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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. ecumenical patriarch bartholomew called for the exchange of prisoners between ukraine and russia in the format of all for all. he stated this in his message during the easter mass. we pray for a just peace in long-suffering ukraine, we spiritually support the initiative to exchange prisoners of war between russia and ukraine on the occasion of the great easter. this would be a very specific expression of the power of the resurrection. we ask the lord of mercy to enlighten our minds and hearts so that we can walk the path of truth and freedom. on easter night, two people died in... in donetsk region due to an attack by the occupiers,
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according to the national police, an infrastructure object was damaged as a result of the attack, the city of ukrainian in the silidivska community was also under fire from the invaders, the enemy dropped a high-explosive aerial bomb on the civilians, the facility was destroyed education and a private house, fortunately people were not injured. enemies also continued to terrorize ukrainians with martyrdoms, at least six. people, including a child, suffered as a result of the enemy's night attacks on kharkov, they targeted the private sector of the osnovyanskyi district, this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. a 40-year-old, 40-year-old man suffered explosive injuries in five more townspeople, including an eight-year-old girl, an acute stress reaction, at least eight residential buildings were damaged, and outbuildings and garages and cars burned. also... the russians attacked
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dnipropetrovsk region with shaheds at night. due to the fall of fragments of downed drones , fires broke out in the dnipro, there is destruction of infrastructure - the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said. a high-rise building was also damaged. in the slobozhanska hromada, two destroyed cars also hit a shop. air defense forces shot down 12 drones in the region. christ has risen, but the 860 occupiers have not. and... after all, they were destroyed by ukrainian defenders, and since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, 474 thousand russian terrorists will never bite their balls again, the enemy's losses are reported to the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. also, our soldiers managed to shoot down yesterday one unwashed cruise missile before easter and 25 dirty drones. the armed forces of ukraine burned nine russian tanks and 18 armored vehicles. more than 20
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artillery systems, one rocket salvo system and a russian air defense system were hit. the data added by the general staff are indicative. today , the azov special purpose brigade turns 10 years old. from a military formation created in 2014, it turned into a whole movement with its own symbols, traditions and ideology. their commander congratulated the soldiers on their anniversary. hero denys prokopenko of ukraine with the call sign redis, he noted that his comrades forever inscribed their names in the history of the liberation struggle and continue to do so, it was their resistance to the enemy in mariupol in the 22nd year that played one of the key roles in the course of the modern war. unfortunately, many heroic defenders of the city of mary still remain in russian captivity, but azov has assured that they will do everything to return them to ukraine. giving and
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devotion to the military family is the foundation of azov. we will not stop until we are free of all our comrades-in-arms from russian captivity. we will continue to fight, no matter what it costs us. ahead of us are decisive battles and the victory that we will win in battle. glory to azov, glory to ukraine. the best award for you and me, thanks from our soldiers. fighters of the 12th separate detachment. buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits were given a special purpose. our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, and this transport will help save human life. together with you, we collected uah 480,000. our warriors already thank you for the received buggies and even had time to conduct a test drive. in special purpose thanks the management of kanalus and its viewer. in the acquisition of bugs intended
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for the execution of combat tasks of our unit, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. in the meantime, i urge you to join the gathering for our defenders, the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal 702. uah. thanks to you, we have already made an advance payment and we have less than uah 90,00 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of ours is of great importance. you can now see all the details on your screens.
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so i am asking you very much. scan and donate. do not be silent, captivity kills. a rally in support of prisoners of war began in the capital. of the upil garrison, as well as all prisoners and missing persons. our correspondent tetyana golunova will live with us. tanya, congratulations, how many people came and what do they say? congratulations katya, i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. just now , an action organized by the families of ukrainian prisoners of war, who have been in...hell in russian torture centers in russian captivity, is starting in the capital. unfortunately, exchanges are not held so often, so the exact number of people who have come to the rally now, i cannot name yet, because people continue to gather, they come here with posters, they come to
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support the ukrainian prisoners of war, maryana is next to me now, a participant in this rally, so ms. maryana, i congratulate you once again, tell me: please, why are you gathering today and what are you demanding? we do not demand anything in fact, we simply remind people, our conscious citizens, that we should not forget about those who are in captivity, because if they are not in ukraine now, it does not mean that they do not exist, it does not mean that there is no such problem, we have to remind constantly to shout, we understand that russia does not extradite, damn russia doesn't extradite them. and the government can't do anything about it yet, but we have don't forget how society about them because they gave their lives and they suffer for us today because they bought us time. mrs. maryana, please tell me, will you continue to gather in the future, how often
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will such rallies be held? unfortunately, i can't answer this question, because i 'm not an organizer, but this is my eighth protest in a row, that is... i've been going every sunday for two months, and they started back in december of the 23rd year, that is, if you want to join, be sure to join. thank you thank you, mrs. maryana. i will also remind all our tv viewers that peaceful actions are silently killed by captivity, they are held every week, they are held not only in the capital, but also in various cities of ukraine. their goal is to remind about the ukrainian prisoners of war, who are already in hell in russian captivity for the third... sleep, people are still gathering now, so there will be even more people, and for now i have all the information, katya i will pass the ether to you, thank you tanya, let me remind our viewers that this was our journalist tatyana
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golonova, she told about what people were talking about at the rally in support of the prisoners of war of the mariupol garrison in kyiv, that's all the news i have at the moment, take care, christ is risen, ukraine will be resurrected. congratulations, friends, andrii smolii and vitaly portnikov are on the air of the saturday political club on the tv channel. today, as always, every saturday we talk live about the most important events in ukraine and the world. we analyze, discuss and have guests, so we probably already have a guest on the live air, so volodymyr kobchak, head of the south caucasian branch, is in touch studies of the army, conversion and disarmament,
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mr. volodymyr is in tbilisi, and we will start a conversation with him about this, i would say, high-profile event of the last few days from the protests in georgia, so what is going on, mr. volodymyr, how about you. .. characterized this stubborn desire of ivanishvili and the georgian dream party to push through this law, even despite protests, even despite... visible problems in relations between georgia and western countries, congratulations, dear viewers, colleagues, well, look, the main the point at the current stage is that this law itself has been passed by agencies, and its second attempt to adopt it looks like a trigger, like a trigger, i consider it incorrect, for example, the discourse that suddenly the georgian maria, the owner of the country, decided to turn georgia around, here everyone u-turns on the contrary from
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armenia await the region, here they decided to turn georgia. in fact, they decided long ago, they decided long before february 22nd, now they are just engaged in the design of this spread and they want to do it, let's say, strangers hands, so that it looks like an initiative of the event itself. union, united states and so on. if someone believes that the georgian authorities, again, for the second time, the second attempt, exactly one year later, made an attempt to adopt this scandalous russian law, this is actually not true, this is exactly the reaction they were counting on, but they believed and still believe that they will win and come to the polls at the end of october this year in... they will win, but already in a state where they will be as toxic as possible for the west,
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as much as possible with closed doors to the eu and to nato, and this is also, let's say, a certain element of the technology of the georgian government, so this, in my opinion, explains and gives a specific question, a specific answer to the question of why this should be done, because they absolutely they could calmly come to the elections for the elections and , according to the rules established by them, win absolutely calmly, even with a constitutional majority. now it's just raising the stakes and making georgia, let's say, as i call it, part of the project, the imperial project transcaucasia. kill me, please, because i can say this endlessly. mr. volodymyr, we saw that actually thousands of people, tens of thousands of people in tbilisi come out almost every day for these protests. actually demonstrating to the georgian authorities that society, or at least its active part,
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is actually against this draft law on foreign agents, does society still somehow manage to influence it, or is the government completely deaf, as they say, to those protests, what are there today? sides of the opposition to the authorities and the protest will be go to the end ot. it is impossible to hope that the authorities will somehow recover and start some kind of bidding, as was the case a year ago. on the contrary , the stakes will rise, there is only one element, i will say, they announced in advance, even during the first adoption of the law, that they would adopt this law for the third time, for example, on may 17, but they have to adopt it three times in georgia, then there may be a veto by soloma zorobishvili, then well... the ordinary majority can overcome it, so the third final acceptance they set the day as the international day
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of equality, the rights of lgbt protection, and since the 16th year, if i'm not mistaken, the georgian authorities held an official holiday in georgia regarding traditional values ​​and the sanctity of the family, that is , the current protest is irrelevant, there are always interesting protests in georgia, provocateurs work under the guise of the church, from crime, controlled by the authorities and so on, that is ... then they are setting up an increase in the degree of confrontation, hoping to win, so i do not see a scenario where the parties agree as they did a year ago. in relation to protest approaches, both its strength and its weakness are that it is absolute network-centric, it is absolutely young, on the initiative of the bottom and there is no political, let’s say, superstructure above it, there is none, all the leaders of political forces, even in contrast to... from a year ago, they go to this
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protest like ordinary active citizens, there is no the so-called scene, everything is very good at the moment, because the protest sets a concrete goal that can really be achieved, as they believe and in principle, cancel the law and we will continue to talk, but it is absolutely a matter of time that the political superstructure will appear, i comes to mind, by the way, from ivanishvili's presentation, he is very interesting, according to freud... logic led that he is not yanukovych's ukraine, this is true by the way, but why emphasize this. when, for example, one of the technologies of the ukrainian maidan after its merger was, let's say. let's say so, the thesis of the maidan without flying, yes, no maidan or no protest, if it sets a goal, it cannot be to achieve a specific goal of a change of power, without politics, but the question of a change of power, it is absolutely, it is a question of the timing of this protest, they must necessarily, through certain actions authorities, the protest will come to the point that it will no longer be satisfied solely with the cancellation of this very
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bill, which the authorities are not going to cancel, when it will happen, no one knows at the moment. here it is interesting, that is, the most massive protest is planned for may 11, an absolutely clear organization, i repeat, the network is centric, they work with circles of athletes, they work with circles of cultural figures, there are theaters and other foreign institutions, there are already, let’s say, volunteer lines of the organization collection of financial assistance, joined private, as well state medical institutions, shopping centers regarding... means of protection, that is, the process is alive and developing, a unique situation for tbilisi, when the local residents did not release it on easter, but some left, but as such, let's say, the period of the easter holidays, i i think there in kyiv and only in ukraine they will understand the city as a whole, that's why the process will only develop and the situation will only
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escalate, but tell me, in principle , the situation can... change in such a way as to lead the georgian dream to defeat in the elections, is this at all real development? the georgian government will not lose, you see, the georgian government completely broke its winning strategy in the elections by trying to pass this draft law in the second, its main political capital inside the country was the impotence of the scattered opposition forces, period, they absolutely ran out of options. and honestly, unfortunately, i am even in your program, it seems that i have already emphasized this, right now, what will happen, the protest, you understand what the matter is, it would seem that they made a fool of themselves, because those people who are protesting year ago, the youth canceled this very russian draft law, she does not go to the polls, and she would not have come to the elections, she lived according to the principle of a plague on both your houses, you understand, but now
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artificially and completely deliberately, the georgian authorities did what they did, and these people will go for... but they still don't know which force they will vote for. you can look at wikipedia for a long time, i will say very briefly. the georgian authorities made such legislation, already without majoritarians with a five-percent barrier and with a ban on registering blocks, do you understand? knowing that georgian oppositionists, as frunzyk brchan said, have such a personal dislike for each other that they will never come to an agreement. but now the authorities are making the preconditions with their own hands that they will either agree. or the protest will bring to the surface some political figure from below, this also cannot be ruled out, let's say so. mr. volodymyr, we understand that the kremlin has its own interests in this game itself. in your opinion, what is the goal pursued in moscow in this case, specifically in relation to georgia?
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in moscow, they are now very satisfied, you see, in why the thing, now why so... there are two, let's say, versions that i like, which complement each other, that is , it seems banal, banal that he, these steps, the last, this is the second time, to adopt this bill, made deliberately from submission from moscow, his problem is that now there is no question whether it is true or not, i know what i am talking about, in this belief in brussels and washington. now the people who, on the eve of georgia being given a candidate for membership, it was recently, absolutely, i am familiar with them personally, and in europe, and actually in georgia, they are now circulating in brussels, who lobbied to give georgia a candidacy under this government, this is what the situation looks like, the second situation, that politically technologically binzino ivanishvili was led to this decision, again
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with moscow, or according to the moscow political technology, political technology, when he made such a... and so on, during the 20th-23rd years they tried to make two attempts at a revolution in georgia, but it did not happen, it absolutely did not happen, if we talk about the logic of the protest and support it, then its problem is that this help from abroad there is no, but it can ... appear, no, so technologically russia is now very satisfied, because it feels quite comfortable in it, or the georgian government will stand, being absolutely toxic there, i don't know ... no love absolute analogies there with belarus or with someone, and will fix his power by putting already officially, there is a barrier on the way to the eu, to nato, under all these pseudo-analytical conversations about
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commitment there to the global south, from the same opera, by the way, the active contacts of the georgian authorities the day before with china, with hungary orbeno, all this is one and the same line, it has been going on for quite some time, not the last few months. on the other hand, if... er , these processes in georgia will continue to be chaotic, that is, in an unforeseen scenario, well , i absolutely do not rule out some harsh actions there from the currently occupied territories of the tskhinvali region or abkhazia, and there will be analytical petrushkas here on the ground who will tell us that it is not russia's fault, that it is not theirs, let's put it this way, the proxies in the form of the authorities in georgia are to blame, and those who went to the protests will not foresee it there. something is why now in russia in its current strategy of promoting the transcaucasia project, even if it is sagging on the ukrainian front, they feel absolutely normal. thank you,
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thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr kovchak, the head of the south caucasian branch of the konovani army research center, was with us from tbilisi, and now yevgeny manda is with us. executive director of the institute of world politics. congratulations, mr. yevgeny. mr. yevgeny , good evening. tell me, please, that we are now talking about a difficult situation at the front, we are talking in general about these forecasts from the main intelligence agency, this is how mr. skibitsky voices it, but in particular he says that the situation will be worse in the near future, and russia will here is this so-called so-called three-layer, relatively speaking, hybrid option of applying pressure on ukraine, in your opinion, what could it be ? and why will it happen now? in my opinion, mr. skibitsky obviously has more information than you and i, due to
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the specifics of his activity, but we also have to show that we have some information, so i personally came to the conclusion that russia is implementing the kremlin spring in several directions , various and i think that this spring will not end in june, because in the middle of june there is a meeting, well , a peace summit in switzerland, until then, on the one hand, switzerland, sorry, russia will try to achieve maximum success on the front, it is accordingly corresponds to the pace of providing ukraine with american, specifically american weapons, because they are... at the moment, well , the most powerful among all the types of weapons that are provided to us, but this is one point, the second point is definitely
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an attempt to discredit of the ukrainian political leadership and the military leadership, for example, yesterday's, well, i would say, absolutely irreproachable. about the resignation of oleksandr syrsky is one of the elements of such pressure. of course, people who closely monitor the information field are in this one i couldn't believe the nonsense, but there are people who use russian-language telegram channels, which are anonymous, who write about ukraine, as a source of information. for themselves and they could believe these things, i have already repeated more than once and more than twice, and sorry, i have to repeat today that people who use
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russian-language anonymous telegram channels as a source of information are consuming informational crap, sorry, that's exactly it that's what it's called, the next element, mr. yevheni can do, the ukrainian-language channel, you have to give it to him you know, mr. vitaliy, they didn’t like it for 800 days, and i think that my personal assumptions are that the source of the activity of such channels is the so -called transnistrian-moldovan republic, i will not i can't reveal now what makes me draw these conclusions, but i think they will be confirmed at the moment when we have additional... official information. the next element of kremlin spring 2024 is definitely an attempt to show that western
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aid is... effective in different ways, and at the moment, it is an exhibition of trophy equipment, in moscow, in the so-called victory museum, there is a lot of things there, including hitler's cap, i think that you can also throw in shoigu's cap there or something else, i don't know, putin's mauser, well it is, but i believe that... next week we will see the culmination of this spring in the form of an outbreak of victory frenzy with the inauguration of putin as putin. this is due to the fact that the russian authorities absolutely clearly position that the terrorist attack in krokushol, according to the russian leadership, is ukrainian business, and they will
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broadcast it absolutely... powerfully to russian citizens and to citizens of other countries, for what? they will broadcast it to the european union, to the states, so that the next wave of aid is less effective, spends more time on it, and in general, does a lot more. well, let's say complicated, that is, they want to scale this mergeorylor green, well, to put it simply , these elements, unfortunately, include the executions of ukrainian prisoners of war, which are already recorded even by international human rights organizations, which, frankly speaking, do not pamper us with
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an adequate approach quite often. for the simple reason that it is happening so massively, unfortunately, and so undisguised that it is impossible to ignore it, it is also an element of destabilization, and of course, discrediting the future peace summit, i do not have high expectations for it, but for russia, the possibility of dozens of countries, the leaders of dozens of countries to gather and seek... a common language on how to defeat russia, how to put russia in its place, this is obviously unacceptable son, actually today, by the way, russia declared zelenskyi and poroshenko wanted, mr. yevgeny, this also includes, conditionally speaking, this madness in the conditional destabilization plan that you are talking about, or in the conditional victory
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until may 9. i think that this is just a slightly different context, it is related to the involvement of ukraine, it is related to the involvement of ukraine in making it factual'. the citizens of our country believed and as many state leaders as possible believed that on may 20 , zelensky's presidential powers will end, this is not true, and i believe that in ukraine, regardless of our political views, we should clearly position the fact that the mandate of the ukrainian president will end.
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with the inauguration of the next ukrainian president, it is absolutely obvious, as well as the fact that holding presidential elections in conditions of war is currently impossible, and any wishes of our partners in this sense, they look quite, well, i would say, naive , because the american scenario of 1944, we can not ... transfer to ukraine, because unlike ukraine, there were no occupied territories in the united states. it cannot be related to the fact that russia also wants to delegitimize the peace summit in this way, well, at least for the countries of the global south, well, there will be some kind of meeting, but you are coming to a meeting with a person who is wanted by us.


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