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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we call on everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. greetings, i'm andrii yanitskyi, gulsum khalilova, with me today in the bereber program, which in ukrainian means together. we tell the main news together. crimea, this
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a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. selyakum, congratulations, and on the air of the atp tv channel, on the air of the tv channel in a joint project, as my colleague andriy said, this is indeed a name, it was chosen for a reason, because we know, and history knows, history testifies to the fact that only together, only beraber can defeat and overcome the enemy. and today , all of ukraine is doing this, today, all citizens of ukraine, and indeed, first of all, our military, the armed forces of ukraine, in particular the 48th osh named after noman chilybykhan, now on in the southern direction they are overcoming and defeating the russian invaders, so you can always support them by the qr code that you will see on your screens, and our directors will show for...
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now our guys need drones for the fpf, so you can support really now by qr - the code that you see on your screens, well , as part of this program, we continue to talk about crimea, continue to talk about the most current events that happened this week on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, and indeed about the actions of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of crimea and about... russian strategic military facilities, because this week we know that the ukrainian armed forces attacked russian military facilities at the dzhankoya airfield, there were also explosions in the sak region, in the yevpatoria region, i.e. kezlev and in terkhankuta district. yes, gulsom khanum said on the air that she was not ready to say much, but she immediately stopped. we are still not the main characters in
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this program, we invite experts who know more than us, and traditionally the first block is devoted to military actions, oleksii hetman, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, is in touch with us, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, especially you as a player, i have not seen you for a long time, i have already seen you once on the crimean channel, very much. .. it's good that you are now with us on the espress channel. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, i am with you on the espress channel. all together. mr. oleksiy, the occupiers have stepped up the construction of defense structures in crimea, which means that they are waiting for something, or is this just money laundering, corruption, as it is accepted in russia? well, first of all, they steal in russia, yes, we know, in one word, if you describe what is happening there, some of the structures that they...
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build there, they cause, well, nothing less than surprise, when they started on the southern coast a year ago to build some fortifications right somewhere near the beach, well, i think that this was money laundering and in order to somehow maintain the tension inside the crimea in the sense that their readiness to repel our offensive was at its maximum level, to hope that... all the fortifications will somehow be able to affect the actions that we are going to do there, well , it is not worth it, i think we all understand this perfectly, and if crimea we still let's make a decision to release, well, i would like to start the release this year, then in order for the crimea to be released, excuse me for being a little toftological, we need to destroy the kerch bridge, one of the logisticians. the roads
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of the russians and, of course, that isthmus that, through which the road goes, well through dojankoya, through melitopol, because of volnovakha, because of the russian... federation, and that plosteram that we have near krynyk, it is not actively expanding yet, but we have been holding it for more than six months, and i am sure that what we the knowledge that we acquired was more precisely the experience of how it should be done, as our special units of the main intelligence agency, which, well, they are called teams that know how to conduct combat operations with... they trained from great britain for at least six months, these were already experienced people, these are not, not those who are fresh mobilized, but nevertheless they underwent additional training, so we expect that after krynyk we will be able to move towards
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skadovsky, towards armenian, well, the main thing is to cut off crimea from external supplies, turn it into a conditional island, destroy the air defense facilities that there are means of communication. what we are actively doing is destroying the airfields that the jinkos and saakis, about that too, you just said, then any fortifications that will be built there, they will not matter, then the military group that will be left without anything and any supply from the battery part of the russian federation will be largely doomed, the patients understand this very well, they were preparing for this, but they did not want to do anything significant, nor did they even want to turn a large paratrooper into a transport , in order to deliver something, realizing that logistical reteries can be interrupted, but i think that our and the main intelligence directorate, and the security service of ukraine, and especially the general staff, well, the rates of the supreme commander-in-chief are excellent they understand what needs to be done, and these actions are not gradual anymore, you know, mr. oleksiy, i
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really like reading the russian occupation, crimean telegram channels, well, i like it, because they are panicking there, especially after the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine with weapons attacks. on crimea and on russian military facilities, and you know, there they write that ukraine's tactics are now like this, it destroys russian and weakens russian air defense in order to simply hit the kerch bridge during the inauguration of russian leader putin, here's how you have such a story, is it really possible to expect such a... gift for vatashka of the russians, well, there are not many, the inauguration is scheduled for may 7, not quite legitimate, according to the european union, the president, well, that would be very good, you know , for russians, russians like
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to adjust some actions to certain dates, it is their nature, well, it is not quite a correct binding point of view, but sometimes for that, well, war is a continuation of politics by other means and it has... including the obligation necessarily and political component, if on on on october 7, just in time for the inauguration, to hit the kerch bridge, i think that the effect will be very, very serious, you can imagine, it is a holiday, when it is a holiday for us, when on the day of putin's inauguration, a message will come through all the russian favliks that the kerch bridge has already destroyed. i think that if we do it on this particular day, then... the russian mass media will report about it, well, not earlier, somewhere after may 10-11, because for them the ninth sacred date, the seventh is also almost sacred date, and indicate such news these days, well, it will be almost impossible for them, well, as far as i remember,
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the first attack on the kerch bridge was also related to the date, it seems that putin's birthday there was plus or minus one day and the birthday on october 6 and. .. wait, on the seventh, regular, regular greetings are sent by our armed forces, and there are many such interesting dates, you are right that if not may 7, then it is possible may 9, not 9, so in the summer, but there are already signals that the crimean bridge, the kerch bridge will be destroyed, not only the armed forces of ukraine are sending, we saw, for example, how the ambassador of lithuania in sweden published a post on the internet: with the hint that it is better to take pictures near the bridge now, because in the future such an opportunity may not present itself, that is, the western partners of ukraine support such a development of events and know about such plans and no longer will object, lithuania is
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a reliable partner, they are our friends, and when they make such statements, well, you know it, well, let's repeat that war is also flight. and other means, but pressure, emotional pressure, political pressure on the enemy has to be, especially if it is done from our partners, from those member countries. er alliance, it is very good, and we are now seeing this on the screen of the image of another publication, the ukrainian diplomat already hinted that the kerch bridge may disappear and depicted various forms of bridges that exist in the world, where it is written kerch, there is no bridge no, so the signals are more than transparent, but the question is how it will be done, the russian newspaper kommersant published details about that. how the kerch bridge was blown up for the first time that it was tver solid fuel, solid explosives from or
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solid fuel from a rocket that was transported by truck, wrapped in polyethylene, and the second attack was already by sea drones, which is now more likely to be some such sabotage technique with trucks, with transport or. drones or missiles? well, you know, there are only three options, how it can be done, this is an air attack, a sea attack and a sabotage attack, obviously one of them, if we say that there will be one of these three, then we will guess 100%, because there will be others can't, most likely a combo attack will be used because it will be the most difficult for the russians to prevent it, and i am sure that it will be some kind of sabotage, well, of course... we are all waiting for the missiles that we have, but you can destroy the canvas on the bridge with missiles, and sometimes you need
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everything to destroy with explosives from the water, well , although it is possible, if the rocket hits the support exactly and it is some kind of powerful rocket, then it is quite possible, well, two or three more rockets, then the main thing is to fill up the canvas, well, not that lies on top, to put it simply, and what it rests on must be destroyed, i i'm sure that when it... collapses, it will be extremely difficult to rebuild it, especially since these, well, the russians will most likely try to start some repair work, but, but it's easier to destroy, uh, these repair works than to destroy the bridge, that's why the russians understand this too, well, let's see, i'm sure that the attack will be combined and all three components must work at the same time, then the russians have a chance to protect themselves. it will be very little, but mr. oleksiy, and what consequences will these have for the russian
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occupiers, well, it is clear from a political point of view sight, this is a very powerful image blow for both the fsb and putin, yes, when they say that crimea is an unsinkable aircraft carrier, and now such a blow as it was, for example, last time, it was really very powerful, but if we talk about the military point of view, what will be the consequences? for the russian occupiers and how it can radically change the situation on the battlefield, both from the point of view of crimea and the southern direction. well, you know, we 're sinking aircraft carriers, it might even be okay, because actually sinking a peninsula directly is impossible, but if such an aircraft carrier will be left without everything necessary for its life and life support, then the aircraft carrier, as the russians say, will turn into a flying dutchman, that is, it will be like... and not sunk, but not functional, well, it will not be able to function . how will it affect the course of hostilities
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? well, i'm sure that, well, any combat operations in the east, he is unlikely to be able to, even an almost sunken aircraft carrier, is unlikely to be able to do. the russian troops concentrated there, and the logistics, which are strong, it is all the same, it will remain, it will remain, but there is more, well, this... what will be the significance of the military, we will liberate a very large part of our territory, and then we will be able to build some of our strategic objects, tactical objects, maybe it will be there, we can use our aviation, we hope that it will be in the 16th, it will affect, but not like that, not directly, but indirectly, on the entire front line, well, that means such questions, they are so, well, not obvious, but they are so voluminous that for what exactly, well... for everything will affect everything at once, this is a hybrid war, it consists of
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political, economic, ideological, informational, and so on, components, and all these components, they, they will work, and besides, this is our territory, yours, mr. gulsun, i think that you, your brothers, our friends, the crimeans, the crimean tatars, whom you represent, will inspire them. god willing, by the way, the ukrainian political leadership sent a signal that the crimeans mobilized by the occupiers will not be brought to justice in ukraine under certain conditions, goes. that if they were forcibly mobilized, and this is a sign that ukraine clearly understands who its enemies are, that the enemies are not the crimeans, the residents of crimea directly, but the occupiers who seized crimea, and if that is the case, that the crimeans could not avoid mobilization, then they can count on the fact that they will not
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be judged for this, if they did not take part in some radical... actions against the ukrainian armed forces, is this an important signal, well, purely psychologically, is it not timely to speak at all were passed, this is a very important signal, the fact is that when the preparations for the so -called elections of president putin began on tuesday in the temporarily occupied territories, including in crimea, while preparing, as it were, lists of voters, they once again checked where who is, where the people are of conscription age, and after the elections in... on march 15-17 , the people of tselomitsa began to mobilize people according to those supposedly electoral lists, to avoid mobilization, well, it was extremely difficult, because there could be a very strict responsibility up to non-prison, up to execution, there the russians already used such and such
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a means of punishment and we heard about it within their troops and around, so i don't think there is any point... these people should be blamed somehow, there are traitors, well there are traitors in any country during any war, so those people who went with weapons in their hands to fight against ukraine voluntarily or very actively, being mobilized by it, performed their supposedly official duties, well, these are their official duties , but it is criminal, to carry out a criminal order, that too there is a crime, so with these people, i am sure there will be certain certain actions from our law enforcement agencies. all other people, they should not be condemned for this, on the contrary, i am sure that they will form the basis of those people around whom the power in crimea will be formed, around whom the ukrainian power in crimea will be, the ukrainian and tatar power in crimea will be to form will argue about these people. we already remember the number of cases when people disappeared in the crimea,
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especially of the tatar nationality, and how many false accusations were made against them. uh accusations, that's why i think it's okay, let's remember that our underground people work there, our partisans, who help us a lot in certain data, in certain actions related to intelligence, those missiles that arrive at the airfields, others things, they are not the only ones we use when we plan these, prepare these combat engagements and plan these combat measures, that we rely only on this intelligence, whether intelligence, space intelligence, well, on this intelligence, including on this intelligence. people who, in a very different way taking risks, but helping our armed forces to free this peninsula of occupation faster, that is, there is internal support from the population, they heard intelligence from our headquarters, you know, well, when the same s400 rocket arrived, then they said that the underground helped us a lot, well, it was just your acquaintance,
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maybe even your acquaintance, mr. vulsu. therefore, it is possible, it may be, but i am not sure, the russian occupiers at the same time spread information that they can shoot down atakams missiles, which is not worth the russians the military is afraid of them, and the united states of america says that this is not true, so can they shoot them down or not? no, knocking down after knocking down there is a big problem, but they, they, well, you know, they are improving, the russians, they also see what. which we gps weapons use during the war is very fast improvement of each and every type of equipment, taking into account, well, their capabilities and capabilities, how to defend against them. there is, yes, there is such information that using means of radio warfare, they degrade the signals that guide the missiles, and the accuracy of such missiles, of all the missiles, well, that we
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use, that use external control, sub-control, their accuracy increases and efficiency decreases, well, we also expected this, we understand this very well, that the russians will improve, and we must also improve our means of attack, with which we attack russian military objects, well , it does not happen that some weapon used by any of the parties becomes impossible to impress the other party, and the other party draws conclusions and prepares very quickly, and the russians so are they doing therefore , it is not necessary to say that these missiles will cause the same damage as at the beginning when we started to receive them, of course, they are effective, well, that is what they say in the pentagon. their effectiveness decreases, that is, fewer missiles hit the target precisely due to some interception capabilities in the anti-aircraft missile complex and
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radio electronic warfare means, but this does not mean that they have become unnecessary, and they cannot cause significant damage to the enemy, they can the only thing that will be necessary, alas, is to use na a few percent more rockets to achieve the same wash as a semi-oil top. thank you very much, mr. oleksy. chokhsaglana, who found the time and joined our broadcast. oleksiy getsman was in direct contact with us. reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. and we have a short break, right andrii? yes, 5 minutes for advertising, and we will meet you again in the beraber program together, this is the main news of crimea, a joint project of the crimean-tatar channel atr and the espresso tv channel. joint problems limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with
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collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. arthritis contributes to the normal functioning of joints and has a positive effect on bone health. stretching the joints improves motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. there are discounts, presented by coco may discounts. for 20% off in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of broadcast time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in... the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder. side by side with the brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. dear brothers and sisters, christ is risen. under the cathedral of st. sophia of kyiv, a thousand-year-old spiritual center
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of the local ukrainian orthodox church, from the saints of the kyiv pechersk lavra, which is freed from the yarmas world and returning to its true spiritual vocation, from the st. michael's golden dome cathedral, a symbol of the spiritual indomitability of our people and the grateful memory of ukrainian heroes, i send my heartfelt greetings from let's try let this bright greeting be a reminder for us that light always overcomes darkness, and life is unbreakable and eternal. easter is not just the victory of life over death, it is also the cornerstone of our faith. believe in the possibility of changes for the better, in our common strength and invincibility of the spirit. this holiday emphasizes the victory of life over any trials, reminding that the greatest value is not only the ability to persevere, but also the ability to find the strength to continue every new day. way forward, keeping hope and love in your heart. may the risen christ bring hope and comfort to you and your family. i give strength and inspiration to continue to go
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forward, despite all the obstacles, because truly christ is risen. you left your home roof, fathers, mothers and gave away. himself entirely to one great cause. you have the honor and the duty to win freedom for ukraine. may the lord god bless the holy work. christ is risen. ukraine will rise. salam aleikum. we welcome you to the joint project of the atr tv channel and the tv channel. i work for you in the studio, gulsim khalilova. my colleague andrii yanitskyi. greetings, greetings to all. we are talking about the main crimean news, and we are not speaking alone, we are inviting experts. today, the second expert
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in our program is olga. cover, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea. ms. olga, congratulations. congratulations vasylialik. congratulations. let's focus on humanitarian issues. our first block was more about military issues. and let's talk about pensions. the verkhovna rada of ukraine crimea, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a law that simplifies the restoration of pensions for crimeans, for ukrainians who... come from crimea to the territory controlled by kyiv, do you know about these simplifications, why they are important or unimportant for the crimeans, and now, as far as i understand, not so many crimeans are moving, this is already preparation for the liberation of crimea, when it will be necessary to integrate the crimeans into the ukrainian society, is it possible to consider this signal in this way? yes, this is an important
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question, exactly. on pensions, since this bill, it has been expected for a long time, the issue of pension payments for residents of the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, it has been standing since the very beginning of the temporary occupation, there were several attempts to settle this issue, the whole at that time, this situation looked like a person moving from the territory of crimea, applying to the pension fund branch with a request for renewal of payments. that is, we are talking only about those pensioners who became such before 2014, those who already received pensions, were registered, and then the mechanism was already started, when a person had to provide information, confirmation, yes, information that he does not receive a pension there in the temporarily occupied territory, there was an exchange of pension cases, and they reacted very negatively to this legal environment, and the people themselves
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complained about it, because in essence... it was a matter of personal data that moved between countries that are at war, and this bill, i cannot say that it will definitely directly improve the situation that has developed, but we consider it as the first step towards lifting the restrictions on receiving pensions for residents of the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, unfortunately, not many people are actually moving now due to the full-scale invasion and... the long way that must be overcome from the territory of crimea to the controlled territory of ukraine, but there are such people, there are those people who have not been able to receive a pension all this time, because after the large-scale invasion all diplomatic ties with the russian federation were severed, and people became hostages of the situation, so now this bill will unlock this possibility, there is still waiting for the preparation of subordinate
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legal acts, this is talk about the decision of the government, which should prescribe the procedure, where and how and in what way a person should apply, well, this is really what i wanted to ask, and when and where to come and, if to large-scale invasion, citizens of ukraine came to kherson, the kherson region, and where the office of the permanent representation of the president of ukraine in crimea worked, and now there is simply no such possibility, that is, where people come to people. in kyiv directly to the office of the professional representative office? no, we are not a pension fund, these will be defined pension administrations, i think that the pension fund takes care of this very issue, as far as i am not aware, it will be an opportunity to contact any pension, territorial pension department, but we are waiting for the development of
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the government's decision, it should be written there. the main thing is that the restrictions are removed and this system should work. the legislation simply states that a mechanism must be developed within a certain period, so we are waiting for it. ugh. let's talk about crimeans who are forced to be under occupation. how is life in crimea now? i read such information that during the 10 years of occupation of crimea , russia condemned 320 residents due to political motives and they are condemning. including for such things, for example, they performed a ukrainian song on publicly, or wrote something wrong in social networks, or saw elements of the colors of the ukrainian flag in clothes and someone wrote a denunciation, is everything so surreal in crimea now, what facts do you record and how can you fight it? yes, unfortunately, we do record such facts,


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