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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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back, back to riga, by plane, only marichka could do that, and it was more than once, you know, she could meet him, for example, in chernivtsi, come to the railway station and meet him from the train, when he did not say anything he didn't tell her when he would come, marichka felt everything, marichka was his, well, i don't know, she was... ivan's shadow, because everything that happened to ivan, what ivan did in his life, could not be done without marichka, you you know, i remember how she told her dream about taras shevchenko, about the fact that she dreamed that someone was in the house he knocked, she opens the door, taras grigoryovych is standing, and she, oh, taras grigoryovych, oh, it's good that you came to us, come in, come in, and here she comes in, as if she is dreaming like this, and says... shouts to
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ivan : ivan, taras grigoryovych came to us, he invites, invite, and she woke up, told ivan in the morning, ivan says: well, maria, if you dream about something, he also left, went to the dovzhenka film studio, he comes back, in the evening and says: you know, i was approved for the role of taras shevchenko, and he, by the way, is beautiful in this roles, i looked at him, that is, how organic and how, well, first of all, he is beautiful. i also have one more fact that marichka, i apologize, that marichka gave ivan two books, shadows of forgotten ancestors, and taras shevchenko, and well , kobzar, and it just so happened that ivan starred in the same movie, those forgotten ancestors in the movie dream. we will definitely talk about tini, now i want to go to the missing letter, i planned earlier, but because i wanted to ask you about the actual creation of trio zoloti. keys and in the 72nd year, he already
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invites you to the lost gramomota and there is a lot an interesting moment, boys unharness the horses, which song begins with this song, the film begins, you sing not as a marching song, but as a lyric, so, boys, unharness the horses. lie down and rest, and this one is like a pinosa green sotkrinychelku copa. the change from a march
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derivative to a lyrical one is also a very mykolaichuk story, how did he, how did he come up with it, what is this, well, he asked us before the shooting, he asked the girls to sing, for some reason it was cut out in the film, we sang, oh, loosen up , he says, please say, oh, unharness, boys, horses, that's enough already fight, don't fight, why do you need these wars, be, come, untie, return home, that's how he set us up, we the people. on this song, and we sang it lyrically, as lyrically, and beautifully, and now for me this song sounds only like this, that is, with his delivery with yours, now that's the only way i hear it, it's not derivative for me, but there was another song for 300 years as a cossack in captivity, tell me about it, it was not included in the film, it was not included, unfortunately, and not only that, there was not even a recording left, you know, we sang there with such inspiration, we sang. .. he
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brought a car, this tonwagen, it’s called, to the river, over the river, we sang, over the river, there, and we never could not even imagine that there could be such acoustics , something reflects off the water, they put microphones on the sand, and at the end, this song was sung under the moscow guard in the yoke, we were asked, girls, you can't sing under the turkish guard, we did everything so that this song sounded in the film. so and when we sang there it sounds ee hey-hey in captivity in the yoke under the turkish guard in the prison here and there hey-hey in three voices sounded so loud that we listened to ourselves, well, i've already told this joke, a funny moment, when a fourth person sang with us, it was a dog. that is
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, the dog on the side, ivan, as always hospitable, at that time there were no packages, sandwiches were wrapped in newspaper and sand for burials, the dog dug, you are on... but she sang so much that even the sound engineer did not understand, she ran out of the car and said : ivan vasylyovych, why didn't you say that you would sing, i would put a fourth microphone for you, this is mykolaichuk, so here we are then we already met and then, as your mother, nila kryukova, told me, you know, my parents played small roles in... he lost his literacy, but my mother remembered this krasnohorivka all her life, she said that those were the happiest days of her life, in general , these filmings, those filmings that were there in poltava oblast above the pslo, tell me what the atmosphere is like there, there is such a concentration
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of people and in general this whole life of the cossacks, and i recently read that borys ivchenko is the director, well, actually there were two directors, yes... and mykolaichuk, to be honest, yes, he understood that this might be the last thing that would be allowed, and he said, get ready, guys, because this is probably the last film we will make about the cossacks, and that’s how it happened, the litgazeta called the lost letter a leafy cossack philistine , and the film was put on the shelf for 10 years, but there you all experienced this colossal atmosphere, tell me what kind of atmosphere it was, there was such a creative atmosphere, not only, for example, on... during filming, the whole village lived the same , when we arrived for filming, and around the village they took us to a motel, this is in ukraine, at that time motels were extremely rare, but there was a motel near krasnohorivka, and there were all the meadows, these, these incredible lakes, and
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there was a dry tree in the middle of the lake, i thought it was all special done, but ivan found such a nature, as they said then, he found. and we really felt incredible there, fyodor strygun was there, ivan drach came to shoot there, he looked, he looked at what they were doing, it was ivan drach's script, yes, he, he said, yes, guys, do it here , what do you want, i i went, because they are so creative, they reworked and did everything there, and i remember that boris ivchenko woke up ivan every day, in the morning he says, ivan, get up, they will discuss... when is the acquaintance day and all that, ivan is the only one in the group, he had a cut herring on his head, everyone else glued it, he cut it, and he proudly walked with it, this is the 72nd year, no, my father, this, my father was also with a herring, i
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remember, he came here, he slept in it, i was afraid that, what is it with him, my father too, maybe he really is ivan, there was so created. the atmosphere, some such cossacks, you know, and, but i the script, we didn’t read it, we didn’t know, we took it on the set, this hell that was filmed, it was such a miracle, just, you know, eh, but it’s interesting that this devil, satan, who is that mykhailo holubovych, he also played the innkeeper and, well, i wonder what exactly he did after the start of the war. he will head the luhansk drama theater, and he actually explains it now, well, at least a few years ago, he said that he was doing it because they were allowed in luhansk, it means to play in the ukrainian language, that is, he actually switched to it as a collaborator,
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could you then imagine at all what you think about it, i only saw him on the set. that is, you didn't know golubovych, you didn't know, no, that's why i was very surprised, he was absolutely the same, the same as the same as all the other actors, what happened to him, obviously, obviously the environment where he, or, for example, or some misunderstanding, he did not understand something in this life, well, he is already there with tricolors and color ribbons, he got lost, and got lost there is another wonderful memory, mrs. valya mentioned fedor strygun, and there is a wonderful memory when strygun, mykolaichuk and, by the way, holubovych, they filmed this part in peterhof, where they go to kateryna, and there they are, there they are potemkino's slap, and by the way, there is
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a version that this film was banned because of this slap, because it is supposed to be a slap to the entire russian people, as if a fly landed on their face. about how they took revenge, like mykolaichuk and golubovych and strygon, they took revenge. in peterhof, tell this beautiful story, well, i think so that there was only strygun and ivan, and so? so they were filming, they were in peterhof, there are such palaces, such different canals, such beauty, and in the breaks between, between filming, when they had to leave this palace, they stayed, hid behind the curtains, here... palace they closed it, they stayed there, they prepared a drink for themselves there, they laid down on
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catherine ii's bed and said, here we are, this one will be walking, and he says, and there is a quote, strygun quotes mykolaichuk that, what mykolaichuk says, so that this whore knows, that satisfaction has taken place. this is me i didn't know, it's a beautiful story, now you 've already remembered the shadows of forgotten ancestors, what are you? do you remember this film, when you saw it for the first time, firstly, when was it, and what do you remember about how ivan mykolaichuk reacted to this fame, because it was already a great international fame, what do you remember about it, i remember , how ivan traveled, marichka told us that ivan went to argentina for an international festival, for a competition, that's how they didn't let parodzhanov, because parodzhanov told me a one-way ticket, well, it's not you he was released from... absolutely, he, kadochnikova and ivan mykolaychuk were supposed to go, and they
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already arrived with awards, ivan was already a star, but on that star, you know, ivan's star was a popular one, he did not hang around with those stars, he remained himself, because he was hutsul, and he knew that he, what, that he is proud, like that cheremoz, as he said, ugh. my will is proud as a cheremosh. there are versions, i don't know if it's true, that at first paradzhanov was not even aware of his strength, talent, he initially took mykolaichuk for his beauty and for the fact that he was a hutsul, he first, first come was supposed to be in the lead role, i forgot his last name, a russian actor, i understand it, i understand it, i even know, maria mykolaichuk told me that kadochnikova on...
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ivchenko asked paradzhanov to look at ivan mykolaichuk, yes, of course, so that samples. well, parajanok says, he said to liyank, you are there, don't spoil him, this girl, just look at what ivan is doing, and when yuriy yelienko saw mykolaichuk in the frame, he flew out of this studio and began to catch up with parajano, he says: come back, look. paradzhanov returned to the studio, looked at ivan, asked him to do something there, and approved him for the role of paliychuk. and we will see it now. so. oh, how the capes fell in love, the dry oaks blossomed, and
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how the capes were healed, the lilacs bloomed, oh, marichko, sweet, a variety of chicks, if the capes fell in love, at least one summer, remember me, little ivan, twice over, and i will replace you with... and i believe that for me this is the strongest film, and another film that for me, well , actually his ivan mykolychuk is such a swan song, so it is babylon-20, babylon 20, which i think is an absolutely brilliant film, and here are all the inventions that... for example, when the oxen sigh, when they lie down, when the cows
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sing too, yes, when they lie down and seem to moo like that, the stakes of the doe went, or when these guys walk like that in a row and sing, like a swan with such a wing, oh, let's look at the world on orina, on orina with a young wife who survived, i bowed to my native mother, that i am a native mother. bowed, bowed , what the hell,
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do you remember how you perceived this? he came up with this, that's how it was done, this more, is it more a countryman, or is it more mykolaichuk, who is it, who is who here more, eh, well, the countryman himself, when he reread it, ivan, wrote the script, when the countryman read the script, he says: ivan, i would rather not write, it is ivan mykolychuk, well, ivan could do something with everything, he, he was so talented that... he had these different ideas, there were a million of them, and he gave them to everyone, everyone, everyone, he advised everyone to do something, so did he supported ivan gavrylyuk a lot, gave him advice, but sometimes he plays with him like that here, and ivan gavrylyuk and yaroslav gavrylyuk are playing, ivan gavrylyuk,
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greeks, i know that ivan gavrylyuk, yaroslav gavrylyuk, well stepankov of course. i will also, i apologize, prove that when this film went through endless cuts here, they made one out of two, almost two series, and then they took it to moscow for the commission, this film lost the certificate, and they said, well, you know, no a bad film, well, there is something in it with a nationalist spirit, that's right, and then,
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the director boris ivchenko said, well , i can't cut the spirit anymore, so much so that in this film there really was some such internal energy is great, ivan mykolaichuk was not allowed to work for 10 years, i understand correctly, but all the time they were writing scripts in the apartment, there were some guests, there were some creative people, and osyka was, damn it, yes, he constantly supported this one. he shot the film, the old men are fighting, bykov, leonid byko bykov was very supportive, sometimes he brought me fish, he says, here i am, well, in russian, he said that i caught fish, huh, but that, but that fish was sold under the house, and please tell me whether you met parajanov and osika in
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in the mykolaichuks, yes, in the mykolaichuks , i met parajano everywhere, and what memories do you have of asyk, asyk, asyk, very creative, he was even when we were at the house of kadochnikova and yury elenka, there and that, and osyk was so creative, you know , the director, what is he like, valya, you stand here, we sang, and you stand here, and you, nina, stand here, and you marichka, stand here, we already have to stand next to each other so that we, no, he placed us , yes, of course, he had his own vision, he had his own vision, yes, he became a new man, yes. i want separately to ask about the death of ivan mykolaichuk and about the film trizna, which was shot by vasyl viter already after the funeral, but i want to start, there are actually opening shots showing ivan's village chortoriya, i want to talk to you separately about
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chortoria and about the world of his childhood, about his mother and what... we will see what this yard meant for him and what this world of bukovyna village meant for him fall down my leaf from that stick, oh come back my cute stoichu. i will not return to the woman, my dear, far away, i will take off
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my hat, and bow down, be nice, great, many very familiar faces, we see, this is a film that was shot immediately after the death of ivan mykolaichuk, yes, this is the first film, the first film... about ivan mykolychka, and by the way, vasyl viter was not familiar with ivan, it turned out that way, because he, well, he studied, worked at ukrtelefilm, and actually, i want to return to this yard, he felt somehow amazingly intuitively that for ivan mykolaichuk there was a fourth place and actually this world his family, please tell us about his family, where he is from, you say aristocrat, where did he come from spiritual so-so, well chortoria. the very word ivan liked very much, devils, there are devils, devils, here, but it is connected with one owner, the chortorisky one was like that, these
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were his lands, and ivan grew up in a family with many children, of course, but this family i, i once recently talked with ivanka, the youngest sister of ivan mykolaichuk, she said that we, we were not... you know, kind of poor and because my father worked for the railway, and he obviously, well, somehow they had their own land, they coped in this life, coped together, father and mother, marichka told me, that ivan's mother knew everything and read to her children that ivan was involved in school. at all evenings, at carols, they sang carols, but at that time it was not possible to carol, well, it was not possible, and the teachers were instructed not to allow the children to carol, but they went, and once
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they told me, ivan told me, he said that the teacher took them on the street, says: children, what are you doing, yes, here comes the village council, yes fine, pay three, two, two rubles each for the fine for... the fact that you go caroling, ivan gives five, in advance, yes, in advance, yes, you know that, yes, no, no, i don't know, well, myroslava guessed, and he says, yes, it will be for next year, i won't take the change, so he cut out, you know, in environment, mythopoetic, because this mythology has been preserved very much in the bukovyna, you know, all kinds of legends, this mess in vashkivtsi, where everyone's ivan goes... that's all this costumed, such an endless performance, that even this foreign
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festival has nowhere to go, and here he is in it just like this, and this whole environment of bukovyna was accommodated, and there the whole family of them is an extremely handsome singer. june in vashkivtsi. yes, and on june 22 , the war began, and on that day my father was transporting my mother home in a cart, well, my mother was holding
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the baby in the cart, sitting, and the little ones were already flying over, and he also tells what the german pilot saw, and he, and he, therefore, did something there, above the cart, where my mother was lucky, that is, he is something like that. it was not for nothing that he and peredjanov got along, because all these stories are half hoaxes, half truth, and he said that it was my second birthday, because he told us that he did not shoot, he only flew, flew around, flew around, flew around, went around, yes, circled and flew, why did ivan say that phrase, so that not a single bastard from the film studio would attend my funeral. why he said that, she, he said i don't need no speeches, yeah, i don't need over my, over my grave,
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i don't need reports and that really, as you said, i don't need such a thing, and on that day it was raining terribly, the sky was crying for ivan, and you sang then, the trio of golden sticks, no, you, you only sang, marichka could not sing, the rope choir sang, the girls from the rope choir, the women's group, we stood by the grave and sang a song about little birds, and the cry sounds in the movie a dream, but you sang too, i remember standing at his coffin at the cinema... so that no bastard would was at the cinema, it means on his shoulder, it means that he thought what exactly is this bureaucracy... ruined
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his life and career, that's how he felt at the end of his life, i feel, well, 10 years of absence for such an actor, even when he was shooting a film, stolen had written the script for the film stolen happiness and had to shoot, and it was taken away from him, taken away along with that script, with everything, well, how could one survive, he was so driven by this film, he also... wrote the script, and it was a race, a clean slate together with a french writer, screenwriter, who also wrote such a script, a clean slate, well, it's about her ukrainian woman, a girl who went to america with a child, lost the child there, lost it, and because of that , she lost her mind and lived in an insane asylum for quite a long time, that's the scenario,
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do you understand? so that woman from france came, she wrote the script and ivan wrote the script, and again, when she read the script to ivan, she said: "yours is the best, just like the countryman." but, but van also gave me, gave me the script to read. yes, that is, in fact, he worked, worked, but well, but that's all, that is, this is what we are opening now, let's say, in aluhorsk, right? file, and it’s a shame for you, and you also have a breakdown, that you lost such a small text, yes, and when a person, like ala gorska, for example, when virtually everything was destroyed, yes, or when mykolaichuk, he died, he was 47, yes, 46, 47, just like shevchenko,
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taras shevchenko, that is, a person. suitable for such a fruitful time, and she understands that she cannot work, everything he did is either on the shelf, or recut, or destroyed, what do you think, i heard somewhere i forgot where, it seems that roman balayan speaks in the movie trizna, he says that if mykolaichuk lived now, well, then he would, then he would just drink, it was in the early 90s, somewhere like that, i understand that, that is ... if mykolaichuk had been alive, what do you think, how would his fate have turned out, if he had lived for 70 years, or 80, have you ever thought about it, i thought, i think that ivan would have created, because somehow after already after 91, when there was already independence, he would have done a lot for ukraine, a lot, i wanted to... ask you
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a difficult question about ivan mykolaichuk and women, he was loved by many women, and women loved him so much that they came to maria, they wrote letters, they made up stories, they called, they made up stories, ugh, half-truths, some myths, there lyubov polishchuk , who played malva, she gave some kind of interview about the fact that this is the love of life and that it was supposedly mutual, there's more. she brought him some swimming trunks from japan , well, there are different myths, so what and it all came , yes, that is, people created women who loved him terribly, they created different stories like maria reacted to this and if and how and...


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