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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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it seems very good that today jesus speaks to us with the voice of the fallen heroes, we lay down so that you may live, we laid down our lives to give it to god and to you in our sacrifice, the lord's passover, and this is a completely new dimension, it seems to me that holiday, that it is not quite , no, maybe there will be such a year ahead, and we would like it to be, so that it would be more of a holiday about the easter rabbit, about just... looking for some testicles with the children and giving gifts , and i am not against such a festive measure, may it come to us as soon as possible, but today for us it is first of all, it seems to me about this holiday, about the fact that death has been overcome by death, i completely agree with you, unfortunately, you know, our children already understand very well what is happening, and now, if you look at how they grow, for example, this week in zaporizhzhia they were collecting.
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children and have already taught schoolchildren the first measure of providing medical aid, because living in front-line zaporizhzhia, of course, we understand that children should now learn this in lessons so that if necessary, they can save their lives, and not how before, for example, so on the eve of easter , children there in labor lessons painted eggs or made easter cards, and you know, it is very unfortunate that at the same time in the occupied territories... and the children also have such extracurricular activities, but there they listen so so-called heroes of the svo, learn to assemble drones and sit at desks already in military clothes, it is very unfortunate that such a fate has befallen our children and in our territories, which are free and in the occupied, because for two years our children have been washing bowls, listen about by the way oksana markarova, our embassy, ​​explained about painted easter eggs and colored easter eggs. madam
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ambassador, our ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america from washington explained how the children boasted that they had painted easter eggs and colored easter eggs, this is how washington dc signed easter 2024, that is, even 900 km from home, we do not miss family rituals, wrote oksana markarova , so you see, both in zaporizhzhia, and in washington, and somewhere in transcarpathia, everywhere all this unites us, the only thing is that i am a little too ordinary it is upsetting that a huge number of churches remain, at least nominally, by churches i mean exactly the churches connected with moscow, connected with lubyanka in some way, connected with the kremlin, because of this unity with the moscow patriarch, and on the occupied territories, we remember that there are priests who had pro-ukrai. the position of the occupiers, maybe,
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maybe we need to go ahead here, maybe we need to get ahead of even other orthodox churches, and go completely to the gregorian calendar so that we can emphasize our separation and so that people know that they are still a month ago, they celebrated easter and everything, the civilized world, apologizing, well, the world in africa is different, not all countries are terribly civilized, but they can be cathartic. the same is latin america, rather, the west, the western vector, the western world, you know, in zaporizhzhia this is the issue of the patriarchates, it is still relevant, unfortunately, we live very close to the front, but all the same in our moscow church these two years they have been working there and, unfortunately, believers also go there, and you know, but i don't remember that there were transitions specifically to the orthodox church of ukraine.
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but on the positive side, we can say that during these two years of the full-scale invasion , the number of parishioners in our ukrainian orthodox churches has actually increased, and more and more people still choose to go to our church, you know, i have been there many times at some events, i was there in vinchan and it is very pleasant, you know, to hear that even this one in this service, when it comes to weddings, even there they pray for the heroes of ukraine, for ukraine, for the fallen heroes, and i want, of course, of course, everyone wants that the case that you know, that the sbu reported the suspicion to the head of the moscow popov, zaporizhia region, luka, and i want that, in principle, there would be more such cases, so that people could see what really it is the moscow popes, and their functioning in general, that carries the danger. churches in
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pro-front zaporizhzhia, and of course, ideally, we would like these churches to not exist at all, and yet, they all moved to our orthodox church of ukraine. well , it is strange, of course, that people pray for hail moscow, in the church, which, as it were, saved the great reigning city of moscow, the city of the whole, all the cities, the entire russian land from destruction, well, i just don’t understand how it is possible under the bombs and rockets that almost attack zaporozhye every day, that’s it to pronounce in the church, well, it's just that... this is not a thought, it's if in synagogues, for example, now the rabbis would suddenly start praying for, i don't know, for the holocaust, for hitler, well, well, nonsense . it was a very revealing moment when a rocket hit a house in zaporizhzhia, which
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was right across from the moskovskii church of the patriarchate, and where this luka actually conducts services, and people died there, that, well , floors were demolished there, and when the community... expected some comments and directly asked luka, well, actually, comment that this is russia, that this is the country of the aggressor, you know what he said, he said that he is not an expert in ballistics, and even a dog suffered damage to their temple after this attack, they blew out the windows there, people remained unharmed there, but this is already there, they are dying opposite people, he informs that he is not an expert in ballistics, so that's the situation, sly bow, let's hope that this case ... with him will be brought to its logical conclusion, and that this man who incited, incited inter-religious enmity will indeed suffer punishment, and there will be a trial, not only will we hope for god's sake, but also a fair ukrainian, we hope for it, mrs. alisa, thank you,
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alisa sysoeva, a journalist and deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council was with us, you mentioned the easter rabbit, that it is certainly not in our tradition, but that it is interesting that it's interesting, i recently came across one, no i know, this is a caricature, an ironic drawing, how to call it, from the time of the first world war, dear friends, the first world war, 1915, erich shilinyk drew, this drawing was also signed... a russian easter rabbit, and this easter rabbit, russian, it’s not, it’s not eggs, painted, not easter eggs, not easter eggs, it’s bombs, that is, even then the world understood what russia was, maybe not
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all, not the majority, and only, only now, maybe listen, it has been a long time since the majority of people have understood what russia is has passed, and that russian easter bunny is also dropping bombs and pelting ukraine with these bombs. dear friends, we will now move to the kherson region, in the meantime i want to tell you, to remind you that the holiday season is a time to share, and when not to share now, and when not to share with anyone, as with our military, and yesterday you have shown simply incredible results. yesterday you shared 100 thousand, that's all. our viewers donated to our new collection, it is huge, it is scary, of course, but we already have uah 112,767 of the 4 million that we need, for one day 100, real pictures from the front, that's how real they are on quad bikes
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, when every minute is a life, or saved, for example, a limb, and here speed is very necessary, mobility is very... the saturation of drones is huge, and this changed the rule now, changed the rules, it's very difficult to pick up cars, cars are too slow, too visible, uh, and now atv evacuation is the best solution there, exactly where the fighting is going on, so dear friends, support our soldiers , atvs are needed to evacuate, atvs are also needed to deliver ammunition to the battlefield, and i... i hope that today's holiday, it inspires you to share a little bit of that goodness and that light with our military, it's that they need what they really need, we need to collect 4 million, er, that's why, to work, dear friends, we remember, we celebrate, but we don't forget about the one thanks to whom we celebrate,
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and oksana pogomiy, deputy of kherson of the city council, is already with us, ms. oksano, good morning, christ is risen, good morning, truly risen, how? what is this morning of the lord's resurrection in the kherson region? the morning is quiet, but they are shooting. this phrase will probably be understood only in kherson, the morning is quiet, but they are shooting, but they are shooting, yes, but the festive mood is easter, we decorated an easter tree for the city, made such bright eggs, hares, ribbons, and now we have easter tree, well, we from... wanted a little holiday not only for us, in our bubble, but also for the whole city.
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actually, i read that in kherson you are now in kherson itself? yes, yes, as always, okay, okay, can you see people on the streets somewhere now, or how is kherson living in general at this moment. yes, you can see, we have increased, the number of children has increased, i am not happy about the fact that the number of children has increased, because in fact, i understand that people are returning from dead ends, they probably ran out of savings, they probably did not find themselves somewhere in other cities of ukraine, i know for sure , how much is the rent, for example , in mykolaiv, because i have a daughter there, yes, and when idps took away their payments, then people come back and... with children, i’m surprised, but that’s the way
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it is, that’s why you can see people, especially where there are markets, well, in our country, especially before the holidays, i went to the market yesterday, i i live near here, so there are people, and they shop, and for easter , i mean, they greet each other, and why, you know, why i am happy, this is something that has always been missing in our city. this is the ukrainian language, there was very little of it before the invasion, but now it is practically everywhere, and i am happy about it, it is wonderful, ms. oksana, although now somehow people also started to note that the first list has passed, maybe i am talking now, probably about kyiv, where it has become a little calmer, and although it is relatively also, today it is calm, tomorrow it may be restless, but kherson, what.. . constantly under russian shelling, and these russian shellings are a constant reminder of who is the enemy and
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why and why one should not use the enemy's language, because in kyiv, unfortunately, our friends, our employees, for example, are a little upset, they say , too much of that russian language, she cuts the ear and cuts the ear precisely because we have a full-scale invasion and it continues, and the plans of the russians are just as terrible. no, yes, and we still have, you know, such hostility and doggedness, sometimes not only hostility, you hear about the fact that, ah, rusnia wants to capture kherson again, that rusnia will go in boats, now in boats, and on the one hand, this does not add optimism, but on the other hand, on the contrary, it creates resistance, we gather even more, we are even more at every step, er,... we mark that kherson is ukraine, blue, yellow, ukrainian language, everything, as possible and now i really liked
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it while i was waiting, waiting for it to be turned on, you are gathering for atvs, and i really liked what you said, and it is right, i also say it every day, that only thanks to the armed forces we can now celebrate, someone in the front kherson, someone in kyiv, someone in sumy, someone in western ukraine, anywhere. to fly, of course, but if someone says, i'm already tired of the war, i'm already giving up, i don't want anything anymore, then send to us in kherson, come, we'll accommodate you, we'll show you around, and you'll definitely say, no no no, it is necessary to fight, because the war is really close and it has not ended with our victory. ms. oksano, how is easter now in the occupied territories, do you have any news from there? so far there is no connection, i have it there. dear person, unfortunately, we haven't been in contact yet, because it's very difficult now with
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the internet, there, so communication sometimes, sometimes, well, i think that they will go celebrate passover in any case, but i know for sure, and from my friend who left there, she says, just yesterday i warned the people that the khersons, that please don't go to the church, now you can listen to the service online, wherever... a crowd of people, you can put yourself in danger, and my girlfriend told me how she celebrated with her husband last year, when they were under occupation, easter, she said: "there is such a small one": "we baked beehives, we made colorful eggs, and we read the easter prayer and celebrated at home, we did not go to church, i think that now our ukrainians celebrate in the same way in the occupied territory, it reminded me, you know, how easter was in the times of covid, and we were all scared then, and
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we just turned on the service of god on the computer and put a basket near the computer, and so it somehow..." was sanctified and added a little bit of a festive mood, and then it seemed that the covid - that is the most terrible thing that can happen to us, but there is a much more terrible virus, it is called muscoli, muscoli, yes, well, ms. oksano, ukraine is holding on, kherson is holding on, and i think that this is it, this holiday should be of some kind, you know, a ray of hope for us, first of all, what... what, what, what, what, you know, he overcame death in death. you know, we have one life. unfortunately, there is a war in our lives now, but this does not mean that we should stop and wait for the war to end and not live. there should still be, right, you say, rays of light, hope, dreams for
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the future, we must live in what we are, but we must not fold our hands and we must not fall into... pressure, i am sure this, and we must remember those who are now at the front and who are now defending our land, literally, literally about this, literally about this, well, but again, jake sullivan said that ukraine with american and god's help, not the other way around with god's american help, let's call it that, will easily withstand this year, next year maybe the muscles will even fall, jake sullivan believes, on this good note peace in the kherson region, in the city of kherson, oksana pogumiy was with us, a deputy of the kherson city council, we will now take a short break and then continue.
10:48 am
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10:53 am
what you need, call! dear friends, we are coming back, we will continue our roll call, now we will move to occupied mariupol, we will ask how it is there, whether it is possible to celebrate easter in the ukrainian way. by traditions or by russian ones , mykola osychenko, a journalist and media person from the city of mariupol, joins us. mr. mykola, christ is risen. ms. lesya, he is truly risen. good morning you know, i read in peter andryushchenko, what he says, has such an observation that he looked at mariupol pubs, and for the first time noticed that instead of the word paska, kulich is used there. yes, it's me, i saw it too, i saw it since yesterday, when they started such
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a roll call there, yes, who slept the cakes, and it also kind of freaked me out, it really freaked me out, yes, that is, this has never happened, i i'll tell you, i visit donbas very often, almost every week, i drive through our small settlements there, i 'll tell you that... grandparents' national language is much better than mine, than yours, that is people who think and communicate in the state language all their lives, and i don't remember ever in our life there, even in russian-speaking donetsk, where i lived for 34 years, that we had cakes, never in there was no life, but it is not russia that brings there... its own traditions, and this, you know, is also an element of genocide, that is, it is also an element of washing out the genetic code of the nation, and it seems that
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there is nothing like that here, yes, that is, someone somewhere there to me in the comments, yes, and what are you, and what is the difference, big, big, because, well, because by now, even now in the local, maybe as a joke, maybe not, they are from... on the occupation channel, the occupation channel mariupol 24, you probably know about it, and they also aired a story dedicated to the main church holiday of easter , and that easter cakes are baked at home, easter cakes, by the way, i remembered quite a bit. a discussion that was raised last year and continued this year by yuriy vynnychuk, a famous ukrainian writer, linguist, philologist, who says that in fact, if you
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analyze ukrainian literature, you are not you won't find the word easter anywhere, there is only easter, or easter, easter, as a holiday and everything connected with the holiday, that is, easter holidays, easter some dishes, easter easter, and easter can also be a holiday itself, and even there in the forest of ukrainka, for example, who in the play about the first christians, rufinus and prescila, write that easter is coming soon, and not... easter, easter is the same in panas the peaceful, for easter she dressed up galya as a virgin, and in christmas or easter, again in the notes of the shevchenko scientific society of 1912, very they solemnly walk around the memory of the dead on easter. musii kononenko, my father went to the kherson region, it is interesting, because it is the east, the south of ukraine. two weeks after. easter in
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1872, i.e. kherson oblast said easter at the end of the 19th century, dovzhenko wrote that chernihiv oblast, in the spring on the eve of easter, and accordingly easter - it was only russian, it was only moscow, only easter, that's the ukrainian form, that's how it is also , again, a small thing one summer. listen, honestly, i'll tell you honestly, i'm very interested i did not know, i thank you, mr. andriy, because i have been a person all my life, as i said, 34 years old, i lived in donetsk, in my native city, in ukrainian, of course, but, you know, i thought that easter was exactly that day, and easter is exactly that thing that we all like to eat, but now... you see, i
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know it, and you mentioned this mariupol-24 tv group, they said that i know him, i know him very well, these are my favorite subjects now, because there are many people who work there, whom i have taught, how i have worked and i probably didn't finish the work somewhere, but all these people made state-language stories every year. about easter, they told what an ancient tradition it is, how people bake cakes, cakes, godfathers, godfathers, yes, godfathers, that is, they never had any hint of something that is being done there now, that is, now they even on this church holiday they do something so strange in the city where russia
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killed more than 100,000 civilians. yes, on the day of the resurrection of the son of god, they have such impudence to tell the sixth person about russia, about something else. well, in my opinion, this is very short-sighted from the point of view of karma, but that their life, well, but to a certain extent, you know, but there is a process, we already said it recently, i repeat it again, such a separation of this wheat from the chaff. in this way, that is, we understand, conditionally speaking, for whom these words and that holiday and that ukrainianness were real, and for whom it was just because money was paid for it, i don't know whether mr. mykola hears these bells, maybe we can hear the bells somewhere near the studio, mykola osychenko, media journalist from mariupol to us, not from mariupol, unfortunately, but about mariupol, where he works, you can hear the bells, because it's 10:00 a.m. and the bells ring, at 11 o'clock
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the church bells ring. are called to the easter service, and well, we urge you to watch the news at 11 o'clock, if you are not going to the easter service, kateryna shirokopoyas, she will tell you these news, katya, i congratulate you on the word, i congratulate my colleagues, le andriy, in a moment i will tell you about how easter is celebrated in kryvyi rih, as well as operational top news at this hour. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio kateryna shirokpoyas works. the holy fire is already in ukraine. late in the evening, the scouts brought him to the old cossack checkpoint on the ukrainian-moldovan border. report this in...


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