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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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the ukrainian president will end with the inauguration of the next ukrainian president, it is absolutely obvious, as well as the fact that it is impossible to hold presidential elections in conditions of war at the moment, and any wishes of our partners in this sense, they seem sufficient, well, i would say naively, because we cannot transfer the american scenario of a thousand... years to ukraine, because in the united states there were no occupied territories, unlike ukraine. and tell me, mr. yevgeny, yes, could this not also be connected with the fact that russia is also in this way wants to delegitimize the peace summit, well, at least for the countries of the global south, well, there will be some kind of meeting, but you are coming to a meeting with a person who is wanted by us.
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there will be no negotiations with this person, well, you understand, this argument, i think, can be for countries, a number of countries, perhaps in the global south, which do not quite clearly formulate their own, own vision of the current situation, i do not think that anyone from representatives, let's say the g20 even, with the exception of russia, it can somehow scare away, well... come on, let's be realistic, so that everyone who is aware of the logic of international law, they understand that the warrant of the russian ministry of internal affairs, it is not worth the paper on which it was written, it is absolutely clear, well, let's go a little in a different direction, remember another circumstance, that the warrant between . of the people's
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criminal court, which was issued against putin and lvovai bilova for the kidnapping of ukrainian children, he did not completely stop communicating with putin, did he? and i think that the international criminal court, it is a little more weighty than the russian ministry of internal affairs, well, in my personal system of values ​​and legal consciousness, and i would very much like to hear from. of the west, the position of the g7 countries, how they will treat putin, how they will address him after may 7, mr. putin, president putin, self-proclaimed president putin, this is a very serious matter, because the re-election of putin to the post of putin took place, including on occupied ukrainian territories, on the largest occupied area. countries after
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1945, and if the world community is going to swallow it, it is actually quite a serious challenge to everything that will to take place in the future after may 7 in the international arena. and tell me, mr. yevgeny, what about this situation, what about what you were talking about, about this international warrant for putin's arrest? on other things, as far as you think, it now affects the perception of the russian leadership, regarding all these pseudo-criminal actions, regarding the ukrainian helmsmen, i think that the russian leadership, first of all, it leads, well , no matter how much we want the opposite, but it deliberately stands on the position that ukraine is a temporarily lost territory, and it does not matter who it is the ukrainian president. we, as a mirror, have to
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approach somewhat differently. for us, the position should be a little different. we must realize that putin's physical presence in power is irrelevant. there is a collective putin. and it is formed. and the ideology of collective putin, the ideology of racism, it strongly resembles the ideology of nazism. it is a paradox when the country, which is the rightful successor, calls itself the rightful successor of the soviet union, as one of the winners of nazism, promotes the ideas of racism, which are copied from hitler's ideology. i do not know, why are they still not studying min in schools in russia? one more question. literally, we don't
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have much time left, it concerns the visits this week, we also had jens stoltenberg and mr. cameron, minister of foreign affairs of velika, in ukraine. britain, these visits, do they mean something for our country, are they to some extent symbolic, especially before this summit, or do they in principle carry no geopolitical load? no, they bear the burden, and not only in the fact that jen stoltenberg apologized for the ineffectiveness of nato aid and promised that further... it will be better, well, he will continue, literally from the fall he will no longer have to be responsible for this, because he will finally give up, forgive me the words, the position of the secretary general of nato, and accordingly, he will move further on his personal path, and
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the obvious secret is that the secretary general will soon everything will be mark rutt, i think this shows that... the west is sending a fairly clear political signal to russia that ukraine is in the sphere of constant constant attention, that the west is not leaving ukraine alone with russia, as it were she didn't want it the other way around. it absolutely is a clear awareness, a clear signal, and i don't think we should doubt it. yes, stoltenberg made us understand that we are at the anniversary summit in washington, despite our expectation. we will not receive an invitation to nato. i would n't dramatize it. i would still be inclined to the fact that ukraine should eventually start its loud statements to support the demonstration
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of an adequate position within the state itself. that is, by strengthening the personnel of the government, as close as possible to the government. to national unity, thank you, mr. yevhen, yevhen magda was at our place communication, we will now break literally for a few minutes, but you stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matrik topper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, for... for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you
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olenivka is a prison in the occupied territory of ukraine, where russia. did not keep thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages, they wrapped them with tape and beat them very badly. journalists found those involved in the crimes. names of those responsible for crimes in olenivka in the new film investigation olenivka - curators of evil on the espresso tv channel on may 6 at 9:15 p.m. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self -titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant issues public discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project. this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be
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relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at spresso. dear brothers and sisters, christ is risen. from the cathedral of st. sophia of kyiv, a thousand-year-old spiritual center of the local ukrainian orthodox church, from the saints of the kyivopechersk lavra, which is freed from the yarmas world and returns to its true spiritual calling, from i send my heartfelt easter greetings to st. michael's cathedral, a symbol of the spiritual infamy of our people and the grateful memory of ukrainian heroes. let this bright greeting be a reminder for us that light always overcomes darkness, and... life is unbreakable and eternal. easter is not just the victory of life over death, it is also
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the cornerstone of our faith. believe in the possibility of changes for the better, in our common strength and invincibility of the spirit. this holiday emphasizes the victory of life over any trials, reminding that the greatest value is not only the ability to persevere, but also the ability to find the strength to continue the journey forward with each new day, keeping hope and love in the heart. may the risen christ bring you... and your relatives hope and comfort, i give you strength and inspiration to continue moving forward, despite all obstacles, because christ is truly risen. saturday political club live, we 're back after a short break, and we already have no... this is artis pabriks, minister of defense of latvia in 2010-2014 and in 2019-22
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, director of the northern think tank europe policy center, former member of the european parliament. mr. artis, good evening. good evening to you too. let's start with the elections to the european parliament, in which you are participating now, once again, one might say. french president emmanuel macron called on europe to come to its senses now, he said about the sending of right-wing forces that could win the elections to the european parliament, there are many pro-russian politicians among the candidates, you also have, you know, ms. tetiana zhdanok, who for many years represented the latvian republic in the european parliament, abducted in cooperation with you and i are not surprised, but the audience is surprised now, of course, what should be done by a responsible
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politician to stop this populist march, match, you know, when you live under the conditions of a democracy, people can definitely choose politicians of their taste and choice in latvia. we also have quite a lot of citizens who are ethnic russians in their origin, and so far we have proven that ms. zhdanok, and we are talking about this, that she was connected with the russian special services, she had the right to run for any positions as well, but... well, so when we now
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hope for new elections to the latvian parliament, there will be nine candidates for the european parliament from latvia, by the way, now there is no ms. zhdanok, and i would say that it is not at all clear which candidates will come from my country. but i can say that the next european parliament, on the one hand, will be a crisis and a war, and on the other hand, it will be quite dispersed. and thirdly, it will be polarized, so we can be sure that also in the european parliament will have many members who will sympathize with the kremlin, putin's russia, this is an established fact, it is not a question of whom latvians like, a question of the so-called
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western europeans, because russian... agents, let's say people, by parties, by public organizations, according to mass media, have been working with moscow for a long time, there are such people all over europe and also in america. mr. artis, we are getting information from latvia, from the latvian media, from latvian officials that latvia... yet is also preparing for a possible war with russia, a shelter is being built, relatively speaking, some fortifications are appearing near the border, in your opinion, is such a threat real, relatively speaking, within the next few years? so far, but i'd be lying to you if
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i said there's no pe'. across all the border countries, from finland to poland, and of course the baltic countries, but you have to understand, this is correct, we get science from history, we already had it in the 39th, and... 40 years of occupation, we now have to do all right in the event of any war, however hybrid, whatever, god forbid, something happens on our borders, we have to be 100% ready, and this is our role, because the best way
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to fight back is, let's say, to reject any aggression, discouragement... this is our strength, and we hope that we will be strong, we will not let anyone break our border, and therefore we protect it, and in the worst case scenario, in his case, there will be no war, well, if there is, then we must be ready, this week the minister of foreign affairs of latvia was in our country, ms. baiba brazhe, and she... western diplomats said that there is a possibility of using western weapons for strikes on the sovereign territory of russia, that's what i would say is an unexpected fact that it was from riga that it first sounded, and then from london. do you think this approach will change the situation with the war? well, you see, our... current
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minister, she recently became a minister, but she has been in diplomacy for a long time, and we already see here that ukrainians have every right to defend their country with all available means, and from this point of view, we are doing what is possible for in order to to encourage and urge also our western allies, starting. up to the united states, so that the latter will provide ukraine with all the weapons systems it needs, and we see no reason for ukraine to refrain from any action, from any action, if your commanders, your leadership deem it necessary, because we
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understand, at least our perception is that you are competing for your existence. if so, who are we to limit ukraine's ability to defend itself, that is, it is your right? ukrainian intelligence, british intelligence, v principles, western mass media, in recent months have been saying that there could be a new offensive around the end of may, the beginning of june, meaning the russian offensive, yes, what do you think? do you have such possible information, or you, being the minister of defense of latvia in the 10th and 14th years and the last years, how are you? do you assess this possibility, or is it realistic that russia will really go on a larger offensive? well, you see, i
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would say that you have to resort to common sense here, certainly, i can't share anything in terms of intelligence from latvian intelligence, but certainly russia sees that... they do not get the necessary support from a number of western countries, at least in time, they know, and we know, that ukraine does not have enough shells, there is no ammunition, and a lot of things are missing from that the western countries could or should provide, so there is some healing in that part, while the russians know that the us elections are coming up. very close to bryzka, may 9, the favorite holiday of the victory over germany, so
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they see it as an opportunity, a good opportunity, to seize more, press on the ukrainians, as much as possible, before it fully arrives, help is needed and has already been provided from the united states and allied countries. i say that, in my opinion, the russian strategy is to push as much as possible, because the russians have always been indifferent to people, to their own soldiers, they are indifferent to their own humanity, everything does not matter, they want to capture as much as possible on the front line, then hope , that for example, let's say, if there is a new american president and... or some public pressure in western europe, calling on ukraine to victories from russia, then they will say that they are
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peaceful, good and bad, and they will be able to freeze the conflict, stabilize what they have lost and stay in their positions in ukraine, this is not our figure, it is... the figure of many of our friends and supporters of ukraine. we believe that the only country and nation that can say that it is necessary to start negotiations with this totalitarian, authoritarian, aggressive russia is ukraine and ukrainians. no one else can do it, and whether it will be in the european union or at the washington nato summit, which is already bresku, we will. ukrainian positions, no matter what they are, because we believe that you have the right to freedom, to choice, to life, and
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any violence, any military action is not illegal, and we experienced it in our own history, and we do not want to return to this in the future, it is quite understandable that the civilized... parliament in the elections that will take place in just a few weeks, and now from latvia to france we will talk with the political commentator denys kolesnyk, we congratulate mr. denys, here he is now we will have it, and we are with him
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let's talk about these statements made by emmanuel macron, the president of the french republic, who said that he even sees the prerequisites for the introduction of french troops. to the territory of ukraine, mentioned these prerequisites, it is a breakthrough of the front, let's say, when something will threaten ukrainian statehood, and if there is a corresponding request to paris from the side of ukraine, it is interesting, true, andrii tovashe, and by the way, i think that we we will also talk verbally about the possible, or rather not possible, meeting in sydney, and this is also an important topic, it this meeting will start on monday, here in paris and... and the fact is simply important that we thought at the beginning that emmanuel macron would just say about the troops, and i will not mention it at all anymore, or such a beautiful
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phrase, he continues to advance the thesis... to advance even despite the reluctance of his western colleagues to hear it, and this is also a very interesting moment, not just to advance, to specify, to insist, and i think that this is such a serious story, mr. denis, congratulations, have a good day, how did you perceive this new statement of the president of france, where already specific prerequisites for the introduction of french troops into ukraine, it is called, that, well... it was, in principle, specific and from the very beginning, in my opinion, france set this strategic ambiguity, this strategic uncertainty, and in principle , it is in the context of that was announced at the end of february this year, as far as i'm concerned, there are no such quirks, let's say, nothing new, as far as i'm concerned, mr. denys, that's the question, in fact, we expect xi jinping's meeting to begin on monday with...
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macron, maybe with scholz. we understand that this is quite a large and quite large-scale such a tour of the chinese leader. what do you really expect from this meeting? well, first of all, scholz won't be there, it's official. she will be for scholze and for everyone else. by the way, scholze was offered to join this trio, but he refused because he had them. he has other plans, he had planned a visit to the baltic countries, i think lithuania and latvia, so he will not be there in the pandemic year of 2019, if i am not mistaken, yes, but there is also the fact that he will visit france, which has now essentially taken a key position in europe in terms of
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supporting ukraine and which is the only one. by a nuclear power, a member of the european union, which has, i mean its own nuclear forces, and not through nuclear sharing, but at the same time shijin pin will also go to, let's say, more, or let's say, less anti-russian countries, like serbia or hungary, that is why it is necessary to look here as well, regarding the issues that will be discussed, it was, it is logical, that in met on thursday. scholz and macron, because they have agreed on certain positions, and basically macron will speak an agreed position with scholz, but the main issues that are of interest to, for example , france, this is a commercial issue, because the trade, the turnover of trade between france and china, he is quite playing not in the hands of france, and france imports a lot, it seems that china is the second partner of france in terms of imports, but at the end it is somewhere in the tens in terms of
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exports, so i ... a very, very large deficit in the trade balance between france and china, not in the direction of france, there is also the question of ukraine, of course, where last year we remember that the french delegation flew to china and tried, let's say, to ask china so that china would somehow influence russia, so that russia would come to its senses regarding war with ukraine, but we see that visas and nothing has happened there, so it is possible, more precisely not that it is possible, that ukraine will appear. in these conversations and this will also be one of the main priorities of french diplomacy, but we should also not forget that france has also overseas territories, and the question of the indo-pacific, yes, the quiet ater, the asia-pacific region, it is also interesting in principle for france, where china has its own ambitions. but we roughly understand what position macron will still take, but
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according to sydzenpin, what he will actually tell macron, what he will convince him, actually do, or how to act in the context of ukraine, is it possible to connect it, maybe , before this global peace summit to be held in june? it is very difficult for me to speak about chijin ping's position and in general china, since i am not an expert on china, it is not a country that i know, i can speak for france, so i refrain from this comment, but i can say. that china will definitely try to explain its vision and its position regarding the russian conflict, china will also assure france that it is not helping russia. but tell me, the limon publication, let's say, wrote before sidzempi's visit that the elysee palace really wants to express their concerns to the chinese leader in connection with the activities certain chinese companies that...


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