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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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what to do when there will be a liver, alochol, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. greetings to all. who is espresso? i am annayeva melnyk and this is news. minus collaborator. in the still occupied berdyansk, the members of the resistance movement liquidated the collaborator, an employee of the so -called correctional colony, actually a torture chamber - reports the adviser of the mariupol mayor, petro andryushchenko. according to the russians, someone planted an improvised explosive device under the traitor's car. from injuries received, he died on the spot. just a drone in civilian clothes.
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the russians surrounded the car in mykhailivka in donetsk region, people were sitting in the car at the time of the hit, a man and two women were injured, the regional prosecutor's office informs, the injured were hospitalized. rescuers found the man's body from the rubble of a house in druzhkivka, donetsk region. according to the state emergency service, the russians hit the private sector of the city yesterday, damaging 12 houses, a garage, a car, a gas pipeline and... muscovites were also hit in chasovoy yar and pokrovsk. in the last one two people died. there is destruction everywhere, the regional police say. large-scale fires broke out in sumy oblast due to russian shelling, the state emergency service reported . a residential sector and a civilian object were on fire in shostkin district. according to preliminary data, two people were injured.
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at least six people, including a child , were injured due to enemy night attacks in kharkov, russians shot at the private sector of the osnovyansky district, the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office said, a forty-year-old man suffered an explosive injury another five townspeople, including an eight-year-old girl, have an acute reaction to stress. at least eight residential buildings were damaged, farm buildings, garages and cars were on fire. 20-25, that's how many of his soldiers putin concentrated near the temporary ravine, said the spokesman of the operational command of khortytsia, nazar voloshyn. he reminded that, according to intelligence data, the enemy is trying to strengthen with new military units and complete the old ones. it happens differently in different directions, but the armed forces are sure that the russians will not be able to capture the city. to
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may 9 is a sacred date for them, and the espresso tv channel is collecting communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction. they are fighting for our independence with you in hard battles. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious 700. 2000 hryvnias, less than 90 thousand remain to be collected, there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join in, everyone you see the details on the screen. more than 1 billion dollars, that's how much damage the russians caused to the ukrainian energy infrastructure this spring, - minister of energy herman galushchenko said on the air of the telethon. according to the minister, the main damage was done. objects of thermal and
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hydrogen generation, as well as electricity transmission systems, however, the russians did not stop the attacks. they use drones, ballistics, and artillery to hit the energy sector every day, so the losses may increase - hlushchenko concluded. glad to hear the news. emmanuel macron reacted to the kremlin's threats regarding the introduction of french troops into ukraine. according to the french leader, this shows that... the strategy is working, he said in an interview with la tribune. macron noted that with regard to russia, it is necessary to maintain strategic uncertainty, that is, not to reveal plans, and it is possible that his statement about sending troops is part of this strategy. russia's excitement shows that we are right, the president concluded. be careful, the european special services reported russia's preparations. sabotage across europe,
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writes the financial times. according to intelligence moscow is already preparing hidden explosions, arson and infrastructure damage. civilian casualties are possible. putin doesn't care, the article says. one intelligence official said that russian dictator vladimir putin is now on the rise and will try to push the dividing lines in europe on several fronts through disinformation, sabotage or hacking attacks. ecumenical patriarch bartholomew called for the exchange of prisoners between ukraine and russia in the format of all for all. he stated this in in his messages during the easter mass. we pray for a just peace in long-suffering ukraine. spiritually, we support the initiative to exchange prisoners of war between russia and ukraine on
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the occasion of the great easter holiday. this would be a very concrete expression of the power of the resurrection. we ask the lord of mercy to enlighten our minds and hearts so that we can follow the path and... yellow-hot, red and blue in dots or with extremely complex ornaments in talyava learned to make easter eggs, children, women and men mastered for three hours work with pen and wax, learned the secrets of colors and ornaments about the spread of ukrainian tradition in israel in the material of ulyana drichkova. cultural center in tel aviv, those willing to immerse themselves in the world of pysankarya came here from different parts of israel, a small excursion into history and a guide to work, first to come up with and apply ornaments with a pencil, then the first layer of wax. it's a little difficult, sometimes i touch something, something
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moved, and i moved, and sometimes it's a little scary, because with fire, and sometimes these big black anchors come out. that's enough for me scary, but what do you like most about the painting? i like it the most, i think it turns out beautifully in the end. yustyna, like her friend liza , came to israel after the start of the great war in ukraine. pysankars have already been to the workshop, but most of the adult participants are there for the first time. i do spring, i do. what a good mood, i people had, so that there would be no war, now i will close, red, and it will be flooded with yellow and
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red, it was warm, thanks to the organizers and those who participate in this event, i think that i will master, pysankarka maryna. and alina i have learned to paint eggs and have been practicing it for many years, others are new to painting easter eggs, but they are always worried that it is really work, it takes a long time for the line to be even and smooth, it takes effort, it won’t be easy, it won’t work here, calmly, quietly, yes, he begins this work when everyone has already gone to sleep... mostly, easter eggs are written at night so that they have talismanic power, they are woven until the mother is calm, and then you sit down at the easter egg , prayer, and you write the easter egg. western community of ukrainian israel, spearsmiths
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are held for the fourth year in a row and are glad that they always see both familiar faces and new participants. every year more and more new people come, and there are a lot of them. look for more interesting videos on espresso's youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because you can only see the broadcasts of all episodes, programs and special events here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment. here's a takino, i tell
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you, see you at 3 p.m. on espresso, meet. lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk. and we are glad that we can be there on this day easter, this, and, on the occasion... together with, christ is risen, for those who are celebrating
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, you and i have collected and they have already joined our military and are arriving and fpv drones are working for the enemy, well, the collection for atvs that will help. you now see on your screens evacuating wounded soldiers from the battlefield, and they will help deliver the supplies that are so necessary on the battlefield, dear friends, mathematicians have collected 40 00 for today, despite the fact that some of you are celebrating, were somewhere in churches, festive liturgies, families gather somewhere, but this time is exactly the time for small, it is small, but it must be, i urge you, i really hope that you and i will move this collection and
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say that four million has been collected quite quickly, it is large, twice as much as the previous one, but you and i have made good progress in these two, almost two days, we already have 152,451 hryvnias, i calculated that if we have 160,000, then it will already be the 25th part, and if it is 200,000 , then this will be... then this will be what, the 20th part, it seems, if i'm not mistaken, dear friends, in a word, watch how the card number appears, here it is on the title, just as the qr code will appear in the corner, here in this corner, you see how it appears, and on that, on that qr code, i hope you will scan it, and new donations will appear on the account, for which we will be grateful to you and those who defend us will be grateful as well, just now we will talk to alexandra an'. an officer of the chaplaincy service of the armed forces of ukraine. mrs. alexandra, christ is risen.
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sunday, i'm sorry, but i'm not just an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, and an officer chaplain. yes, that's right, we have chaplain service officer, yes. that's right, so i said everything correctly. actually, ms. oleksandra, maryana is crazy. like this. wrote a post about the fact that it is very unscrupulous to display on social networks how people celebrate easter, how they bake paska, and that the military does not like it, that it upsets them, makes them angry, and you know, it is difficult here in times of war to celebrate any joyful holidays, because it war, and it is not about life, but about death, and we are always looking some golden mean, like it, like it, to... celebrate and show that we still believe that life will conquer death, but on
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the other hand, as it celebrates, not to forget that somewhere right now in these moments , someone's life will be cut short by an enemy bullet or an enemy projectile, how to find that golden mean and whether our defenders, as maryana bezugula writes, are really upset or even irritated by what ukraine is celebrating. look, in fact, first of all, i don't want to argue with maryana, because that's not my business and task, how at least because everyone has the right to have their own opinion, everyone has the right to have their own vision and their own understanding of any issues and freedom of choice, she can celebrate the way she celebrates, and we all, as you rightly say, are looking for that middle ground, and i just want to inspire, to continue to search, because i will tell you this, that i personally, as a chaplain this
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year, you know, purchased a minimum of pacifiers, we consecrated them too, but a minimum of pacifiers, but i purchased a computer, several modems , rebuilt several cars and bought several sets of swamp rubber for a for of our vehicles, so i will tell you that when i come to my defenders ... it is not always, as they say, songs and festive songs, there are also some songs and songs, often it is really a heart-to-heart conversation about like... the situation, what will happen next, how much the lord controls this situation and so on. regarding the military, i want to tell you that the military are those who have undertaken the mission of protecting ukraine. they did not promise that they will always have a perfect emotional state, and they will always be perfectly happy for what
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civilian people are happy. it may be that the military has certain emotional swings. and they sometimes have a hard time with this contrast, you see, so we can't blame the military on the one hand, that sometimes it's hard for them, that too much money or time is spent on entertainment, and on the other hand, we can't always blame the civilians , because in some family, a child celebrates easter for the first time, some family celebrates easter for the first time in that atmosphere, or... in a place where there are no regular arrivals, such as, for example, in odessa, maybe someone left, and he is just glad that nothing has arrived for him for 3, 4, 5, 8 days or weeks, so accusations have never helped anyone, encouragement, support, dissemination of useful information help, and of course, yes, it is necessary
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to emphasize that and by the way, in my battalion this year, when we celebrated... godfathers, those who came with their families could even come, we emphasized that your basket should not be so rich there, but let it be simple, which you will then sincerely share with relatives, with neighbors, and also with those the people you meet, where you see, they have a need, that's why it's really a holiday of light, that's why we have to look for those ways in which we... we're going to spread the light, so may god help us in that, by the way, post this one by maryana bezugloi had 411 comments, and this despite the fact that it had 500 likes, that is, it was very actively discussed, and the most interesting thing is that now there are only 168 comments available, in particular, i cannot find the comment of
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evgenia virlich virlich, kherson-based journalist, editor-in-chief cavuon city, which ... answered there quite and sharply, and it is noteworthy that this comment received twice as many likes as the post of mariana bezuvla herself, i will not quote it, it was quite sharp, this was the answer of ms. yevgenia virlych, by the way, ms. yevgenia, okay, i will not take this time, it is for another time i will say, she is from a very famous family, in fact , ukrainian origin in kherson, in fact, i will tell you that there is really a lot of things going on right now, because look... full-scale war, i am not talking about the war since the 14th year, but full-scale the war has been going on for the third year, so even psychologists really have holidays from time to time they say that emotions are running high, you know, some people in the family want to buy more there for themselves, for the family, but they understand their
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duty to contribute to the armed forces, and i just sometimes say to my civilian friends: what please , let's believe that this easter is the last of those in which we donate, in which we have to limit ourselves in some way, for the sake of our victory and for the sake of solidarity with those who really will not eat the pascha this year, but already next year we will believe and save everything, whatever the emotional state is now of our defenders, this is the third easter and many... of them, in fact, it is already the third easter, they are on the front lines defending our country, maybe someone managed to escape on vacation, and they are now with their families, and we are very happy if they succeeded , but we understand that someone, while someone is letting go now, someone is holding the front there, what are the moods? yes, something has separated between us, mrs.
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oleksandra. we have some problems with the internet, now we will try to call ms. oleksandra back and continue our conversation, is ms. oleksandra here, did you hear my question or we were not separated until that moment, didn't you hear? i wanted to find out from you what the mood of our defenders is now, because this is the third easter already at the time of a full-scale invasion, and many of them are actually defending ukraine for the third easter with weapons in their hands, someone managed to go, go on vacation to their families, well, someone ... someone is still holding the front, well, i will tell you that the mood is also very different, because the military is always very grateful for ... they are often grateful, i will tell you that they like to browse, and when they are on tiktok, even sometimes i get very cute photos
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and videos where children congratulate the defenders, young girls congratulate the defenders, old grandmothers congratulate the defenders, that is, completely different people, but they congratulate and thank you, then thanks to the internet, the good mood spreads, really spreads, from the other side. .. and i believe that if our people did plan, it seems to me that we often lack planning, planning logistics, you know, because there are such large brigades, sorry for the hype, where the volunteers really take the babysitters and children's letters , and the different ones are so beautiful things, but there are some that are a little less well-known, so i want to plan before the next holidays, maybe before independence day. a little better, they asked, looked for where, where to bring, how to transfer to a place where we really won’t get there ourselves, but someone will bring it, because even
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in my battalion it happens that due to certain circumstances i can’t get to certain locations, and i send some packages with something nice, or i record videos for my soldiers and the commanders distribute them, so i say once again that the mood is different. very different, there are, of course, well, the mood, you know yourself that when there are losses, when you are worried about your relatives, when you fly home, these are all things that you also have to experience, but what is interesting is that our fighters, that is what i noticed, are very good at supporting each other, this the spirit of brotherhood, sisterhood, they really support each other, they know what to say, how and when, sometimes to joke. sometimes it's black humor, but they still support themselves, because they understand, as my commander says, we are doomed to victory, aren't there
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questions from defenders who can get tired of war, and that's okay, questions about what... why this war is possible, why, if there is a god, did he allow it, is there not such a thing as people losing faith, i will say that i would not say that they lose, i would say that all normally believing people, consciously believing people, sometimes have a crisis of faith, i had it in the year 22, when i lost many of my very close friends, brothers and sisters, me too ... asked god, why pray then, because they are dying anyway? and i will tell you yes, god doesn't always give all the answers, but he supports those who are sincere. we can sincerely
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cry, we can sincerely quarrel, we can sincerely reproach god. there are many such things in the bible. when jesus christ was on earth, he also prayed: "father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me." but he was ready, and he eventually gave even his own. life, for our salvation, and to resurrect later and give us hope, so in times of crisis, and you just need to understand that it is a crisis, and sometimes you need time to wait, experience and then move on, because the relationship with god is like a relationship with a father or a brother, everything is not smooth there, everything is not rosy in some colors, where little angels fly and everything is very cute. you see, it's normal, but god loves us the way we are, and i try to convey this to my soldiers, so that they are just sincere before god, and this is important, and god bless, in
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response, i already said once that if now the lord spoke from heaven that there are two, three or four reasons why he is still here pir did not stop the war, then these reasons would not satisfy us, because war is evil and ... evil people who have the resources to increase this evil, there is a devil who inspires it all, so we know that we have the fight against the darkness, that is why we know that our warriors of light are with the lord and they will win, when the fighters ask me about these things, i say, you will know by the fruits who is the man of god and the army of god, because pardon the words, here are their the words that they are liberators, it's just terrible when we see... we see what they keep saying, but let's compare and that bakhmut and that odesa, let's compare, simply, let's, what, what the ravine of those times holds, you understand, that is, it's not there, it's not
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there. they do not bring life, but god gives us life and gives us support, and gives salvation, and gives hope, and especially important holidays, because they remind, they inspire, and even if there are some emotional struggles in the heart, we still need this to overcome the struggle and continue to hold on and ultimately win. you know, moscow patriarch kirill gundyaev announced that this war that is going on... now in ukrainian steppes, first of all, the holy war of holy russia, the russian world against the satanism of the west, as i will tell you, this is an interesting statement, because in fact, in fact, again, as i said, it can be seen from the fruits, with on the other hand, sorry
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if the frog in the swamp puts on. put some seaweed on herself and say that she is a princess, then she will not become a princess, she will remain a frog with seaweed on her head, and on the other hand, god, which is interesting, well, god seems to say that everything is so very serious, we must or believe in him and have eternal life, or if a person does not believe at all that he is the lord, the savior, then a person can perish forever, but at the same time god really gives freedom, and when we are still after... remember, from the revolution dignity , we chose the path of freedom, the path where we can freely express faith, language, history, and culture, choose everything absolutely, and when they began to intimidate, excuse the words , european gays, for example, i watched with my friends around and said: "when you are normal dad and mom, then you have there will be a normal child", and even if someone
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out there is trying to send... chew and have a same-sex connection there, that's what a person is exploring, what he's thinking about, trying to understand and recognize, unfortunately, we don't watch , that we have many, well, not us, humanity in general has many families that are falling apart, yes, there are children who are in boarding schools, in orphanages, there are a lot of such social problems that we want to take care of, we want to solve, we want to fight for... this is the same corruption, so again, it is evident from the fruits, it is evident from the fruits, we bless our armed forces, and those of our enemies bless the weapons that kill, it is already an absolute difference, to bless the defenders that protect, or to bless the weapons that kill, well, it is earth and heaven, a good image about a frog with algae, i liked it,
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raised mood, ms. oleksandra, thank you. thank you for this conversation, thank you for these words of support for our military, i think that our viewers, while you and i were talking, by the way, put a little bit into the basket under the qr code that is there, and on which we are now putting some money for our military to have an atv, it was oleksandra andriyashyna, an officer of the chaplaincy service of the armed forces of ukraine, we were talking about the current mood of our military. in time of holidays and in time of war, we are now going on a short break, dear friends, thank you, we already have 160, 670 uah, and this is the 25th part of what we need, and if it is 2000, then it will be 20 -that part, so join in, i hope that we, well, if we don't even exceed yesterday's record of 100 uah, then at least we will catch up with it a little, a little. pause and then continue.
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