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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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are quite comforting, i liked it, you know, even on may 1, four days ago, the collaborator rogov, who was from zaporizhzhia, was a bit, you know, a homeless weirdo who is from russia, they all got it, but they are so pro-russian, all those city-dwellers are pro-russian received very large social elevators, now they appear on the central channels of russia, the best elevator was in this streameusov, well , he was, you know, he was like that, he was like a zigzag, he was like that up and down and underground even a little bit, that is, like... that is, he thought that the top floor was over there, but it turned out that it was underground, he landed right away in the parking lot, well, he didn’t know about the horn , he hadn’t landed yet, he is still following this trajectory, so the horn said that the first time he read it, he said that everything the russian tricolor over robotino, robotino, ugh, and then, and he already said this today, ah, our military has left work, but there is no point, because it is in the lowlands, there is just a lowland, there is no point.
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there is no way to be there, i think, there is already such a crowd of russian corpses that the height would be low to be, well, no, no, he says, it’s still not for us, there’s no point, terekons, moscow bodies, dear friends, we’re going to take a break, we’ll come back, we’ll continue, we’ll have military chaplain sergei dmitriev, a priest who decided to transfer from the moscow patriarchate and to serve, to serve people, to live for ukrainians, we are going on a break now, we will come back and talk to him. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. new on a mattress cover or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose an orthopedic mattress. skemal and your sleep will become
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you can watch football every monday at 22:00, professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project for both experienced... and just for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format, every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a dream world, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and
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what for the bile? alokhol, he and the liver and bile protects, alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. christ is risen, this cheerful one. easter singing, which on this day fills the sky, the earth and the depths of the underground, today fills our hearts with joy. christ is risen, and the demons fall, christ is risen, death is destroyed, christ is risen, and we find the meaning of our suffering, our life, our hope. i congratulate you all on that great holiday, may... the risen christ restore all our strength, heal our wounds, grant us victory over our enemy, because christ is risen, truly risen. expensive friends, we are coming back, this is the final
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half hour, even 20 minutes of our first part, i remind you, because andriy and i will return at 14:10 and continue, we still have a long list of interesting guests. and interesting topics for you, i want to remind you, and now you have the opportunity to use these 20 minutes, you know, to do good to others, and again, by doing good to our military, we do good to ourselves, because these are the people who defend us, we have a collection going on, we have started it, the one we have been collecting for 2 million for fp drones for two during the week brigades, we have already finished with you, thank you to everyone who was with us and who joined in... that collection, well, and calls, of course, to help us with this collection, it is twice as big, we need to collect now not 2 million, and 4 million, and we are collecting for atvs that will help evacuate the military from the battlefield, you know that now the russians are literally attacking fpv with drones and the whole
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sky is swarming with them, and it is very difficult to evacuate wounded fighters, and very often the evacuation is critically necessary, in fact, this time is critically necessary. to be as good as possible shorter from the battlefield to the stabilization point, so atvs are something that can actually save life or limb, you see qr codes on your screens, you also see card numbers, please join this gathering, we for today from you have already collected 26 thousand, it is not bad, but it is much less than yesterday, yesterday i will say that for this week it was a record amount of... you and i collected 100,000 hryvnias per day, i hope that today let's reach yesterday's record, maybe it won't happen, no let's repeat it, we won't beat him, although everything happens, but i understand that each of you is now trying to celebrate with your relatives, remember
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those who also need a holiday, a holiday of life, and the actual holiday of life is evacuation from the field battle, these are atvs and we are collecting them, there will be more... the code will appear during our broadcast, you can also see the map number is indicated here, and in the meantime we will talk with the military chaplain serhiy serhii dmitriev, we will include him in our festive broadcast , father serhiu, christ is risen, resurrected ukraine, that's how i see it you have combined, that means, a military uniform and robes, a priest's vestments, two in one, this is the function that you are now... performing, i see the boys there as well as with you, the way easter is celebrated, like easter among military people, who are defending ukraine now so that it is resurrected? well, the enemy will not spoil our holiday, we will shine and also protect it, this is the main commandment
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of any person who seeks freedom and will. well, how did you manage to consecrate the shepherds? well, here we are getting ready. everyone, everyone has apiaries, everyone is happy, it's time to rest, everything is fine, here actually, what is happening behind your back now, if you can tell about it? context, it’s just a little break, the guys went on a rest, and there was just a prayer, pasok was consecrated and now we are resting, mr. serhiy, father serhiy, tell me, please, there are a lot of ukrainians, because we had the soviet union and... there was no god, because there was lenin and there was stalin, uh, religion was forbidden, so, from then on,
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churches became like, i don’t know, museums of atheism, or in churches they made warehouses, or some kind of rural golf equipment, or some other , no i know, dobrib, and many ukrainians say that listen, that you are telling about some kind of resurrection, that you are telling about some miracles and wonders, let us be grown-up people, like on... on the front lines, like soldiers, how do you communicate , for example, with those people, with those soldiers who say, i am an atheist or i am an agnostic, but we live in a democratic state with a high level of tolerance and respect for people's beliefs, this is the main priority for us, we can also believe in christ , and muhammad and we have jews, there are others are religious. communities, but most importantly, we believe in humanity, and this is the meaning of all religions,
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to be human and put first, human life, love for human beings, whether there is a meaning, or whether it matters, the chaplain to which church he belongs, to which religion, there are quite a few, i don't know, for sure. religious chaplains with exotic religious affiliations, how do you feel about it, how do you feel about it, after all, after all, we are more of a country that respects its traditions, traditions are traditional for us the dominant culture is the orthodox church, the greek catholic church, the roman catholic church, and the christian faiths, we also have jews, there are muslims in the country. in smaller numbers, but the main thing is that we have respect for each other, once our chaplains
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met a humanist chaplain from the netherlands at training, there was such a humanist chaplain, and we asked, what does a humanist chaplain do, he said: i just i support people and communicate with them, but in our tradition it is important that all ours, even today's celebration, is tied to e this is a religious holiday and... the priest, he is also one of those people without whom this holiday does not take place today, so they are waiting for a priest who is orthodox, from the christian denomination, who will tell the story of the exodus of god's people from egypt, from slavery to freedom, the resurrection of christ, and this is a negative part of our culture today, father sergius, the russians, they too today. at night they went to celebrate easter, they collected, well, they don’t have easter,
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they have cakes, they collected something in baskets, they also have churches, after all, they build them, and they go there, but nevertheless, they justify killing other people for the sake of grabbing the land, how they manage to do it, how they get it in their heads, belief in god, belief in justice and... belief that killing ukrainians is normal. well , totalitarian states, imperial states, they have always used religion and replaced concepts, because there is no such religion in the russian federation, it is such a pseudo-surrogate religion, a surrogate faith. once back in the 14th year, i said that if this were a real religion and believing people, only in moscow there are more than 5 priests, well and even more so, if the adepts of this pseudo -church could go to red
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square with a protest and make such a process of stopping the war, but this did not happen and is not happening, we see that they do not protest, they are such puppets in their state structures, and this is one of the tools for justifying murder, and this... this is exactly the case when religion does not serve to help people, it serves, on the contrary, to... destroy people, today i would call the orthodox church in the russian federation still christian fascism, or such an orthodox taliban, this is just one of the religious sects that today justifies terrorist attacks, do they essentially remain christian, or what is the essence of christianity
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as such, and is this christian humanism, it is all that remains? in the russian church? now, fortunately, we cannot compare, but before the war, if you were to go and compare the relationship of priests to people, which is communication with a priest in the local community, with believers, these are completely different things, although you can come to ukraine to moscow patriarchate and you will get into... allegedly he is some kind of local prince who commands people, namely a priest from the word service, he serves people, we are like that, i
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joke that we are rumors for people who set the table. and this must be remembered, and what is left in european countries is that the priest is called to serve the people, just as the civil servant is called to serve the people, the policeman, the military officer, we are all called to serve the people, this is the main difference between us from today, father serhiy, you also served the russians. but chose the ukrainian church, do your colleagues who cannot dare to take this step turn to you, or ask for some advice, or on the contrary, they turned away from you and said: are you a traitor? for me , in the 14th year, it was a matter of principle to leave the moscow church, because this is a church that
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already from the 14th year blessed killing people, and if you belong to this church, you... are also involved in the murder, so you have to to honestly say to myself that this church is not a church, and it is not an orthodox church, because by the 14th year we hoped when we were in the moscow patriarchate that we would unite or something would change, but these changes did not happen, after the 14th year i kept in touch with some priests who had doubts, but with the detention of tomos, these news, they were gradually lost, and only... after the 22nd year in the kherson region, the priests of the moscow patriarchate, who were originally from the west of ukraine and survived the occupation, they joined the orthodox church of ukraine and told me and others , that they will no longer serve, and they told me the following
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words that if they had all crossed over in the 14th year, then maybe the war... would have ended, because one of the propaganda narratives is that they are waging such a holy war for their church, the russian church, that is , if we are now renaming the streets, moving away from decolonization, decommunization, then we too, this is one of the elements of the colonization of ukraine, the russian church, today we have all the levers to move to any religious community, but for this church to serve the people themselves, so that a church that does not serve its people, doomed to migration. we hope that they will take an example from you and listen to your words. thank you for the conversation and a peaceful easter, we wish you and ours i
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will say it on our behalf, we will say to all the sick, christ is risen, christ is risen, christ is risen, thank you, thank you. for what you are doing, thank you for defending ukraine, serhiy dmitriev, the military chaplain was with us, dear friends, and now let's see what easter eggs were made in tel aviv, yellow-hot, red, blue, dotted and with extremely elaborate ornaments like this everything was happening, how the pysankarstvo sessions were happening in israel, let's see. ukrainian cultural center in tel aviv. eager to plunge into the world of pysankarya, they came here from... different parts of israel, a small excursion into history and a guide to work, first to come up with and apply ornaments with a pencil, then the first layer of wax. it's a little difficult, sometimes i... i'm like something has moved and i've moved too, and since it 's a little scary with the fire and sometimes these
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big black bolts come out, it scares me quite a bit, and what do you like most about painting? i like it the most, i think it turns out beautifully in the end, justyna and her friend liza came to israel after the start of the great war in ukraine to... the girls were masters of pysanka, but most of the adult participants are holding pysankas in their hands for the first time. i make spring, i make a good mood, i want all people to have light, so that there is no war. now i will close this red one and it will remain yellow. hot and red to keep warm, thanks to the organizers and those involved sunset, i think i'll get the hang of this technique.
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pysan artists maryna and alina learned to paint eggs in ukraine and have been practicing for many years, although it is not the first time for them to teach others how to paint eggs, they are always excited. people were satisfied that it really took a lot of work, sometimes a very long time, to make the line even and smooth. you have to make an effort, it just won't work out, it won't work here and there, you have to concentrate, sit calmly, quietly, not thermally, all songwriters, yes, start this work when everyone has already gone to bed at home, mostly easter eggs, in order to have talismanic power, they are written at night, already when everyone is asleep, at home you are shaspuk, that's when you sit down at the pysanka and then harmony, prayer, and you calmly write the pysanka, to the organizer of the event, the community of ukrainian dybanks in israel, craftsmen... pysanka are already being carried out for the fourth year in a row and are glad that they always see both familiar faces and new participants. every year more and more people come, and there are a lot of people who
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came for the first time even from ukraine and paint easter eggs for the first time here in israel, that's normal a pleasant feeling, taking into account the fact that, of course , everyone held a vision in their hands, but the very technique of trying out and painting with a cart was really the first time in our workshop, the organizers promise. to introduce another pysankar workshop for all those who want to on may 10 at the spring ukrainian spring festival by ulyan dryuchkov from israel for the espresso tv channel. a viewer asked me, what will you do while you go on break, because i, dear friends, i will remind you that we are working all day today and will return at 2:10 p.m., and until then, you know, we are here in the kitchen they cut sausages, hams, sausages, everything smells so good and i want to try everything, so actually, while we are... preparing for the next broadcast until 2:10 p.m., we will try a little of this, in the meantime, i urge you to still have time to eat now, 144,977
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we already have the required 4 million hryvnias, and if we collect another 16,000, then we will have 160,000, why am i talking about it like this, because 160,000 is the 25th part of what we need, dear friends, join the holiday it is necessary to share our mood, this light that we have, on the occasion of... christ, with our soldiers. andrii saichuk, leysya vakulyuk, see you at 2:10 p.m. and we will continue, those who didn't have time to finish, will finish later. christ has risen, ukraine will rise too. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trim recors from. unpack the tv in time to order at a special price of only uah 999. corce trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult
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12:00 pm
greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ecumenical patriarch bartholomew called to exchange of prisoners between ukraine and russia in the all not all format. he stated this in his message during the easter mass. we pray. for a just peace in long-suffering ukraine. spiritually, we support the initiative to exchange prisoners of war between russia and ukraine on the occasion of the great easter holiday. this would be a very concrete expression of the power of the resurrection. we pray to the lord of mercy to enlighten our minds and hearts so that we can walk the path of truth and freedom. on easter night, two people died in a fight.


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