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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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for discounts, there are discounts in may for a paforte knife of 15% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and oskad. have you never seen a classic in underwear or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen, the tractor is dir-dir, so why do we have peace? an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, they call me mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, so norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola. saturday
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17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian penk present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment the most relevant public discussions. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, guests. special proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. christ is risen. this fun easter song. how the sky, the earth and the depths of the underground are filled with on this day. today fills our heart with joy. christ is risen and demons fall. christ is risen. death
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is destroyed, christ is risen, and we find the meaning of our suffering, our life, our hope. i congratulate you all on that great holiday, may the resurrected christ restore all our strength, heal our wounds, grant us victory over our enemy, because christ is risen, truly risen. we, dear friends, are returning to our airwaves, we are continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, on this holiday we are working for you, we thank all those who donate, we are already almost 50 thousand, some 500 hryvnias away from that, we are for today we collected with you, and we still have an hour of ether, so hurry up and greet us in this way.
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we are gathering our military personnel on quad bikes for easter, this is what will help evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, and thus will help save the lives of our military personnel, save their limbs. well , in addition, ammunition will also be delivered to the battlefield by atvs, and we need to collect as much as 4 million during the holiday season, it is a time when you need to share your joy with others, and the holiday season in wartime is for this purpose, in addition to passover , sausages, of the sacred testicle to think about our defenders, i hope that you and i will share with them today what we can celebrate this easter thanks to. them, i also wanted to tell you briefly about the fact that, you know, there is such an initiative osint, these are people who monitor the war in social networks, in particular, there is such a jompi, jompi is a person who monitors, these people are anonymous,
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in fact, they are signed, for example, by john pi, for example, it is signed by gustav gressel, he is one of the leading german military experts, our texts are too, so jonpi made it public today, he... only on the fact that he uses satellite images to monitor how many different bmps, battleships and self-propelled saus the russians have in their warehouses, he only monitors this, i repeat, and look at how many there were, for example, at the base in sevastopol before the invasion, uh, these are tanks, yes, it's only bmps, armored personnel carriers and a little sau, this is the sevastopol base, the next one, if you can show the picture. if you can show the next snapshot now and we'll show how many, how the amount has changed or at the beginning of the invasion, this is literally the spring of two years ago, you see, it immediately decreased a lot, that is, they were thrown into
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ukraine for this offensive, the next picture, now we will show you, this is what it looks like now. the same base in sevastopol, but if it is possible, it will be now, in the meantime i will tell you how much there was, the russians keep these bumps of theirs, but now what is there, you see, almost everything has been washed away already from the right, from the right part in general there is nothing, in the left part there are mostly old trucks and very old bris from the 60s, which are obviously that it is quite difficult to restore already, that is, almost... the military base in sevastopol has been completely wiped out, and this is the picture, jompi shows, illustrates it with photos, satellites, and it is already observed on all russian bases, the russians keep their bmps and armored personnel carriers because their there were a lot of them only
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in the open air, sometimes they are covered with a tarpaulin, if they are more or less new models, there were 14,186 units of them before the russian invasion, do you know how many are left? now on russian bases and mostly these are vehicles from the 60s, now there are 847 apcs from the 60s, 1571/70s and 340 bter, there are still some from the 60s of a different modification, that is , less than 3 thousand of those 14 thousand and almost 14 thousand that were at the beginning of the war remain together, this is one of them. simply, how much russian equipment has already been burned in ukraine, and it is interesting that now muscovites are standing in lines to see 34 captured nato vehicles in moscow, in short, simply, if they really wanted to display all of them in kyiv, then there would be nowhere
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to put them , it's just like putting one on top of the other, it's a small joy for them, me i think that they have never seen such a thing in their life, for the first time they are finally looking at normal equipment, cool, for sure. not for sure, but 100% a lot of russian equipment was seen by oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general khrunzhovo roman oshkkevich, we are adding him to the ether, mr. oleg, christ has risen, truly risen, which is now easter at the front, how is it have the russians calmed down a bit or are they still trying? well, russians never have holidays, none non-religious, non-state, they. always trying to hide some nonsense some time during the holidays, especially if it is a holiday in our country, so they continue, continue to try to storm us, try to abduct, kill the civilian population, continue
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storming actions, they still want to show their president that they are worth something, and they are trying, as it was stated there, until may 9. to give him a gift, but at the same time they themselves lie in our land with such a gift exhibit. mr. oleg, could you please tell me where your team is currently working, which one is it? direction, where exactly are you holding back the enemy? bakhmutsky, or now it is called, chasiv yar direction. for the russians, it is a principled direction, they are trying very hard, they are preparing, they are talking about it and writing about it, this is all before the storm of time, how reliable is our situation there? we are holding on, we are holding on, repelling their assault actions, indeed they are intensifying their assault quite a bit, they are trying to intensify their assault in any case. actions, from what they now have on our side of the front, and literally throw everything they have, all their
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resources, try in different directions, literally, the entire section of the front, it is with us is now on fire, in combat operations, but we stop it, stop the enemy, pretty well destroy its mechanized component, and also destroy our visavi artillery, well, of course ... personnel, they continue this practice, sparing no people , to throw them into assaults and attacks, then only today they have stopped even pitying the equipment, are the russians going to strengthen it, is there a feeling that it is still, as president zelensky said the day before yesterday, it seems that the main, main offensive of the russians is still ahead this month or the next one, yes, we think so too what... ahead, now he has more preparatory actions from what he has, that is, he
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continues to prepare the bridgehead for more serious attacks that will be expected, most likely, as you say, the president noted, somewhere closer to the summer, after all, when they will try to throw more units here, but for today , nevertheless, these are very fierce battles, very difficult, they from... also threw their elite here, this is the air tenth odshbr, also so they used a lot of units here, directly infantry, and of course different ones volunteer units. us president jake saleon's security adviser, he said that ukraine will succeed thanks to american aid in the amount of 61 billion in military aid. to stop the russians from making serious advances this year, next year,
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maybe if help is needed, even to carry out a counteroffensive, is this help enough at the moment to deter the enemy, it should be noted that this help is still in the process, and it is repeated , she immediately appears at the front, still on the way gradually it comes. to the front, and of course, what they give, it will help us, it helps us, however, there is a lot in the war, this, both the equipment and the shot, is a consumable, that is, if active actions continue, then it is necessary to constantly this component, it was replenished, that is, for today it is enough, for tomorrow we need more, well, they just started this conversation, made public the data that russia... in fact, they managed to remove almost all of their stocks of beavers in two
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years wars, which stood in them in warehouses, if to talk about artillery, do you, well, for example, still have, i don’t know, some saws that were handed over at the very beginning of the war, how much western equipment can withstand the load of this war, and in principle, whether its boats are not running out, well, it's western technology. really very good equipment, it is quite maneuverable, the projectiles hit the target well, it is rather better armored than the same russian equipment, today we have something to fight, of course, it is enough, but as usual it is the same iron, it wears out, it is amortized , it breaks, needs restoration, something is really destroyed, so this component must be replenished on a constant basis, as a measure. weapons, as well as what we ourselves produce, we know that we already have our artillery systems
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and they will be delivered, or will arrive at the front in greater numbers, that is, it is the same component, if such significant, heavy , active combat operations at the front, we will constantly need it, well, here is your authoritative opinion, if i were to name you, they would ask for the top three, for example, the western system that we have, or perhaps which there is none, but which one would you give, if you said to re-add, re-equip your brigade, i would like you to have the three now... pose a difficult question for me, if i call now, then someone may not agree, well in my opinion with what i have encountered, it is barrel artillery, barrel artillery, with what i have encountered, seen how it works, i personally like how the german panzerhawbi 2000 works, like
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the polish ash krab, american m3 sevens work well. had to see how exactly the italian fh70s hit the target, that is, each teska system has its pluses and somewhere has its minuses, of course, but what we really receive is quite reliable, and it helps us, it helps us a lot in destroying the enemy, and when saving shells we try to use as little as possible, but with the maximum... the result is, did the russians really reduce the usefulness of guided projectiles, such as the excalibur, which had gps , nave have gps guidance on the target, i will tell you from open sources that when we got them, and there's ascalibor, really
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excalibur, they're quite nice. destroyed the enemy equipment that was in the rear, because due to very good guidance, there are several guidance systems there, indeed, the russians managed to adjust their rap to the frequencies of these shells and learned to counter them, that is, now they are no longer so effective, they are replaced by ordinary shells, well, if somewhere... there is a counteraction, then of course the effectiveness of its use decreases, it cannot be said that they are not used completely, but such moments do exist, well, mr. olezh, thank you very much for the conversation, oleg kalashnikov was with us, the head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general horunzhov roman dashkevich, and i, meanwhile,
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andriy, you know, continuing the topic of what they said, do not expose your... godfathers, because it is somehow so wrong in relation to the military, and it makes them angry, what maryana bezugula wrote on her page, i see, and 80 separately, the halytsky assault brigade, uh, posted on her page beautiful cute video, as under bakhmut, under bakhmut our military from with pens, with eggs, they painted these easter eggs, er... and what's more, later these easter eggs were also able to be delivered to lviv. let's see what they did there and how they generally celebrate easter on the front lines.
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i hope these guys live. will come home and will be at home with their families painting with children, teaching this craft to our next generation, you will not know the future until you know the past, even though the hands are dirty, but the soul is satisfied. this is the first time i am doing this, by the way, i have never done this before, well , is it possible that i just threw it into boiling water at home in such like wrappers, threw and that's all, that's the maximum, that was the preparation for easter, and it's really such an exciting thing, and well, it distracts,
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probably distracts from everything, then it's just that... you have wax, you have an egg , and you, you color it as you want, that’s all, well, i liked it, it’s a pity that you left at such a time, and here, the good people of western ukraine gave us such goodies, homemade, to make us feel at home, this is it is very important, the guys forget a little about the everyday life of the war, they return home somewhere in their thoughts and generally to the holiday itself. resurrection, to eat that pasta, spread its meat, eat that sausage, that ham, well, to feel at least a little bit at home, well, not with our families, but in
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a homely way. christ is risen, truly risen. this is easter near bakhmut, by the way, here are these easter eggs that the boys, our defenders and girls, our defenders painted, they sent them from under bakhmut to... to the garrison temple, you can look at these easter eggs there, moreover, you can buy them for a donation, of course, so whoever is in lviv, come to the garrison church to see or to gnaw in this way and get such a unique, unique easter egg from the hands of the defenders, bahmut, where it is hellishly hot from there, i have no idea what path this fragile egg took, but it reached lviv, well, who wouldn't... can go to the garrison temple, the temple, because it is not in lviv, then you can donate here to the qr code for our military, for the 93rd brigade, and it will be for
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atvs, and it will save the lives of our military, because these atvs will help them to evacuate from the battlefield, well, you know what i wanted to say, lesya bygone, by god, in the past part of our ether, this morning, whoever missed it, i just... decided to show it to you too, share it, and i also found an interesting caricature, the caricature is even older, it is from 1890. as early as the 19th century, the american magazine life, which is still published, by the way, what can you say about russia, where
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the entire editorial staff of various publications has probably been replaced and shot three or four times over the past 150 years, well, there are no 150 , this is also a good caricature, we can show it, if only civilization is trying to wash away such a black stain. balls from the globe from the world and says that this is a terrible stain, i can't even understand what is under it, well, what does the world say: and that 's russia, and then there is the comment that russia imagined itself as a stain on civilization , than a part of civilization, and here it is also important, you know that the context, because this is a caricature, it has now been translated even into ukrainian, it is somewhere around 1890. and now this caricature is actually taken from a book published by the cambridge publishing house university, you know, cambridge is one of
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the most respected universities, british, it is included there, well, at least in the five most prestigious institutions, sometimes it leads the top five and ten, here is this in the rubric, they have such a legacy of russophobia, the book was published in 2007 . it was called the american mission and the so-called evil empire, its author is david fogelson, he is a 65-year-old professor at the university of berkeley, and the man, just imagine, has been trying his whole life to prove to the western world that russia was never really an empire angry that she never was a wild asian empire, she never wanted to attack anyone... that they do not have any dictatorship and despotism, there are no dark people there, there is quite an interesting original european civilization, and i
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think, if it has anything, this the 2007 book , does he continue to say the same thing at uc berkeley, are there still courses on this legacy of russophobia at cambridge, for example, are students enrolling in them, frankly, looking at what happened at columbia university, for example, and ... and where, where pro-palestinian students, what the hell were you doing, i won't be too surprised, but just the interesting context of this story, do we not now understand that people in 1890 had a better understanding of what russia was than on the eve of the russian invasion, or is this finally an understanding of who the russians are , and the so-called russian civilization, or is it the fifth civilization of the world, reaches the people. this teacher talked with the american who terribly supported the russians in those years, then they overpowered him and killed him, it's a pity that he
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was killed, because that's how he would have explained a little nishe, what is russia. dear friends, we are going on a break, and we have one more guest to come, stay with espresso, this is a festive ether on espresso. fm, galicia. listen to yours. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. we will not die in paris, now i know that for sure. the legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive program. kyiv meet. dead rooster band. accompanied by
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territory of ukraine, where the russians held thousands of prisoners of war and civilian hostages. they wrapped them with tape and very beaten hard journalists found those involved in the crimes. the names of those responsible for the crimes in olenivka in the new film on the investigation of olenivka. curators of evil. on the air of the espresso tv channel. may 6 at 9:15 p.m. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, cooks, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire. and
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returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. the newsroom tells about the main events of this hour. yana javamelnik, greetings to all viewers of espresso. five injured in kharkiv. the occupiers struck the shevchenkiv district of the city. according to local authorities, there is also damage to civil infrastructure. rescuers retrieved the man's body from under the rubble of a house in druzhkivka, donetsk region. by according to the state emergency service . yesterday, the russians hit the private
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sector of the city. damaged 12 houses, garage, car, gas.


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