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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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i wanted to ask you a difficult question about ivan mykolaichuk and women, he was loved by many women, women loved him so much that they came to maria, they wrote letters, they made up, called, they made up stories, ugh, half-truths, some myths, there love polishchuk, who played malva, she gave some kind of interview about the fact that this is the love of life and... supposedly it was mutual, there was another ukrainian actress, who i will not name, who tells, who bases the fact that he is her mutual love for what she is to him brought some swimming trunks from japan, there, well, different myths, yes, what and all this came yes, that is , people created women who loved him terribly, and they created different stories, how did maria react to this and whether and how? was it
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true that you, what you saw, no, well, that it was true, it was true, they even called and said: "give me ivan, give me, oh, marichka endured all this very steadfastly, very much, she believed ivan , because ivan in the last days, he said, mytsa, he told her mytsa, mytsa, he said, i have never loved anyone as much as you, you are mine, and she, and, but for some reason he called her all the time, widow mary, widow maria, widow mykolaichuk, he always said that to her, he felt something, but he already told her such a phrase that people like you they don't leave, they don't leave, yes, that is, it was some kind of special love story, but when ivan died and marichka, marichko was sometimes called widow mykolaychuk, she, she said: "i'm not a widow, i'm the wife of ivan mykolaychuk." do you
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think that now, what now is what young people are starting to watch, to be interested in, and shadows, and babylon 20, or mykolaychuk is coming back, i think it is coming back, you know, so many people, i was at the presentation, well , at the viewing of the film about palagrama, and in podil, there is that cinema october, so very active there, so i was watching and meeting bryukhovetskaya on... larisa ivaniv, yes, yes, film connoisseur. and when i saw an advertisement in ogolosha, read that there would be a meeting there, i asked myself to go there. well, i gave a speech there, told stories, you know, people are very interested, after the film, after watching this film, after i was introduced, people asked, did you really know ivan maritka, all that, and protriozelo, they asked for the keys, so what, what... talk about
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now about the kyiv cinema house, there are so many people, there is such a raging creative life, i went to the centenary of parajanov there, it's just incredible, then words, the coffee shop there is called babylon, babylon yes, thank you, ms. valya, valentina kovalska was with us today, she talked about the environment of poetic cinema, people who created poetic cinema about ivan and maria. mykolaichukiv, we thank you very much for this story, thank you, i would like a book for you, a and it's great, it's good that you remembered, this is a book that valentina kovalska singled out, and it's a song, like a song tree of ivan mykolaichuk, it's ivan mykolaichuk's songs, songs from films, songs from ivan mykolaichuk's films, which she collected and actually published valentina kovalska. so we say goodbye and
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thank you, all the best, see you in a week, thank you, all the best. the muscovites attacked the poltava region, what is known at the moment, which media platform is connected with the traitor medvedchuk, has been sanctioned by the eu, and why xijin ping came to france? this is the news, the summary of the day that is passing by, ana yevo melnyk is with you, my greetings. the enemy attacked the poltava region, the local military administration reported, according to their data, the sounds of the explosion were heard within the borders of the poltava district, previously without victims or victims. three kabama hits in... easter, ten
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people were injured, one woman is in serious condition, as a result of the russian shelling of kharkiv, the head of the region oleg sinyi informed that 15 apartment buildings, cars, and office buildings were damaged. and sports complex that is not working, pyrotechnicians and rescuers are working at the places of hits. and a 34-year-old man was injured as a result of an avalanche in the kindrashi community of the kupyan district of the kharkiv region. there may be a woman under the rubble, writes the head of the region oleg sinyohobov. another person was wounded by the russians in kivsharivka. all parts are installed. muscovites hit slavic territory with five rockets. volodymyr proskurin, deputy chief of the mykolaiv military administration, announced this in the public. according to him , the enemy damaged a number of objects on territory of the station, people were not injured. the chinese leader arrived on a working visit to france from
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paris, xijin ping will start a several-day tour of european countries at the airport, he was met by the country's prime minister, gabriel atal. in his statement. the head of the people's republic of china said that he intends to meet with french president emmanuel macron. they will discuss bilateral relations, as well as important international and regional issues, including cooperation between china and the european union. voice of europe under sanctions. the european union will apply restrictions on media platforms. voice of europe, she is associated with putin's godfather adviser, viktor medvedchuk. czech special services exposed. network in involvement in an attempt to interfere in the elections to the european parliament, said vice-president of the european commission vera yurova. according to her, this will happen during the approval of the 14th package of sanctions against russia, which is already being worked on. the czech republic also wants to put medvedchuk himself and his
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associate marchevsky on the sanctions list. do not be silent, captivity kills. a large-scale rally in support took place in the capital once again. prisoners servicemen were organized by the families of defenders of the mariupol garrison, other defenders and the missing, almost 200 people demanded the release of our soldiers, who have been detained by russia for a long time. such actions are held every week in different cities of ukraine to draw the world's attention to ukrainians whom russia still does not return. the world must see that we remember our comrades. must also see that we remember it and support us as well, so it is very important from adults to children, so i think so to remind the press to the foreign media, to people just passing by, that the prisoners themselves, who were
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in captivity before this, is like support for them, for support for the families, the prisoners of war themselves, more than half a thousand ukrainians came for easter. the breakfast in warsaw, which was organized by the ukrainian home in poland, was held for the third time in order to unite ukrainians and create an atmosphere of home comfort, during a family holiday, maria chernyakhivska will tell more. traditional dishes, ukrainian music and folk entertainment in warsaw gathered ukrainians for easter a table in the west, there are many people from the east and south of ukraine who... left their homes because of the war. we came from the dnipro, we arrived two weeks after the start of the war. my name is svitlana, i am from the city of zaporizhzhia. my name is karolina, we are from dnipropetrovsk region, from the city of apostolova, we have been here for two years. the women say that during this time they have already adapted to
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poland. now i work here in a japanese company in warsaw. my daughter sofiyka is an excellent student, studies perfectly, is engaged in dance at the polish academy. years, she already won the first place in the polish championship this year, we can say that we have adapted, but still we are very bored, sad, we want to return home. for ukrainians living in warsaw, such events are an opportunity to spend time among their relatives, make new friends and preserve national traditions. during this time , we were able to adapt quite well, we are much better here, it will be much better and more comfortable for my children. the children go to... school, my daughter will go in september, my son goes to kindergarten, and i believe that my children will be here now best. ukrainians with different experiences and length of stay in poland were gathered around one table. this idea is that we want people to meet together, to celebrate together. still, there are many here,
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for many it is a difficult time to be outside the country, outside the family, and they want holidays, they want to be together. at the easter breakfast , young ukrainians who live and study performed for those present. in poland, as well as musical ethnic groups. read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks and i encourage everyone viewers to support the espresso youtube channel. good bye. good health, ladies and gentlemen, well
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, first of all, what should i say with the holidays to all of you, of course, now the easter holidays are starting, and i congratulate you all, since we are all christians of one kind or another, but there are, but today we will devote somewhere around 30 minutes to 45 - 30 - 45, just talking, talking, there is a person who accompanies me all my life, i watched... a movie with this person when i was 25-30, then times passed, he changed, the world around changed, he all once acted in a movie, then i went to the theater, then we even starred in the same movie with him, and it is bohdan biniuk without a doubt, and who else can i accompany myself with, who can go through life with me, only bohdan, it’s good that you didn’t say that i still saw his fairy tales on trust, and i invented, well, i am already the eternal christ risen. i
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also congratulate everyone on the holidays, may god give us health, i hope that we will celebrate the resurrection of christ with the whole world for the second year together, the first part of the questions i have will be exclusively acting, exclusively related to cinema, theaters, ago that i, too, played there somewhere in theaters and also in the cinema. to the cinema, and for me this is such a challenge, that is, i just have a hard time imagining how it is possible to do this all the time, and when they tell me that there are daytime performances, and then evening performances, then i can do something on stage there for 5 days in a row, but then i have to go away for at least six months, normalize, tame myself, and when i see, when i see hollywood actors, i understand that he took off, put his 5 million in his pocket. and he rests for six months, went somewhere, did something somewhere, this is such an emotional tension, for
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me, although bohdan sylvestrovych stupka, with whom i once spoke right in the walls of your theater, said that for the first 5-10 years you really strain, and then it's just the technique you have, tell me, well, he was right to some extent, because if this job is an actor, you enjoy it, then you don't notice all the troubles that you just talked about...
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remembering bohdan sylvestrovych, i'm sorry, teska, i'm sorry, i know that all stars don't like to be compared to others by the stars, but he's already a star, a star that's gone, i think it's honorable, he's already a star in the sky, and we still go here, thank god, yes, and he says, i say, and i’m a technology, technique, he says, you have to go see me in may, and this is my question, by the way, i say, why she... because in may , summer vacations begin, especially i must be seen on friday, saturday, because friends are at summer vacations, everyone is having fun, eating barbecue, and i'm on stage, and i'm so sorry that when a tragic role, i'm so i naturally cry, i'm just in such a mood, here, come to me on saturday, sunday, just in may, when, and you have some such, that push you to perform the role, somehow, even more inspired, at least for the audience, something, something can happen around?
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now, in our country, it was probably the war that primarily played a role in such a theater boom, where the theaters are enormously popular, a number of very good young directors of the european level have appeared, who make goods for the stage, who make very high-quality performances, who are already invited at a festival abroad, but it is difficult to get abroad, and also... this theater boom that exists, it has taken away this feeling of saturday and sunday, which will plant potatoes, potatoes were planted, i was sitting on may 1, 2, because it was a weekend, when i went to the yard, and i was on the mountain, there we had such steps in the beds, and my mother forced me to help and plant potatoes there, i i watched only the buses with red uniforms, which drove down the serpentine hills, to the yard on the parade, but when i am now we feel this theatrical boom, all the theaters, and the municipal theaters in kyiv, and the frankai theater, lesya
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ukrainka theater, opera houses , people, apparently, there is still a desire. for two or three hours to forget about these problematic things that exist around, and it was even two years ago, when the theater, well, with such proboxings, but started again these performances, which ran from the month of may, i remember the 22nd year, it was very difficult, we were not allowed into the ivan franko theater, because it is directly under the administration of the president, and we, the ministry of culture , allowed us to share the lesya ukrainka theater for three days, they three days, three days, well, what were we afraid of just shelling, that they would shoot at to the president and to you. and performances, which slowly spiraled, they brought to to to today such a state where we came because of a blackout and everyone bought their energy supplies, there were patrons who helped in the fact that the theater existed, i remember that there were english english television crews who came 100,000 people came to our performance, and the light developed in us
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and we and we could not even open the curtain, and so the audience... the hall was full, we stretched the curtain from one side and from the other, with our hands, we became artists, licked this curtain, i started to tell the story of what will happen here now, i say, here are eight of us, we are playing, this is my wife, this is mine, this is my son, this is my daughter-in-law, who will be with me, this is banaventura, who is running and looking for the charms that buried in the ground, it will now be day and night here, we won't be able to show you this, but you will feel it from our mood, and after the performance, we didn't know what was there... they just, they just froze from what there is an opportunity for such open communication, this peculiar was such an open master class, but you can do it once, the second time you will already prepare for it, and it can already be uninteresting, improvisation, it can happen, and it happened, where we patched these holes, and when the actors are so powerful that they can take on own responsibility for how
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this play will go, or how it will continue afterwards, or we literally somewhere well... at the end, they played richard ii twice no-no all his sons, all his sons the play and twice was breezy anxiety. we played the first act normally, only started the second we begin the second act, people return to the hall, air anxiety, we played for 25 minutes, air anxiety again, but people do not leave, people arrange applause and listen to the material, and when you do, they feel that the drama that is on... . money in the war, how it all happens, just silence in the hall and everyone listens to these incredible words that creep into our hearts, because such things are definitely happening in us, it was theatrical, it works now, and the audience has changed, here you are saw so many audiences and such and such
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communist and anti-communist, if the public comes to see a drama, tragedy, comedy, it does not choose. the media say that there is a war in our country now, and the audience would like to go to a lyrical drama there, no, they go to anything, because only when they see that life is born on their, on their sheep, and it is born every time in a different way, because they are avid theatergoers, they come to every performance, they may come not once or twice, but several times they see a completely different performance, and therefore this birth of life before their eyes is the most important thrill, where they swim with you and swim. with us , they forget about those problems, which we have a lot of them, and that is why it is very important that this moment, which you mentioned about what happened during the soviet union, when potatoes were planted there, and even in may, no one went to the theater, because we had to plant potatoes, and we all went on vacation, june, july, or went on tour, now there is no such thing, and this is
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a great positive for artists who have the opportunity to feel the audience and in this way, well... . and how can you not thank and or slyly to play to the audience, when he spends his money, he takes a risk, comes to the theater, he spends his time and sits with us, when the air alarms, he does not leave, he watches until the end, but this is just gold, this is the person who supports the theater, well, the state supports us, gives us a salary fund, but what the rest of us earn for costumes, decorations, and utilities is a huge amount of money that the theater must earn, and this is without the help of the audience, who also... . will bring the army, or we play the army, and this it is extremely important that such an internal impulse is theatrical, well, you can't get tickets, the franka theater has a performance of the konotop witch, where it is impossible. to come and ask them to call to see if performances are sold two months in advance both in the theater in podil, where i work there, and in the franko theater, where i also work, and this, this phenomenon, the war,
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it pushed creativity, because of the war it is up to you to preserve our culture, and the theater is a component of culture, and it is very important that this component works in such a positive way cool, and i think, how can an actor now understand, having some basic things that were taught in the theater? an institute, a school of some kind, knowing the moments, how you can approach and find there in psychology, they say, how did you say such a word, how to play the mechanics later, no, the audience is everything, he sees through your eyes, either you are working, or you are tinkering, and when there are three people next to you, they give themselves to the performance, someone is standing on the side, then they don't even see him, and they don't know, and they don't remember who was next to them at the performance, you understand, what an energetic thing is going on, and this is a very important moment and... you can’t change the theater for any movie, because the movie is temporary, it was filmed as we have now filmed the sequel to the movie khazyain khazyain-2, where it is very good
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the script, it begins on february 20, 24 , 22, where to the bubble, before that there were four series, where to the bubble, now in this series they come, the russians come to his agricultural company, bring equipment there, people to the basement for interrogation. money is taken from the bubble, all the grain is sent to russia, and this bubble from what it accumulated, it then this movie ends, that he causes a fire on his agricultural company, and i can say about myself and for the audience first of all, you can act in a movie, but don't act in the theater, it's so scary, you can make a mistake in the movie take two, take3, take 32, when i went to the theater, my legs were like ten. the 10th performance, i don't play much, i don't have such a repertoire, i have two, two, ugh in my head, and i, i know that i'm playing this one this week, and on
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the first day my legs are shaking like this, but the second day is now three, i'm afraid to forget, i'll forget to get up, to smile here, to cry here, horror, so in the cinema, i hu, well, sorry, i'm over here, well, i understand, that's all, i'm you, not you, let's have a second take, there are no takes in the theater. but there is another side to cinema, that you have starred in a movie, and you are not able to change anything, you would be fine to reshoot it, but it is no longer available, but the theater gives the opportunity to act in a new way, and this thrill, what this new birth and all the time you live, now i will have, tomorrow there will be 200 performances, which i played 100, 200 performances, and this every time, the audience comes as an adult, this the show is not for schoolchildren, but for our classics and this... our classics, for example, the owner who moved ivan orivsky moved the stage of the theater in podil, where all the characters of the beginning of the 20th century were moved to the office, and in the office live those people who
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trade land, raise cattle, they only see on tv how the poor move there, who play golf in their office and do not leave it, and look, it turns out that the angle of view can change the classics, well, very powerful, me and my group actors went to beijing to... to the theater, to a theater festival where there were 50 schools from asia and europe gathered in beijing, and there was one task for everyone, an hour-long performance of king lear, one task for everyone, and i sat in the hall and watched how shakespeare's king lear was shown from south korea to scotland , and everyone added something national to it, it was like this, i think shakespeare turned over probably a huge number of times, but the poles just shocked me, where there were three daughters, king lear was not there, three, yes, three daughters of king lear , the king was in the image of a great beauty encrusted crown, on our stage, they
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kicked this crown with their feet and were absolutely contemptuous of what the father created, yes , a completely different image is revealed, that is , these are incredible things that happen with what people 100, 200, 300 invented , shakespeare, 400, 500, classics years ago, and it is intertwined with... well, this life, the situation changes, circumstances change, cars change, pens, but genius, genius remains, it does not go anywhere, and relationships between people, it's true, and so am i i will gradually pick up on such quasi -political topics, but you just said that your theater was banned because of security, and then you had to play in lesya ukrainka, it is completely incomprehensible to me, i cannot understand how to do it like that. i'll be honest, maybe everyone will beat me and maybe you, as a nationalist , will kill me there somewhere, but i honestly want to listen to chekhov in russian, so listen to yourself, just don't
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say it out loud. i want to go to the theater, what do i want to come to the theater? in the theater there is in moscow, and here it is, that is, it is yours, it is yours, too, now, then rather, the russian language is an irritant, i’m not saying this now, i’m saying it in 5-7 years, but you will forgive them in 7 years, i will never to the end, how can you ask them, when they cover themselves with this chekhov with all literature, they they hide their sweet heart, in reality they are satanists, you see, and that's why you can't forgive them very well in kharkiv. they said that when a family was blown up and a bomb hit a woman in a car at a gas station and they burned there, and a polish correspondent asks a kharkiv resident, will you find such words that can be addressed to you, or have you forgiven them, they say, and she speaks russian, now i can’t find it, and how will you find it, now the important question is, it’s such a tricky question, i’m just watching, it’s my profession, that people
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speak, like, from different... versts actors and politicians and everyone in the world, and i see that today and february 24, 22 showed that the nationalists were right when such people, i am a liberal rather than, i may be a nationalist liberal, but i am a liberal, warmer already, it's warmer, i'm not, look, and we would too, if we walked so proudly, and this russians are bad, well no, well, well, not so bad. and people like you, as tyagnebog oleg said: "no, no, no, this is an existential enemy, this is not such an enemy of today. and everyone, everyone looked at you, and what are you, what are you saying, but it turned out that it was the nationalists who were right that sooner or later the butcher will attack, sooner or later he will open his face, read such an account, but putin opened the account of the russian people, and why is this, this was your feeling,
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you somehow felt that... " russians are a problem, not because you love them do you not like it, not because i like it or do not like it, but this is such a serious problem, and all of us liberals turned out to be completely wrong in our thinking, all nationalists turned out to be right, that sooner or later we will have to face the horror of a russian attack, from such a you know, he says, kitchen conversation, grandfather said what he says, you can't trust a horse or a dog, i'm with a horse. the dog asked for forgiveness, but it's true, and it's not 100 years, not 200 years, not 300, but a thousand years are now passing since the expansion into ukraine, and therefore, if you read books and you understand and know how set up, and at least at this time, which today exposed all the pain points, and you are still today in kharkiv, when you are being bombed or are being flown to the dnipro, and you say that ukrainians are bombing themselves and those living in ukraine, then what it is happening in...
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the brain of one or another person, it is difficult to say what is happening there, and that is why those people who represent, for example, in the parliament our opzh, and they sit there to this day, and those people who elected them they are currently citizens of ukraine, and they have passports, and until today, if one would suddenly imagine that the war would end in our favor, plus, they would still live in ukraine, but they would not become ukrainians, because there a whole, whole process would still be... give them the opportunity to live, they simply, of course, if there are people who do not like the country of ukraine and living in it, they should simply be deprived of the right to vote and that's all, because there is no other way, but there must be some levers of influence, and that's why the phrase you said that you want to listen to chekhov in russian, well, listen to yourself, but go to moscow, go to moscow, listen, by the way, but you will enter the theater where there is a big z written
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on the theater. it's obvious, but anyway, if we take you personally, you say that you should read books, and i, and i just want to say, that's how you felt when you decided that you were a nationalist, no, no, no, you don't it's a shame, because there were a lot of nationalists like that, well , i'm in general for ukraine above all else, but i can't say it so loudly, i'll say it so quietly, bohdan minyuk didn't say it quietly, you have it. is it an emotion or not right, yes, you just, well, i am it was subconscious because i grew up, well, i was born in the ivano-frankivsk region, and i saw many of those people who suffered because they were in the liberation struggle on the side of ukraine and against that empire and against that empire, and it was postponed in certain layers and then when...


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