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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:29pm EEST

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kresne ukraine. my eldest son is going to kindergarten in september, right? i imagined how we would collect some, you know, outfits for him there , we need pajamas, we need to collect some stationery set, well, an album, paints, brushes for them to paint. we were given a list, you have to put together an alarming backpack for the child. maria recently became a mother for the second time. she gave birth to her first child on the second day of the great war. then to the sounds of serenas. and the world exploded , a boy appeared, less than a month ago , a girl was born to the family, the couple took such a step dared to think, if not now, then when? of course, it's a big load, it's hard, in general, yes, motherhood and parenthood, when there are two small children, in the conditions of war, well, it's a hundred times more difficult there, but none the less, well, so far we're coping. a young mother continues to work remotely, it allows you to combine care for a newborn and a career, besides
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this is additional money, it is also important for me, to stay active, to pay taxes that are not what, yes, uh, to have some additional income of my own, because i understand, well, we have a takto, which provides us, but today, tomorrow , any day it can be mobilized, and it will be my responsibility to feed these children, put them on their feet, and so on. last year, 187,000 babies were born in ukraine, a third less than before the start of the full-scale invasion. and this is a record low indicator, but demographers are cautious about statistics: a quarter of the territory of ukraine is under temporary occupation, about 7 million citizens have been forced to leave the country, how many small ukrainians were born per border and occupation is unknown, the most important factor for parents is the safety of their child. the war started by russia brought threats to life and financial instability to ukraine. that is why most citizens are afraid to give birth, even their first child. right now, the first thing is
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the feeling of danger, and this stress from danger, it affects the first thing, especially since in our society there is such a positive trend as responsibility, increasing responsibility, and every family tries not just to give birth to a child, but creating all the necessary conditions for this, increasing the birth rate is a challenge for the future, but today we already have great difficulties with... providing for the elderly population, today we have 10.5 million people who pay a single social contribution, this is a contribution that immediately is translated, let's say, into a pension, and 11 million pensioners, so that each pensioner is paid at least 500 hryvnias of pension, everyone who works, only the euv part of the pension contribution, must pay at least 500 hryvnias, you understand, one to another ? to increase
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social payments to those already on work leave, at least 6 million citizens should be attracted to the labor market. the ministry of social policy plans to return those who left. today we defined tasks and goals. we still need to develop an action plan, because this is the first draft, the first discussion, and such an action plan is quite complex, and it is not necessary to wait for victory in order to understand that we need to improve services, that we need to do it very quickly develop. ukraine , due to understandable circumstances, has the lowest the birth rate in europe, however, a baby boom should not be expected after the end of the war, demographers emphasize. we have certain hopes that when the war ends, we will have a small increase in the birth rate precisely because the postponed births will be realized, but how powerful it will be, how big it will be. a lot depends precisely on
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the extent to which the measures, measures and tasks that are currently prescribed in the demographic strategy will be implemented development in order for there to be more ukrainians, the conditions for future parents must be created now, and economic and social reforms must be continued, because if this is not done, then according to the forecasts of the ministry of social policy , in 25 years ukraine will have half the population than at the beginning. dmytro didora and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. good afternoon, you are watching the espresso tv channel, my name is leysya vakulyuk, and today i will be talking to a person who has been commenting on russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine since day one. this is a polish military man, general, former commander of the polish ground forces, waldemar.
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do you think this is also the situation on the battlefield? russia will be able to say that it won the war when it defeats the ukrainian army. for two years they cannot defeat the ukrainian army, they cannot break it and overcome its defenses. the army of ukraine fought successfully for two years and continues to fight, and will continue to fight, i believe in it. and that prospect, which putin announced, will be
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finally stopped in the summer of this year. will it be stopped this summer? yes, that means that the russians will not achieve their goals. since the defense of the ukrainian army is very strong, the army is very good, it fights excellently. these are unsurpassed soldiers who beat the russian army with their heroism. despite the fact that the russians have a great advantage over the ukrainian army, they cannot defeat it, and in my opinion they will not. but for... but during these two years of intense war, ukraine also lost a large number of its army, which was trained, had a lot of war experience, because the war began in 2014. and actually, they are now talking about a ukrainian counteroffensive
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likely in the near future. first of all, the russians have several times the advantage over the ukrainian army, which allows them to conduct an offensive, this is the first thing. secondly, ukrainians lack soldiers, and ukrainians lack weapons and ammunition. what is now coming from the west will correct the ukrainian situation and mobilization will probably also correct the ukrainian situation, but it will correct it only in defense. in my opinion, the ukrainian army will not
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be able to conduct offensive actions and repel the occupied territories. because the russians have an advantage from a military point of view view: offensive and return of occupied territories. why do you think there is talk of a counteroffensive then? in my view of the situation, it comes from the fact that this is how propaganda works. propaganda shows the desired, instead, so that the ukrainians can defeat the russian army, liberate those territories, then they should have an advantage, not the russians. and at this moment the advantage.
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consulates of ukraine in poland may be suspended, as well as the fact that poland can somehow help to return the men who ended up there, that the poles are they talking about those ukrainian men who ended up in poland and do not want to return to ukraine? kyiv's decision on mobilization was very late. in may of last year, kyiv was supposed to announce mobilization, but did not announce it. hence the problems at the front. ukrainians in poland have asylum, they fled the war in ukraine and found refuge in poland, germany, and many other countries. this is a great potential of young
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people who can be soldiers. and the second is that the government in kyiv must turn to the governments in europe, to warsaw, russia, and we, in turn, on the basis of those intergovernmental agreements, can train those ukrainians,
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and after that, let them go to ukraine to fight. but will ukrainians turn to such recruiting centers? you know, it all depends on whether they feel ukrainian and feel that this is a struggle for their homeland, for the survival of the homeland, for survival. i believe that among those who are in poland, in germany, somewhere else there are those who feel this way, we just need to create conditions for them to return. that is, first of all, it is necessary conduct recruitment. secondly, they must be trained, they cannot be taken from poland or germany as cannon fodder, untrained. therefore, this condition should also be based on voluntary recruitment and training, which poland. you hear among polish society that people
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say why they are sitting here, they have to defend their country, we give money, we help, and here they just take advantage of what they live here, but do not defend their country. first of all, the poles' position is to support ukraine and ukrainians. to ukraine, since poland is a country of law and a democratic country, but of course the poles claim that it is the duty of ukrainians to return to ukraine and fight for ukraine. but in my opinion, the main role here is the role of kyiv and the government in kyiv, which should create.
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is poland ready for the fact that the war may come to the poles as well. we are full of determination, we are in nato. nato's strength is growing month by month. we are stronger now, we have a big advantage over russia. thanks to you also, thanks to the ukrainians who are fighting well, we feel better safer, we have time to prepare our forces, modernize and equip and prepare for what could happen because of putin. but i believe that putin is afraid of nato, because his confrontation with nato would lead to the decline of putin's russia, that is, putin would fall with his own. and what are
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the moods among the poles, how many poles are ready for the fact that there may be a situation when it will be necessary to go and defend their country, the poles are aware of that, historically we have always had a threat from russia, we are 500 years old, as our minister of foreign affairs says . will the polish government listen to you, or will other military personnel listen to you? it is difficult to say whether
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they are listening, because if they were listening, they would do something. in the meantime, i say that in order to prepare for war, it is not necessary to mine the borders already, but it is necessary to prepare for it, it is necessary to plan the mining directions from where the russian army can go, to determine the area. to accumulate stocks of mines so that the russians, who want to attack poland, would have to overcome minefields, as they are currently overcoming in the kharkiv direction and the lyman minifield, which they made of ukraine. you said that poland is now more prepared for war than before, because it takes into account the experience of ukraine and is a member of nato.
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when the russians attack ukraine with missiles. could there be such a situation that poland will help protect the sky over western ukraine in order to help ukraine. that every rocket that flies in the direction of poland or nato countries will be destroyed by nato forces, because there cannot be such a situation that russian rockets fly into the territory of poland, as it happened in perevodov, when a rocket killed two poles, and the russians it had consequences. there should be a clear warning
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to putin that every missile flying in the western direction will be destroyed by nato. there can be no such missiles falling in poland, romania or lithuania. this is nato's role, and nato must give putin a clear signal that every missile will be destroyed. why hasn't there been such a signal yet? because nato is a political rather than a military organization. there is a lot of discussion and lack of courage for decisions.
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will such a weapon help poland or, on the contrary, provoke a greater threat from russia? in my opinion, the problem lies in something else: firstly, nato consent is needed for the weapons to be in front-line territory, i.e. warehouses with nuclear weapons that...
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what could be avoided? ukraine would have avoided what happened under the avdiivka, what is happening now in the time gap, and so on. that is, that withdrawal due to the fact that the ukrainians have nothing to stop the advance of the russian army. therefore, it seems to me that if you had ammunition
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in time and caused losses to the russians, they would not have dared to attack the defensive positions of the ukrainian army. but i believe the ammo it will come in the coming days, hours, that the russians will receive blows from the ukrainians. what would help ukraine to end the war, what weapons are needed for this? it is difficult to say, in my opinion, the main problem that ukraine is struggling with is the lack of troops, troops in such numbers, such training, such training...
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do you think that the now reduced mobilization age will affect the average age of the troops and whether age matters for a military man who goes with weapons to fight on the battlefield ? there are two categories, here the first is age, as you noted, these are people 20 plus who are better trained, the second is the quality of the soldier, i.e. his training, because this is a key matter. a well -trained, perfectly prepared soldier on the battlefield will take care of himself. meanwhile, an unprepared soldier, even a young one, will not cope, will not
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react like this. it happens that the young and untrained become the first victims on the battlefield. the experience you have gained at this time is of great importance. you have a lot of experienced soldiers who have to participate in the training of new soldiers. you have veterans who are very well trained, battle tested. this is your asset, the americans recently said that by helping russia, china is making the war last forever. and actually, this is the problem, because russia has so many people that ukraine cannot compete with it. we see how the americans dragged their feet with helping ukraine. in this case , can ukraine hold this front against russia, which receives help from china, which has such
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a large number of soldiers who will still go to fight. in general, russians also have demographic problems. the russians now have less than that soldier's potential. secondly, remember that russia is a conglomeration of peoples, about 200 peoples who do not necessarily feel good in russia, because they remember that russia once turned them into slaves. and these are the slaves who increasingly feel that atmosphere of freedom, the time when they will be able to get out of this russian captivity, so russia will have more and more internal problems, and now less, because russians are also fleeing from russia, so russia has a serious problem precisely with by russians, russia is a theoretically russian country, but it consists of
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200 peoples who are in russian slavery, and they do not want to be in it. but they are so poor that they just earn money, and war is a way for them to get funds. agree not for everyone, along with that, russia. russia will not be able to wage a long war even with help.
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nato summits, and this does not solve anything for ukraine, it does not prevent putin from launching missiles at civilians, and then kills them, so as long as politicians remain hypocrites, ukraine will not be able to count on nato, that they will stand up and do everything so that putin did not have of such an opportunity, please note that the sanctions imposed by europe and the whole world on russia are not working. respect traditions and be proud of your culture together with razpakoytv, we present a collection of modern embroidered shirts, unique ukrainian
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