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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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soon it will be a complete informational reality, all the technical possibilities to do it already exist. the vast majority of ukrainians have switched to telegram and anonymous sources of information, and people don't even understand the difference when you tell them: listen, there it is, let's say there, i don't know if it's whatsapp or telegram, the washington post channel, but what's written there , the editors are responsible for this, it is a legal entity, it can be sued, you can win millions of dollars. after all, this newsroom values ​​its reputation if it publishes some anonymous information, it is information from three or four sources that must be verified, and about these sources the journalist must inform the administration of his publication, otherwise he will lose his job, not only there, forever, but if you just open some bullshit, you say: i think this is true, because i heard that this channel... is connected with the office
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of the president of ukraine, or maybe it is connected not with the office of the president of ukraine, but with the administration of the president of russia? if this is an anonymous channel, how do you know, then the third state must also make certain decisions, related to the versification of anonymous sources, that is, so that people who deal with anonymous information are firstly known, and secondly, they are responsible for their actions, as it happens, they are responsible, including the possibility of suing us for fines . to criminal liability for slander, so that these people realize that by printing these or other false news or anything else in the telegram, which may, by the way, threaten the national security of the state, they can at any moment end up in prison, and this is absolutely normal in such a situation in which there is a modern world, which means that these laws must be adopted as soon as possible, because i repeat again, in six months we will have, there will be no need to record any telephone conversations. to spend
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some money on some technologies, on some bugs, it will be completely safe to show you zelensky's conversation with putin, where zelensky asks putin for $2 billion to continue the war, and putin will say: i don't have two, i'll give you give one and a half, and it will be a completely specific film that will have no relation to have nothing to do with zelensky, no pranksters will be needed, do you understand where we are going? and it will not happen the day after tomorrow, but tomorrow, and if we continue to live in a world where large numbers of people trust anonymous sources of information simply because they write what those people like, then consider that we have lost not the information war, but an ordinary war, and a lock can be hung on the gates of ukraine, because no hot war will allow us to remain safe in such a situation, if we believe everyone. fictional stories, and
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moreover, we must continue to work on the maximum limitation of the russian product. unfortunately, the verkhovna rada of ukraine and other structures are not working to adapt modern ukrainian legislation to current realities. we live in the past. what was relevant in the zero years, in the ten years, what was relevant even two years ago, is no longer relevant. now, and therefore we must work as much as possible with our legislation, with international organizations, international social networks of various kinds, in order to so that there is no russian product in ukraine. there are discounts, i present. coco discounts of may on
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eurofast softcaps 20% in the pharmacies of travel bam and ochad there are discounts represented by cocoa discounts of may on valeriana bulgarian tablets 10% in the pharmacies of travel bam and ochad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime. two o'clock. your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy sgurets with us and what the world lives on. now , yuriy fizar and yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail about what has happened in the world, please give me the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about natalka didenko is ready
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to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become of russia, we are countering the information attacks of the russians in the project chronicles of the information war with olga len. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday, friday at 22:00. may 8, a special project
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for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism will be broadcast on espresso tv channel on wednesday. about the role of ukrainians in the second world war. about 10 years of the european tradition of celebration. of memory, about the red poppy and the first minute of peace, about the rejection of may 9 with parades and immortal regiments, about 10 years of decolonization, separation from the tsovka and how it helped our stability in modern war, the day of remembrance of the second world through a prism history, sociology, politics, culture in our special broadcast, your favorite presenters, extremely interesting guests, dear and respected experts, during the day on espresso. a new model of memory, a new symbolism, a new us. may 8, a special espresso project for the day of remembrance and victory over nazism. poppies of memory. 10 years. dear brothers and sisters,
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christ is risen. under the thousand-year-old st. sophia cathedral of kyiv. of the spiritual center of the local ukrainian orthodox church, from the saint of the kyiv pechersk lavra, which frees itself from the yarma world and returns to its true spiritual vocation, from the st. michael's cathedral, a symbol of the spiritual indomitability of our people and grateful memory of ukrainian heroes, i send my heartfelt greetings on easter. let this bright greeting be a reminder for us that light always overcomes darkness, and life is unbreakable and eternal. easter is not just a victory. drinking over death is also the cornerstone of our faith, faith in the possibility of changes for the better, in our common strength and invincibility of the spirit. this holiday emphasizes the victory of life over any trials, reminding that the greatest value is not only the ability to endure, but also the opportunity to find strength every new day
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to continue the journey forward, keeping hope and love in the heart. may the resurrected christ bring hope and comfort to you and your relatives, give strength and... to continue to move forward, despite all obstacles, because christ is truly risen. you left your home, fathers, mothers and devoted yourself entirely to one great cause. you have the honor and duty to win freedom for ukraine. may the lord god bless the holy day. christ is risen, ukraine will rise again. greetings, good evening, i'm myroslava barchuk. you are watching a program "own names". this is a joint project of the ukrainian pen club and the tv channel. today
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we will talk about ivan and maria mykolaichuk, and about the environment, their film environment, which made. cinema that lived in the 70s and 80s, what they lived, what they breathed, what they talked about, today we will ask my guest, this is valentina kovalska, singer, researcher of ukrainian songs, ukrainian cultural heritage, song heritage, soloist the trio of golden keys, and most importantly, is a person who was part of this environment, lived and breathed it together with this environment, ms. valya, i congratulate you, kind. good afternoon, evening, so, so , about the environment, about this, this world , which we are just now beginning to discover and fully know, yes, the world that made poetic cinema, let's
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talk about the mykolaichuk family, yes , let's just start with the apartment, because now, i remember the apartment of the mykolaichuks already here. that was on serafimovicha, now mykolaichuk on bereznyaki, i did not find the main apartment, on zhilyanska, on zhilyanskyi street, what kind of apartment was it, who was there was going to talk about... what did you say there and what did you eat, drink, discuss? well, it must be said that marichka and ivan got married in 1962, and they had nowhere to live, and ivan was already, was already a star, he had already starred in the film shadows of forgotten ancestors, in the film dream , but after their marriage , they lived in the hostel, there is such a passage in the center on khreschatyk. there was, there was a huge apartment, somewhere with three rooms, and there was a dormitory of the choir
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of the choir named after the rope, and marichka and ivan slept there on a folding bed in the corridor, and that is why the choirs ropes, because marichka sang in the choir , sang in the ropes choir, and ivan was sick there and the director of the film ivchenko came to him, yes, the director of the film, is this the director who later films the missing document, or is it his? it was his son boris who filmed him, or his father, he was ivan’s teacher, so he was on the course, and he came, when he saw where ivan lives, how he is, where he sleeps in the corridor with marichka, then somehow it happened that ivan they gave an apartment on zhilyansky , one huge 20-meter room, and they are 20, it was just a holiday for marichka for ivan, but ivan and marichka were not lined up very much there , because, because... he lived his whole course by himself, a lot of people appeared at once, while ivan
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was still studying, he was still in the second year of the theater institute, and there was boris brandukov, he was there with his wife kateryna, there was ivan gavrylyuk with his wife myroslava, there were many more, maybe i didn’t know them exactly, and osyka and his wife too, that is, there was good company , marichka said that sometimes they even had to sleep in the bath, to sleep in the bathtub, yes, but it was really, the environment in which i got into was for me a completely different world, because in the viryovka choir , nina matvienko and i studied in the studio with the choir, then we were accepted into the choir and there in the choir we met marichka, and we, we had an environment of ukrainian folk songs, we grew up in it, we grew up in that song, we delved into it, because well... avdievskyi, an incredible, brilliant leader, conductor, and
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myself, and our desire, you know, to know more and more, to sing more and more ukrainian songs, and nina and i, we finished the studio, and marichka already worked in the choir, well, she worked, but we knew that marichka had an incredible husband ivan mykolaichuk, and so we wanted to see him, so we, of course, we did not really insist on marichka. but once she invited us to her place, so here you come to zhelyansk and who was there first you remember it was boris brandukov there, ivan was there, well, with his wife, ivan gavrylyuk was there, i remember osyka exactly, he was there with his wife, well , maybe, and well, of course, ivan mykolaychuk, as always marichka set an incredible table from nothing, as ivan said, i have marichka from nothing. to do, so we sat there, you know
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i have never seen such free people, they were so beautiful, and they had so much freedom in their souls, in their movements, in their conversation, in everything, they were unchained, and this was ivan mykolaychyk's environment, this was his, this was his science, because i remember how he was with him, i saw him. in an overcoat, a railway worker, his father worked on the railway, and he was obviously given such a black overcoat, and ivan walked in that overcoat with the collar turned up, here, of course, that handkerchief is like that, he is so handsome and obliging, of course, but how yes, they tied it around his neck, i remember that he even has a photo of him in a scarf, on a neck scarf, it is around his neck, he is wearing a shirt sometimes behind... some guys, yes, some the boys started to walk the same way, ivan was simply incredible, handsome, and there
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we sat modestly at the table, looking at everyone, and then ivan said: girls, sing like that, well, you know, i don’t know whether is it so god gives, or something, that nina singing in sopranos sang in the rope choir, i in the first altos, and marichka in the second altos with with his incredible, deep, timbrally beautiful... voice, and we sang for the first time in this house, we sang for the first time, and we knew one song, from beginning to end, all our parts, oh come on. if someone in the company falsified, then he would just step on that person, he is scary, he is scary, he was first of all a musician, and he graduated from a conducting school, it is true, a music school, but yes, the conducting department and he
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heard you, that is how he heard us , they were silent for some reason when we finished this song, there was such silence, you know. and in this silence suddenly ivan he says: well, girls, you are mine, and after that you left , we became his for sure, we became a part, we became a part of that family, there was nothing there without us, we came to our house, if marishka was gathering guests there, then we helped her, nina's husband, petro gonchar, had already started going there, and we always sat at the table, ivan, ivan was... you know, uh, the master of everything, he didn't eat, he just treated everyone at the table, yes, anu eat, anu eat, anu eat, that's how he was, you know, there was so much in him, you know, and to kindness and height, well, he's all in me recently they asked, well, ivan is a village boy,
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what a village boy he is, he is a village intellectual, he was an aristocrat, everything... what he wore, everything somehow looked very aristocratic on him, such, you know, such a posture is beautiful , his look, and his conversation, and his special vision of the world, all this made him very happy, ivan, but on the other hand, and maria mykolaichuk, for me it was, but i don't remember a single time that i, my mother, and i were there in... in the family and that either someone did not live in them, or there were no people, or there were none children, nephews, grandchildren, brothers, cousins, and so on, that is, but this, this should also be all, not every woman could stand it, yes, but marichka mykolaichuk accepted everything, first of all, the entire family of ivan mykolaichuk, she accepted
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as her family, yes, and all his friends, she accepted as her own, and permanent. this whole huge company that was crowded in the house, she was also very hospitable, yes marichka, this, well, it is separate, of course, it was such, you know, a phenomenon of female devotion, i already said that marichka had two wings, one the wing is song, and the second wing is ivan mykolavych, his, her husband, ivan, she threw him a chorus of ropes, yes, yes, there was such a thing, but tell me, it's true, that she could tear. to fly, she could fly from riga in order to, in order to, whatever, in order to, in the morning she could, when we had a free day on tour in riga, in latvia, we, marichka gets up in the morning, runs, goes to to the airport and flies to kyiv, flies to kyiv in order to cook borscht at home, wash everything,
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iron every shirt before... kiss, it's true, she, she every shirt ivana, when she folded, kissed, and in the evening returned back, back to riga, by plane, only marichka could do that, and it was more than once, you know, she could meet him, for example, in chernivtsi, come to the railway station and meet him from the train, when he didn't say anything to her and didn't tell her when he would arrive, marichka felt everything, marichka was his, well, well, i don't know, she was a part of ivan, because everything with ivan, what ivan did in his life, marichka was indispensable, and you know, i remember how she told her dream about taras shevchenko, about the fact that she dreamed that
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someone knocked on the house, in the house, she opens the door, stands... taras grihorovych, and she, oh, taras grihorovych, oh, it's good that you came to us, come in, come in, and here she comes in, as if she had a dream, and shouts to ivan, ivan, taras grigoryovych has come to us, he, well, invites, invites, and she woke up, told ivan in the morning, ivan says, maria, why do you dream about something , and he left, he went to the film studio of his wife, he returns in the evening and says, you know i was approved for the role of taras shevchenko. and he, by the way, is beautiful in this role, and i watched, and he, that is, how organic and , first of all, how handsome, i and one more fact that marichka, i pere'. that marichka gave ivan two books, shadows of forgotten ancestors and taras shevchenko, er, er, and, well, kobzar, and there, and so it turned out that ivan starred in
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one film shadows of forgotten ancestors in the movie dream. we will definitely talk about shadows, now i want to go to the missing letter, i planned earlier, but because i wanted to to ask you about your own creation of the golden keys trio, and in 72 he already you... begins with this song, the film begins, you sing not as a marching song, but as a lyrical song, yes, loosen up, guys, horses, lie down, rest, and yakino is all green,
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sotkrinychelku dig, here is this change from a marching derivative to a lyrical one, this... is also a very mykolaichuk story, how did he, how did he come up with it, that it is so, well, he asked us before the shooting, he asked for girls, sing, here for some reason it was cut in the film, we sang, oh, untie, he says, please tell oh, unharness, boys, horses, it's enough to fight, don't fight, why do you need these wars, come, unharness, go home, that's how he set us up for the role, for this song, and we sang it to the lyre. and it's wonderful, and now for me this song sounds only like that, that is, from his submission, with yours, now that's the only way i hear it, it's not a derivative for me, but there was another song, already 300
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years old, like a cossack in captivity, tell about her, she did not enter the film, did not enter, unfortunately, and not only that, there is not even a recording left, you know, we are there with such we sang with inspiration, we sang, he brought a car, this one... vagina is called to the river above the river beslo we sang above the river there and we never even could not imagine that such acoustics could be from the water something reflects on the sand they put microphones and at the end, the song was sung under the moscow guard under the yoke, the girls asked us not to sing under the turkish guard, we did everything, only this song sounded in the film , and when we sang, it sounded like gay-gay in captivity under the yoke under the turkish guard in
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prisons, here and there hey-hey in three voices sounded so loud that we listened to ourselves, well, i also told about this funny moment when a fourth person sang with us, sang, it was a dog, that is, a dog from the side, ivan... as usual, there were no packages, sandwiches were wrapped in newspaper and sand was buried, the dog dug, you ate our sandwiches and sang, but she sang so well that even the sound engineer did not understand, she ran out of the car and said: ivan vasyliovych, what you didn't say you would sing, i would be your fourth put the microphone, that is, go to mykolaych, so we got there. played a small role in this in a lost document,
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but my mother remembered this krasnohorivka all her life, she said that these were the happiest days of her life, that shooting in general, that shooting that took place there in poltava oblast above the pslo, tell me what was there in general, what an atmosphere, there is such a concentration of people and in general. all this cossack life, all this, moreover, i recently read that borys ivchenko, the director, well, actually there were two directors, ivchenko and mykolaichuk, to be honest, yes, he understood that this might be the last thing that would be allowed, and he said, get ready, guys, because this is probably the last film we make about the cossacks, and so it happened, the litgazeta called the lost certificate a piece of cossack philanthropy, and the film got on shelf for 10 years, but there... you all experienced this colossal atmosphere, tell me what kind of atmosphere it was, there was such a creative atmosphere, not only, for example, on the filming, the whole village lived in the same way. when we
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arrived for filming and were driven around the village by a motel, this is in ukraine, at that time motels was a great rarity, but there was a motel near krasnohorivka, and there were all the meadows, these incredible little lakes, and there was a dry tree in the middle of the lake, i thought that it was all done on purpose, but ivan found such a nature, as they said then, found he and we really felt a bit strange there.' fyodor strygun was there, ivan drach was coming to the shooting, he looked, he looked at what they were doing, this was ivan drach's script, he said it, guys, do what you want here, i went, because they are so creative , they were reworking and doing everything there, and i remember that boris ivchenko woke up ivan every day, in the morning he says, ivan, get up, they discussed the meeting day and all that.
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ivan was the only one in the group with a cut herring on his head, everyone else was sticking it on, and he cut it, and he walked proudly with it, this is the 72nd year, no, my father, this is it, my father was also with osilets, i remember, he when i arrived, he was asleep, i was afraid that what was wrong with him , my father also has, maybe he really is ivan, there was such a created atmosphere, some kind of such cossacks, you know, and, but... i didn't read the script, we didn't know, we took it on the set, this hell that was filmed, it was such a miracle, just, you know, eh, but it's interesting that this devil, satan, who is mykhailo holubovych, he played both the innkeeper and satan, and i am curious that it is he who, after the start of the war, will lead the luhansk drama theater.
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yes, and he actually explains it now, well , at least a few years ago it was like that, he said that he does it because they are allowed in luhansk, which means playing in ukrainian, that is, he actually the collaborator switched to it, so could you even imagine then what you think about it, i only saw him on the set of holubovych, then they didn't know holubovych, so i didn't know no. i was very surprised, he was absolutely the same as all the other actors, what happened to him, obviously, obviously the environment where he, or for example, or some misunderstanding, he did not understand something in this life , well, he got lost there with the tricolors and with the color ribbons and got lost, there is still a wonderful memory, oh panivala...
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i was talking about fedor strygun, and there is a wonderful a memory, when strigun mykolaychuk and, by the way , golubovych, they filmed this part in peterhof, where they go to kateryna, and there they are, there is a mistake from potemkino, and by the way, there is a version that this film was banned because of this a slap, because it is supposed to be a slap to the entire russian people, as if they, well, a fly landed on the face, well, a fly, that is, it is all because of me that the fly must be killed. the wonderful story that fyodor strygun about how they took revenge, how mykolaichuk and holubovych and strygun, they took revenge on catherine ii in peterhof, tell this beautiful story, well, i so it seems to me that only strygun and ivan were there, right? so they were filming, they were in peterhof, there was such a palace, such different canals, such beauty, and in between, between filming, when they had to leave
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this palace, they stayed, hid behind the curtains, the palace was closed, they they stayed there, they prepared a drink for themselves there, they lay down on kateryna the second's bed and said, here we are going to have a walk, and she says, there is a quote, the shearer quotes mykolaichuk, what, what does mykolaichuk say, so that this whore knows that satisfaction has taken place. and i don't know that a beautiful story, and now you have already mentioned the shadows of tangled ancestors, what do you remember about this film, when you first saw it, firstly, when it was, and what do you remember about how ivan mykolachuk reacted to this fame, because it there was great international fame already, what do you remember about it, i...


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