you the word to preach the good news with great power to fulfill the gospel of his beloved son, of our lord jesus christ. amen. wisdom is simple, let's listen to the holy gospel. peace to all and your spirits. reading from the holy gospel of john. glory to you, lord, glory. cheers. pay attention, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and
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the word was god, with god it was from the beginning of time, with him everything arose, and nothing that came into being came into being without him. he had life, and the life was the light of men, and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand him. there was a man sent by god, whose name is ivan, he came as a witness to testify about the light. that all might believe through him, he was not
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the light, he was only to bear witness to the light, the true light was that which enlightens every man, it came into this world, was in the world, and the world came through him, and the world... did not recognize him, he came to his own, and his own did not receive him, but those who received him, he made it possible for them to become children of god, those who believe in his name, who are not of blood, nor of fleshly desire, nor of male lust , but from... god were born, and the word became flesh and
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dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth. john testifies about him and proclaims and saying, this is the one about whom i spoke, he who follows me, existed before me, was before me. from his fullness we all are. accepted grace for grace. the law was given by moses. grace and truth came through jesus christ. glory to you,
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lord, glory. change and be burned, so that i christ rose from the dead, so we too live a new life. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, amen. your eminence, bishop visvaldas, apostolic nuncios in ukraine, reverend bishops, reverend all-reverend fathers. dear brothers and sisters in kharist, dear ukraine, christ is risen. what is a special assessment? night,
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what makes it different from all other nights, what makes this morning special, this is the question that the child asked his father at every easter dinner of the old testament people of god, and then the father answered: this night we became... free. it is obvious that the old testament commemoration of this liberation reminded god's people of the exodus of israel from egypt. this is wonderful the rescue of god's almighty hand of his people from slavery, his call, the call of god who
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delivers and leads. to freedom, to your promised land, but on this easter morning, this question becomes completely different, what is special about this dawn, which awakened us all in the experience, raised our children from their warm beds, and brought them today to this bright saint. the resurrection itself, we hear the answer to this question today, the answer that resounds with the mighty voice of god's word. early in the morning, myrrh-bearing women go crying, with fear to the grave of his teacher, carrying
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incense to give... honor to the crucified and hastily buried, but there at that grave an angel informs them, he is not here, he has risen, and the empty grave, the underground depths, all the angelic choirs on in heaven the women answer: "truly he is risen!". the women go to the disciples of christ, who are frightened, keep their doors closed in fear in their homes in jerusalem, and the women tell them, christ is risen, the whole universe answers the apostles: "he is truly risen." then those in turn
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the apostles will disperse throughout the world, throughout the universe. the city of their apostolic preaching will be those two powerful, all -liberating words: christ is risen, and all mankind, to this day, in this special, unlike any other framework, says: "he is truly risen." celebrating the holiday of christ's resurrection, we feel that everything has become different. looking into the light of the resurrected savior, we begin to relate differently to. ourselves, to our family and friends, to our homeland, to our present and to our future. we feel that
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christ's resurrection frees us, frees us from our personal weaknesses, fears, and uncertainties. christ's resurrection provides. new meaning in our life. it is interesting that the apostle paul tells us that the tyrant who keeps man in his slavery, the devil, has a special tool for enslaving humanity to this day, and with that tool, those shackles of slavery. which the enemy of the human race casts upon us once and today is the shackles of the fear of death. and here is the all-conquering cry, christ
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is risen, i will free a person from that fear. today, the apostle paul tells us: mock death, death, death, where is your sting? where is your, where is your adep victory? and our john chrysostom tells us: christ was resurrected, and the demons fell. christ is risen, and life flows freely. one enlightened elder, explaining to a person the way to liberation, the way to victory over... sin and fear, said the following words: the enemy should not be feared, he should be defeated, but the key to
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real, true, final victory is only the power, the light, of the resurrected christ , which he overcame death with death. and what gave life in the tombs, the power of the resurrected christ is given to each of us today, because to greet someone with the word "christ is risen" means to free him from fear, open his life horizons, call him to follow him to the life of a free person. that is why the apostle continues: christ, having risen from the dead, no longer dies, death does not rule over him.
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in the same way, we, who together with christ in our baptism, were immersed in his death, rise together with him, so that just as christ rose from the dead, and we. lived a new life, that new life means that to each of our personal fears, our phobias, we can say today on easter day, i am not afraid of you, christ is risen, i am not afraid of you, you lose power over me, because christ is risen. we see how fear sometimes paralyzes a person, enslaves him, they say that he is a bad
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adviser, today, on this holiday of christ's resurrection, we celebrate the victory over all those who intimidate us, and this power of that cry, christ is risen. liberates, renews our strength, it is the source of our faith, the source of our hope, the content of our love. today, at this historical moment, all humanity is filled with fear. someone is afraid of global. a logical catastrophe, someone is afraid, already announces, the beginning of the third world war is about to happen. someone is afraid of
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the future, because he does not know what he can rely on in his reasoning about what awaits him in the future. that is why modern people, you and i , so need that winning word about christ's resurrection, in order to get the strength to live again, to live. new life moreover, to be able not only to desire that life, but to build it every day, defeating ourselves. today there is so much fear in ukraine, because when someone says that during the war he is not afraid, he is saying:
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it is not true, someone is afraid for his life during bombings and shelling, and this is natural, someone is afraid to go to the evacuation from our dangerous cities and sat down, because he is going into the unknown, leaving not only his home, but his entire life so far, his personal history. someone is afraid of mobilization, someone is afraid to make a fateful decision whether he should stay abroad or return home and defend his homeland. today, on that easter holiday, we, as a single people of god, will say to our fears, christ is risen. my
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fear is no longer the instrument of the shackles with which the devil wants to keep me in slavery to the fear of death. today, it is ukraine that believes in and celebrates easter, that lives easter culture from ancient times, today is a kind of instrument of that... good news for europe and the world, because the modern exporter of war is once again threatening the whole world europe and the world with its so-called power, in the face of the aggressor who is killing us today, who wants to intimidate us with various
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psychological special ops. with these, let's say to him: christ is risen! your fear can never enslave my heart more. we believe in the victory of ukraine because we believe in the resurrected christ. with the victory of ukraine, christ will free europe and the world from the fear of death, which he wants to sow on the whole world. participating terrorist the enemy should not be feared, it should be defeated. these words are spoken to us today by our defenders, our armed forces, who every day they look at the eyes of death, and the eyes of the sowers of that death. every teran. which the enslaved
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cease to fear, loses its power. today, we want to tell them from the hearts of our church, from our patriarchal council: boys, girls, christ is risen, we believe in you, we believe in the victory of ukraine, because it will be the victory of the risen christ over this one. places of fear and death of the third millennium. today, the word christ is risen, i want to direct to our brothers and sisters in the occupied territories, where our priests cannot reach today, so that together with them sing this mighty conqueror.


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