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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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will go to vote, he will have only one idea, so that he will never be called to the shopping center again. his wife will have the idea that she, him or her husband will never be called to the tc, his mother will have the idea that her son will never be called to cska. no one will have any more ideas. if you tell them: "listen, i'm peter petrovsky, i'll do it." so that we, that russia will never fight with us, we will not, we will remember, be proud of our military successes, honor our defenders, but there will never be another war, you will not have to fight, because we will build a completely different system mutually, i will become the president for 20 years, you will take me out of the bank, simply because i have already dried up in the presidential office, you know, for so long this society will have a fear of war, the problem is that...
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in fact, these thoughts that you are talking about now, they are already being discussed somewhere, in a whisper, so to speak, by individual people, and the audience will not let them lie, that in fact people are already somewhere, somewhere , somewhere they say that it is, well, the main thing is that it doesn't happen wars, well, it was russia that played it out all the time, remember 2014, at first the party of war was declared... the right sector, somewhat mythical, which was blown up on all russian tv screens, but there were some opposition leaders there, yatsenyuk, klitschko, tyagnebok, who they went to negotiations, tried to maintain the situation, they were talked about as politicians, yanukovych fled, the people's front created by yatsenyuk and his associates became the party of war, and petro poroshenko and his party began to seem like normal constructive politics. ago
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what was considered in russia, which means they are more capable of capitulation, when it turned out that this was not the case, poroshenko was declared the leader of the war party, but an absolutely constructive person, well, volodymyr oleksandrovich, we will meet with him, and suddenly volodymyr oleksandrovich after the first meeting, when it turns out that he is not going to capitulate, the leader of the war party is also the leader of the war party, that is , they are constantly trying to... demonstrate to ukrainians that everyone who defends national interests and does not capitulate to russia, even if different ideas about national interests, this is the leader of the war party, that national interests is war, and if you want peace, then vote for the leader of the peace party, who is the leader of the peace party? volodymyr vladimirovych will tell you, he will pull out the envelopes with the surname and everything, and they try to do it all the time. moreover, you see that they
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are changing these leaders of the war party, some people are winning in the political struggle with others, because they are positioned as the leaders of the peace party, against the leaders of the war party, constructive people, and as soon as they just talk, well, we well, ukrainian politicians, we will not give you ukraine, well, the leader of the party, and why the leader of the war party, and because we are at war with those who do not want to give us ukraine, simple logic, and it is dangerous... dangerous, i well, i say, you need to get ready for this, even if the war does not end, let’s say this, andriy, you need to prepare for this, because otherwise we will get such a country of the belarusian-hungarian type, well, we will actually return to the hybrid option that was, let let's say so, until 2014, a hybrid version, therefore that we have to understand one thing, that in the end it doesn't matter. the ultimate goal of russia will be the elimination
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of ukrainian statehood, and the ultimate goal will still be war, in whatever form it is, no no no no because, because russia generally believes that this statehood, it may not be loyal, but integrated, these are different types idea, well, that is, by and large, maybe statehood can be preserved in the belarusian version, when you definitely... you know, this is what josep borel talked about today, i think, or yesterday at a lecture in okshgorsk university, that there can be a government like the belarusian one, that is, a government that will provide its territory as a bridgehead for russian troops, well, the base in sevastopol, well, it is already on the territory of russia, as putin thinks, well, that means in uzhgorod, somewhere else to there were bases there, and they said that you are an independent state, you have a president medvedchuk or some other chuk, but you... just our bases guarantee
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you peace, we will not attack you, because our troops are already here , and they won't attack you either, remember where you were... once all this was used, but we had mr. publix in the program, we have such a term that the soviet union occupied the baltic countries, but this is not exactly the case, that is , the occupation did take place, but it was not external, because at first the governments the baltic countries signed an agreement with the soviet union on the location of its military bases on the territory of latvia, lithuania and estonia. and then many people said, let's say finland, which was against this, but why are you sending soviet troops to you, what do you want at all receive, and moscow said the opposite, well , why should we do anything with your sovereignty, when our military is already at your bases, well
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, that is, sovereignty is already limited, when, when the military, when the military, relatively speaking, of the occupying power or ... this is a good example, so this is the idea, and this idea may very much appeal to many of our compatriots, who will say, listen, well, if they have bases here, they will not fight with us, if they have them here anyway yes, everything is fine, we still need to put up
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a monument to pushkin so that they calm down, then why are you insulting pushkin, by the way, about the monument to pushkin, and there is one more threat in addition to this, which is that... unlike georgia, ukraine was all the time under this informational, informational, informational occupation of russia , civilization-informational, media, you can call it in different ways, yes, that is, when even now in 2024, today, may 4, many of our compatriots still continue to consume some product, russian, considering if people are older. generations that stopped doing it, then the youth, then the youth, who watches, let's say, tiktok, she watches its russian-language samples, and the russians are already actively working on it, because they understand all, i would say, the charms of this situation, i already see people who
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say in tiktok, oh, i i'm out of politics, that's already happened, i don't want to talk about politics, peace to all, they are the same people as we are there too, well... what can they do and what can we do, they don't want their atm, we don't do we want our atm, what separates us at all? russia, if earlier, it came through tv, then today it enters through social networks, through tiktok, through youtube, through various paid platforms, including russian content, which, unfortunately, is understandable to many of our citizens, and many of our citizens believe that if it understand, if... it's available, if it's free, if it's close to someone's heart, listen, well, there's no politics there, there aren't those red stars on the forehead, that's right, there aren't, but, but, what's the point , we are all people, as they say, kharlapov,
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confidant of the president of russia, garik burdu kharlabov, the confidant of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, should never forget this, all these people. who play in comedy skits, who say, be with me, how to join me, like crimea, hahaha, and you have no politics, this is a joke, and this is how the mentality changes, because what in principle is a tragedy, becomes simply, conditionally speaking, the subject of someone else's joke, and people usually change their mentality, which then gives an opportunity to make a profit on this ground, even their own shameless populists, right there. too there is an important thing that all this, i would say, talk of the times of the club of the merry and resourceful, aka all-soviet, is the triumph of stupidity, and this triumph of stupidity is still used so that people do not have any real
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civilizational landmarks, and this is a huge problem , a vivid example, until recently everyone was watching the popularity of the so-called rashish tv series slovo. yes, absolutely, absolutely russian technology, fsbshna, and the technology, because it was filmed with the money of the fund that shoots, that supports. documentaries and feature films films about the occupation of ukraine, i.e. this purely fsb project, and, unfortunately, there will be many more such projects, but mostly in order to convince young people that we are all the same, here you have a gang in kazan, in someone has a gang in ryazan, and you have a gang somewhere in some town in the east of ukraine, what, what are we fighting for in general, it’s all politicians, it’s all zelenskyi, you understand, they still say that zelenskyi, zelenskyi did not
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fulfill minsk agreement, zelensky started a war with russia, they are about the same thing, until says things about zelensko, that they were talking about poroshenko before his election, absolutely sure, there will be a next president, it will be the same, but you elected him so that he would be friends with us, he is a bastard. lets you live as long as you have left to live, and these years are taken away, so it's true, it's hard to fight it, precisely because people themselves have to make this choice, and they don't, mr. vitaly, like us, what steps do we have to take , as a society, as a government, as possible to certain institutions, individual state institutions, in general, as a state in order to avoid this. the scenario that you and i have been talking about for the last 20 minutes, and the scenario both in
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the political plane, the cultural plane, well, and then in the end we understand the military plane, what should we do, apart from fighting, apart from fighting, here in if the scenario that you just voiced, that you and i just laid out for our viewers to avoid this, and not to turn into russia, because ... as valery zaluzhnyi absolutely accurately said at the time, a small soviet army will not defeat a large soviet army, and the small soviet union did not the great soviet union will win, it doesn't happen, ugh, you see, there is nothing surprising in the fact that countries with very similar regimes can fight each other, remember the war between the people's republic of china and the socialist republic of vietnam, which everyone talked about sarcastically, with on both sides, red flags, that's where. a very, very instructive story, didn't they divide some part of the large territory, did china want to stand up for its
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chinese who lived on the territory of vietnam, by the way, the russian-pagan population, and they started war, but the purpose of this war in both countries was not to change social systems, anything like that at all, but simply to show who is the boss, who is the main state here, after which, after the end of the war, they continued to communicate as if this... war never happened, and this is also a very important moment that must be said, this is such a real story, we are still at war with russia in a civilizational way, because we are not just fighting for identity, but for freedom as part of this identity, so i believe that when we we say, russia is a dictatorship, it is effective, let's create one still something effective. authoritarian with control over information, with a marathon, with a vertical of power, how much we all talk,
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yevhen magda is speaking today, about the government of national unity, of course it looks funny from the point of view of people who grew up in the soviet union and believe that the only effective vertical is this is the vertical of putin and lukashenko, why should we share power with someone, why should we share authority with someone at all, when we know everything better than everyone else, and understand everything better than everyone else, and putin lukashenko thinks so about himself, why we have a diversity of opinions about... about what the state should look like if we can completely control the entire information flow, but now we are saying again, here are the results of the control, that people are beginning to fall into depression, because the same tv channels, who the day before yesterday told them that tomorrow everything will be fine, and the war will be over, and you don't have to go anywhere at all, and if you went abroad, well done, you don't have any, you don't burden our economy, because you ... did not allow such a large number of people, now they are saying the opposite, you must
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understand that the territory may still be occupied, you will all serve and you must serve and not invent illusions that you can somehow survive this war, in this way, let yourself speak, what can we do, and if you went abroad, then you are hardly a traitor, i am not even talking about men of this age, in general, because those who stayed here are people who really love ukraine, well, what about you ? if you did not get rid of these 80 and 10 million people who are there let's go, how would you even survive in the first stages of the war, these were people who lost everything very often, houses, apartments, property, you had no money to pay them, money for living, there was no housing for them, and no there was nothing and now you blame them for leaving, when you yourself proved unable to provide for the existence of so many people in a territory controlled by a legitimate government, you yourself called the people to save themselves, why is it all changing
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on the same channel, and if there was diversity, there would be discussion. not about war, you see, again, i generally think that about war and the conduct of hostilities, this is also everyone’s favorite pastime, one must speak very carefully, and one must speak about what is happening with social life, one must discuss, one must one tv channel had one idea about ukraine in the future, another had another, and then we need to have a clear understanding that we have a chance to change the government after the war, not to confirm the existing authority. and so that if people believe that the government has failed in 2022, that they can signal it clearly during elections, and for that we need a free press, and for that we need political competition, and for that we need shared responsibility, a lot needs to be done now, because otherwise, you see, we will turn into a soviet-russian civilization before the end of the war, and then
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we'll just be in the russian arena, look, georgia is a candidate for membership of the european union. georgian society voted for nato membership, was a supporter of nato membership, there were 90% of people in favor of it when we were 30. why did it interfere, that it guaranteed? we must clearly understand that no sociological sentiments that we currently record in sociological surveys do not guarantee us the fact that ukraine will turn into a russian political, cultural and economic province faster than it seems to us, and we at the same time can be considered candidates for membership of the european union, and moreover, let's not forget that people can even become members, let's not forget that these data, surveys, people's opinions can change, that is, we are now actually measuring people when during the active phase
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war, the temperature of the palace, and when we are, relatively speaking, war. stops, ends, here any wording can be taken, we can have or get completely different data. by the way, about responsibility, i believe that it should really include responsibility, but in addition to those persons who dragged the russian peace here. in our country, de facto, the people who dragged russian peace into ukraine are not entirely responsible for something, some of them still sit in the verkhovna rada, some of them still vote. part of them allegedly repainted into patriots, someone did not completely repaint, but in fact is already slowly starting to drown for such a light russian peace, and this is a big problem. there is one more question that we have, we talked not only about such a society, such a social problem, we also
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talked with you just now about the informational and cultural influence of russia, which has always been one of... one of the key influences on the ukrainian audience, on ukrainian society, on different, and stratification dimensions of ukrainian society, what should we do with it, how should we now or now, in the future, in the coming years , to change this russian cultural and informational influence in ukraine, what should it be, to ban something or to propose something, to build some kind of... conditional wall from all this, taking into account the fact that that we can't ban tiktok there, or at least not yet, for now, because we 'll see what else the united states of america will do , yes, but what should we do here, what should be, from your point of view , a comprehensive approach to was not in ukrainian heads
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of the russian world and that phones, computers, and tablets do not flow from ukrainian monitors there. this russian peace. the first issue is popularization, these are grants for the production of ukrainian products, state grants, sponsors' grants. we must, let's say, help people who want to make a ukrainian product. this should be an important component of cultural policy, not only in cinema, not only in science, but also in social networks. the more there will be in... ukrainian tiktok, the less russian there will be, the more quality there will be product, we saw it in terms of quotas for radio broadcasting, on all qi, about all these things, the sooner this issue will be resolved. first, secondly, what also needs to be done, by and large, we now have only a few classes in which the russian language is studied
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throughout the country, the russian language ceases to be the language of instruction, so you just need to understand the process when it ceases to be a language everyday communication, it is not one year, it is 5, 10, 15 years, but the state and society should simply realize that this process must develop by maintaining this standard. but if the russian language will be in tiktok, youtube, then it is unlikely that anything will change, of course, it means that there should be more ukrainian-language product everywhere, and i say this again, it is this ukrainian-language product that needs to be popularized and sponsored by the state and relevant cultural institutions. the second point is verification. we have begun to live in the age of anonymous news and at the same time in the age of artificial intelligence. i can you. now, in half an hour, create an anonymous youtube channel, which will be called something correct, honest, and give your a speech where you will
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say in pure russian that you like putin and still believe that russia will win this war, because you have such and such calculations, and soon it will be a full informational reality, all possibilities. there is already a technical way to do it, because the vast majority of ukrainians have switched to telegram and anonymous sources of information, and people don’t even understand the difference when you tell them: listen, there it is, let’s say there, i don’t know the whatsapp or telegram channel of the washington post, but what is written there is for it's the newsroom's responsibility, it's a legal entity, it can be sued, it can win millions of dollars, at the end of the day, this newsroom values ​​its reputation if it... some anonymous information, it's information from three or four sources that have to be verified, and about these sources the journalist must inform
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the administration of his publication, otherwise he will lose his job, not only there, forever, and if you just open some bullshit, you say: i think it's true, because i heard that this channel pov' associated with the office of the president of ukraine, or maybe he is connected not with the office of the president of ukraine, but with the administration of the president. in russia, if this is an anonymous channel, how do you know, then the third state must also make certain decisions related to the verification of anonymous sources, that is, so that people who deal with anonymous information are firstly known, and secondly, they are responsible for their actions, as it happens, they were responsible, including the possibility of filing a lawsuit, fines, criminal prosecution for slander, so that these people realize that by printing these or other... fake news or something else in the telegram, which can, by the way, threaten the national security of the state, they can at any moment end up in prison, and this is absolutely normal in such a situation in which
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the modern world exists, so these laws are necessary adopt as soon as possible, because i repeat again, in six months we will no longer need to record any telephone conversations, spend any money on any technologies, any bugs, it will be possible to be absolutely calm. show you zelenskyi's conversation with putin, where zelenskyi asks putin has 2 billion dollars in order to continue the war, and putin will say: i don’t have two, i will give you one and a half, and it will be an absolutely specific film that will have nothing to do with zelensky, nor will you need any pranksters, you know where we're going, and it 's not the day after tomorrow, it's tomorrow, and if... we continue to live in a world where large numbers of people trust anonymous sources of information simply because they write what those people like , then consider that we lost not informational
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war, but an ordinary war, and you can hang a lock on the gate to ukraine, because no hot war will allow us to remain safe in such a situation, if we believe any made-up stories, and moreover , we must also continue to work on ... the maximum limitation of the russian product, unfortunately, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, other structures are not working to adapt modern ukrainian legislation to current realities. we live in the past. what was relevant in zero years, in ten years, what was relevant even two years ago, it is no longer relevant now, and therefore we must work as much as possible with our legislation and... with international organizations, international social networks of various kinds, so that there is no russian product in ukraine.
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exclusive interviews, goals, highlights, emotions, project, both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format, every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads. it will be even better with us, a special view of events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and what for the bile? allochol, he and
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the liver. and bile protects. hello hall with care and respect for the liver of izhovchnoy. greetings to everyone from espresso. i am anayeva melnyk and this is news. minus collaborator. in occupied berdyansk, members of the resistance movement liquidated. a collaborator, an employee of the so -called correctional colony, is actually a torture chamber, reports the councilor of the mariupol city chairman petro andryushchenko. according to the russians, someone planted an improvised explosive device under the traitor's car, and he died on the spot from his injuries. drone just into a civilian car. the russians settled mykhailivka in donetsk region. in the car at the time of impact.


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