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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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of the russian federation to perform, for example, at the olympics, which will be held in france this summer, and at other sports competitions. i am very sorry that the western world allows russian athletes to participate in sports competitions, including the olympics, i do not support this decision. although not all athletes participate in competitions, many of them are allowed to participate in sports competitions. since the very beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, russian sports and russian athletes have served as propaganda for russian war. what we, the western world, allow participation in world competitions for representatives from russia, this is actually a form of supporting their war and helping to spread their respective narratives internationally. this war is causing
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great human casualties, and i will remain steadfast in my determination and will continue my fight to completely ban russian athletes from participating in any competitions. every time they go out for the summer, during the competition, it contributes to the spread of russian narratives, supports full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, which in turn leads to loss of human lives. not all athletes.
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i thank you for your support, and at the same time i remember such, you know, pages of history, for example, the prague spring, this spirit of this revolution, and this resistance of the demonstrators, against the soviet influence, i also remember what was before the second world war, even how the civilized countries wanted, thought they would stop the dictator hitler by giving them territory, or for example by turning a blind eye to the fact that hitler was... building up his war machine, now, i hope what the world sees, ukrainians are not going to retreat and are not going to give anything of their own, europe helps ukraine a lot, but in your opinion, what else can be done to stop the dictator of our time, putin. first of all, it must be said that hitler and putin...
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are very similar and there is almost no difference between them. both were imperialists who wanted to take other people's lands in order to advance their interests and fulfill their desires. just like hitler and putin, indifferent to human life, the people whose territories they occupy, at the same time they indifferent to the lives of their citizens living in their countries, they send tens of thousands of people to war, the whole democratic world, including the czech republic, is helping, but much more help is needed, i will do everything to make that help much more intensive . the goal of the western democratic world, including the united states, is for russia to return to its borders, for ukraine to rule in crimea again, and in this the democratic world is for...
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no one wants to dictate to ukraine what it should to do, it must be decided by the ukrainians themselves, and the democratic world will always stand behind ukraine and help in everything. what else can be done for what europe can do for ukraine to have more weapons in ukraine, more ammunition in ukraine, in your opinion, what else can europe do now? i... i feel that europe and the united states are together again, are again on the side of ukraine and will help. ukraine needs not only weapons that defend, but also weapons that can be used to attack the enemy. it is also not only help weapons, but... and economic aid, and we
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must do everything to cut off russia from the democratic, modern world. macron's statement that france can send its troops to ukraine. she made a lot of noise, but do you even assume that other countries of the european union can send their troops, for example, maybe the military of the czech republic can enter ukraine, what do you think, dear macron, at the moment the political situation in europe is very difficult, and it is impossible from a political point of view to european troops were already in ukraine. the czech republic is one of the leaders of the countries that help ukraine not only economically, but also with weapons. the czech president initiated this aid in the amount of 800,000 shells for ukraine, and will always help ukraine, armed. we picked up on the czech
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initiative of the president of the czech republic, petr pavel, about a million artyads for ukraine. if you have heard or read about... the slovaks, despite their policies of their prime minister, the people raised 2.5 million euros for us, but their government did not supports ukraine, peter pavel has shown a wonderful initiative and tell me a little more about whether you support this initiative at all, i very much support our president and think that he is a wonderful president for the czech republic, i also know about the situation. the president and the parliament, but at the same time i am very grateful to the slovaks for the fact that, despite their power, they collected so much money to support ukraine. i thank you for this
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conversation, i say with confidence, until the next meeting in ukraine and glory to ukraine, glory to the czech republic, glory to ukraine, glory. mariupol - a city of almost half a million people on the coast of the sea of ​​azov. as of february 24, 2022 in the city. 60,000 children lived, how many of them did russia steal under the guise of rescue? the russian military is blocking any efforts to organize humanitarian corridors and save people, our people. did the children have a choice? these are children, a choice was made for them, they
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were captured, they became hostages there. who was behind the deportation of ukrainian children? the president noted that it is important if we understand that the child is not expected to be placed in a family in their territories, on their homeland, then give them the opportunity to arrange their lives in the families of our russian citizens. how far have the russians come? we know for sure, at least, about 19.5 deported ukrainian children, and this is only a part of all our... little ukrainians and ukraine, who are still in the hands of the enemy. i don't believe in the figure of 19 thousand children, but i think that it is, well, it is up to 100 thousand children for sure, it is not, it is not 1900. children, this is a sacred thing, we took them out of the conflict zone, saving their
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lives and health since february 23, i have replaced at 90 in the morning in the outfit service in the city. mariupol, and when it all started, we were raised on the alarm, well, after significant explosions, and we started, we were lined up and started, well, to prove that
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a full-scale invasion had begun. "i woke up to the fact that the windows were shaking, i thought it was a salute, of course i went out on the balcony, that the door on the balcony was also shaking, i didn't call my mother early, my mother said that the war had started, of course, that there was a panic , and my mother said that she would not be able to come from work to pick us up." mariupol is located
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40 km from the russian border, district livoberezhny is one of the first to come under fire from the russian military. tatyana's children, sashko, karina and danilo, stay alone in the apartment. don't reveal, don't reveal. opposite the house, the school has already begun to be bombed. and a kindergarten nearby, and then, as i understood, they began to target houses, and then we quickly got together and went to where it was safer at the time, the children move in with family friends in a house with a reliable basement, well, something... . it got quiet, it got quiet, we went out, we thought, let's just eat and cook some
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we warmed up, we went into the house, then just as the sun came out, everything was fine, ladies, the ceiling was falling on me, the windows also flew on me, i got up, my girlfriend was pulling me by the hand, i was very stunned, sasha was already lying on the floor, i'm sorry... when sasha started to run to the basement, i stopped and he was being drawn in front of my eyes, his eyes were rolled up and his face was all white, i fell on his knees, started crying, tried to pick him up, of course i screamed, sasha, get up, sasha, wake up, sasha is silent. well me i remember a complete breakdown, i started asking
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to get up, it doesn't work, i realized that i have, well, i can't feel my legs, and i started to pull them to me, i turned on my side and everything, and then i woke up in the basement, she took me kalina and the others, they were happy, i said, sasha is coughing and vomiting. he manages to say that it is difficult for him to breathe and he is unconscious, the neighbors find a surviving car and take the boy to a local hospital. at this time, in another district of mariupol , the kuchugurin family is also escaping from russian shelling. we did not go to the basement, because it was dangerous, because they said that people also went to the basement, they got stuck and nobody got them out, they died there. i immediately told her that you... mother said that she didn't want
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to leave, so that's how it was. communication, light and heating disappear in the city. sofia, together with her mother, brother and sister, go to live with a friend of their family. to get food, water and coal, they go to the metallurgical plant. lich, where there are still supplies left, they just walked behind, and i ran away, i just wanted to, and at that time a rocket flew by, and i was only hit with a stone, and buried my mother and my brother, at first everything was like in a fog, you can say that i did not see anything, then... mother, she
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answered me, i went to dig her out, i tried with my hands, because there were no shovels nearby, here, and airplanes are flying nearby, i was also scared at that time, and i wanted to help my mother, i dug her up so that she could breathe, and then i went to ask for help, they found shovels and began to dig them out, and they dug her up sometime during the day... maybe at one o'clock, maybe at 12 o'clock, she died, we put her on a wheelbarrow and took her to hide us in the yard. sofia's brother. it is not possible to get him out from under the rubble, he dies on the spot, around 5 o'clock we heard explosions, maksym wakes up, i wake up too, i said, this is training, everything will be fine, a social teacher from the college called us and told us to collect things, for
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a bus will come for you in a day or two and pick you up, but no one came for us. ivan and maksym are orphans, their official state guardian, anton bilay, director of the mariupol construction college, where the boys study. anton lives with his family near the student residence dormitory, when the lights are turned off in the city and the boys can no longer cook for themselves, anton comes to help. the flashlight is turned on and here i am scooping from the bucket with a bucket and sharing it on plates and everyone is standing like that , you know, like in that movie with plates, and here i am pouring soup for them. the shelling around is getting stronger and stronger. anton breaks through to leave the city and loses contact with ivan and maxim. at this time, ukrainian police officers in armored cars are taking the boys to a shelter in the center of mariupol. rockets from us
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mines flew, i don't know, somewhere 50 meters. not far from the boys' shelter, a drama theater. in which hundreds of people are hiding. in a few days, the russian military drops an aerial bomb there. ivan and maksym decide to leave mariupol on foot. there is no mobile phone in mariupol for more than a week. communication since march 2, people have been living as if in a vacuum. 11:00 8 minutes was at that time, i called, and there was no connection. and after that, later we were told that the towers in mariupol were demolished, or fired upon. according to our information,
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during the first month of the war, in hot weather about 600 people contacted the shoe repair line. they searched. more than 2,000 residents of mariupol, with whom they lost contact, constantly, constantly , a plane circled over the convoy of cars, constantly, and it ran out of fuel, one flew away, another arrived, took its place, that is , such, you understand, such nervous tension, so what do you understand, right now he will release a rocket and that's it. and in our girls, who are my acquaintances, my friend from mariuppol was taking children, then she died, and i was worried that my children did not get there in that corridor, and there, when they were shelling, children were posted on the internet there, well, constantly, a boy was posted there for 2 and 10 months, well, what a copper
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he was at that time, he says the girls look like you, well, the child died there, i looked around, well, constantly... well it's just a seam given on the legs , there is a mole, i, well, thanks to these photos , yes, there are legs, i asked for some and then yes, and look, i say no, it's not him, it's not him, it's not she, it's not him, the only thing we had was a radio and there he caught the dnr radio, and... on that dnr radio, we sometimes listened to it, they just said how many settlements were captured, and all in mariupol, nothing was heard about green corridors at all. at night, we agreed to open a humanitarian corridor in mariupol. the gathering of people was supposed to take place from 9 to 11. unfortunately, at about 9:20
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a hailstorm began, humanitarian... it never worked. sashka is brought to the mariupol hospital, where doctors and dozens of patients still remain. the boy has an injury to the chest, spine, spinal cord, a fracture of the scapula, a rib, and a fragment from a projectile passed through his lung. about, i lay down, i don't remember how much, but well, it was a lot it's scary, this clinic has fallen apart, it all coincided. people could make windows out of anything, but it all flew out, well, it was cold, it was very cold, i also had a temperature. we went to visit him every day, one by two men, and he lay there on sunday, and then he began
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to cry and say: take me away from here, because the hospital is being shelled, the fourth floor is gone, the third is already being shelled, and there are corpses under the hospital it became more and more, since the last time i came to that hospital, there there were corpses under the second floor. saving sasha, the children return to their own apartment. many videos published at that time indicate that the russians had already occupied that area and were conducting hostilities less actively. we were walking somewhere at 60 or at 5 in the morning, they put me on... legs so that they wouldn't come off, tied them to the frame for the front wheel, and then
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they put a mattress and a pillow under him, covered him so that he wouldn't froze, and so we left, well, we understood that he needed more qualified help than we could give him, everyone agreed that he eats... after all, he is in donetsk and that's all, there is no more contact with sasha, there is nothing. a local volunteer should take sashka to occupied donetsk, but he leaves the boy in the hospital in novoazovsk. it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. he comes sms on viber, son, mom, we’re all right, we’re alive, maybe i’ll walk someday, i, well
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, at first i thought i was already dreaming or shimmering, well, what i’ve simply lost is not i didn't know what i hoped for, i already lived, well yes, as simple as not living, existing, and after that... in the evening they gave him the opportunity to use viber to communicate, he was taken to wi-fi in the intensive care unit, and he, i saw him then for the first time. the next day, sashko is still sent to donetsk, followed by karina with her younger brother.
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then i wrote to a woman who lived not far from our house, a neighbor, i asked her if she knew such and such, she answered that yes, she did, and wrote to me that i was digging, unfortunately, they died . i'm in such a shock, i wonder how they died, i hoped that everything would be fine, i believed since then i already knew about it, but i continued to look for children anyway. valentina calls all possible... hotlines, even to representatives of the occupation authorities of donetsk. her sisters are currently living with a friend of their deceased mother, but
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a woman cannot leave the girls with her for a long time. and we were picked up in a few days by an ordinary truck. they were traveling with two military men, mns officers, one might say. they took us, then they started contacting the doctors to take us because... first of all, there were no places to home, and secondly, we needed to be treated. in mariupol, the girls fell ill with ringworm, so they were first brought to the novoazovsk district hospital. sofia called me from the hospital. i was scared, she had our brother's phone, she took it. i was scared because my phone said brother. i look at my phone, my hands start to shake. i think who is calling me anyway? i was very scared. i thought it was my brother calling me. i so
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believed that he had come somewhere. is in donetsk, and then i answer, and this is sofia, but i was also very glad that it was sofia. ivan and maxim. are moving towards zaporizhzhia, the nearest large city in the territory controlled by ukraine, the russians stop them at a checkpoint on the way. we checked documents, tattoos, symbols, so that there was nothing, and things, and let them go, and it turns out that there was a bus behind the checkpoint, well, we got to the city of mangush, there was already a little bit left and settled in the hospital, the guys
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decide to rest and ... further on the road, this plan is broken by a local doctor, she learns that the children are orphans an official from occupied donetsk, i don't remember what this woman's name is? olena, olena valentynivna, from the children's service from the city of donetsk, she came to us at six o'clock, took our passports, the woman ivan mentions is called olena verbovska, she is the head of... the service of occupied donetsk. since 2014, verbovska has been taking children from the captured territories to rest in camps in russia, in occupied crimea, and to the christmas tree in moscow. that evening, olena verbovska takes ivan and maksym to the fifth children's hospital in donetsk. we said that we will definitely return to ukraine. every nurse knew about this, and we
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said that they would come for us. we will be taken while we were in the hospital, the mayor of the city came to us and brought us sim cards. and he said that it is for us to communicate. told us that our war was over, promised us many things, brought gifts, and that's where this woman in children's affairs was. he said that we will be provided with a dormitory where we will live, for the same specialty we want, we will study. however, these were empty words, we understood that this would not be the case. ivan joins to the internet and through hotlines, he gets a call. with representatives of the ukrainian authorities. after that, ukraine starts the process of returning the boys. we discovered that children from mariupol were kept in at least nine hospitals in donetsk. not all children needed
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treatment. some medical facilities were an intermediate point before sending the children further. at first, when we got there, it was calm, quiet, just us. they didn't even notice how someone else moved in with us, then two more people, then a father drove in with his child. people became more and more. it gave russian. of the kozyr federation, that supposedly the children are in a medical facility, they are there for medical reasons, so what kind of international crime can we talk about, this is all a humanitarian action, saving ukrainian children, this is a point from which the children were then redistributed, some may have been immediately sent to foster care family, someone was taken to another occupied territory, someone could change several hospitals within a certain period of time, someone was deported to the territory
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of the russian federation, and already there you... decided their fate. kateryna rashevska, lawyer of the regional center for human rights. she collected evidence of the deportation of ukrainian children for the international criminal court. as rashevska explains, later children from other temporarily occupied territories began to be taken en masse to russian hospitals. in order to pick up the deported children, relatives had to go to occupied donetsk, otherwise under control. russian officials did not agree to hand over the children. the path of relatives had to pass through european countries and russia. checkpoints on there is no front line. no one wanted to go, everyone was afraid of the fact that there were a lot of incidents, that people, well, went, did not return. either they didn't arrive, or they disappeared, well, on...


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